*W0 A IVEEIK1,X PUBLIC'ATION I . N l iI mm, , i),jnaa. wa October26, 196: REMINISCES OF A CRISIS.,0-NE YEAR LATER NAVY DAY TOMORROW -.--- OCT. 27, 1963 by Pat Kendig Navy Day 1963--a time for reflection on past glories for pride in present The tirst anniversary of the Cuban greeted with mixed emot- accompi ishments, and for a searching, Crisis is being in- ions. As significant as the evacuation but definitely not apprehensive look was to those of us who experienced it, to the future. only one very small part of the Tomi1orrow is Navy Day, and whether ours was the U.S. Navy Crisis. "Newsweek" magazine, in an eight- you date the buyinning of page summary, allowed us one sentence: from 1775, when Congruss established the dependents of the United States Na- Continental Navy to aid the Revolutionary "The sorts val Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were War effort; 1789, when a Navy of evacuated." was begun under the War Departimnt, or As October 22nd approaches, there is 1798, when the Navy Department was of- little here at Gitmo to physically re- ficially established, is immaterial. mind us of the event. The concentrated The point is, the Navy is now 188 or defensive positions below Chapel Hill, 174 or 165 years old tomorrow, and even have become commonplace. We allow our- though, since the advent of Armed Forces selves only a brief moment of reflection Day in 1948 we celebrate the event with- when the "Upshur Club" badge turns up in the Navy unofficially, it does offer among the toys. The gripes about Gitmo us a chance to remember that we' re a that had so completely disappeared upon part of an ancient and honorable tradi- our return last December, have recurred tion--and to tell our friends about it. again in full voice. Most of us know the story behind a total of 2811 de- Navy Day--how back in 1922, President Statistically, staunch pendents were evacuated from our base by Theodore Roosevelt (a lifelong 5 p.m. on October 22, 1962. Five Marine Navy booster) signed a proclamation troop transport planes carried 379 giving the citizens of America the op- Corps the Navy of them,including 23 patients.The Ports- portunity to honor the men of mouth Naval Hospital received these pa- for the first time. Sponsors of Navy Day tients as they required continued hos- then selected Oct. 27--the President's pitalization. The youngest of those "THE PRICE OF FREEDOM" birthday--as the official date for the evacuated was a four-day-old. One ex- The picture above is, we feel, just annual celebration. mother was dropped off at Cher- about as timely and beautiful an illus- From 1922 to 1948, Navy Day, was a pectant a ry Point Hospital and delivered a seven- tration as we could possibly have come day for blowing the Navy's own horn pound baby girl. up with to spotlight a front page salu- little, and we still think, even though The remainder of the "evacuees" ar- ting both Navy Day and the first anni- the official sanction has been removed, rived in Norfolk by ship. The seaplane versary of the Cuban Crisis. there's nothing wrong with that. proud of the fact that tender DUXBURY BAY carried 351; the re- It is a photograph of an original So tomorrow be frigeration ship HYADES held 286, and painting by our Staff Artist, Journalist you're privileged to be a member of the the tank landing ship DESOTO COUNTY seaman Richard E. S. Souligny. JOSN greatest floating force the world has ever carried 92. The remainder ot 1703 sail- Souligny, an accomplished and versatile seen. And, in this conjunction, we com- ed aboard the USNS UPSHUR. chap who also fills TV and writing bil- mend to you the recent message dispatched At home, we left 307 officers and lets here, painted this little master- to us here by ADM H.P. Smiith, Commander 3000 men of the Navy and Marine Corps. piece early last summer--inspired, he in Chief, Atlantic Fleet. As reinforcements for them, waves of tells us, by a desire to capture on can- It reads: "Navy Day 1963 finds the Boeing C-135 jet transports began ar- vas both the modern-day quiet heroism of demands and requirements placed on the riving before dawn on the 22nd. Each Navymen such as those who lost their li- Atlantic Fleet greater than at any time plane carried 125 fully equipped Marines. ves in the THRESHER tragedy last April in our Navy's proud history. Your dedi- Within 51 hours, this airlift was com- 10, and young SeaBee George Denich, fa- cation to duty and the superb manner in pleted. Others arrived within 36 hours tally injured while