POSTAGE SURFACE PAID MAIL AUSTRALIA T.HE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) SUMMER, 1992 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAS 1158 VOL. 15, No. 4- PRICE $1 Chopper Lift-Out, )Vietnam 1967 -Oil painting by Ken McFadyen, AWM 428 ] F Commonwealth Department of . Veterans' Affairs Can we help you? You could be eligible for benefits if • you are a veteran • a widow, wife or dependent child of a veteran, or • your spouse, parent or guardian is, or was, a veteran, or member of the Australian Defence or Peacekeeping forces. • you have completed qualifying peacetime service in the case of Defence Service Homes benefits. Veterans' benefits include: • Pe nsions and allowances • H ealth-care benefits • Counselling services • Pharmaceutical benefits • Defence Service Homes - housing loan subsidy - homeowners' insurance • Funeral benefits • Commemoration FIND OUT WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS BY CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ON 425 8222 " . "-- Country Callers Free Line: 008 113304 Remember .... "We're only a 'phone call away" Veterans' ~ Affairs Cares .~----------------------------~ ~--~~~--- LISTENING POST Contents Publishers Retumed & Services league W.A. Branch (Incorporated) Anzac House G.P.. O. Box Cl28, 28.St. Georges Terrace Perth, W.A. 6001 Perth, W.A. 6000 Tel: 325 9799 1992 Sl<!lt· Congr (''>'> 1 i 460 Squ<~drun 27 • • 1 6 6 1 S t' r ~Jl'" n I In ~ l v ill ~>< J 11 l / W;utrme S<l i V<l SJt' dl Broorw IJ Editorial Defence lssuec, 11 Editor /Chairman: Mrs Pat Balfe Truscott Rc•vrsr tvcf lCJ Deputy: Mr John Surridge ' Committee: Mrs B. Clinton, Mrs J. Dowson, Women s Auxrl rar y SS Messrs P. Rester, T. Lloyd, R. Mercer, P. White L etters to tilt.• Ecfrtor S7 (Co-opted) Messrs E. Hinchliffe, L.J. Owens Book RL·v. c·w'> G3 Lost Tr <1rl~. 67 Sub-Editor Mrs Pat Elphinstone R e unrons 69 Sub-Bt<lncl1 N L•wc, 71 Advertisers L<l sl Post n Westralian Publishers, Unrl Assocralrons 7S 263 Stirling Highway, Claremont, W.A. 6010 Tel: 383 4966 T ypesetting/Composing Deadlines for Listening Post Contributions Action Press. l 0 I Catherine Street, 31 January for Autumn Edition Morley, W.A. 6062 30.'April for Winter Edition Tel: 276 5266 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition If possible submission·should be typed, double spaced. Printer Photographs can be black' and white or colour glossy. Bell Group Press, This is your journal and contributions are welcome. 7 Briggs Street, Post to: East Victoria Park, W.A. 6101 Tel: 361 5401 Ustealag Post RSL G.P.O. Bo:a: Cl.M Perth800l. Opin•on expressed by conuibuton in anicles and reprodlad atticles are the individual opinions ofsucb cootnbuloB or the autbors ofsucb reproduoed articles (as COVER: the case may be) and not necessarily those of the RSL. Chopper Lift-Out Reproduction of articles (or extracts) cootaincd in J...isleni.n& POI!t is Vietnam f967. welcomed provided tbe soui'ce is ICknowled&ed. Listening Post - Summer 1H2 - Pege 1 Sintpli;lty ·Funerals WHERE PEOPLE MEAN MORE At a time of bereavement you need. understanding, someone who will listen and someone you can depend on. At Simplicity we're here to help 24. hours a day 7 days a week. Personal care and understanding with simplicity and dignity. Our beautiful Chapel provides an intimate and quietly graceful atmosphere for viewing, prayers and services. Professionally designed to gently blend colour and ambience for your comfort, it incorporates such feature-s as piped music, air conditioning and automatic curtain closure. Simplicity Funerals, 442 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park (09) 443 1666 Phone your SIMPLICITY INDEPENDENCE office on 443 3444 or 443 3192 or complete coupon. TO: SIMPLICITY INDEPENDENCE 442 Scarborough Beach Road OSBORNE PARK 6017 Please send me a copy of "Independence" NAME ......... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ..... ..... ADDRESS: . ............ .. ....... ..... ..... .. POSTCODE ..... .. .. .. PHONE ......... THE PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLAN SIMP~ICITY INbEP~NDENCE is about PEACE OF MIND for your fanuly, and protection lrom the trauma of an unplanned funeral. Page 2- Listening' Post- Summer 1912 Pre~ident's Message STATE PRESIDENT J.P. Hall, AM, BEM, JP. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. STATE SECRETA.RY O.H. Gibbs, AFC, JP. COMMITTEE · p B lfe BEe Mrs B. Chnton, J.R. Babbage 0 ~~ ~BE trs' D.J. bowson, MBE, A.A. Dacre, Jp' P W 'Hester, J.L. Holman, M.C. Hall, rA· .J.