TEAM LISTS STAT ATTACK SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY + ALEX JOHNSTON ENNIS ON RAIDERS RIVALRY BULLDOGS TEAM POSTER ROUND 10 Volume 99. No.10. May 10-16 2018 Twitter & Facebook: @bigleaguemag STATISTICAL FORM GUIDE Our algorithm reveals surprise Origin teams DEJosh Addo-Carr and Ash Taylor want to inspire the next wave of Indigenous stars Join the Ultimate Team on Game Day Live Across Australia Head to NRL Nation Radio for where you can hear all the action Brett Brenton Renee Kimmorley Speed Gartner Gary Russell Belcher Barwick Brent Luke Chris Tate Lewis Warren Scott Sattler Scott Prince Laurie Steve ‘Blocker’ Daley Roach The NRL Nation team brings you closer to all the league action 4 games per round, as well as Join the conversation 1300 94 93 95 KICKING PAMELA OFF WHALEY EW things make me prouder to be an FNRL supporter than Indigenous Round. Ilovethewaywe’reabletoembrace everything that makes the game we love sospecial–ourdiversity.Someofthe bestplayerstoeverlaceonaboothave beenIndigenousandtheycontinuetobe, even this weekend. But more than being able to celebrate our amazing athletes and their culture, this week is about showing Indigenous communities that they’re important, we appreciate them and we acknowledge their struggles. This yeareachplayerandofficialwillbewearing Indigenous inspired jerseys – many of which have been designed with the help of some past and present Indigenous players. E all know the brilliant work that WAboriginal champions Johnathan ThurstonandGregInglisdofortheir communities and cultures, but the two young men on our cover are the next generation of leaders ready to step up to theplate.JoshAddo-CarrandAshTaylor bothidolised‘JT’and‘GI’whentheywere growingup,andtheiraimistoberole models for a new wave of Indigenous youthwhoneedsomeonetolookupto. Committed Fifita Bothareintheirearly20s,yetshow such maturity when it comes to their responsibility to represent their family relishes responsibility and cultures. They realise the influence theycanhaveoverthelivesofthose RONULLApropAndrewFifitahas “I made that announcement earlier who idolise them – they are living proof alreadypledgedhisallegiance in the season and I’ve been excelling anything is possible through hard work. CtoTonga,butinaperfectworld, sincethen,butIdon’tthinkit’s It’s touching to think two young men he’d love the opportunity to play for because of the decision,” he said. taketheirpositionasrolemodelsso bothhiscountryandNewSouthWales. “It’sstillearlyintheseasonand seriously,anddoesalottomakeupfor WithTongaplayingaTestmatch I’monlystartingtogetmyfitnessback. those who do not. onthesameweekendasOriginII, I had a short pre-season so I’m getting To read all about these two young Fifita is ineligible to represent the there. I’m feeling free on the field and superstars, flick to pages 16-17. Blues. However, he said he wouldn’t say Iknowwhatmyroleintheteamis.” no if new coach Brad Fittler asked him to By MICHAEL Withseveralforwardssidelined line-upfortheopeninggameonJune6. BLOK by injury, including co-captains Paul @michaelblok26 “Intheidealscenario,I’dlovetoplay GallenandWadeGraham,Fifitahas both,” Fifita told Big League. been forced to burden more responsibility. “Itwouldbegreatif‘Freddy’gaveme Notonlyhasheaveraged71minutesin Game One and Three and they gave me Game the past three games, he’s also filled in as FEATURES Two off – I’d be stoked with that because I’m captain at times. 10 MICHAEL ENNIS proudofbothNewSouthWalesandTonga.” “Idon’tmindplayingthebigminutes. 16-17 INDIGENOUS ROUND As much as the 28-year-old forward ‘Flanno’ [coach Shane Flanagan] knows I have 18 SILIVA HAVILI wouldlovetopullontheskybluejerseyfor a big engine. We’ve been down on troops and 20-21 ORIGIN BY THE NUMBERS the 11th time, he recognises the Blues’ set-up he’skeptmeouttheretoleadtheteam.Ijust 22 ALEX JOHNSTON is moving in a new direction; therefore he’ll need to get out there and do my job. 23 WARRIORS OWNERSHIP focus his attention on Tonga. “There’sanonusonmeasaseniorplayer “They’relookingforayoungergeneration now. To be honest, I don’t want that big and I think my time is done there. It’s time to responsibility, but at the end of the day it fell UPFRONT 3-15 excelwithplayingforTonga,”hesaid. tomeagain.Myjobiseasy,Ijustgooutthere CLUB NEWS 26-29 “AttheendofthedayI’mtryingtogrowthe to stay calm and collected.” LITTLE LEAGUE 30-31 internationalgame,andonthebackofthe AlthoughGallenhasbeennamedtoreturn WorldCup,Ican’tsaynotoTongaagain.” fromakneeinjuryonSunday,Fifitadoesn’t NRL TEAMS 36-51 Fifita said it was tough picking between expect his minutes to decrease. OTHER COMPS 52-55 Tonga and the Blues and admitted the decision “I don’tthinkmyminuteswilldrop,”hesaid. RESULTS 56-57 tosorthisrepresentativefutureweighed “I’d be happy for the minutes to go down, DRAW 62 heavilyonhim.Sinceannouncinghisrep butI’mtherefortheteam.