VOL. 122 - NO. 33 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 17, 2018 $.35 A COPY The 98th Annual Feast of Madonna Della Cava On the second week of each For many decades, the Feast August, the North End cel- of the Madonna Della Cava has ebrates the Feast of Madonna been celebrated in Boston’s Della Cava, which coincides with North End, initially by members News Briefs the festival held in Pietraperzia, who were all fi rst-generation by Sal Giarratani Sicily. A beautiful cloth ban- Italian-Americans. Eventually, ner bearing the Madonna’s many of these original members image is carried throughout passed away and their children the neighborhood during the moved out of the neighborhood. Trump Can Do No Right procession to collect money The Madonna Della Cava Out in Ohio recently, President Trump supported Re- and valuables donated by the Society Club of Boston’s North publican Troy Balderson in a U.S. House contest against citizenry. During the 1930s End membership now includes Democrat Danny O’Connor in a special House election and 1940s, a special raffl e was people from several Boston and started calling O’Connor “Danny Boy.” held and the prize was a lamb, neighborhoods and surrounding Balderson won the special election by a razor-thin representing sacrifi ce. The tra- suburbs, many of whose relatives margin which still stands but Trump started using ditional use of a cloth banner fi rst settled in the North End. “DANNY BOY” talking about the Democrat candidate in of the saint — rather than a The Madonna Della Cava Society that race and now the FAKE NEWS is saying that is an statue — is based on the belief welcomes support of every kind. ethnic slur. PLEASE! “Danny Boy” is a great Irish tune; the that a statue will fall and crack, The events held by the Society most popular one around! Sung at bars across America just like the stone bearing the during the year sponsor several and at many funerals for Irish Catholics, it’s sort of image of the Madonna once did community children and reli- an Irish version of “My Way” by Frank Sinatra. Trump so many centuries ago. gious organizations. likes naming his opponents. Danny O’Connor to Trump became “Danny Boy.” Nothing more, nothing less to see here! As a child of the ’50s, when I think of Danny Boy, I think Danny Thomas in Make Room for Daddy. Time for Trump Derangement patients to take some good medicine to fi ght that political disease! The Laura Ingraham “Racist” Angle? On CNN Tonight Don Lemon on Wednesday, August 9th, spent a whole segment of his weeknights show trashing Fox News Network’s Laura Ingraham, calling her a total racist for saying America ain’t what it used to be in the past thanks to today’s demographics. She was just making a point about how America has changed since my child- hood. That’s not racist, it is just pointing out actual facts. Doesn’t Lemon have any real news to report and dissect on his low-rated cable show? Opioid’s Deadly Sleep Overdosing on Oxycodone is easy because the drug essentially puts your brain to sleep. The brain stops sending messages to your lungs to breathe and you die. The pills can be crushed up and snorted or melted and injected for a quick and deadly high. I can remember back when I was still a police sergeant for the Department of Mental Health P.D. watching folks high on Oxycodone. When they bent over to tie a shoe, they went out like a light and started snoring away. It is sad watching people get hooked on drugs after an injury. THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE Endquote 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON “We all have the strength to endure the misfortunes of others.” Tuesdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM ~ Thursdays 1 1:00 AM - 2:00 PM — Francois de La Rochefoucald Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, AUGUST 17, 2018 Res Publica by David Trumbull Pioneer Institute Announces Winner of 27 th Annual Better Government Competition THE ROOTS OF YOUR SALAMI Pioneer Institute has an- student debt crisis. This entry Destructive forces of nature no lighting, no heating system, nounced that Purdue Uni- was submitted by Mary-Claire usually include earthquakes, no sinks, toilets, or bathrooms versity’s “Back a Boiler” pro- Cartwright and Cynthia Sequin volcanoes, storms, floods, as we know them. The use of gram is the winner of the 27th from the Purdue Research etc. It might seem strange for the braziers added the risk of annual Better Government Foundation. some of us to discover that noxious fumes and were serious Competition. This year, the com- Purdue University will receive these destructive forces often fi re hazards. People often spoke petition received over 80 entries the $10,000 top prize, which leave benefits for mankind, of the good