& PARTNERS THOMPSON JOHN The Village at Caterham Barracks, Caterham-on-the Hill, Surrey Hill, Caterham-on-the Barracks, Caterham at Village The Quarter Masters Store converted into Health and Fitness Centre Fitness and Health into converted Store Masters Quarter to the Trust as assets. as Trust the to purpose built, facility on the former rifle range. rifle former the on facility built, purpose maintain the Trust, with buildings and prime pumping finance conveyed conveyed finance pumping prime and buildings with Trust, the maintain raised for the building of a more permanent, permanent, more a of building the for raised A financial contribution was provided by Linden Homes to establish and and establish to Homes Linden by provided was contribution financial A proposals are being prepared and funds funds and prepared being are proposals is affordable to all young people. Long term term Long people. young all to affordable is A full time Chief Executive was appointed in September 2000 September in appointed was Executive Chief time full A kept to a minimum to ensure that the park park the that ensure to minimum a to kept school holidays. The admission charge is is charge admission The holidays. school • • Chairman Saturdays. Special events are planned for for planned are events Special Saturdays. • 1 financial representative financial • 1 sessions on weekday evenings and and evenings weekday on sessions • 1 legal representative legal • 1 At present the Sk8park is open for regular regular for open is Sk8park the present At • 1 resident on the site for a 3 year term year 3 a for site the on resident • 1 • 1 employer on the site for a 5 year term year 5 a for site the on employer • 1 Chapel. • 1 elected trustee of local parish council parish local of trustee elected • 1 activity was transferred in March 2002 to the the to 2002 March in transferred was activity • 4 local representatives of user groups user of representatives local • 4 500 young people attending weekly. This This weekly. attending people young 500 The board is made up of-: up made is board The membership is 6000 with between 350 and and 350 between with 6000 is membership the former gymnasium. Currently their their Currently gymnasium. former the January 2000. 2000. January skateboard, Inline and BMX facilities in in facilities BMX and Inline skateboard, ‘for sale’ accommodation. sale’ ‘for the Development Trust board were held with the full board appointed in in appointed board full the with held were board Trust Development the development" development" (RTPI) Youth Project - 'Skaterham' providing providing 'Skaterham' - Project Youth housing is indistinguishable from the private private the from indistinguishable is housing constitution and Business Plan. In the summer of 1999 elections to to elections 1999 of summer the In Plan. Business and constitution enabled that process to be continued during the whole whole the during continued be to process that enabled Conference led to the creation of the CR3 CR3 the of creation the to led Conference The design and detailing of the affordable affordable the of detailing and design The In December 1998 a consultant was appointed to prepare a Trust Trust a prepare to appointed was consultant a 1998 December In During the summer of 1999 a Youth Youth a 1999 of summer the During before but rarely in our opinion in a way which has has which way a in opinion our in rarely but before recommended the establishment of a Community Development Trust. Trust. Development Community a of establishment the recommended Skaterham CR3 Youth Project Youth CR3 Skaterham throughout the development programme. development the throughout mechanisms for running the community facilities on the site and and site the on facilities community the running for mechanisms " The Community Planning Weekend has been used used been has Weekend Planning Community The " and ensures a delivery of affordable units units affordable of delivery a ensures and The Caterham Barracks Local Group examined potential management management potential examined Group Local Barracks Caterham The ghetto, establishes efficient management management efficient establishes ghetto, locations that avoids the creation of a a of creation the avoids that locations Caterham Barracks Community Development Trust Development Community Barracks Caterham is distributed around the site in different different in site the around distributed is integration of tenure. The affordable housing housing affordable The tenure. of integration spaces were presented to Tandridge District Council. District Tandridge to presented were spaces is unique in that it achieves a genuine genuine a achieves it that in unique is of recommendations for the use and management of the buildings and and buildings the of management and use the for recommendations of We believe that in terms of scale, the project project the scale, of terms in that believe We occasions,-during the summer involving over 100 local people. A series series A people. local 100 over involving summer the occasions,-during expanded into a number of specialist sub-groups that met on over 50 50 over on met that sub-groups specialist of number a into