· King, BSc! ~~BS, FCCP, Mrs A. Keyn~, fACAM z Kwiecmskl, BEe, FAACM . A 0 Mercer AM AFD, EO, T.K. Lloyd, .JP, i< ·Murphy: P. Simpson, K.J. Mornson! · p White DCM. w J Surndge, · • · S . TRY VICE PRESIDENT REGIONAL COUN ardie Sub-Branch) Messrs A: Barber ~C~o~~dland Sub-Branch) P.J. Blenk1n.sopp ( ~ ry Sub-Branch) c. M1lls (Bun u . Sub-Branch) s.G. Aobinson l~::~f~~n Sub-Branch) (Aibany Sub-Branch) A.JR.E. Spendlo,ve. Stan ey TRUSTE~~AIA AAABA Messrs K. Bro~d~~r~~ R.N. Stone, AM, JP. P. Pearson, CMG, • ' MITTEE LISTENING POSJr~~MCiinton , Mrs H.P. Balfe, M p·w Hester, Mrs o .J. Dowson, .r d. · Mr T K. Lloy ' Wh "t Messrs A. Mercer, w.J . Surridge, P. 1e, Mes;~E~~Tn~~~m~~~f.~wens Llttenlng·Post - Summer 1992 - P-ve 3 SENIOR S' INFORMATION SERVICE Enjoy your next holiday at the We are here for you Call us between 9am and 3pm AMBLIN weekdays on CARAVAN PARK METROPOLITAN: 328 9 155 BUSSELL HWY, VASSE or 6kms west of Busselton and COUNTRY (TOLL FREE): 008 199 087 fronting on to the Beach ... • MODERN COTTAGES would you like to know more about the and medicines you are taking? • ON SITE VANS • 150 POWERED SITES Call the Meditalk Hotline on the above • SHADY TREES numbers on Fridays between 9am to 3pm, • PLAY AREAS and discuss your medications with • BBQs a Pharmacist. • MODERN LAUNDRY FACILITIES All enquiries are treated: • DOGS. ALLOWED ON LEASH confidentially! Write to ]udy and Frank Frimstom P.O. BOX 232 BUSSELTON WA 6280 SI!NIOIUJ Au ~ trah• INJIIOUIA110N or Telephone: (097) 554079 St ..c Govnnmcnc of Wc\oltm SERVICE-. - President's Message Cont. · ~lance of the project at Mt Lawley-. fiJidt. up from Sub-Branches, Unit and _ Klrlcffttd ~latl~. the business community •nd tllf ~ pubHc. To each and every one we say thanK l!QIIr .upport llld donation. 11 hulllllde.lhloi ¥ P~ a reality and enhances the Uyea of _ arid WidoWtl hi their tWilight years. · , ~ : Jt "fq\lld be ..mu of me If at this time I did ·not par. ~to the Administrator, Mr Dennis Nelsoo ana • Full credit for any No-Claim Bonus applied to RSL MqTORIST PLAN, 1993 your current policy. • An in-built "No'-Fault" guarantee which protects your No-Claim Bonus should you be New opportunity to join · involved in an accident caused by another thousands of RSL person. • A 24 hour a day, 7 day-a-week service to help members already you register a claim. saving 15% on • Emergency Overnight and Travel Expenses. • Up to $250.00 for Damage to and Theft of their car insurance Personal Property. • A Basic Excess of only $100.00. J.P. Hall, AM BEM JP, The RSL urges every member aged 50 and over to State President examine the details of this Programme for themselves. All you need do is complete the Request for Quotation Form on pages 40 and 41 and send renewal notice from 15% discount on car Insurance it, together with your current Guaranteed car insurer, to Oceanic General today. premiums for RSL members proves huge success. your present Remember, asking for a Quotation does not The RSL 50+ Motorist Plan, launched last year to obligate you in any way. lt simply gives you a chance help celebrate the League's 75th Anniversary, is a to see- in writing- exactly how much you will sav~ clear winner with RSL members throughout on your car insurance premiums by enrolling in th Australia. I am delighted to again recommend this RSL 50+ Motorist Plan. And Oceanic Genera Programme, where thousands of RSL members are guarantees that you will save 15%. already saving a guaranteed 15% off their annual premiums. The Programme is available to members Once you receive y.our Quotation, you can switch aged 50 and over (and their spouses over age 25). your car insurance cover immediately. Or, if you prefer to wait until your current policy expires, By popular demand, members who haven't Oceanic General will automatically send a duplicate already applied now have another opportunity to Quotation prior to your current expiry date, stil l save money on their car insurance t:>y requesting an guaranteeing to reduce your renewal premium by obligation-free Quotation. See pages 40 and 41 of 15%. But please note that to qualify for this saving, this issue of the Listening Post for full details. · you must send your Request for Quotation now - Under the Programme, members automatically even if your next car insurance renewal is several qualify for this exclusiv~ RSL insurance protection months away. at a guaranteed 15% discount off what they're lt gives me great pleasure to announce the new paying now - ~iv i ng RSL members and their registration period for this Programme to every RSL spouses top quality cover at the lowest possible member aged 50 and over. We believe it is well cost. worthy of its designation as "The Official Car RSL ' ~ How is this possible? Simply put, statistics prove Insurance Programme of the as it offers the that the maturity and extensive driving experience of best possible value for our members.
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