Indians lose to Chicago in opener Mo Willems to visit Cleveland Church begins visits to neighbors SPORTS MENU TIPS By KARL BRYANT Sure, he's won back-to-back Caldecon Honors for Representatives of St. Catherine Church, 3443 The Tribe's Game I in Chicago, a 1-0 defeat was New York Times best sellers "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive East 93rd Street, will visit homes throughout the Union­ not a loss, at least for this reponer. As other local media the Bus!" and "Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale," and six Miles community, inviting friends and neighbors to join Black College Turkey Vegetable lament fledging SS Jhonny Peralta's error that led to the Emmy Awards for his work on Sesame Street and other them in worship, prayer and fellowship. Also during the All-Star Game Helps With Leftovers winning run, one must wonder if they should be renamed animation projects. On "Tuesday, April 12, he'll be Mo visits, neighbors will be invited to a special Get To Know Us local media. They've brought up Omar and pointed to the Willems, sharing tricks of the trade as well as reading stories, chicken dinner on Sunday, May I immediately following rookie. Sure, the Indians took a chance not resigning Omar drawing and signing books for young fans. H;e'll be at Cuya­ 10:30 a.m. Mass. Neighborhood visits are scheduled for Vizquet. Sure, it's tough starting a rookie at the game's main hoga Valley Center, 8001 Brecksville Rd, at 1:00 p.m. and at Saturday, April 9, from 1:30 to 3:30p.m. Saturday, April See Page 9 See Page 10 defensive position, but after all, Peralta was the MVP of the Strongsville Branch Library, 18700 Westwood Drive at 7:00 23, from I :30 to 3:30p.m. and Sunday, April 24, from 2:00 AAA International League in '04, so he's no hambone. p.m. For information call (216) 749-9353. to 4:30p.m. For information call (216) 341-3353. VOL.26 No.8 Thesday, March 29, 2005- Friday, Aprill, 2005 ASTSID ISSUED FRIDAY FREE SERVING: LARCHMERE-WOODLAND, SHAKERSQUARE,BUCKEYE, WOODLAND,MT. PLEASANT, FREE)' LEE &AVALON, HARVARD- LEE,Mll..ES- UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, READ ON- WRITE ON WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, IDGHLAND mLLSAND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON- WRITE ON ( "COVERING THE NEWS TODAYFORABETIER TOMORROW" Boy killed near rec center During an altercation murder in Pinson's death. dead at 6:30 p.m. across from the Lonnie Burton The way the incident Lt. Linda Kaspar, a police Recreation Center Monday took place, police received sev­ spokeswoman, said about 30 evening, an 11 year old Cleveland eral calls about 6 p.m. about a youths were arguing when one boy was fatally shot. verbal altercation between two pulled out a gun and started shoot­ According to Cleveland groups of youths between 11 and ing. Police, Brandon Davis was shot 18 years old in an open field across Police later found several in the back, and the bullet severed from the recreation center. bullet casings in the field. his aorta. Police were told that Kaspar said she did not Police also said that about seven shots had been fired. When know what the dispute was about. five people were taken to the Jus­ police arrived, they found the boy Witnesses said the argument was tice Center for questioning in an lying in the field. An ambulance over a basketball game. effort to identify the gunman and rushed him to MetroHealth Medi­ While at the hospital, Ho­ find his weapon. cal Center. micide detectives talked to the According to police, Davis was pronounced boy's mother. Davis' death comes less than three Roy Jones, Jr., was recently in Cleveland at the Hard Rock Cafe to announce the pro boxing debut of brothers months after 16 - year - old Memorial service to be held for Carl B. Stokes Bey, Jr., and Cortez Bey on April29 at the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University. See story on page 9. Lennard Pinson was shot dead The Carl Stokes Brigade Cemetery, 12316 Euclid Avenue. after a party at Lonnie Burton's will celebrate its annual gravesite Cleveland, Ohio. Recreation Center, which is lo­ ceremony in memory of the late Hon­ The public is invited and for Judge Robert J. Triozzijoins field for mayor cated on E. 46th St. Curtis Smith, orable Carl B. Stokes on Sunday, information, call Bert Jennings at Cleveland Municipal "The question is how to Jr., 19, is charged with aggravated Aprill7,from3to4p.m,atl..akeview (216)381-5234. Judge Robert J. Triozzi, citing the make Cleveland a place where need for decisive leadership and a people want to live their lives. And vision to make Cleveland work the answer is that it is time our lead­ again, recently announced that he ership begins to readily accept that