.--. Historical Society THE RUINED CHURCH OF KILDRUMFERTAN IN 1927. P. I PHOTOBY] [REV. COS~VAY,MACHERA. The Breifny Antiquarian and Historical Society. JOURNAL, 1927. VOL. 111. No. 1. CAVAN : THE ANGLO-CELTLTD. PRINTINGWORKS. CONTENTS. PACE ~rontispieCe--St. Patrick's Church, Kildrumfertan. Report of Meetings ..................... 5 The Parlshes of Crosserlough and Kildrumfertan- I. Civil History .................. 9 11. Ecclesiastical History ............... 65 By PHILIP O'CONNELL,XSC., P.R.S.A.I. The Episcopal Succession in the Diocese of Kilmore, 1600-1910 ... 87 By CHEVALIERW. H. GRATTANFI,OOD. PIUS. D.. IC.S.G. Thomas MacBrady, Bishop of Kilmore (1480-1511) ...... 103 By RIGHT REV. MSGR. RICHARD BRADY. The Coming of the Ui-Briuin .................. I06 By JOHN P. DALTON,MA., M.R.I.A. Lists of Parochial Clergy of the late Established Church in the Diocese of Kilmore-11. .................. 163 Annotated by REV. H. B. CANONSWANZY, M.A., M.R.I.A. The Crosserlough Dolmens ......... By PH~I,IP O'CONNELI,, M.SC. The Corporation of the Borough of Cavan-I. ... By TERENCES. SMYTLI. Notable BrelBne Individuals-111. ...... By PHILIPO'CONNELL, hr.sc. Epitaphs in Munterconnacht Qraveyard ... Book Reviews ............... Ode to the Memory of the late Father Meehan ... By MISS BRIDI* M. SMITH,B.R.S.A.I. Obituary .................. List of Members ............... Rules of the society ............ Report FOURTEENTH GENERAL MEETING. The fourteenth General meeting of the Breiffne Antiquarian and Historical Society was held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Cavan, on Monday, 20th December, 1926, Rev. R. J. Walker, B.A., Ballintemple, presiding. Letters of apology were received from Rev. E. Masterson, S.J., St. Ignatius' College, Galway ; Dr. F. P. Smith, Kevitt ; Mr. A. 8.R. McCabe, solicitor ; Mr. P. O'Connell, MSc. THE LATE REV. J. B. MEEHAN, P.P., M.R.I.A. Mr. Thomas O'Reilly, Loughdliff, proposing a vote of sym- pathy with the relatives of the late Rev. J. B. Meehan, P.P., M.R.I.A., Killinkere, said it was with a painful sense of the loss the Society and the country had sustained that he moved the reso- lution. They had known the late Father Meehan as a genial, charitable, and patriotic gentleman. He was the founder of this Society, was an ornament to it, and its main prop. He was genial on account of the friendship and affability with which he met his fellow man; he was charitable because he treated every man as a brother-and that is the mark of true Christian charity ; he was a patriot because he considered every countryman of his as a brother and, though belonging to no party, he was respected by all parties. He was a type of man very, much needed in Ireland at the present time : such a man will always be required to keep the great mass of the people united. Never was he heard to utter a harsh word of any man, and his love of country was so great that he founded this Society for the purpose of elucidating the fad that ancient Ireland was a highly civilized and cultured country, and'that its works of art compared favourably with those of any of the ancient civilised nations of &urope. Mr. R. V. Walker, B.A., Clones, seconded. He added that the greatest monument they could erect to the memory of Father Meehan-and he deserved a monument for his great work-was to make the Society which he founded the success he aimed at making it ; that those who by reason of his urging and spurring did something should try to do voluntarily in the future at least as much as Father Meehan persuaded them to do in the past to promote the objects of the Society and to make it worthy of the founder. The Rev. Chairman said that the late Father Meehan was a splendid type of Christian gentleman, and was worthy of the best which the Society could do to perpetuate his memory. The resolution was then put and passed in silence, the members standing. The Hon. Secretary (Mr. W. Reid) said the Committee met specially after the death of Father Meehan and passed a vote of sympathy with his relatives. The Society also sent a wreath. THE LATE MR. F. J. BIGGER, M.A., M.R.I.A. Mr. R. V. Walker, B.A., proposed a vote of condolence with the relatives of the late Mr. Francis J. Bigger, M.R.I.A., Belfast, a life member of the Society, and one of the biggest names among modern Irish antiquarians. TheSate Mr. Bigger was one of the biggest-hearted men he ever met. He took a particularly deep interest in Cavan and Leitrim, more especially in the latter county, where he did a considerable amount of research work, some of the results of which he revealed in his Inaugural Lecture in Cavan when he showed by means of elaborate maps the density of population in the period dealt with as exemplified by the forts- a line of investigation hitherto untouched. The Society was under very many obligations to the late Mr. Bigger. Mr. Thomas O'Reilly seconded the resolution, which was then put and passed in silence, the members standing. The following papers were submitted to the meeting, and passed for publication : I.