San Francisco ANTl=.APARTl!uDIJEID Committee VOLUME THREE, NUMBER ONE t\lE RT JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1988 Break all dlplomatlc, economic and mllltary relations with south Africa ~~~BERG: 'YOU · HAVE .THE POWER, SWITCH ON' When ANC leader Nelson Man· dela was sentenced in 1963 for '"trea­ son" against the apartheid state of South Africa, seven others went with him. Among these was Denis Goldberg who, after 22 years, was released in 1985. He has since worked out of the London headquarters of the African national Congress (ANC). He was invited to tour the U.S. by the American Friends Service Com­ mittee, and in February the San Fran­ cisco Anti-Apartheid Committee org­ DENIS GOLDBERG at City Hall steps, lauding Supervisors Walker and anized his presence at the Third Bap· Kennedy (at left) for proposed resolutions declaring apartheid a crime tist Church. against humanity and offering sanctuary. Additional sponsors were the AFSC, National Conference of Black that sanctions were weakening the break all relations with that govern· Lawyers, National Lawyers Guild Anti· apartheid regime and that we here ment. Apartheid Subcommittee, Women's needed to step up divestment and mnti.nued on page 6 International League for Peace and Freedom, and Bay Area New Jewish Agenda. APARTHEID CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Goldberg praised the mass cour­ At a press conference on the steps of cials or employees from meeting with age of Black South Africans, drawing a the City Hall on, February or hosting any representative o! 1, 1988, Supervisors Nancy Walker, South Africa or occupied Namibia. parallel with Vietnam. He reported Willie Kennedy, and Harry Britt intro­ Denis Goldberg, oC the African Na­ duced new legislation to strengthen tional Congress was also present and San Francisco's commitment against commented that, "Everybody says apartheid. The proposed legislation they are against apartheid, but the declares the City of San Francisco a real issue is, what are they actually "safe refuge" for blacks who flee doing about it." from South Africa and Namibia, as The proposed legislation was ini­ well as whites who refuse to serve tiated by a coalition of organizations in the South African army. including the S.F. Anti-Apartheid The resolution is also the first in Committee, the local chapter of the the country to officially recognize National Conference o( Black Law­ apartheid as a crime against humani­ yers, Art Against Apartheid, and the ty. The United Nations Assembly National Lawyers Guild S.F. anti­ adopted an International Convention apartheid subcommittee. Their goal is on the Supression and Punishment of to get many cities to take similar the Crime of Apartheid, which rec­ actions. CALL OR WRITE THE SU­ ognizes apartheid as a crime against PERVISORS AND TELL THEM TO humanity. While 69 countries have SUPPORT THE SOUTH AFRICAN/­ ratilied the UN Convention, the U.S. NAMIBIAN REFUGEE RESOLUTION. Prime movers of Santuary, etc. Reso­ hasn't. Thus San Francisco's legisla­ Also, a hearing is expected on the tion would also spur nationwide ac­ legislation in early March. Those in­ lutions, from left, Cliff Rechtschaffen, tions. terested in testifying please contact Karen Kramer, Cati Okorie. At right, Finally, the proposed legislation Cati Olcori at 552-0860 or Karen Bill Stroud of Artists vs. Apartheid. would prohibit San Francisco of!i- Kramer at 759-8524. -K. Kramer. ORDINANCEAMENDMENT TO COVER PORT LEGISLATIVE Supervisors Kennedy, Britt, Ward etc. from carrying South African cargo and Silver proposed an Amendment to into and out of our Port. the City's anti-apartheid ordinance This inclusion had been urged by UPDATE (Code See's 10.210 through 10.218) the SFAAC, the city's labor movement, ••to prohibit leases, permits,licenses," and by other anti-apartheid forces since Readers were recently asked to contact or ..use of City property" with persons passage of the Ordinance in February their representatives about the SWIN­ or institutions doing business directly of '86. DALL-BURTON amendments to the STATE AUTHORIZATION BILL. These or indirectly with South Africa. The proposal was referred to the amendments would restrict ANC and 1f. Finance Committee on January 27th. SW APO personnel to the city limits of This is a major change, as it will Keep your eye on it and watch for the New York and would cut by 25% U.S. restrict shippers like Zim,Nedlloyd, public hearing in early or mid-March. funding !or U.N. projects which would benefit the African National Congress. Opposition to these measures resulted in their defeat and the Authorization Bill ~~9_.HIE~O~~~~~~~~ was passed without these amendments. A victory against Apartheid. BLACK HISTORY MONTH *** Important legislation pending includes the BRADLEY BILL, S1474 and the House companion bill, H.R. 3633. This legislation would prevent any further aid to UNIT A without full congressional debate. Aid to UNITA, Angola's rebel group, is comparable to aid to the Con­ tras in Nicaragua. UNIT A is financed by South Africa and the South African army is now fighting with the rebels in Angola. Support to UNIT A has made the U.S. 