will run for mayor of Cleveland. challenge, build on our strengths Speaking to supporters and make Cleveland the city of first on the steps of City Hall, Triozzi choice," Triozzi said. said he planned to make Cleveland Triozzi aslo helped de­ "The City That Works" with inno­ velop Dating Violence Workshops vations and strong, decisive lead­ to enhance our children's chances ership. of making safe choices in their per­ He also outlined his blue- sonallives and the Proficiency Test print for putting more Cleveland­ Tutoring Program to help students "I am willing to give up my ers to work, making neighborhoods graduate from high school. office, to resign my judgeship, be­ more liveable and transforming Other court programs in cause I feel Cleveland needs the vig­ Cleveland schools into top aca­ which Triozzi played a part included orous leadership I can provide," said demic centers. Drug Court to give addicted offend­ Triozzi. "Clearly, the old ways of Triozzi enters a field that ers a chance to turn their lives running our city are not working. It is growing crowded. around and the Traffic Intervention is time for a change, time for fresh Campbell is expected to Program to assist citizens regain lost ideas and time for new directions. seek re-election, and Council Presi­ driving priviledges from the Bureau We are at a critical time in our city's dent Frank Jackson will kick off his of Motor Vehicles. history. As a Cleveland municipal campaign later this week. Fonner Among Triozzi's recent judge for the last 10 years, I have Safety Director James Draper is court decisions was a groundbreak­ seen daily the obstacles that hold running, and businessman Dan ing ruling in which he dismissed a Cleveland back - poverty, inad­ Moore is considering it. lawsuit by Discover Card seeking equate education, housing aban­ Triozzi, 48, also an­ $5,564 in fees and finance charges donment, crime, debt accumulation nounced that he will resign his from a disabled woman who already and hopelessness. Yet, I also see Councilman Zack Reed and Art McCoy of Black On Black Crime and its members recently held a judgeship as soon as he becomes paid $3,492 over six years on a debt" the wonderful result that vision, de­ t£U!~•nsl!raJcJon at E. 137th and Kinsman Road to protest the lack of minorities working on the Union Court an official candidate, which will be of about $1 ,800. cisiveness and true collaboration Senior (Elderly) Apartments. The project will consist of48 units and Reed feels that more minorities should be when his nominating petitions are Triozzi also was one of can bring, something that has been hired to help construct the project. The contractor for the project is Ozanne Construction Company. certified by the Cuyahoga County several judges who handled thou­ missing in Cleveland," Triozzi said. Board of Elections. sands of cases during February's Triozzi has been credited Amnesty Court, where old warrants with major roles in successful mod­ were forgiven for minor offenses Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. was the people's champion els of innovation in Cleveland and traffic cases, and the penalties Municial Court. They include Men­ were negotiated. Editor's Note: The author is di­ because they objected to the intro­ lice stop. He lost, but he was tal Health Court to prevent our jails Triozzi is a graduate of rector-counsel and president of duction of race as an issue, most determined to continue civil rights from becoming warehouses for the Cornell University and the Case hte NAACP Legal Defense Fund. black Americans, regardless of the work. He said his happiest mo­ mentally ill; Truancy Diversion Pro­ Western Reserve University School issue of Simpson's guilt or inno­ ment as a lawyer was getting the grams to intervene in children's lives of Law. He and his wife, Monica, ByTHEODOREM. SHAW cence, understood that race plays a murder and kidnapping charges before they get swallowed up in Ju­ have three son:;, Franklin, Michael part in our criminal justice system against Black Panther leader Elmer venile Court proceedings; and an and James, and a daughter. In a way, Johnnie every day, with black people more (Geronimo) Pratt overturned in award-winning Cleveland Mock Monica Triozzi is an ad­ Cochran, Jr., who died recently at often than not on the short end of 1997 because of prosecutors' mis­ Trial Competition, which bas been junct instructor of English at the 67, was reminiscent ofMuhammad the stick. Johnnie won that case conduct. Initially, he had lost the credited with giving talented stu­ Metro Campus of Cuyahoga Com­ Ali. against seemingly insurmountable case in 1972, but remained dedi­ dents a way to show their abilities.
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