A winner never quits TAYLOR UNIVERSITY^ VOLUME XXXVII— No. 7 Taylor University, Upland, Indiana February 2, 1954 "Ye Shall Know the Truth" Mrs. Dickson to Present Film Pogue to Be Heard Don Chosen Indiana On February 11 at 8 p.m. in Maytag Gymnasium, the "T" In Lyceum Program Odle Glub will sponsor "This Gathering Storm," Boh Pierce's new wide screened "mission miracle." The film in glorious sound Barton Rees Pogue, Taylor and color features the recent Korean battlefield, evangelist alumnus and Hoosier humorist, Young Man of the Year will speak in an extended chapel Billy Graham, and the power and strength of the Korean period on February 12. church. The story also moves to Japan and then to India. Billy Mr. Pogue, a resident and Graham has said, "This Gathering "Mayor" of Upland, graduated from Storm" is the most powerful film world today. Mrs. Dickson also Taylor University, graduated from document I have ever seen on the carries on a program to minister Boston University, and attended mountain crisis of missions. I to hundreds of suffering suicidal Northwestern University among challenge every Christian to be lepers on the island's two Lepro- others. He has broadcasted over stirred to action by ;+it." » The film sariums. Christian compassion has many radio stations and was as­ will be shown through World prompted her to wage a battle sociated for twelve years with Vision, Incorporated. single-handedly against the de­ WLW, Cincinnati. He is the Mrs. Lillian Dickson, mission­ plorable living conditions of these author of six books:Songs of the ary to Formosa for twenty-seven condemned unclean. Recently Mrs. Soil, Fortunes in Friendship, The years will present the film. Dickson has turned her untiring Lifter of Laughter, Wayside Win­ Through her work, Mrs. Dickson efforts toward the homeless boys dows, The Omnibus, and Half was a great inspiration to the confined in dismal childrens' Street. He has toured thousands Venture for Victory team while prisons on the island. Through of cities where he has entertained they were in Formosa. She has World Vision, Incorporated, a new with his humor or semi-humorous preached to thousands of savage building to be used as a Christian lectures. He is much in demand people in the hills of Formosa to Home for Orphan Boys will be also as a commencement speaker. turn them from head hunting to under her management upon her For many years he was head of soul winning in one of the most return to Formosa in March. the speech department at Taylor. amazing stories of revival in the Medical Schools Enrollment Scholarship Fund Recommend Spring Established As Memorial Admission Tesl Reaches 403 The registrar's office has an­ To Dr. Van Duyn Princeton, N. J., January 14— nounced that the total enrollment Candidates for admission to medi­ of students participating in the President Bergwall congratulates Coach Don Odle on being chosen In­ regular academic program for the diana's Outstanding Young Man of the Year by the Indiana Jaycees. cal school in the fall of 1955 are 1954 spring semester has reached advised to take the Medical Col­ 403. This figure is not final, being The outstanding young man of Indiana for 1953 as se­ lege Admission Test in May; it tentative as of January 28. lected by Indiana Jaycees is Don J. Odle of Bible and basket­ was announced today by Educa­ Of this number there are nine­ ball barnstorming fame. The 33-year-old Taylor University tional Testing Service, which pre­ teen new students enrolled and pares and administers the test for three returning or special stu­ athletic director and coach of Upland, was presented the award the Association of American Medi­ dents. New members of the Saturday by the Indiana Junior Chamber of Commerce. cal Colleges. These tests, required freshman class include: Anita Odle distinguished himself and of applicants by almost every Louise Ford, Elizabeth Galloway, his University in 1952 and 1953 medical college throughout the Robert Gilkison, Joan Green, Youth Conference country, will be given twice dur­ Charles Hackney, Donald Hedrick, when he and a group of Taylor ing the current calendar year. Nancy Longfield, Robert Shores, Begins Preparations athletes toured the Orient playing Candidates taking the May test, Nellie TeKampe, Mae Townsend, basketball and preaching Christi- however, will be able to furnish Hildegard Radtke, and Kedwin The Youth Conference Cabinet anity. The unorthodox approach to scores to institutions in early fall, Graber. New sophomores include: s when many medical colleges be­ James Bicha, Wilma Boyer, Phil­ "oX,TB'Jirz Z,:Lpr'tn. rf»»? gin the selection of their next lip Haisley, Arvilla Quick, and aid Joiner has organized into an raylor University the Freedom entering class. Robert Steele. Naomi Miller