expanded The Caterham Barracks Local Group met in April 1998, and and 1998, April in met Group Local Barracks Caterham The local residents, councillors, special interest groups and Linden Homes. Linden and groups interest special councillors, residents, local the Weekend. A Steering Group was established to provide a forum for for forum a provide to established was Group Steering A Weekend. the Continuing community involvement was a key recommendation from from recommendation key a was involvement community Continuing children to give their ideas for the future. the for ideas their give to children on planning sessions. A Young People's workshop enabled local local enabled workshop People's Young A sessions. planning on community assets in the form of buildings and finance.” and buildings of form the in assets community came to look at the Barracks and participate in workshops and hands- and workshops in participate and Barracks the at look to came to put forward their views. Over the course of the event 1000 people people 1000 event the of course the Over views. their forward put to to the local community generating in excess of £4 million of of million £4 of excess in generating community local the to A Community Planning Weekend was organised to enable local people people local enable to organised was Weekend Planning Community A redevelopment of Caterham has delivered significant benefits benefits significant delivered has Caterham of redevelopment of the local people in an open participation process the the process participation open an in people local the of invited public participation prior to the preparation of proposals. of preparation the to prior participation public invited planning process, Caterham Barracks was the first time that they had had they that time first the was Barracks Caterham process, planning “Through the genuine and unprecedented involvement involvement unprecedented and genuine the “Through Linden Homes acknowledged public consultation was always part of the the of part always was consultation public acknowledged Homes Linden building community: a sense of place of sense a community: building process the community: building building community: environmental initiatives The Village at Caterham Barracks JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE The Village at Caterham Barracks Movement Environmental Initiatives URBAN DESIGN Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey The development encourages more sustainable forms of transport The redevelopment at Caterham Barracks seeks to provide a COMMUNITY PLANNING and less dependence on the private motor car through a strategy development that minimises adverse effects on the environment Linden Homes & The Guinness Trust which includes a range of initiatives to make public transport, cycling through initiatives including-: and walking more attractive. JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS Since 1877, the barracks at Caterham was Recycling 70 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EJ a dominating presence in the community of Public Transport Water consumption is minimised through waste reduction and Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7251 5135 Caterham-on-the-Hill until the last regiment The 'Village Flyer' bus service running on a 30 minute frequency recycling. Water butts will reduce consumption, whilst the use of Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7251 5136 of the guards moved out in 1995. Its closure commenced in September 2000 linking The Village with Caterham soakaways and porous surfaces will ensure the slow release of water E-mail: [email protected] made a significant impact on the social and Valley and Caterham railway station. Provided by Metrobus the into the surrounding area. economic life of the town and left a void in the low floor, kneeling bus follows a loop through the site ensuring all www.jtp.co.uk community. residents are within 250m (5 minutes walk) of a bus stop. The project reuses existing materials including bricks and slates arising from the demolitions. Over 350,000 bricks have been Offices in; Linden Homes purchased the 57 acre Bus vouchers are given to all residents to encourage bus usage, and reclaimed. Hardcore has been crushed on site and spoil from London • Edinburgh • Berlin site from the Ministry of Defence early in an annual commitment through a charge placed on private residents excavations will help form the skateboard park and reduce the amount 1998. John Thompson & Partners were leads to a sustainable services. of construction traffic. LINDEN HOMES commissioned in January 1998 to instigate Linden House a community participation process and to Highway Layout Energy Efficiency Guards Avenue prepare a masterplan for the site. Guinness A key aim has been to create an environment where the highway Energy efficient design through the use of condensing boilers in The Village Trust were selected as the Registered Social layout does not dominate. Roads have been designed to limit vehicle all dwellings as standard, and building each dwelling to achieve a Caterham-on-the Hill Landlord.
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