Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1992-93 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 4-15-1993 The thI acan, 1993-04-15 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1993-04-15" (1993). The Ithacan, 1992-93. 26. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93/26 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1992-93 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Opinion Accent Sports Index Opinion .................................8 Equal opportunity Perfect harmony Falling hard What's Happening ................ 9 Both Student Government Crosby and Nash to play free Softball squad swept in Accent ................................ 11 ticket~ have potential outdoor spring concert Wednesday twinbill Classifieds/Comics ............. 20 Sports ................................. 23 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 60, No. 26 Thursday, April 15, 1993 28 pages Free College enacts new Spring skipping RD apartment policy By Kevin Harlin Oblak said New York state laws Anew policy was announced on "It affects my life do not allow benefits packages to Wednesday, April 14 that will pre­ directly. Being that I am be extended to non-legally married vent residence directors from liv­ a lesbian, ifI wanted to partners. He said the benefits pack­ ing with non-married partners in have a partner live with age for residence directors includes College apartments. Thenewpolicy the apartment. will go into effect June 1. me, I could not do that "The policy is very much based The policy states that only resi­ at this time." on the fact that the residence dence directors, their legally mar­ -Robin McColley, resident director's apartment is considered ried spouses and their dependent director New Hall, abenefitoftheposition. We feel we children may reside in residence Garden Apartments cannot go beyond the context of directors' apartments, according to benefits as they are required by John B. Oblak, vice president for residence director's apartment. New York State," Oblak said. student affairs and campus life. Oblak said this policy does not Some Residential Life officials It also states that only two facili­ violate Ithaca College regulations have expressed concern over the ties, New Hall and the Garden or Tompkins County's Local Law policy. Apartments, are appropriate f orresi­ C. Both state that no person may be "The school can't discriminate dencedirectors with children, Oblak discriminated against for employ­ against race, religion or sexual ori­ said. He said that more apartments ment or housing on the basis of entation. They 're being hypocrites," could be open to families in the sexual orientation. said Terrace 6 Resident Assistant future. "We're not talking about a hous­ Adam Boardman, co-chairman of Under this policy, no same sex ing discrimination issue. We're talk­ the Staff Input Board (SIB). The partners or unmarried opposite sex ing about a benefits package issue," SIB represents all resident assis- partners may reside together in a Oblak said. See ''Policy," next page Announ·cements start senior class campaigns ·.-- ".. By A vi Schaeffer The party did not mention and Jesmca Wing academic policies until the One party rapped, an- Special section question period, which be­ other quoted the theme song 1993-9~ STUOEtH ELECTIOUS gan after the presentation. from the TV show They said they hope to hold The ITHACAN "Cheers," and the third ""--:e-... n.--era.r~ more seminars for seniors, party hoped to travel back as well as have peer coun­ in time. They all had one selors and consultants to thing in common, however discuss job opportunities. -- to become next year's When asked about Senior Senior Class officers. Week, the party mentioned The Ithacan/Bill Christofidis The three parties, The pool parties, barbecues and Freshman Eric Davis enjoys a quick game of hopscotch Formidable Four, Cheers social talent presentations. and an Infrequent warm day In Ithaca. '94 and Seaior Time Warp, When asked about how presented their platforms at their party would incorpo­ a combined meeting of the rate diverse groups on cam­ Residence Hall Association pus into their activities, Blue awareness and Student Government Stem said, "Our activities Wednesday night in the will not be geared to a spe­ South Meeting Room of the cific race or color, but will Blue Jeans Day support for all Campus Center. be geared for everyone to All three parties focused have a good time." during Gay Awareness Week on the importance of com­ The party concluded its bining social activities with presentation with another By Scott L. Matson "People have be.en talking about career planning events. rap, singing, "The Fonni­ On any other day, the pants you Blue Jeans Day smce Monday. dable Four -- dedicated to a wear do not mean