!['Tewia^ Road-E-0 Junior G^F Fournameni Earth Smaller Around Than First /Believed in S Fary Iksom'"*]^ Been /E^G Nu- J](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.-••pft-.,; ,.t.,, .^_^,|fri,,.,, ,y ,-s-,....,. v_, :i-.- -T?-,v.^ .. .. V V < ..% _. .Tt- -• *-f_^: i.jvvi, •• ,s' . -V,-: •* . '^v:'■■-•:<:/- A }•' w- • ' V -: i ■ T. :■, .-■NV • TUlCSnAY, MAY 1, 19^ M IT'-'- /■ y ir.i' ■ ■>' p a g e s i x t e e n ^hrb(0tpr '^tt?ningv1$mUi /L AYtrate Dsilbr Net Prett Bon z . Tht W ktlur A ' - F a r am Week BMMI '. ' Faedias* H 'ft- Wtmibpejta "are dordialiyjnvited to bttgnd abd Apm.8% ItiS / Repent births to teanchesterir f y i i t d s to bring tbeir fMeudi.. ^ O enasl^l UgN wMi Malglit. Wi>; residdnta at Hartford bospltaU In-^ 1 R|>cMve%cao4li« Lo4l|te Long ^rvtce"P im ' The church wfll be open onMonr I > Y w r A b o u t T o ^ elude tlte flpllowing: A daughtsrOh i ^ To HepEilr day, May. 7, from 1 to^Jd.p,m, .to m ' eeal. lik , M law 68a. <8aaij|pg April^a: at Hartford Kospltaf to receive doaatkma fpr the auction. lata Tbnraday Igh'Vt iiwa- m -« t Hr^ iSid Mts. Walter Campbell. ,J8s.. It is also planhad Ab have a baked day M naM.«9a.:r ^ A awylca ,A committee ot Mar^estey citl- food Uble. and dikor$ and patr^ Jptin'i Ckureh this\i inf at T Drive F; a daughter oh April J?6 at , ■:-A ’ c « i ’ Mitnchetfier^A City of yutago Charm tp Mary, Hartford HospUal td Ur. and Mrs> eehi,' lon'^ acUvr in tha 'boy acoilt are aoHclted tHr' Uila''depart.»eht'. o'clock, with divoU^ Cold aoda. wlH also 'be oirsale: ' - y '-f- ^ J. tho B*oth»r of Ood. part in Oeoar Irmlschert. 2i Kensington movement la currently .soliciting LEI M. SILV^STEIN •«c* Ft.; sons On April J" at St. Francis funds to repair flood damage,at ifrs. j I m m Beckwith; 18 Hart- tho procooMon *f 1 land R d .^iu l Mrs. Joh i Wood. ^99. TOt. UOnr, NO. l i l (TWENTY-^ SECTIONS) MANCHESItB, <X)NN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, I f SI < i 4 Aflirertialiig. Of fuga M) PRICE PIYB CENTS w n o n t win he pie won* Hospital to Mr; aha Mrs. William Cbirup JohiUpn. Membera of tkia 4 i< gfarte'nt. 9 SUphen jSlpTand to Mr. group are E. S. Dik, D, if.. Mc- WoodMno St., are' co-chairmen , 2 . Adoration BotlaKty. of wiwMra. Martin. They may be Genevieve W p jn a f^ ^ ^ and Mrs. WJlIlsm Young. 44 Ham­ Comb,: Randall Toop., John Yon- d en t led byjRudolph Wo. lin St.; and on April 28 at St. Fran- Deck '4ind Charlea K. Lynn. d If plcljup is necessary; or and Honry/Srayb aa acrtytee biaHospltal. a son to Mr. and.Mrs. -\ L^ttera have beeu. pent to of nie following may be L e ^ a d s »S liynn C u ^ r and Ml*a D iw e Kac* “ Iward McCabe, 20 Waddell Rd., oitlkena, bilslileaa troncerhs, phoned If parishioners cannot de­ n T a« * y k ^ ll »««d the procoinlon. K a, j^ ughter .to M r and Mrs. organizations, all' kbown friends of liver bulky Articles to tKe-j:hurch: NOUY o t yejanf ^rU, eprlnf Rotnep,nOftRoutlcr, 06 Woodland 8t.' boy. scouting in Mshchestbr, so- ■Mra; Stuart Wolcott. 