POINTER Decembe r 17, 1964 .:)teve ns Point. Wisconsin, Thursday,. December 17, 1964 EIGHT PAGES - No. 11 Suggestions Requested. Robbery Attempt . Made f;r~i~~~~~~it~ion____ ____,At University Center actively participate in the nam­ versity Center's main offi ce. ing of the various areas of the He yelled ...H ey you, what are new University Center. Names Bearded Man Chases you doing?" will be arrived at from the sug­ The ma n, apparently startled, gestions th~t are received. From .jerked himself erect, ~wung these names a n attempt will be Janitor with Knife around and started rushing down made to arrange U1e decor as the hall with a knife in his hand. much as possible to coincide with Dennis was motionless for only After Discovery a moment. He turned and fl ew the names of the more· important By Don Mulle n rooms or halls. Extensive work down the .stairs, across the Snack is to be done r egarding decor, M nday , Dec. 14th was a rou­ Bar , a nd out the south entrance such as panelling, vinyl and tex­ tine night fo r janitor Dennis Mc­ to the Boiler buildirlg. There he tured walls, carpeted a nd inlaid Carthy until 1 :1 5 a.m . He had called the police who sent three floors, as well as furniture and come to work. a t 6 p.m. and was men, with pistols drawn, to find fixtures which will also serve to probably thinking of going home a ma n described as having a capture t h e imagination of stu­ at 2 when he heard a noise urr "college" beard. dents and faculty. Since the theme stairs. From the north side of the Fortunately, the mbber escaped a nd decor follow the na me, the Snack Bar, where he was work­ with nothing. And the police have University Center Boards' House ing, he ran upstairs to track down no clues. Mr. McCarthy seems to O>mmittee feels that the proper the prowler. Turning to his right think it might have been a stu­ naming of these areas through he saw a man in a dark overcoat dent who needed money. P erhaps student and faculty involvement bent over the lock of the Uni- it was. · is very important. There are a variety of ways to approach the matter of nam­ ing of these various areas, when Shirley Verrett filling out this poll. A specific number of meeting rooms loca· ted in the ·same general ar ea could be na m~d using one cate-­ Coming Jan. 6 gory of na mes. For example: the Shirley Verrett, mezzo-sopra no, on the· Arthur Godfrey talent pro­ names of r ivers or U.S. Presidents. will appear in the cha mber series gram on TV. Madame Marian Using this method, the other areas of ,the arts a nd lecture series in Szekely-Fresch! of the Ju1lian.l would be tied in with this over­ the auditorium, J an. ·6 at 8 p. m. School of Music heard Shh"Jey all theme. Or the rooms can be Ticke!s are now a va iJ able at the Verrett a nd offered to take her na med completely separately. box . offi ce in room 113, Main. on as a p u p i I. Thus began a In addition to the section which Shirley Verret has just completed long , brillia nt career aptly sum­ is presently being added to the an extremely successful tour of med up by one critic: " She is Center, the present Center will the Soviet Union. She received a flying a nd will fly higher in the be extensively remodeled. T h e 20-minute standing ovation in the musical ionosphere." new Center will offer such new SIURLEY VERRE'IT: Mezzo-Soprano Bolshoi Theab·e following her per­ services as a University Store, formance of Carmen. Tass. the Game Rooms, an Ala Carte Din-­ Soviet news agency, described the ing Room, an All-Purpose Room, singer's performance as "a re­ an expan,ded Lounge facility, m any sounding success·." In Kiev she new conference rooms and a Cul­ was also enjoyed and asked to ture Room for art displays. A Light Up The Sky return. U.S. Post Office will be instal1ed In Philharmonic Hall, Lincoln as well as many other innova. Tryouts fo r Light Up The Sky, York opening and ·ts effect upon Center, on Nov. 4, 1964, she tions. Moss Hart's... hilar ious salute to the talented, fl ambdya nt but vola· created a sensation and received On page 6 you will find the poU the theater, will be held on J a n­ tile group of chara"cters concerned excellent reviews. The critic of which has been created by the uary 5, 