TUGBOAT Volume 33, Number 1 / 2012 General Delivery 2 TUG 2012 announcement 3 Ab epistulis / Steve Peter 3 Editorial comments / Barbara Beeton Don Knuth, reprise; An alternate view of CTAN; Linotype: The Film; Barriers to effective communication: Jean-luc Doumont; Kern it!; A wonderful use of old books; The Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp 5 Hyphenation exception log / Barbara Beeton 7 In memoriam: Tony Siegman, 1931–2011 / Bruce Armbruster and Jeannie Howard Siegman Typography 8 Typographers’ Inn / Peter Flynn Fonts 11 Lucida OpenType fonts available from TUG / Karl Berry 12 The Amiri typeface / Khaled Hosny Bibliographies 13 Biber — the next generation backend processor for BibLATEX / Philip Kime Electronic Documents 16 X E LATEX and the PDF archivable format / Claudio Beccari LATEX 21 Avoid eqnarray! / Lars Madsen 26 The unknown picture environment / Claudio Beccari 33 The apa6 LATEX class: Challenges encountered updating to new requirements / Brian Beitzel 39 Glisterings: Timelines; Parsing a filename / Peter Wilson 43 Some LATEX2ε tricks and tips (V) / Luca Merciadri 46 LATEX3 news, issues 6–7 / LATEX Project Team Software & Tools 48 User-friendly web utilities for generating LATEX output and MetaPost graphics / Troy Henderson 53 TEX on Windows: MiKTEX or TEX Live? / Joseph Wright 54 Generating barcodes with LuaTEX / Patrick Gundlach 59 OpenType fonts in LuaTEX / Paul Isambert ConTEXt 86 ConTEXt: Updating the code base / Hans Hagen Graphics 98 Computing the area and winding number for a B´ezier curve / Bogusław Jackowski 102 Three-dimensional graphics with PGF/TikZ / Keith Wolcott Book Reviews 114 Book review: Trees, maps, and theorems / Pavneet Arora 116 Book review: Design for Hackers / Boris Veytsman 118 Book review: Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth / David Walden Hints & Tricks 119 The treasure chest / Karl Berry Abstracts 121 Eutypon: Contents of issue 26–27 (October 2011) 121 Die TEXnische Kom¨odie: Contents of issues 4/2011–1/2012 122 Asian Journal of TEX: Contents of Volumes 4–5 (2010–2011) Advertisements 124 TEX consulting and production services TUG Business 126 TUG institutional members 126 TUG financial statements for 2011 / Karl Berry News 128 Calendar TEX Users Group Board of Directors TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207) is published by the TEX Donald Knuth, Grand Wizard of TEX-arcana † Users Group. Steve Peter, President ∗ Jim Hefferon∗, Vice President Memberships and Subscriptions Karl Berry∗, Treasurer 2012 dues for individual members are as follows: ∗ Susan DeMeritt , Secretary Ordinary members: $95. Barbara Beeton Students/Seniors: $65. Kaja Christiansen The discounted rate of $65 is also available to citi- Michael Doob zens of countries with modest economies, as detailed Jonathan Fine on our web site. Steve Grathwohl Membership in the T X Users Group is for the E Taco Hoekwater calendar year, and includes all issues of TUGboat for Klaus H¨oppner the year in which membership begins or is renewed, Ross Moore as well as software distributions and other benefits. Cheryl Ponchin Individual membership is open only to named indi- Philip Taylor viduals, and carries with it such rights and responsi- David Walden bilities as voting in TUG elections. For membership Raymond Goucher, Founding Executive Director † information, visit the TUG web site. † TUGboat Hermann Zapf, Wizard of Fonts Also, (non-voting) subscriptions are ∗ available to organizations and others wishing to re- member of executive committee †honorary ceive TUGboat in a name other than that of an individual. The subscription rate is $100 per year, See http://tug.org/board.html for a roster of all past and present board members, and other official positions. including air mail delivery. Addresses Electronic Mail Institutional Membership (Internet) Institutional membership is a means of showing con- TEX Users Group P.O. Box 2311 General correspondence, tinuing interest in and support for both T X and the E Portland, OR 97208-2311 membership, subscriptions: TEX Users Group, as well as providing a discounted U.S.A. [email protected] group rate and other benefits. For further informa- tion, see http://tug.org/instmem.html or contact Telephone Submissions to TUGboat, the TUG office. +1 503 223-9994 letters to the Editor: [email protected] Trademarks Fax Technical support for Many trademarked names appear in the pages of +1 206 203-3960 TEX users: TUGboat. If there is any question about whether [email protected] a name is or is not a trademark, prudence dictates Web Contact the Board that it should be treated as if it is. The follow- http://tug.org/ of Directors: ing trademarks which commonly appear in TUG- http://tug.org/TUGboat/ [email protected] boat should not be considered complete. TEX is a trademark of American Mathematical Society. METAFONT is a trademark of Addison-Wesley Inc. Copyright c 2012 TEX Users Group. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Copyright to individual articles within this publication re- mains with their authors, so the articles may not be repro- [printing date: April 2012] duced, distributed or translated without the authors’ permis- sion. Printed in U.S.A. For the editorial and other material not ascribed to a par- ticular author, permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies without royalty, in any medium, provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved. Permission is also granted to make, copy and distribute trans- lations of such editorial material into another language, ex- cept that the TEX Users Group must approve translations of this permission notice itself. Lacking such approval, the original English permission notice must be included. [...] clay possesses one considerable advantage: it is resistant to fire, water, and magnetic disturbances. In [...] a few thousand years, our photographs, books, and hard disks will no doubt have disappeared, but our collections of cuneiform tablets will still be there. Dominique Charpin, Reading and Writing in Babylon (2010) translated by Jane Marie Todd COMMUNICATIONS OF THE TEX USERS GROUP EDITOR BARBARA BEETON VOLUME 33, NUMBER 1 • 2012 PORTLAND • OREGON • U.S.A. TUG 2012 The 33rd Annual Meeting of the TEX Users Group Presentations covering the TEX world July 16–18, 2012 Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://tug.org/tug2012 [email protected] April 30, 2012—bursary application deadline May 1, 2012—presentation proposal deadline May 15, 2012—early bird registration deadline June 1, 2012—preprint submission deadline A July 16, 2012 — LTEX workshop (concurrent) July 16–18, 2012—conference July 30, 2012—deadline for final papers Sponsored by the TEX Users Group and DANTE e.V. TUGboat, Volume 33 (2012), No. 1 3 Ab Epistulis EuroTEX 2012 and the Sixth ConTEXt User Meeting will be October 8–12 in Breskens, The Steve Peter Netherlands. See http://meeting.contextgarden. Hello from the TEX world headquarters! I’m pleased net/2012/. to be able to share with you the following information Book reviews from the TEX Users Group, my first as president. (And I’m pining for the days when Karl Berry wrote The TUG website has a section for book reviews, these messages.) and you should definitely visit if you haven’t yet had the chance. Recently, we’ve added reviews of David Group membership category Kadavy’s Design for hackers: Reverse-engineering This year, TUG is offering a new membership cat- beauty (reviewed by Boris Veytsman) and Jean-luc egory, called group membership. It includes up to Doumont’s Trees, maps, and theorems (by Pavneet four individual memberships for $200 (thus provid- Arora). These and other reviews are at http:// ing a discount), with electronic access for all four tug.org/books/#reviews. Many thanks to Boris members and one physical copy of TUGboat and Veytsman for organizing the reviews. software, as well as an acknowledgment online. This And speaking of books, RIT Press/RIT Cary is perfect for small departments or research groups. Graphic Arts Press is offering 10% off to TUG mem- http://tug.org/join.html has all the info. bers for a limited time. The code may be used on one If you haven’t joined TUG yet for this year, it’s order and is valid through May 31, 2012. The exclu- not too late. Individual memberships are just $95 sive members-only discount code is available in the and joining TUG helps to support and promote the members area at https://www.tug.org/members. A METAFONT META use of TEX, LTEX, ConTEXt, , - ⋄ Steve Peter POST, and related systems worldwide. president (at) tug dot org Software http://tug.org/TUGboat/Pres/ No major changes in the software delivery are ex- pected this year. Work toward the TEX Live 2012 release is well underway. We will begin trial builds Editorial comments soon and are aiming to freeze updates in May (a time- Barbara Beeton line is on http://tug.org/texlive/). The editors of the MacTEX, proTEXt, and CTAN components of Don Knuth, reprise the overall TEX Collection software are also preparing To cap off his publications so far, and leave his time their respective releases. free to work on TAOCP, Don has created one final Companion Conferences volume, a to his collected works, which is reviewed elsewhere in this issue. TUG 2012 will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, An addition to Don’s online biographical en- USA, from July 16 through July 18 at the Omni tries now appears on the new Turing Award web Parker House. The deadline for presentation ab- site: http://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/ stracts is May 1, 2012, and early bird registration knuth_1013846.cfm. The information was compiled is available through May 15. Registration includes and the entry written by Dave Walden, ringleader of breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks as well as all the the TUG Interview Corner. cutting edge TEX information that will fit in your brain. The discount code for our group’s hotel reser- An alternate view of CTAN vations is available on the conference web site at The “Automated Mercurial Repositories of CTAN” http://tug.org/tug2012/.
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