Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number EASA Switchboard: +49 221 8999 000 European Aviation Safety +49 221 8999 0000 Agency +49 221 8999 00000 Ottoplatz, 1 Europe D-50679 Koeln, Germany General fax: + 49 221 8999 099 For letters only + 49 221 8999 0999 European Aviation Safety Agency + 49 221 8999 09999 Postfach 10 12 53 D-50452 Koeln, Germany www.easa.europa.eu AUSTRO CONTROL GmbH Dipl. Päd. Ing Thomas Pink Air Traffic Control Centre Manager PEL Vienna phone: +43(0)51703 1663 Authorities and organisations Austria headquarters: fax: +43(0)51703 1546 International: Austro Control [email protected] http://www.austrocontrol.at/content/acg/unternehmen/links/org/org.shtml Österreichische Gesellschaft für www.austrocontrol.at/en/content/acg/au Zivilluftfahrt mbH stro.shtmlat A-1030 Wien, Schnirchgasse 11 Training Administration: Diamond Aircraft Fr. Barbara Zemen Industries GmbH Phone: +43 2622 26700-1862 Diamond Aircraft Austria AT.147.02 Fax: +43 2622 26700-1865 No information received Industries GmbH [email protected] Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin-Str.5 www.diamond-air.at/ A-2700 Wiener Neustadt http://www.diamond-air.at/879.html Page 1 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number Basic: Rating Designators Limitations A; B1 TA1.1, TB1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine B2 TB2 Avionics Type: Rating Designators Limitations Michelle Gosztonyi, MBA A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, A310 (PW 4000) AUSTRIAN AIRLINES Executive Sales Manager A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2 A310 (GE CF6) Österreichische Technical Training A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM56) Luftverkehrs- A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, A319/A320/A321 (V2500) Aktiengesellschaft Phone.: +43 5 1766 62577 A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Airbus A330 (PW 4000) Austria AT.147.01 Mobile: +43 664 80111 62577 A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Airbus A330 (GE CF6) 1300 Vienna/Airport [email protected] A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Airbus A340 (CFM56) Austria A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Boeing B737-300/400/500 (CFM56) http://www.austriantraining.com/Techni A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Boeing B737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56) Trainingscenter calTraining/TypeTraining/Overview.asp A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Boeing B777-200/300 (GE 90) 1300 Vienna/Airport x?sc_lang=en A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Boeing B777-200/300 (PW4000) A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Boeing B777-200/300 (RR Trent 800) www.austriantraining.com A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Bombardier Regional Jet/CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Fokker 70/100 (RR Tay) DC-9 & MD-80 (JT8D) B1,B2 T1,T2 Boeing B767-200/300 (PW 4000) A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2, Embraer ERJ-170/190 (GE CF34) –Practical Elements only A, B1, B2 T3, T1, T2 Bombardier BD-700 Series (RRD BR710) - Practical Elements only Mr. Mag. Michael HOLY +43 699 1488 1401 AT.147.03 [email protected] Jet Alliance Flighttraining Type: Contact for Contact Person for Training: Designat Course Austria P147 issues Ms. Katrin LUDAT Rating Limitations Flugplatz 1 ors Duration withinNAA: 2542 Kottingbrunn ? C560 XL/XLS/XLS + Part C (PW545) 5 days +43 2252 4088 1400 Austria Thomas Pink [email protected] www.jaflighttraining.at Page 2 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number Switchboard +420 225 421 111 CAA – CZ Secretary (Executive Office) Czech Civil Aviation Authority +420 225 422 080, +420 220 562 639 Republic Czech Republic Ruzyně Airport [email protected], [email protected] 160 08 Praha 6 www.caa.cz ph: (+420) 220 112 756 Type: České Aerolinie, a.s. ph: (+420) 220 111 456 Rating Designators Limitations Czech e-mail: [email protected] Letiště Ruzyně CZ.147.0001 T1 to T4 Airbus A318/A319/320/321 (CFM56) Republic K Letišti T1 to T4 Airbus A319/320/321 (IAE V2500) e-mail: [email protected] 160 08 Praha 6 T1 to T4 ATR 42/72 (PWC 120) T1 to T4 Boeing 737-300 to -900 (CFM56) Basic ČVUT - fakulta dopravní Rating Designators Limitations Czech ph: (+420) 224 318 591 CZ.147.0004 Republic Konviktská 20 110 00 [email protected] TB1.1, Praha 1 TB1.2 TB2 ph: (+420) 596 995 310 VŠB - Tech. univerzita fax: (+420) 596 916 490 Basic Czech CZ.147.0006 Republic Ul. 17. listopadu 708 33 Rating Designators Limitations [email protected] T1.1 Ostrava - Poruba Travel Service, a.s. ph: (+420) 220 115 516 Type: Czech fax: (+420) 220 111 833 Janáčkovo nábřeží CZ.147.0008 Republic [email protected] Rating