the same as it People are thinking. More people The Formidable Four truly rockin' senior year." does today. But Thursday, Apnl 15 areactuallyparticipaung in the com­ The Formidable Four is different. ing-out process," Ticfcnbrunn said. includes Michelle Stern, Cheers '94 Blue Jeans Day is a pan of Gay The main focus of Blue Jeans president; Erica Brynes, Cheers '94 is made up of Awareness Week that started Mon­ Day and the 12: 15 p.m rally at the vice president; Mickie Lore Hunsicker, president; day, April 12. The week kicked-off Free Speech Rock 1s to thank people Quinn, secretary; and Frank Titus, vice president; with an art show and poetry reading for their suppon and a,k others to Mitchell Fingerman, trea- Teresa Curet, secretary; and in the Clarke Lounge in the Cam­ jom in the awareness. By wcanng a surer. The party, wearing sun­ under the age of 21 could be in­ Aaron Book, treasurer. pus Center. The week's events cul­ pair of blue Jeans, 1t shows the glasses, began its presentation with cluded. All of the party's members in­ minate Sunday with a rnemonal acceptance of a way of hfe. a rap. "You gotta' fight, for your "Managing money for the senior corporated lines from the "Cheers" service at the Muller Chapel in con­ "An ordinary pair of blue Jeans right, to party," they said. year can be a little crazy and hec­ theme song. "Making your way in junct.ion with Holocaust Memorial symbolizes acceptance of the bi­ The four emphasized the social tic," Fingerman said. He suggested lhe world today takes everything Day. sexual, gay and lesbian lifestyle," aspects of senior year, such as par­ saving money by showcasing stu­ you've got-- more than just a catch BiGALA Co-President, Jaie Tiefenbrunn said. ties, barbecues and open mic nights. dent talent through jazz and classi­ phrase, it's the truth," Titus began. Tiefenbrunn '93 expected a large Also on Thursday night, Party members said they wanted to cal performances given by Ithaca If elected, the party said it will tum-out and was surpnsed with the BiGALA will sponsor !he showmg have a number of alcohol-free ac­ College seniors, instead of hiring dedicate equal time to the social campus reaction to the week's of "The Color Purple." BiGALA tivities available so that seniors outside performers. See "Platforms," next page events. See "Blue Jeans," next page 2 THE ITHACAN April 15, 1993 Policy------------------- Platforms---------- continued from front page "We' re not setting a gards to sexual orientation. "We continued from front page ber) through graduation in 1994. tants ori campus. He said, however, . policy here that's op­ always have and we always will," and academic aspects of the posi­ The three major highlights of the that he was not speaking for all he said. tion. They plan to combine fun with party's platform are a senior news­ RAs. posed to domestic part­ Oblak said any change in fed­ job placement activities. letter, a senior field day, and a se­ Boardman said he was aware of ners." eral or New York state laws regard­ Plans include career planning nior quotebook. several current RDs who would not - John B. Oblak, ing the extension of benefits tonon­ programs, parties, happy hours and The newsletter, which will con­ have taken their positions if this vice president for student married partners would be consid­ semi-fonnals. Party members said tain infonnation about upcoming policy had been in place when they affairs and campus life ered and needed changes would be they hope to hold many activities social and career-related activities, were hired. made. off campus in order to allow more will also a feature a different senior SIB is planning to circulate a and accepting other people when "Ithaca College is not the only underage seniors to participate. each month. It will be sent to all petition and to speak out at the Ithaca College does not, in his opin­ college debating this across the When asked about Senior Week, seniors living on and off campus. Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Coali­ ion, support that idea. country,"Oblaksaid. He said Ithaca they said they hope to follow tradi­ Party members said they also hope tion rally on Thursday, April 15, "I'm really disappointed in it I College found similar policies in tional Senior Weeks, but want to to have a suggestion box to encour­ Boardman said. He added that SIB don't like it," said Rita Alamshaw, other colleges and universities. "I add some new ideas of their own. age senior feedback. was considering co-sponsoring an­ residence director of Tallcott Hall. think you're going to see this hap­ "It will exceed all expectations," The senior field day could in­ other rally with other groups on Maggie McHugh-Parrish, direc­ pening in many places," Oblak said.
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