6, a nd 7, .in room 034 with its success. T ~ the New York Herald Tribune University Center Boards' House f r o m 1 to 10 pm. by director wrote, "From every conceiv able Committee for yo ur use. The Wm. Kramer, associate professor The New York Times.,,'l'eferred standpoint- plus a few tha t have blanks provided in this poll are in the Dept. of Speech and Drama. to Ught Up The Sky as a "gor­ yet to be conceived- Shirley Ver­ to be filled in with the na mes A cast of 13 colorful men a nd geously amusing comedy about rett's debut recital at Philharmo­ which you feel will be pertinent women is needed. Scripts are on some of Broadway's rn.ost exciting nic Hall last night was a n abso­ to the use of each room or area reserve in the library. Rehearsals s~ars." 'Ille director Mr. Kramer lute triumph. Any Hngering doubts of the new Center. Upon com­ will not begin until F ebruary. has studied with Lee Strasberg about Miss Verrett's place a mong pletion of this form, please cut in New York and with Alvina the world's great singers m ay Sign up for the production staff Krause at Northwestern. His ex­ now be put to rest; her place is along its border and place it in TOM MEIERS one of the several poll boxes at this time also. A large staff perience includes university thea­ among the foremost of this or w hi c h will be located at the will be used to create the luxury ter, summer stock and community a ny other age. Now she is Some­ Last weekend m a ny of us main desk of each residence hall, hotel suite in Boston in which theater. body with a capital S. The reci­ awoke to the tragic news of in the University Center Board the action takes place. tal was totally without flaws, sim­ the death of one of our fellow 3tudents. office, or at the Kennel. Active Moss Hart who directed " My ply a great event in the annals participation in this poll will af­ of American music-making." Thomas Meiers, a senior from Westchester, Illinois, died ford everyone · the opportunity of. FairRich ardLady" Burton and a nd"'Ca manymelot· · otherwith Delzell Wonl " A radiant voice of range and assisting in this p h a s e of the power," remarked the O,icago in a n a utomobile accide nt late successes on Broadway, has mod- Friday evening. plaiining of the University Center. Daily Tribune " Miss Verrett's solo eled f:iis characters in I.Jght Up Delzell Hall won fi rst place ·in It was not only the loss of 'Thank You. '!'tie Sky upon several well-known concert was the most importa nt the Inter-Hall outdoor,. Olristmas one student, but a ·little of each univei-s ity Center Board House stage personalities with whom here in rece nt years." commented of us th.it . went with T OM. Committee Jon Le Due, Olairman, he has worked. The story con­ decor3tions contest. Steiner Hall Harriet J ohnson ol the New York took the s econd place · Post. ' When death comes, it is a time " Duane Clark,. Bob Heidinger, Dick cerns the out-0f-town tryout of a tor mourning, but it is also a Olartiei', Steve catlin. new play just prior to its New (See the picture story ·on page.5) · Her· career has been highlighted time when we rnllst weigh our by great success and encou rage­ losses against what the person ment. At the age of 6, her par­ gave us when he was alive. ents recognized the deep me120 We s hould all pay our tri­ quality in her voice. He r father butes as we see fit, but it is provided her first lessons and the highest tribute if we can she sang in chu rch while still a go on livi ng a nd doing the child. She studied under a former things which he would have Metropolitan Opera soprano, Anna wanted a nd expected. Fitziu, in 1955. After 5 months of JUDY CHRISTENSEN intense study, she was encouraged Stude nt Council Pres. to go to New York and complete · RETRACTION The re a ppeared on the front page of the Dec. 10 POINTER a cartoon which ·s ta ted. a mong other things, tha t. "Ratfink is F rank May." And it was s igned, "POINTER S talf Editorial." In reality, it was not a, "POINTER Staff Editorial" a t all, bl.It r~the r .. a lapse of r~s pons ibi lity in the Editor. The tact that a tight s itua tion had d~elopcd near the deadli ne is no excuse a t a ll.
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