97ie (9 Hougllton 6TAR VOL. LXX No. 12 Houghton College, Houghton, NY 14744, January 20, 1978 Dr. Carrier Resigns Position After 27 Years of Service Dr. Esther Jane Carrier recen: ly When Miss Carrier first came to rangement of the stacks, tables, and resigned from her position as associ- Houghton. the library was housed in removable walls in the library. a.e librarian of the Willard J. Hough- Luckey Memorial Building. There Asked how she felt about these ton Library. Prior to acceping the was a closed s:acks system, which changes, as well as policy changes in associate librarian position this past meant that the librarians had to get the library this year, Miss Carrier fall, Miss Carrier served as the head the books students wanted. There wanted to clarify the fact that the librarian for 27 years. were about 30,000 volumes at that librarian does not make changes alone. Of course the Ebrarian has Dr. Carrier came to Houghton in time, quite a difference from the 1950 after she had earned a baehelor 133,000 books the library now has. some influence," she said, "but these of library science degree at Carnegie When asked to ci'e some of the large changes in policy boil down to Ins:itute of Technology, and a master changes she has seen over the years administrative changes. The library of arts degree at Pennsylvania State at Hough:on, Miss Carrier shrugged staff works hand in hand with the College. In 1958 she received a mas- her shoulders and said, "When you're college adrrin;.fration." ter of library science degree from the here all the time, I guess you don't Miss Carrier's last day at the noSce the changes so much. But I Houghton library was Jan. 13. 'Ihis Dr. Esther Jane Carrier University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. followed in 1959. suppose that the largest ehange as past week she moved to uck Haven, far as I am concerned was the erec- Pesylvania, where she will serve lion of the Willard J. Houghton Li- as the reference librarian at Lock brary in 1964. This, of course, freed Haven 5.t/ College. us from the closed stacks system and The 1976 Boulder was dedicated to Board of Trustees Meets Again allowed us to develop our collection." Miss Carrier. When asked about it, Dr. Carrier said that her time at she said, with a warm smile, "I con- Houghton has been filled with reward- sider it one oi the highest honors ing experiences, "When working in a I've ever received." In the dedica- Authorizes Purchase of Computer service-oriented capacity such as a tion, the yearbook editor said, "There tions. librarian," she explained "it's a re- is not a student or teacher that she The full Board of Trustees met this mit>tee brought up issues on faculty warding experience every time you has not helped either directly or in- past Friday and Saturday for one of promotion and tenure. There was An interesting innovation for the Trustees visit was worked out in con- help a student find something." But directly through her work. Those of their three annually scheduled meet- also news from the Buffalo Campus. i she went on to mention_that one of us who have had a chance to work ings. Among general business the Enrollment is up and the continuing nection with Dean Massey and the her most exci,fing experiences was with her closely know her as a warm, trustees selected the Pastor of the education program is going well. For Student Senate whereby a select helping to plan the present library. shy, and charming woman." Year Award. This is given in honor the Student Development Committee, group of s'udens were host to the "In planning the building," she said, Dr. Esther Jane Carrier is among of Claude A. Ries. The recipient this Dean Massey shared some goals, con- trustees at dinner Friday eveoing "we stressed flexibility and right now those who have made Houghton the year is Rev. Ira Taylor, who is pres- cerns and information on the general This seemed to be met witir#sitive we are seeing that the building is college it is today, and for this we ently serving at a Wesleyan Church picture of this area to give the trus- reactions. The next meeting of the Full Board of Trustees is scheduled indeed flexible." She was. of course. in Toronto. tees an overall perspective. The De- owe her our thanks and respect. referring to the very recent rear- The Trustees also authorized the velopment Committee presented in- for May Commencement Weekend. - Michael J. Chiapperino purchase and installation of a new formation on the new Physical Edu- r. computer. It is to be ordered this cation facility They shared an week. Delivery will take three to "awareness program' with the Trus- four mon:hs, and it is hoped that the tees. This is a presentation of slides computer will be in service by this and drawings to help point out the Warmth of Hawaiian Islands fall. The computer will be used for purposes and goals of Houghton Col- administrative and instructional pur- lege. Blueprints of floor plans and poses. There is another major pro- projections were looked at and al- posal that would add seventeen new though these aren't final, consent was To Hit Houghton January 28 terminals to the compu:er. If passed given. There was also a call for it would greatly increase the educa- more work toward financial support Ever been to Hawaii? Seen the (Young Adnlinistrators Organization) jectors, sound tracks, live dialogue, tional services of the computer. This of the new gym. sun set on the wide Pacific, the hula is sponsoring the presentation Ha- and three large screens combine to will be discussed at the spring meet- The Finance Committee reported on dancers, surfed the Pipeline, seen the waii; The Picture Islands. Last year create an experience you won't soon ing of the Trustees. the annual audit. The school budget hula dancers, climbed active vol- Y.A.O. brought a similar Kodak forget. And what would you expect Then each of the four standing com- was in the black this las: year. They eanoes, seen the hula dancers? If presentation about Scandinavia to to pay to view this multimedia spec- mittees of the Trustees gave their also discussed the salary scale and not, then here's your chance ! On Houghton. In these shows, two 16mm tacular? Three dollars? Two dollars? reports. The Academic Affairs Com- u·orked on several legal considera- January 288, at 7: 30 p.m. the Y.A.0. movie projectors, several slide pro- No! The tickets are available free of charge. The members of Y.A.0. hope to make these presentations an annual Getting It On With a Deck of Credit Cards: event. As previously stated, the tick- ets are free, so the COE*g of bringing by Carol Pine recently pointed out, seems as out- macist who earns about $27,000 a more than 12 times to roughly $179 the Kodak people here are absorbed The bronze, 18-year-old beach-god moded as the crew cut. year, said he owned approximately billion (that figure, by the way. does by the Y.A.0. The only thing they strolls into his local jock shop, picks The variety of goods and services 800 credit cards. Cavanagh apparent- not even include home mortgage get out of it is the acinistrative ex- out the Cadillac of surfboards and available on credit is astounding. Of ly collects them for fun and routinely debt). We are truly a credit society perience involved in setting this up. pays for it with a personal credit course, there are the traditional items stores all but a few in a safe-deposit and young adults are the people who Interaction with Kodak's representa- card. The teenage girl with a steady such as ears, homes, clothes, appli- box. If Cavanagh actively used his dzpend on credit most. "Their wants tives may offer other learning oppor- and needs exceed their income." says paper route and stunning sincerity ances, furniture, food and airline 800-plus cards, however, he wouId tunities, but The Picture Islands is seeures a local bank loan for a new, tickets. But a person can also rent a have an estimated line of credit ap- Ronald McCauley of the Chicago Fed- presented as a service to the college eral Trade Commission regional of- ten-speed bike. Three young college Los Angeles apartment, or rent a car, proaching $9.3 million in a single community. Tickets may be obtained month. graduates have a yen to sell jeans in or buy ski-lift tickets in Aspen on fice. "For the first half of a person's at che campus center stairs during life, he has more time than money their own retail shop. No experience, credit. He can buy taxi rides on In some ways, to avoid buying on meals, the week preceding January . and in the second half. it's the but 10:s of energy. They convince a credit and finance veterinary services credit seems, somehow, un-American. 28, or by writing Joe Fote or Y.A.O. loval bank to advance them $5.000 to for his ailing terrier on credit. If Certainly, if we bought goods and ser- complete opposite." intracampus start the venture. he's a culture buff, he can buy vices strictly with cash, the economy But there is frustration among This will be one of the first show- While credit was once the exclusive original paintings and sculpture on would be slowed down considerably.
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