176 Main <towa licUlng their support of the first St., Mrs. Albert Rost, 69 Ferguson In T ribute i r v l s a r cspltal funds, drive ever A. ’ Ay' : / The Air Force Reserve Women’s .-Rd.; Mrs. Richard Howm, 186 :oeaO>.'No. 3/8MFt>. will hWd Auxlliaryx will hold Its regular by the ,<Mmp Johnson tru s tt^ . Deming St.; Mra' Burton Trazler. WHIMCNAW monthiv meeting at the Air Re- ItnmeiMtc needs call for. repair to 176 OaklsndyBt.; Mrs. Roger monthly nwirtlnf• tonifht at^^ upper and lower dams plus wabh- T o oVlock at,*"‘ -------- .serve Centeh, 47« Capitol Ave„ Crafts, 22 Harlan Rd,<' or tlie 'Iasjll|; €•*> Hartford, ThUr«Iay. The meeting, out repair! to the acesM road. Fu­ church o tfiy,' forenbona only. v sriM ,fr o a an organizational onev will.be de­ ture, needs include aidditipiui to the MSf-wbaal !• Tho BrttW 'X m ^Icen d u b will voted to making plans for tbs fu­ main camp building, ■> 'front-whast ’ Washington, May ,2 (fl*)— Wflshington, M«y 2 (4>—A hold te ^ o n th ly mbetinf^ tonight ture months. ^ . Camp Johnapn is used ezolupive- preptUinA ** The high and m'lghty. of of­ top combiit "itommander and mt » ^o b k at the dttbhouee, 76 ly by; Manchester Dietrict, Boy Bt. SubJecU fbf>^aeuwlon i« all )-ibcb ficial, Washington, ‘-led by' Medal of Honor winner, Maj. Delia i^iapier. Nd^ 81. Royal Scouts and Cub 'Spouts and all casccft. Gen. David M. i^pup, today wilt/be a poeaible revlaloiJKOf the Arch Masons, will honfer the monies realised by this drive will President Eisenhower, and ■vX I, and the aprlng .ouHM. A be used'exclvsively for this ieamp,/ acores.of plain people paid .a Was hatided tbejob of super, tbne with refreihmenWNydll Royal Arch degree at lU regtvlsr 0 2 .O G cohiOeatloh tomorrow evening at The-response to date, hasrbeenj final tribute today to Alben visl^ Marine Corps recruit ;<dlow the bualne*» aeeirion. ' \ 7:30 in the Ma.<idnlc Temple, The gratifying, however, but to guar-] training. The new post was antee the "out” in seputing, tHe W. Barkley. jnerttng "111 be fbllowed by the J f V « i W cM it E x p e r t V- Tlia. Praaldent, diplomats, aana- sdt ug a/an aftermath of the P l a n P u s h The Pant CSiiefi Club of Dauglr ^ual'aocisl hour and refresh- group needs the- support of many I iMbwsM Ovtr Tcikt < i"F*, tora, caMiiet mambara; and Su*^' I s r a e l tera of Uberty. LOU, wl» meet more friends. Contributions cAn be ^ l e r v l e t . , f ili over average wilet droWflihg otAix trainees on a m ^ te . - . 'X .' prama- Cburt JuatiCda rtllad - die night disciplinary march at tomorrow a t 8 p-ni- w th ' Mrs. mailed to Charles K! Lynn, Treas­ Im fft bii «TELSA nran ^ bX i, Siurdiry £b"* paws in Fpdndry Methodist .Cbuurch jiiurtha Cranston, 18 Dennison St-‘. Mri\RbniUd J, Meraer, the for- urer, ^33 Foley St. itractcd. fsiily cleaned, a t fiinafAi sanlGea for the la ^ Barrik Island, ‘ S. C., laat F o r R i y ^ e V i v i HartfofiL ■Ydu’ll find the mem- mer Judith