working on defense which you have met your responsibilities aboard ships until some 45,000 Marines fortifications here on the same day as has been a valuable contribution to the stood ready to invade Cuba, with 100,000 the THRESHER disaster, as well as the current period of restless peace. more ready to back them up. Marine Corps equally quiet courage of those sailors Today's fleet sailorandmarine, comfl- Commandant General David M. Shoup, is and marines who faced the enemy last bined with the large strides we have ta- quoted as saying after he inspected the Oct., and continue to do so today. ken in technological know-how, will keep defenses: "I think I'd rather be on this We think he did so magnificently-- the Atlantic Fleet the strong deterrent (See CRISIS, Page Three) and we think you'll agree. to aggression it has always been." I -eo I . -dEP- -- VU-10 recently retired its last "Invader" aircraft, 20- AMERICAN OVERSEAS CAMPAIGN Project Officer, LTJG H. Orejuela, received do- END OF AN ERA veteran of WW II, into permanent storage at Linchfield Park, nation from RADM J. W. Davis, Commander Naval Base, kicking off the fund year-old plane first made a name for itself during W II as a bomber, and drive which will finance nine agencies which provide a wide range of serv- Ariz. The later proved itself to be a versatile tow craft. Replacing the "Invader" ices to federal and military personnel overseas. This appeal is one of the US2C, a specially designed model of the S2F anti-submarine- three authorized by President Kennedy within the federal and military es- will be tablishments. aircraft. 0 iuge Two THE GITMO REVIEW (I~tober 26119 JUST WONDERIN' SHIP "IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO ME" OF THE WEEK. CHAPLAIN'S CORNF]R "BE NOT SOLICITOUS" by Chaplain W. S. Lindung To many moderns the use of the word "worry" in such a sentence as, "The ter- rier worried the rat," seems ludicrously inadequate. They feel the rat was a great deal more than worried. They would be right in their assumption. For as used here in its original meaning, the word means "to kill by strangling." Thus in a 14th century document, we read of one who worried another man with his hands, and we read of criminals worried on the gallows. Stewart in his Chroni- cles of Scotland says that a piece of bread stuck in Earl Godwin's throat and he worried to death. This would make meaning by D. Koze, JOC to a 20th century reader, but not the intended 'How could it happen?. meaning. 'twasn't The interesting easy,believe me--just a grim-reminder. USS WRANGELL (AE 12) thing is how weak The WRANGELL, the word worry has become. look what happened to my favorite pair 19-year-old ammunition It is now merely a synonym for of shoes? I'm sick about them.after ship, spawned a new and daring phase in anticipatory fear naval logistic and often unwarranted concern. five years I hate to get rid of them. operations in Feb. 1945, The while operating strong, older idea of choking to death You have read many stories over with Task Unit 50.8.16, the when with fear has almost completely years about accidents with rotor-power she transferred cargo ammunition in faded. what Yet even in its modern lawn mowers, I'm sure. But likelI always is believed to be the first opera- sense, worry is tion still capable of producing said, it would never happen to me. Watch of this type ever conducted in hos- stifling and tile exasperating effects on its victims. it. I was so careful I'd have the kids waters under combat conditions. This noteworthy Few of us escape worry. We worry in the house when I used this type of ship, built by North so Carolina long and sointensely that a certain mower--and was also careful how I pushed Shipbuilding Corp., Wilmington, blow and pulled it. The manufacturer and the N.C., is presently with the Fleet Train- is going to strike us that when it does ing Group fall, we crumple beneath it. Why? Be- National Safety Council stressthe fact-- undergoing refresher training. The cause we have rehearshed it DON'T pull a rotor-power mower toward WRANGELL, having contributed her so often. We fair measure have already gone down a hundred times you when on a bank or hill. Ah, but I to the victory of World War II, set sail in imagination, and the real had the situation in hand, at least I for the U.S. after a year's thing is thought I had. Normally I stepped aside duty in the North Pacific. She was pla- only the one-hundred and first.
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