E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 15, 2019 No. 118 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was those atrocities. I pray that they and Listen to this. Leon Panetta, the called to order by the President pro their families find peace, as well as jus- former Secretary of Defense to Presi- tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). tice. Ethnic and religious hatred must dent Obama, has worked with Judge f never be tolerated, and we must not Phipps in the past and has great things forget the victims of this crime. to say about his ‘‘legal acumen, dedica- PRAYER I yield the floor. tion, attention to detail, and integ- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f rity.’’ He says: ‘‘I believe that Peter fered the following prayer: RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY will serve with honor and highly rec- Let us pray. LEADER ommend his confirmation.’’ That is Father of all, give us the wisdom to President Obama’s Secretary of De- cultivate reverential awe for You. In- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- fense. spired by this wisdom, empower our jority leader is recognized. Given all this, it is hardly surprising Senators to strive to please You. May f that when Judge Phipps was first nom- our lawmakers remember that You are BUSINESS BEFORE THE SENATE inated to serve as district judge for the an ever-present help during turbulent Western District of Pennsylvania, the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the times, eager to deliver those who call Senate is getting started on another Senate confirmed him on a voice vote. on Your Holy Name. busy week in which we will complete This body saw what everybody else had Lord, sustain our Senators with Your more important business for the Amer- seen—an impressively qualified, intel- might. Continue to bless and keep us ican people. We will confirm a number lectually excellent individual who all. Make Your face to shine upon us of well-qualified nominees, as well as a firmly understands what the job of a and be gracious to us. Lift the light of number of treaties that pertain to judge does and does not entail in our Your countenance upon us and give us international commerce and keeping constitutional system. Your peace. our economy strong. So I am sorry that this nominee who We pray in Your sacred name. Amen. First, the nominations. Later this earned a voice vote to his current posi- f afternoon, we will build on 21⁄2 years of tion will now require a cloture vote this afternoon, but, nevertheless, I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE confirming talented, capable jurists to our Federal courts and vote to advance look forward to voting to advance his The President pro tempore led the the nomination of Judge Peter Phipps nomination today and voting to con- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. firm him later in the week. I urge our I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Judge Phipps is a graduate of the colleagues to join me. United States of America, and to the Repub- University of Dayton and Stanford Law Following that nomination, the Sen- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, School. His impressive professional ate will tend to another of this body’s indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. record includes time in private prac- unique responsibilities—the ratifica- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tice, a clerkship on the Sixth Circuit tion of treaties. For the better part of HAWLEY). The Senator from Iowa. Court of Appeals, and 15 years of deco- the last century, the United States has Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask rated service with the Department of engaged in bilateral tax treaties with unanimous consent to speak for 30 sec- Justice. foreign trading partners. These meas- onds as in morning business, please. At DOJ, while handling sensitive and ures cultivate robust trading relation- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without high-profile cases in the Federal Pro- ships and put in place important clari- objection, it is so ordered. grams Branch, Judge Phipps left a last- fications to ensure that American busi- f ing impression on colleagues and op- nesses can avoid double tax burdens. posing counsel alike. Litigators who Today, America is engaged in about SREBRENICA GENOCIDE worked both with him and against him 60 such treaties with major allies and Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, 24 have written to the Senate to praise developing partners alike. Together, years ago radical Serb forces com- his ‘‘piercing intellect, deep knowledge they account for literally trillions of mitted the worst genocide on European of the law . and personable relations dollars in foreign investment across soil since the Holocaust. In and around with everyone in the courtroom.’’ our country. the hallowed grounds at Srebrenica, A number of his former DOJ col- This week, there are several more over 8,000 Bosnians were murdered out leagues attest that his ‘‘ability to mas- awaiting consideration. The Senate of ethnic and religious hatred. ter complex issues quickly made him needs to act on treaties with Spain, the Iowa, my State, is now home to the sort of lawyer other lawyers would Swiss Federation, Japan, and Luxem- many Bosnians who bore witnesses to turn to with questions or for counsel.’’ bourg. I have heard from job creators ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4813 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:43 Jul 16, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JY6.000 S15JYPT1 S4814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 15, 2019 in my State of Kentucky about the im- Whatever the reason, whatever the mend the first responders for their ad- portance of creating more certainty by motivation, the President’s comments vocacy and support of this legislation. getting these treaties approved, and I demand condemnation from all corners The first responders are the heroes of expect my colleagues have heard simi- of the political spectrum—all corners. this story. They are the Washingtons lar things from employers in their It has become frightfully common for and the Madisons and the Monroes of States as well. So these measures many of my Republican colleagues to the 21st century, the great Ameri- should be taken up and ratified with- let these moments sail by without say- cans—each in their own modest way. out delay. ing even a word. Not only did they rush to the towers on On behalf of American workers and Republican leadership especially that fateful day, risking their lives to entrepreneurs, I hope each of our col- rarely criticizes the President directly, save others, but then, when the ill- leagues will join me in voting yes this even in a situation like this that so nesses started coming upon them, even week. clearly merits it. I am left to wonder if though many of them were sick, they I suggest the absence of a quorum. the silence of many Republicans in the came to Washington and fought tire- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wake of President Trump’s xenophobic lessly for their brothers and sisters clerk will call the roll. tweets is out of embarrassment or who might get sick in the future. The legislative clerk proceeded to agreement—embarrassment or agree- Zadroga and Feal, Pfeiffer and Alva- call the roll. ment. Both are inexcusable. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask rez—these are the names of American Some of my Republican colleagues heroes. They represent the greatness of unanimous consent that the order for are hoping that the President realizes the quorum call be rescinded. America. We should honor them now the error of his ways and disavows or by passing the House bill to reauthor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without deletes his tweets from yesterday. But objection, it is so ordered. ize the Victim Compensation Fund as the President just walked out of the soon as possible—no more delays, no f White House a few hours ago and dou- strings attached, no waiting for some RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY bled down on his racist comments. other must-pass vehicle to attach it to. My Republican friends, he is not LEADER The bill passed the House with such backing off. Where are you when some- overwhelmingly bipartisan support The PRESIDING OFFICER. The thing this serious, this bigoted, this that it deserves a clean vote in the Democratic leader is recognized. un-American, happens? If you are say- Senate. f ing to yourselves ‘‘Well, he got us our I say to my friend, Republican Lead- TRUMP ADMINISTRATION big tax cut; well, he’s taking regula- er MCCONNELL: If it is good enough for Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, over tions off big corporations; well, he pulled out of the Paris Accords, so we Leader MCCARTHY and Whip SCALISE, the weekend, President Trump who voted for it, surely it is good launched a series of insults at Demo- have to go along with this racism,’’ you are making a deal with the devil. enough for the Republican leader in the cratic congresswomen, suggesting they Senate. ‘‘go back’’ to the countries they came It is so wrong, so wrong. The President of the United States is Only 12 voted against it. So many from, despite the fact that three of the supposed to bring this country to- very conservative Republicans—many four were born in the United States gether.
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