EL PASO HERALD Mondav. Xov. 27, 191G. 11 Cards. -. Mrs. Edward a Hitchcock is enter- Miss McQuatters Becomes the Gen. and Mrs. Arthur Murray ..... this aftnrnoon with an in- - I formal bridge party at her home on r 1 PflTtinlMllHlllan lO U. j .i.at or t I Bride of Lieut. East, S. A. Guests of Honor At Dinner house guest Mrs. E Connors, of s Worth. Mr- - Charles I Knoblauch ! - H will enteitain lor .mi- .imihw. GLADYS McQUATTERS ana Martha Goodman was dresed in and Mrs. Arthur Murray wen Mrs. William Elliott entertained Sat- Tuesdav afternoon organdie, pale - - Lieut Whitten J. East, of tne D. hue trimmed with blue nEK. guests of honor at an in- - urday with the second of the series of The N B club w.i- a rtained s M" corps, flowers. luncheons with which she is entertain- afternoon l Mis- - Fisnu- - 1'urit, S. army aviation were Mrs. mother, formal Sunday night supper given giv I Goodman, the bride's ing this season The luncheon was at her home on P-- avenue Urnlgr married Saturday at noon In Los An-k- s, as dressed in grav taffeta, with sil- by Maj. and Mrs. William Elliott at en at her home on Mesa avenue The was pla.-- and the prizes wen-- tw.h CaL. according: to a telegram ver lace trimmings. their home on Mesa avenue. The other guests were Mesdamet, William H. Al- ;.sses Anne .Magoffin anil Katlie-un- c A wedding supper was served in the laire. Samuel G. Jones. II Conger bi guests the club or. the bride, received Sunday by guests were Gen. and Mrs. George Bell. B Foster. The of private dining room of Hotel Paso del Pratt. James R Allison. Henry werr Misses Katherine roster. Ituth Miss and Capt. and Mrs. II. Conger Ijwi Reagan, c H KinU), e- - Irene Laughlin. The marriage Norte, following the ceremonv. Pink Jr.. Pratt. James Ethel Crawford and Katl i S IL Hines I Schwartz. omes as a very great surprise to the and white chrysanthemums and roses Gen. and Mrs. Murray, who have been Frank Brown and Ummeti rme Earie in- - 1 win j ui. I couple Both and quantities of ferns and smilax the guests of their daughter, Mrs. II December at the home of Miss Anne Promising Young Coppers iaiii friends of the here. ines ornamented the table. About Miss Ginsburg entertained with Magoffin, on Magoffin aenue . The Most of the oung people are very well known-h-e the table were many candles, v. ith rose Conger Pratt and Capt. Pratt for a who to an informal, ,. uinner nigni, di Miss Emtlie Orrasbee. is 'e- bride is the daughter of Mr. and colored shades, in glass and silver short time, left Sundav night for their KA li I4..fti roimtillmentnrv to roarr.cd Saturday to Nelson Ithein- A McQuatters sticks. Hand painted cupids orna- home in "Washington, 1. C t Mim v.ctliA !.pv- - of Nachuoches. La.. was the guest oi nonor at an Jrs. J. and has made El ' I heimer. - WHERE CHUR11 aso her home until quite recently, mented the place cards. The dinner who is visiting htre for a short time. mf0iroji bridge party, at which Mis- WHERE SHAFT IS BEING SUNK X enter- - i way tue . DRIU. IS WORKING rhen Mrs. McQuatters and the children guests were onl the realtives of the Lieut Arthur It. Underwood on her to California. Donalo 1. Rathbtin entertained BY ARIZONA RAY COPPER CO to Los Angeles to spend the mn-- bridal couple and numbered 25. tamed Saturday night with a supper x- most intimate friends of Miss Orm-be- e. , e"t t held Valley guests in the Mr. McQuatters is the president An informal reception was later at the Inn, Ysleta. Mb Mr ar.d Mr-- A. R. Mtllican enter- Saturday afternoon at her home "Taaa .,nRicat ' aiflR WYm were a C 1 1 . X.rj-iT-'- Mining Milling the home of the bride's parents and were Mr. and Mrs J. S Gethmg. Miss Henry Allen Tupper. of New Wallace apartments There thice - f 1" AW" t The Alvarado and at tained Dr OA ..iM- y"io,fiC " -- ompan- - and has large interests in dancing was enjoyed during the even- Margaret Getiiing and Lieut. Tom G. ,ork itv, at an informal dinner the tables of bridge plaj tr Miss Dorothy - LGfiar jlexico. Lieut East was stationed in ing. The guests were received by the Hearn. last of t.ie week, at their home on Ormsbee won the high score pri.e and IrlVV --5 aW bridal couple and the bride's parents, Capt. Albert L. Cox entertained Sun- second prize went to Miss Pauline s 1 TalP 1 ak. rflMBl '1 Paso with the 16th infantry and North Octavia street. the ... tfl