Designators Limitations 59/138 T1 and T2 Boeing B-737-800 (CFM56) 150 00 Praha 5 Aero Vodochody, a.s. ph: (+420) 255 762 534 Type: Czech CZ.147.0009 [email protected] Republic U letiště č.p. 374 Rating Designators Limitations T1 and T2 Aero Ae-270 (PWC PT6) 250 70 Odolena Voda Page 3 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number Basic: Rating Designators Limitations TA1 to TA4, TB1 TB2 Aircraft Industries a.s ph: (+420) 572 818 200 Czech Type: CZ.147.0010 [email protected] Republic Na Záhonech Rating Designators Limitations 686 04 Kunovice T1 to T4 Bell 206LT (RR Corp 250) T1 to T4 Bell 427 (PWC 207D) T1 to T4 Evektor EV-97 (Rotax) T1 to T4 Let L-200 series (LOM) T1 to T4 Let L-410/420 (Walter M601) T1 to T4 Let L-610 (GE CT7) T1 to T4 Let Z-37 (LOM) Basic SPŠaSOU Odolena Rating Designators Limitations Voda ph: (+420) 283 970 477 Czech T1 CZ.147.0011 [email protected] Republic U Letiště T2 250 70 Odolena Voda T3 Type: Rating Designators Limitations T1 to T4 Cessna 152 series (Lycoming) T1 to T4 Cessna 172 series (Lycoming/Continental) DSA a.s. T1 to T4 Cessna 182 series (Lycoming/Continental) ph: (+420) 495 217 010 Czech T1 to T4 Cessna 206 series (Lycoming/Continental) CZ.147.0013 [email protected] Republic Bratří Štefanů 500 03 T1 to T4 Eurocopter AS 355 (RR Corp 250) Hradec Králové T1 to T4 Eurocopter AS 355 (Turbomeca Arrius 1) T1 to T4 Eurocopter EC 120 (Turbomeca Arrius 2F) T1 to T4 Eurocopter EC 135 (PWC PW206) T1 to T4 Eurocopter EC 135 (Turbomeca Arrius 2B) Page 4 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number Job Air - Central Europe Aircraft Maintenance Type: a.s. ph: (+420) 597 471 469 Czech fax: (+420) 597 471 402 Rating Designators Limitations CZ.147.0016 Republic Mezinárodní letiště [email protected] T1 to T4 Boeing 737-300 to -900 (CFM56) Ostrava T1 to T4 Let L-410 (Walter M601) T1 to T4 Saab 340 (GE CT7) Ul. Generála Fajtla 370 742 51 Mošnov GE Aviation Czech s.r.o. ph: (+420) 222 538 111 Type: Czech fax: (+420) 222 538 222 CZ.147.0017 Republic Beranových [email protected] Rating Designators Limitations T1.1 powerplant M601+V508/510 199 02 Praha 9 Type: Rating Designators Limitations T1 to T4 Zlin Z-37T/137T (Walter M601) ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s. ph: (+420) 602 654 549 T1 to T4 e-mail: [email protected] Zlin Z-42/142/43 Czech fax: (+420) 576 082 252 CZ.147.0018 (LOM) Republic Letiště 1578 [email protected] T1 to T4 Zlin Z-143L/242L (Lycoming) 765 81 Otrokovice T1 to T4 Zlin Z-50 (LOM / Lycoming) T1 to T4 Zlin Z-126/226/326/526/726 (LOM) T1 to T4 Zlin Z-526L (Lycoming) Střední odborná škola ph: (+420) 220 112 427 Basic: civilního letectví Czech fax: (+420) 220 112 306 CZ.147.0019 Rating Designators Limitations Republic [email protected] K Letišti 278 TB1.1 TB2 161 00 Praha 6 AVIATION Type: ENGINEERING Czech SERVICES, s.r.o ph: (+420) 602 126 006 Rating Designators Limitations CZ.147.0020 Republic [email protected] T1 to T4 Airbus A318/A319/320/321 (CFM56) Harmonická 1386/9 T1 to T4 Airbus A319/320/321 (IAE V2500) T1 to T4 Boeing 737-300 to -900 (CFM56) 158 00 Praha 5 - Stodůlky SLV – DK Phone: +45 7221 88 00 Duty Officer (outside office hours) Danish Transport Phone: +45 4068 85 00 Denmark Authority [email protected] Edvard Thomsens Vej 14 www.slv.dk 2300 Copenhagen S Denmark Page 5 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number TEC Aviation Mr. John H. NIELSEN Basic: TEC – Technical Training Manager Rating Designators Limitations Education Center Denmark DK.147.0001 TB1.1, 1.2, Phone: +45 38 17 75 24 B1 Aeroplanes and Helicopters A.P.Møllers Alle’ 65 [email protected] 1.3, 1.4 B2 TB2 Avionics DK - 2791 Dragør www.tec.dk Scandinavian Avionics DK.147.0004 Mr. Ole Mortensen Type: A/S Course also Phone: +45 7950 8007 Rating Designators Limitations Denmark Duration Stratusvej 9 EASA and FAA Fax: +45 7950 8099 7190 Billund P-145 EASA P- B2 Cessna 550/560 13 days Denmark 21 subpart J [email protected] ECAA Estonia CAA Phone: +372 610 3500 Estonia Fax: +372 610 3501 Rävala pst 8, Tallinn www.ecaa.ee 10143 DGAC Phone : +33842 1 58 09 43 21 fax : +33842 1 58 09 35 35 http://www.gsac.fr/php/P_Fichierpublic.php La Direction Générale Contact Partie 147 France de l'Aviation Civile http://www.developpement- Liste des agrements Parie147 base durable.gouv.fr/-Secteur-Aerien,1633- Liste des agrements Parie147 type 50, rue Henry-Farman .html 75 720 PARIS CEDEX 15 Page 6 of 61 Issue: 14th May 2012 Part 147 approved Approval Country Contact person and contacts Part 147 approved courses *) organisation number Basic: Rating Designators Limitations A TA1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine B1 TB1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine ESMA Groupe Mr.
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