-List of the Rectors of Drzcmlane, 1622-1842. By Rev. H. B. Swanzy, M.A., M.R.I.A., Newry. 11.-Notes on the Early History of Kildrzcmfertan. By P. O' Connell, M.Sc., F. R.S. A.I., Clonmel. 111.-Twelve Bzcrgesses of Beltwbet, 1739-1841. By R. V. Walker, B.A., Clones. The first two papers are given in this Jozlrnal; the third is:reserved for next issue. The exhibits were a number of silver coins of the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James. I., found in Marahill Bog, Cross- doney, and kindly lent by Mrs. Bennett, Marahill. ANNUAL MEETING, 1927. The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society was held on Thursday, 26th May, 1927, in the Town Hall, Cavan. Rev. Dr. Comey, Adm., Cavan, and subsequently Rev. R. J. Walker, B.A., Ballintemple, presiding. The other members were :-Rev. P. O'Reilly, C.C., Maudabawn ; Dr. F. P. Smith, D.L., .Kevitt Castle (Vice-Presi- dent) ; Miss Bridie M. Smith, Curratubber ; Messrs. Thomas 07Reilly, Loughduff ; W. H. Halpin, Solr. ; A. E. R. MacCabe, Solr. ; E. J. Smyth, Hibernian Bank ; T. J. Burke, B.A. ; T. S. Smyth ; Hugh Maguire, Ulster Bank (Hon. Treasurer) and W. M. Reid, Solr. (Hon. Secretary). Apologies mere received from Most Rev. Dr. Finegan, Lord Bishop of Kilmore ; Major Hamilton, Killeshandra ; Mr. R. V. Walker, B.A., Clones ; and Mr. P. O'Connell, M.Sc., F.R.S.A.I. The balance-sheet presented to the Society by the Hon. Treasurer was deemed satisfactory. The Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and signed. The election of officers for the coming year then took place. Dr. F. P. Smith, D.L., was unanimously appointed President, and Rev. P. O'Reilly, C.C., Maudabawn, Vice-president. The fol- lowing were appointed a Committee :-Mess. T. O'Reilly, W. H. Halpin, E. T. O'Hanlon, H. O'Reilly, C.S.; and A. E. R. MacCabe. Mr. J. P. Gannon was appointed Hon. Auditor. FIFTEENTH GENERAL MEETING. At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting a General meetiug- the fifteenth-was held. The members above-mentioned were present, together with some visitors. The following papers were submitted to the meeting :- I.-The E~iscopalSuccession in the Diocese of Kiknore, 1560-1910. By W. H. Grattan-Flood, Mus. D., K.S.G., Enniscorthy. 11.-The Coming of the Ui Brizkz. By John P. Dalton, M.A., M.R.I.A., Dublin. 111.-List of the Rectors of Drumlease, 1622-1860. By Rev. H. B. Swanzy, M.A., M.R.I.A., Newry. 1V.-The Early History of Killinkere Parish. By P. O'Connell, M.Sc., F. R.S. A.I., Clonmel. An interesting discussion followed. Three of these papers will be found in this number of the Joztrrcal ; the remaining one (IV.) will appear in the nest number. The exhibits were as follows :- Bronze Sword, shown by Mr. T. O'ReiUy, Loughduff. Portion of Cannon Ball from Loch Oughter Castle, shown by Mr. T. S. Smyth. Cavalry Sabre, discovered near Cavan, shown by Mr. J. F'. O'Hanlon. SIXTEENTH GENERAL MEETING. The sixteenth General Meeting was held in the Town Hall, Cavan, on Tuesday, 20th December, 1927, at 5.30 p.m., Dr. F. .P. Smith, D.L., occupied the chair. The other members present were : Rev. Dr. Comey, Adni. ; Rev. R. J. Walker, B.A., Ballintemple ; Miss Bridie M. Smith, F.R.S.A.I., Curratubber, Cavan ; Messrs. P. J. Brady, M.R.I.A.I. ; T. S. Smith, and W. Reid, M.B.E., Hon. Secretary. Letters of apology were received from Most Rev. Dr. Finegan, Lord Bishop of Kilmore, who wished the Society continued success ; Hugh Maguire, Ulster Bank, Hon. Treasurer ; Philip O'Connell, M.Sc. ; A.E.R. MacCabe, solicitor ; R. V. Walker, B.A., Clones. Rev. Bernard Gillic, 611 Logan Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A., was elected a life member of the Society. The following Papers were read and discussed :- I. Notes on the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Kilmore. By Miss BRIDIE M. SMITH,F.R.S.A.I. 11.-List of the Rectors of Inismagruth, 1619-1869. By REV. H. B. SWANZY,M.A., M.R.I.A. 111.-Some Seventeenth Century Records of Killinkere. By PHILIP O'CONNELL,M.Sc., F.R.S.A.I. A lengthy discussion followed. Rev. Mr. Walker mentioned that one of the Fleming family sent a stone from the " Folly," near Bellananagh, bearing the date 1713, and it was used in the building of the Protestant church of Ballintemple.
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