'de facto' allies with South Africa. The Senate bill is in the foreign Rela­ tions Committee and the House bill is in the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committee. We must let these Commit­ tees know of our support for these bills. *** HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 382 desig­ REV. M. L. KING NELSON MANVELA WINNIE MANVELA nates June 26, 1988 as 'Nelson Mandela' Day. This Resolution introduced by Rep. George Crockett has 68 co-sponsors ..If there is no struggle, there is no bique and Nicaragua, and who oppose including every member of the congres­ progress ... power concedes nothing nuclear disarmament. sional Black Caucus. We should let them without a demand." - Frederick * * * know that we appreciate their valuable From around the Bay Area, thou- work against apartheid. Douglass, Aug. 4, 1857. sands of people of all colors streamed *** Afro-American History Month into our Civic Auditorium to com­ THE COMPREHENSIVE SANCTIONS calls us to the struggle for people's memorate Martin Luther King's birth­ BILL requires urgent attention. B.R. 1580, the DELLUMS BILL and 8556, the power in our country, in Southern day and his Dream for a non-racist CRANSTON BILL impose a total trade Africa, in Central America and in the nation. embargo and require complete with­ Middle East. But the stench of bigotry clings to drawal of U.S. corporations from South Today, despite the genocidal hor­ the U.S. body-politic as we witness the Africa. Passage of this legislation is ESSENTIAL in the fight against Apart­ ror of apartheid, which our govern­ attempted burial of Dr. Jesse Jack­ heid. Hearings are being held by the ment helps maintain, our Black broth­ son's candidacy by the establishment Africa Sub-Committee of the Foreign ers and sisters exp•and their struggle media. Is there any question that Jack­ Affairs Committee. Howard Wolpe is the Chair. At this point ther,e are 75 co­ against our common enemy - greed son is the best spokesman for the aspi­ sponsors for the Ho.use bill. At least 100 and its divisive weapon of racism. Nel­ rations of the working people? are needed. Many. tnore co-sponsors are son Mandela, now 25 years in prison, And in our own City, racism per­ needed for the Senate bill. Now there and Winnie Mandela are now world sists, as in the Fire Department and in are only two! Kennedy and Levin. Sen­ ators who have co-sponsored other legi­ symbols of the people's movement. the mass joblessness of our youth. slation on Southern Africa should be * * * * * * In this election year we must oust contacted immediately. For example, Slack History and Brotherhood Paul Simon, Joe Biden, Barbara Mikuls­ every Reaganite, of either party, who Month will mark the renewal of our ki, Patrick Leahy. JOIN IN THE SPRING blocks sanctions against apartheid ACTIONS FOR TOT AL SANCTIONS. struggle for justice, which has no color South Africa, who aids the terrorist THIS BILL IS KEY! or boundaries. -Rhoda Norman armies laying waste to Angola, Mozam- -ALERT Staff 2 .-~ ' S.F. AIDS EXILED CHILDREN Half of the Black children in the bautustans (enforced ghettoes) die ~efore they are five years old. In Angola and Mozambique it is more than a third. Millions of bautustan child­ ren grow up WITHOUT educa­ tion, decent housing and health care. Education material is free for whites. Blacks must pay. About 23 of Namibian children go to secondary school. World Council of Churches, 1987 "Thousands of children have nowhere to go ... But imagine a child of four, five or six, crossing on foot hundreds of miles. As you can well guess, hundreds perish as they make a run for their lives." - Thuthukile Radebe, Left to right:.Peggy Gash( Sandra Mack and Joan-Marie Shelley of AFT Local ANC Women's, Section 61, surrounded by a load of contributions for Southern Africa children. •The Holiday Campaign for the Refu­ We also received, through the good "collection station" in Bayview-Hunter's gee Children of South Africa and Nam­ efforts of Rev. Roland Gordon, $100 Point. ibia has been successful. The people from the Western region of the Nation­ • It is impossible to name all the peo- of San Francisco, the Bay Area and al Black Presbyterian Caucus. ple who contributed their efforts, time, collections and money. But we take elsewhere have opened their hearts • As you can see from the picture this opportunity, on behalf of the child­ and thei.r pocketbooks. accompanying this article, our friends ren who will benefit from their efforts, of the S.F. American Federation of to express our heartfelt thanks for all • We collected a lot of underwear, Teachers, Local 61 came through with your help.
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