H" 1 r living room. An ice course was His A guebt pn was awardt'l tU "Vi ook a prominent part in the life of the in the day night at dinner at the Inn. c Brvan. CC -- 1 in dining room. The wed- were Maj. S. C. Capt. Sat- guest A surprise hand- - i mMr' M1? ousger set here. He was with the served the guests Chambers. Mrs. Henry S Beach entertained the of honor. guest J roops who entered Mexico with the ding cake was upon a table, elaborately and Mrs. D. EL Scott. Col. and Mrs. S. urday with an informal luncheon at her l.erchlef shower was given the lTHfiUZY ! V flowers and pink can- W. Miner, Caro- Heights, complimentary honor at the completion of the .TanifCI" nunltlve expedition and was on duty decorated with all of the Third North home in Sunset of , pink in silver Crawford, who is visiting V two course luncheon was V ""'-- ntf ere until a short time ago, when he dles under shade. line infantry. to Miss Elsie sanies ' ?L0"1S- was ordered to Fort Sam Houston for sticks. Above the cake hung a wed- W. A. Doyle, of Michigan, entertained Mrs. Harry S. Potter for the winter. served, in which the color plan of red "tamination for the aviation corps. He ding belL of white flowers covered K. F. Pike. Hope Denny. Miss Harriett 4-- - was used Red carnations decorated , && ft. .. ? sta-lon- ed tulle, illumined from with- of Miss Lillian Cole will entertain the tile rooms and the serving table and a assed the examination and Is now with nhite Burns and Miss Elizabeth Garrett, December red at San Diego at the aviation in with electric lights. The cake was Fort Worth, at dinner at .the Inn, Sun- Saturday Luncheon club on there were red candles and little j3 9 - 'boo' frosted with doves and sprajs of or- day. 2, at the tea rooms, on Montana street. flower favors Mrs. Rathbun was as- a?CO- ange blossoms. Assisting in the din- - sisted In entertaining by her mother, VA M ' r V.ss Rose Goodman and Oscar Leeser i ng room were Misses Edna Matmas, Mrs. Harrv I'ateman. r o-- HAVE Dorothy Schwartz. Parlies. Lodges and Clubs. The Jolly Twelve Bridge club was SHAFT WrtEBE THEY ere married Sunday evening at Vollertsen and Ruth by HIGH GKRDE ORE-- iMip,iTe reTnrtnT nprfnmiMl sit thn Mr. and Mrs. Leeser left Monday for successtul social was siveu entertained Saturday afternoon i v A Thanksgiving shower of fruit. mtv Daughters Miss Lily Axton, at the home of her , 'RAYCOMSOLIDATED "me or the brides parents. Mr. ana I "ZF '":"u J goods groceries was given the last of the week by the I hrtnT-YnnrtT- i l"c;,,V" . ". canned and parents, chaplain J. T. Axton. Mrs. Ne I ...wu.M ..... n nwnv.. nnnnr . Erin, the women's auxiliary to the and Mrs. Igantlus Goodman, on West ..V....J T?vj the Rescoie home Sunday afternoon by of , COPPER CO. The service occurred in a month. Itiev win make i.i raso ncient Order of Hibernians, at the at Fort Bliss. The prize winners were ada street. away the Sunday school children of the hall, 3 Misses Marion Putnam. Jean Gilchrist , he living room of the Goodman home. thIr home. The bride's going Asbury Methodist church. The children of Columbus bout which was most elaborately decorated suit was of navy blue, with a small fur people attended. In the ball room of i and .velvn fccou. ttose coioreti tar ne Is an ac brought their gifts to Sunday school dancing was enjojea nations decorated the rooms attrac-tivel- j. with quantities of flowers and vines. trimmed gold lace hat. then, meeting the church in the the club house, t - . complisher pianist. She from Phila- and at not for this form of The appointments of the partv ton, The couple stood for the marriage ser- is afternoon, carried well filled and those caring nos- - Its central Mock of ground has oi J50 pounds ut eopp.r per - j delphia Mr. Leeser is from Chlhua the amusement, plaved high five in the were on the military order. ine j ice under a canopy of smilax vines, over to the home and enter- in entertaining by developed by tlie Ray Consol- and a total gross valuation for the roses. j hua, Mex. baskets club librarv The women's prizes were tess was assisted ben studded with bride's The bridal tained the little children there with a Anna Axton I idated Ray Hercules on three 10,000.000 tons of $105 000.61)0. from "Lohengrin" was played i a won by Mrs. J. Carter and Mrs. T.
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