is a active working group concentra- Award of the Freedom Founda- Candidates may take the MCAT new member of the junior class ting on making this year's confer- tion of America. It is estimated on Saturday, May 8, 1954, or on and the senior class also has one Monday, November 1, 1954, at ad­ new member, Connie Ross. Those ministrations to be held at more students who are returning to ence were announced as Bob brought Christianity to 300,000 than 300 local centers in all parts campus are Paul Crockett and Cook, President of Youth for people in the Philippines, For- of the country. The Association Arnie Kamman. Ruth Strickler Christ International, as evange- mosa, Hong Kong, Korea, and of American Medical Colleges re­ has also registered as a special list and Rev. Newman LaShana, Japan. In addition the outstanding commend that candidates for ad­ student. veteran missionary to India. Gen- group of young men played 87 bas- mission to classes starting in the eral business meetings regarding ketball games—winning 86 con- fall of 1955 take the May test. the all important matter of rib- ducted 169 religious services and Dr. DeWeerd to bons, meal tickets, and printing of accepted 10,000 converts to Chris- Application forms and a Bul­ song books have been the order of tianity. letin of Information, which gives Sin C h a en th 0dle and his la ers Dr. Van Duyn details of registration and ad­ Conduct Spring are ?oL Wb P iw nU R l** P >' financed ministration, as well as sample rvfrH.L l Wheeler and Barbara their own expenses for both trips, Dr. Grover Van Duyn, member Gordinier. Working with them as which won the enthusiastic ap- questions, are available from pre- Revival Services secretary, Joanna Philippi; treas- 1 - - - of the Board of Directors, was re­ medical advisers or directly from proval of such Oriental dignitar­ urer, John Usry; and Registrar, ies as Generalissimo and Madame cently killed in an auto-truck ac­ Educational Testing Service, Box Joe Kerlin. 592, Princeton, N. J. Completed Chiang Kai-shek. cident. Also involved in the ac­ applications must reach the ETS Publicity will be in charge of In 1952 Odle was selected the cident and killed were two other office by April 24 and October 18, Dottie Porter and Bill Plumb. The Indiana coach of the year and Nazarene ministers and the wife respectively, for the May 8 and Prayer co-chairmen are Joanne again in 1953 he led his team to a Dutro and C. P. Tarkington. Ac­ of a fourth minister. Dr. Van Duyn November 1 administrations. conference championship. He took commodations will be supervised his undergraduate work at Taylor was serving his second term on y S CU rt Sm h aM DEAN'S OFFICE v ond°Tl?h° ,f' W H £ t in 1946 waTawarded the de- the Board at the time of the ac­ Vonda Lightbody. Head Hostess gree of Master of Science from In­ cident. In the future it is planned this year is Ruth Gentile and diana University. He is author of In order to cooperate more ful­ Riley Case will be in charge of the that through individual donations ly with the classes in their prayer a widely used college textbook, a Grover Van Duyn Scholarship bell-hops. Decorations are being "Basic uoBasketball,"„clrau andailu ;~ may be established to help worthy meetings the Grill and library will planned by Rod Liechty and Car- heavyavy demand as ;a speaker, be closed at 9:38 as well as the men Wuks. New to the cabinet and qualified students in obtain­ this year is the altar committee The Freedom Award of the ing their education at Taylor. other three days of the week. which is headed by Howard Mel- Freedom Foundation of America lott and Rosie Baugh. The traffic recently was awarded Odle and manager will be Bob Stoker. Elec­ Taylor University for the venture. To Make Glad the Heart, Etc... tricians working over in the gym Each year the Indiana Junior will be Dick Corless and Harold Chamber of Commerce singles out Ridiculous! we might say, as we looked into a picture of Draper. Dick Raby is to be the one young man—between the ages the past and caught a glimpse of a dainty young girl dressed chorister for the weekend. The 21 and 35 — as Outstanding in bustle, flounces, and high-heeled slippers mincing .down the entire group urges much prayer. Young Man of the Year. The selec­ street with a lacy valentine tucked into her gloved hands. We tion is based on the individual's extraordinary talent and initia­ might watch her open it with the valentines from the latest tive, and the contribution he has trembling hands and eyes shiny heart throbs as they race down Work Begins on Dr. DeWeerd made to his profession and to the as stars and we might wonder— the hall to the vibrating shriek of Production of "Ernest" general welfare of the people.
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