Wilsbp, was rScently. SS1.0D , Kantiicky Daojocrajic • Senator ih o n th . honoredywtth .surprise miscel- / Wrs listed in Ihr yeilpw .And (brmar Vice Praaklent. The appointment of Shoup.was y . shtmer, The. party Was Pdtir lonif-tlmo mdmbers of Scandta. Lodge, No. 2.1, l^ d e r of ^ r their tmntlntious A iiction Pjaim ed pages of your telephofie- Add outNda tha gray atoija a switch in plana. Corps public ee 0 f i t i n l the oomS b f ^ r s . Helen mem^shii) in the orgshlzatloh during the ,17th atmlveismry celebration ... the book. " WEUiqN fR^Q 00; tildrclL In.*',drizzle of rain, other information bClcars said yeaterday Ight, Perklhs St. and; allaltended A m ^ r ^ Club. Shown left to right are: Mrs. M a rg e iy ^ ltc b m 2.Vyear ^ reclplei dohn Wenner- A t Second C hur^ Aniaricana w-ho had held the th*t the new' Job—that of inapac- by 3030' • relatives^relatives'^, and friends w ho; A. Anderson and Carl Thoren, all 50-year pin i^lplents. (Herald'^hoto by ' ^ AutiMriaed /jtbH ed "Veap”. of tha TTuihan ad- tor gSharal for . recruit jU-aJnlng- Daaaascus, ia, Miiy 2 ^ ’wlwiDiPnuaili;' showered the hUdo with maliy, to r 8T.- 'mintatration in daap affection SvuUld be giveii to Maj.- Gen. Ed ■ • 'V . ------- — —----------------------------------- A ■ ■*........^ ^ Tuesday, May 8, rain, or shine, la X r;p)—u x St tary G eneral xpansion of the Of^tHrd [ ' ' ' /] lovely gifts. The " hostess,« Mrs. stood silent. Ward Snedeker. Today's^ announce­ left Da- ^ Qo. of Manchester *as Wright used the colors'of yellow ' j. j.^'Casper, Slate agent for the date of the annual auction of- Th* aarvlca was conducted by ment said Snedeker would remain ItaR Ham: Jold and aqua In -her decorations. A the F.B.I., 'wllVbe the guest speak­ tha'Worn'en'i League of the Sec­ tha Rav. Fraderick],,Brown, Hairi*, In hi* present .post, aeaiataht chief miMcus by Air . for Jeniaalem idicated today in tha wRke flit ;M tarihi(S^' tiered bridal cake^-eghtered the er St the meetlpg of the Kiwsnis Skvivam t Scliedule "^S ond Congregational Church. It will pastor of tha church, chaplain of of staff for operations. late todi^after » 14S-miniite an announcement that ceii'‘ . buffet table, where Mr A Qeprge 8. enub Thursday l ^ n at 12;16 at I at 6:80 p.m. iii the main tha Senate, and longtime friend of •General Report$ trol OrfcM’a parent con­ School room of tbb church. The'Mactues' commandant, Gen. confere^ idllh Syrian -Pre- Wilson, mother' of Mre, 'Mercer, the Manchester .Country Club. w •Bm-kley. / GaA. Raddolph McCall .Pate, Randolph Pate, in giving a con- cern had passed to the United .y.. poured. ^ < \. ./ Joseph Martin 68 N. Elm Poa^SM News Cpnferanab Marina Corps commandant, re- mier^t^reiKn Minister Said WedneadaV; .>ls.v 2 St.,'WftoJs serving har second yea;- greaslonalr committee a detailed ac­ GlUfliw and Defeniir' Minister Dye and Chemical Gorp. F re^pm from fear'.xpickness and 2 jS.m.
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