‘Gal’isabitolder Gregg Porteous/NRLPhotos.com future,hisformhasgonetoanewlevel,but andwiser,soIthinkhe’llbepushing me, but COVER PHOTOS: NRLPHOTOS.COM/ GRANT TROUVILLE the prop said the timing is just a coincidence. I’ll also be pushing him.” PHOTO: Round 10 BIG LEAGUE 2018 3 Cowboys focused despite disruptions By MICHAEL BLOK ORTH Queensland players Nhave insisted they won’t lettheoff-fielddrama surrounding Scott Bolton distract them ahead of their crucial matchwiththeWestsTigers. Bolton was charged with indecent assault last Sunday morning following an alleged incidentataBondibaronthe weekend.Thepropissettoface Waverley Local Court on June 19. Theteamtravelledbackto Sydneyaftertheir26-20win over Penrith in Bathurst last Friday quickly football-wise. We’re too bad, but it was a little bit nightandhadplannedtospend goingtodoourbesttoprepare disruptive,” Feldt said. theweekbondingbeforefacing like we normally would. It’s “We’re putting this week theTigersatLeichhardtOval. a shame that this has all come togethersowecanbond–to Despite the distracting about, hopefully it works out getalltheboystogetherand circumstances, five-eighth for the best.” away from normal life. We’re Michael Morgan said the In-form winger Kyle Feldt said allveryclosetoeachother; entire playing group will the situation isn’t ideal, but the it’s a culture ‘Greeny’ [coach stay focused on their job. restoftheplayinggroupwillstick PaulGreen]hasworkedtobring “In-house, within our group, together to form a strong bond. insincehearrivedin2014.” we’llbeabletofocusonfooty “Thisisastepbackforus, Feldtsaidlastweek’swin okay.Ourconcernwillbefor butwe’regoingtobondtogether over the Panthers was vital ‘Bolts’andhiswelfare.We’ll asateamandthiswillmakeus in getting their season back befocusingonfootytowards stronger,” Feldt said. on track, but they need to theback-endoftheweek,” The Cowboys have had their consolidate it against the Tigers. Morgan said. fairshareoftraveloverthe “Itwasagoodwinforus.We “Weneedtosticktogether past fortnight. From Townsville, came down to do a job and that’s asagroupandmakesureit theytravelledtoBathurstvia what we did. It was definitely doesn’tbecomeadistraction. Brisbane, Sydney and Orange, thebestfirsthalfperformance “It’sonlyashortweek,so beforebussingitbacktoSydney. we’ve had, but we know there’s we’ve got to move on pretty “The travel hasn’t been still a lot to improve on.” Healed Aitken putting in hard yards By MARTIN GABOR fitness, Aitken has soared into He’llneedtobeathisbest Origincalculationshavinghelped on Sunday when he takes on E’Sdonemorethanenoughto the Dragons to the top of the table. Greg Inglis for the second time HearnaStateofOrigindebut, “I’vehadtwoinjuriesthatset this season. butEuanAitkenisjusthappytobe meback,butI’mfeelinggreat Aitken earned bragging rights back on the field after an injury- nowanditfeelsgoodtofind inRound5,butheknowsit’ll disruptedyearwiththeDragons. abitofconsistencyinmygame,” be a different story now that Afteranimpressivefirst10 Aitken told Big League. Inglis has regained confidence rounds in 2017, Aitken played “Our head of athletic following his own knee injury. justthreemorematchesdueto performance (Nathan Pickworth) “Greg was coming back from hamstring and shoulder injuries isdoingareallygoodjobwith amajorinjury(lasttime)andit throughout the rest of the year. thewholesquad,andit’sgiven takesawhileforpeopletoget Theyoungsterwasacertaintyto me good belief in my body. backtotheirbestaftersuch representScotlandatlastyear’s “You don’t want those injuries alongtimeoutofthegame.He’s WorldCupbutwasinsteadforced to hold you back. People who have playing some outstanding footy to spend the off-season in the injured their hamstrings before atthemoment–hehadthatlong NRLPhotos.com: Shane Myers (Cook), Gregg Poretous (Manly), Grant Trouville (Cowboys) Trouville Grant (Manly), Poretous Gregg (Cook), Shane Myers NRLPhotos.com: rehabwardashefoughttogethis know that it can inhibit you, but rangeinterceptandalsoleapt bodyrightforthe2018campaign. I’ve done my best to ignore that high to score another try – so it’ll HOTOS: P Finally back to 100 per cent and instead focus on my game.” be a good battle on Sunday.” Wests Tigers centre Kevin Naiqama has scored four tries in his past three games at Leichhardt Oval. UU Penrith have won 4 BIG LEAGUE 2018 Round 10 ISSN: 0311-175X Editor: Pamela Whaley Subeditor: David Piepers Staff Writers: Michael Blok, Martin Gabor, Darcie McDonald Contributors: Fiona Bollen, Michael Ennis, Will Evans, Ben n Everill, Adam Long, David Middleton, Andrew Voss e, to Art Director: Craig Loughlin-Smith t the Designer: Tina Colwell tthings General Manager Retail and y Circulation: Brett Willis or the National Advertising
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