fortune of the home- from think tanks, universities, it will donate to the “Back a and that these benefi ts accrue less beggars who had nothing job training programs, non- Boiler” ISA Fund. The runners and become obvious in strange to fear from charcoal fumes or profi ts, and state government up, described below, will each ways. In order to get to the roots burning houses. agencies across the nation. receive $1,000. of your salami, we must go back indestructible granite which These early Romans were fru- The winner, four runners up, Alfond Scholarship Founda- to an earlier issue when I wrote enabled them to make those gal people, the poorest classes and four special recognition tion: An investment program that there was a time when Roman paving stones that have subsisted on a basic diet of recipients will be honored at the that grants every child born Rome and its suburbs were cov- no equal anywhere else in the coarse bread, porridge made Better Government Competition in Maine $500, intended for ered with the quiet blue waters world. The volcanic eruption from millet or polenta meal, and Awards Gala on September 24th, future postsecondary educa- of the Tyrrhenian Sea. It all that is of most concern at this their usual drink was water. at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. tion costs. started when nature combined particular time is the one which The high fi re risk and the lack The Keynote Speaker is John American Institute for its forces in a series of volca- caused hot ashes and debris to of refrigeration kept cooking Sexton, President Emeritus of Innovative Apprenticeship: nic eruptions which formed a completely bury a growing for- methods down to a primitive New York University, and the Expanding Apprenticeships cosmic spectacle, so long ago, est like a giant coal bin, while minimum and caused even Benjamin F. Butler Professor in Massachusetts. A detailed that no human eye could have at the same time shaping the the great middle-class to con- of Law and Dean Emeritus outline of steps Massachusetts possibly seen it. Palatine Hill. In time, this bur- centrate on low spoilage foods. of the NYU School of Law. organizations can take to One of these eruptions formed ied forest was converted into Figs, cheese, olives, and dried He received the TIAA-CREF increase apprenticeship oppor- the stony “tufa,” a rock sub- a gigantic charcoal reservoir. foods were popular, but the Hesburgh Award for Leadership tunities to address youth unem- stance without which, many Nature was kind of providing greatest demand was for the Excellence for his extraordi- ployment and the skills gap. of those Roman walls, sewers, the fuel for those hundreds of salt preserved foods. This nary achievements as NYU’s Federation for Advanced temples, and even the cata- thousands of braziers which demand soon caused the pro- President, and the Institute Manufacturing Education, an combs could not have been con- provided the necessary heat duction of a kind of salami and of International Education’s education model that trains structed. Another eruption left for warmth and cooking during prosciutto … that’s the truth Duggan Award for Mutual students in three career path- the “Pozzolana,” an ingredient later eras. … so help me! The only thing Understanding. way options — technician, which enabled the Roman con- For hundreds of years dur- I don’t know is the price per Massachusetts Governor engineer, and business leader crete to resist the destructive ing the growth of development pound at that time. Charlie Baker will deliver re- — preparing them for employ- agencies of time and weather, of ancient Rome, her tene- marks at the event. The Baker ment upon completion of the better than much of the stone. ment houses had none of the NEXT WEEK: administration has made job program. Still another volcano left that simple conveniences of today; Fucus training a policy priority, estab- Wisconsin Bureau of Appren- lishing the Workforce Skills ticeship Standards: Youth Cabinet to bridge the gap Apprenticeships. An extension Saint Honoré of Amiens between employer needs and of an existing apprenticeship by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari employee preparedness. program that introduces high Saint Honoré, to most peo- placed the church they had Purdue’s “Back a Boiler” Fund school juniors and seniors ple outside France, is known built in Paris under his patron- is a tuition payment alterna- to job opportunities for high as St. Honoratus of Amiens. age, and a century later, the tive to federal or private loans school credit. Honoratus was born in Port- charterhouse at Abbéville, was for undergraduate students. Pioneer Institute is an inde- le-Grand (Ponthieu) in extreme dedicated to him.
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