NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE GLEANER Volume 87, Number 10 May 18, 1992 'w! •iti; ts`;'44.4 t'!'.. .. 41.,„,,,,,.• .4 i CNi I1/74 . • s 'tt 4P,11.. ' : 1,,,' ,N11,',‘•‘ ' , : 'ett *7 ot* V 11 4tki arN ,'",4,1•:k ; -1„ ,,144 .S 4Z,. :',4*:114N,1:::t ‘ :: ::; a ••••• 4at" '. 4. ,k4v'' ', ..\,‘,0 1;'41 t Aii.4414^Arl• 'k0,4',*450 ‘'1- •i''4. 4 vt, .1 I'M . %.„ , . , , ;, t ,: , ‘‘`' ViViiiii:,)7 , oat , , , ,It.‘lt tiltd 0\ 1 , ! _ . , k„OP,i1 ,,,, , . • `,'1‘1.; . .„4 \ ,),....y.t ,‘ )i.t. 2::: .1011411/41 t‘i '1 i '' ''‘Ilt1k4t 4.01 - '\,,. - \)1 ,14 \ Y ,•,,, i • .,,,,..1,, • ' 1,t‘' ‘ 1 ,,,, .), .,..)..ik.‘ I. sk\.4 .11 ,, t , , s ) FI) 1. 1.1, ' .. , L , •V tit'lh.‘ .` • 01‘% ,%iri ,..., • • '1 : , Viti , . 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If we want reach out in an attitude of warmth, friend- to reach them, we must make it our objec- emember your liness, and tolerance to those who come R tive. Reaching the unchurched Adventists last experience visit- through our church doors each Sabbath. must drive all the activities of our church. ing a Seventh-day Let's try to reach the unchurched and non- It will affect the way our church looks, the Adventist Church Seventh-day Adventists with the gospel of shape and size of our parking lot; how we for the first time? Jesus Christ. Let's make them a part of our greet people when they come into the Were you a little body of faith. Let's demonstrate the love of church, and how we guide them to the nervous? Did you Christ by our actions, bring them into our various Sabbath school classes or worship wonder if they would circle of love, and help them prepare to service. It will affect the way the preaching be friendly? Were meet Jesus when He comes. -Ad4 James L. Stevens is done; how the music is arranged; and how you afraid they'd ask the worship service is conducted. If we, with you to stand, call on you to pray, or have James L. Stevens is president of the Alaska all the talents and abilities we have as you read publicly? If you've ever experi- Conference and writes from Anchorage. Seventh-day Adventists, direct our efforts enced this, you can probably relate to the toward reaching the unchurched Seventh- unchurched Seventh-day Adventists who day Adventists and those who are not decide to return to church but wonder how members of the Adventist Church, we will they will be greeted and treated as they have success. But this must, in sincerity, be attempt to rekindle their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. our mission objective. It's so important for us Seventh-day The Mission Adventists to be a warm, friendly people, Ma 18, 1992 ol. 87, No. 10 especially on Sabbath morning. I clearly Mission drives attitude. The right atti- remember the time when my wife and I, tude will come when we, as a body of be- for the first time, decided to attend a lievers, determine to make reaching the ER unchurched Adventists a priority. Attitude Seventh-day Adventist worship service. North Pacific Union Conference We woke up around 10 o'clock Saturday toward visitors makes all the difference in (USPS 394-560) morning and were impressed to go over to the world. Let me illustrate. Address all editorial, advertising and address change the church. As we drove, we wondered When I conducted a series of evangelistic correspondence to: meetings in 1982 in England, the pastor and GLEANER what kinds of things would happen to us North Pacific Union Conference as we went into this church that was so I visited a Voice of Prophecy interest who P.O. Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216-0677 different, anyway, because of worshiping was located some 25 miles away from the (503) 255-7300 • Fax (503) 253-2455 on Saturday. How would we be greeted church. In England it's not customary for Editor, Ed Schwisow and treated? What would the sermon and people to drive that distance to church, and Editorial Assistant, Larry Witzel this lady had not had the opportunity of Advertising Assistant, Pam Groff worship service be like? Would this group Editorial Secretary, Lorraine Juberg attending an Adventist Church before. As of people who worshiped on this, a differ- Conference Correspondents: ent day of the week, do anything strange we visited, she indicated that she was really Alaska: James L. Stevens to us? We arrived at 10:45. The day was a Seventh-day Adventist in thought but Idaho: Russell Johnson had not been asked to take any action on Montana: Larry Unterseher beautiful. Oregon: Jay E. Prall As we walked up the steps of the church, her faith. We invited her to come to church Upper Columbia: Max Torkelsen II an older, gray-headed gentleman opened and to prepare to be baptized. Washington: Dennis N. Carlson The next Sabbath she came and brought Published by the North Pacific Union Conference of the door, shook our hands, and welcomed Seventh-day Adventists. her husband with her. He had never been us. His name was Ray Lawson. "Welcome to Please Note — Every reasonable effort is made to our church," he said, "We are so glad you are a Bible student or cared very much for re- screen both editorial and advertising materials and to here today." He meant it sincerely, and we ligious things but decided to come along for avoid error in this publication. But the North Pacific believed him: He made us feel special, so curiosity. When he came to the door, he Union GLEANER does not accept responsibility for was met by the friendly, warm congregation categorical or typographical errors, nor for advertisers' important. I can't remember what the pastor claims. of Norwich, who greeted him in a caring preached on that day, or even who the pastor North Pacific Union Conference GLEANER, ISSN was, but I can remember Ray Lawson who and loving way, encompassing him into their number 0746-5874, is printed semimonthly except July was so friendly in greeting us as we came into body of faith for that day. He was so im- and December for $10.00 per year by Color Press, 312 pressed with the worship services of the S. College Ave., College Place, Wash. 99324-1222. the door of the church. Second-class postage paid at College Place, Wash. church and the message that was brought LITHO U S A. CP45140 that day, that he and his wife called the A New Attitude pastor of the church on Monday, telling the POSTMASTERS ONLY: Send form 3579 to North Pacific Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 397, Friendliness is an attitude. If we want to pastor that he wanted to be baptized along College Place, Washington 99324. reach the unchurched and non-Seventh- with his wife the next Sabbath. When we NPUC Gleaner Editorial 3 LETTERS In the Face of Contradictions.. Letters to the GLEANER editor are welcome. Letters must be signed and should not exceed By Ed Schwisow not make up her mind. She wavered and 150 words in length. Letter writers are urged waffled. How can we regard such writings to limit their letters to commentary on editorial The GLEANER has received several let- as 'inspired?"' matter appearing in this journal, and should specifically refer to the issue date and article in ters which respond to the suggestion made I have asked Columnist Thompson to question. Priority will be given to letters by Columnist Alden Thompson in the April explore with us a better way of dealing with received by the editor within 45 days of the 6, 1992, GLEANER that Ellen G. White, such charges of "inconsistency." In so doing, cover date of issue in question. Letters which one of the founding pioneers of the Sev- Dr. Thompson has chosen to pose two direct personal criticism at individuals will not be printed; conversely, letters which promote a enth-day Adventist Church, "changed," (in "problems" as examples of the type of "con- person by name or description for gratuitous the sense of doctrinal emphasis and inclu- tradictions" posed by critics. He is now praise will be declined for publication. Highest siveness) in her writings, over time. (We leading us to resolution. priority will be given to letters which add printed two such letters last issue.) The gist As editor, I'm concerned that in dwell- information and commentary, pro and con, to material appearing in this journal. Address letters of the responses has been that, no, Ellen ing on two statements of apparent contra- to Editor, Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216-0677.
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