E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 No. 31—BOOK II House of Representatives DIVISION E—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE- program should be submitted no later than funding is included in the wilderness and RIOR, ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. recreation activities in this account, and in AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2009 Recreation Resources Management. Within the Oregon and California Grant Lands ac- TITLE I—DEPARTMENT OF THE the amounts provided, there is an increase of count. INTERIOR $1,000,000 for management of the national Healthy Lands Initiative. Within the scenic and historic trails. amounts provided there is a total of BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Energy and Minerals. The bill continues the $7,797,000 for the Healthy Lands Initiative, MANAGEMENT OF LANDS AND RESOURCES same application for permits to drill (APD) including $750,000 in soil, water and air man- Appropriation enacted, 2008 $853,931,000 fee as in fiscal year 2008, $4,000 per APD, agement, $2,586,000 in rangeland manage- Budget estimate ................ 864,827,000 which is estimated to net $36,400,000 during ment, $150,000 in forestry management, Bill, 2009 ............................ 890,194,000 fiscal year 2009 to partially offset BLM ad- $867,000 in riparian management, $2,602,000 in Comparisons: ministrative costs. In addition, the bill in- wildlife management, $292,000 in fisheries Appropriations, 2008 ....... +36,263,000 cludes $6,000,000 for Alaska legacy well reme- management, and $550,000 in the threatened Budget estimate, 2009 ..... +25,367,000 diation, no specific funds for gas hydrates re- and endangered species activity. The detailed allocation of funding by pro- search or North Slope science, and $1,000,000 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The gram, activity and subactivity is included in for oil shale sample shipment and storage in bill includes $3,000,000 to continue cost share the table at the end of this section of the Colorado. The discretionary funding total for activities as in the past, including $1,917,000 statement. In addition, the bill also includes oil and gas management is $79,478,000, which in wildlife management, $246,000 in fisheries the following specific funding levels and di- when added to the APD fee receipts, and the management, $246,000 in threatened and en- rections: off-budget pilot offices funds, is a small in- dangered species, $345,000 in rangeland man- Land Resources. Within the funds provided crease over the total fiscal year 2008 oil and agement, and $246,000 in riparian manage- for soil, water, and air management, there is gas management funding. ment. Future budget justifications should clearly a program increase of $7,500,000 for aban- Other. The Bureau should retain its current delineate how the Bureau is complying with doned mine remediation and inventory in the level of support for the National Conserva- section 713 of the Energy Independence and West. Of this amount, a minimum of tion Training Center; funds should be made Security Act of 2007 dealing with inventories $6,000,000 is for actions to secure, seal, and available to the Center within 60 days of en- of carbon dioxide sequestration in Federal remediate hazards from known mine open- actment. mineral leaseholds. ings. An amount up to $1,500,000 may be used Realty Ownership and Management. Within CONSTRUCTION for discovery and inventory activities. the funds provided, there is an increase of Appropriation enacted, 2008 $6,375,000 Cultural Resources Management. Within the $750,000 for GIS/cadastral mapping in Utah. amounts provided, there is an increase of Budget estimate ................ 4,476,000 Resource Protection and Law Enforcement. Bill, 2009 ............................ 6,590,000 $500,000 to begin implementation of the Within the amounts provided, there is an in- Comparisons: Galisteo Basin Archeological Sites Protec- crease of $5,100,000 for drug enforcement on Appropriations, 2008 ....... +215,000 tion Act of 2004 (NM). public lands. Wildlife Management. Within the funds pro- Hazardous Materials Management. Within Budget estimate, 2009 ..... +2,114,000 vided there is an additional $4,600,000 for the the amounts provided, there is an increase of The bill includes the funds requested, plus native plant materials development pro- $1,000,000 for activities related to southwest an additional $14,000 for architectural and gram. This funding and program has been border problems. engineering services, and $1,500,000 for the moved out of the Department’s wildland fire Challenge Cost Share. The Bureau should California National Historic Trail visitor management appropriation account. This not set aside a specific allocation for the Na- center in Nevada and $600,000 for the King program should continue previous activities tional Landscape Conservation System as Range National Conservation Area, CA. as part of the national fire plan working was proposed in the budget request. LAND ACQUISITION closely with the Forest Service, and develop National Monuments and Conservation Areas. a seed bank of desirable native plant species The bill includes the various funding trans- Appropriation enacted, 2008 $8,939,000 to be available for use in burned area res- fers proposed by the Bureau, and an increase Budget estimate ................ 4,475,000 toration, habitat restoration, and other re- of $6,371,000 above the request, for a total of Bill, 2009 ............................ 14,775,000 lated purposes by all of the Interior land $28,196,000 for the new National Monuments Comparisons: management bureaus. An annual report on and Conservation Areas activity. Additional Appropriations, 2008 ....... +5,836,000 the accomplishments and expenditures of the National Landscape Conservation System Budget estimate, 2009 ..... +10,300,000 State Project description Amount CA ................................................................. Santa Rosa and San Jacinto NM .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. $1,300,000 CA ................................................................. Upper Sacramento River ACEC ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2,200,000 CO ................................................................ Arkansas River SRMA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2,200,000 ID .................................................................. Henrys Lake ACEC ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2,000,000 ID .................................................................. Upper Snake/South Fork River ACEC/SRMA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 500,000 MT ................................................................ Meeteetsee Spires ACEC ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1,000,000 OR ................................................................ Cascade-Siskiyou NM .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 875,000 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2089 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:41 Jan 31, 2013 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\MIKE\FEB23-2009\H23FE9.PT2 H23FE9 mmaher on DSKFW6RHC1PROD with H2090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 23, 2009 State Project description Amount OR ................................................................ Sandy River/Oregon NHT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1,350,000 Subtotal, Line Item Projects ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11,425,000 Acquisition Management ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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