Technical Committee on Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemical Data NFPA 704 First Draft Meeting Agenda October 24, 2019 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Eastern Time Web Meeting/Teleconference 1. Call to Order, Ron Kirsch, Chair 2. Introductions. 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 13, 2015 (Attachment A). 4. Staff Updates. Debra Gursha, NFPA Staff • Committee membership update. (Attachment B) • Annual 2021 revision cycle schedule. (Attachment C) • Overview of NFPA Process. 5. Task Group Updates: • DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) related to Annex E and Table 7.2 • Combustible Dust definitions related to NFPA 652 6. Review of Public Inputs. NFPA 704 (Attachment D) 7. New Business. 8. Next Meeting. 9. Adjourn. TECHNICALCOMMITTEEON ClassificationandPropertiesofHazardousChemicalData MINUTES SecondDraftMeeting October13,2015 10AMͲ1PMEDT ConferenceCall/AdobeConnectMeeting Attendees: RonKirsch,Chair RobertMichaels JasonBeam LarryBritton LauraDraelos WalterGroden DavidHollinger KennethLewis CarolineMiller DavidPhelan BrianPrimeau GaryRobinson DavidWechsler CynthiaWernet JenniferLawless NancyPearce,NFPAStaff Guests: BrianO’Connor,NFPAStaff BrendaPrine,RetiredDowChemical KeithHarrison,UniversityofAlabama 1. RonKirsch,Chair,welcomedtheCommitteeandguests.Themeetingbeganpromptly at10AMEDT. 2. Attendancewastakenandguestintroducedthemselves. 3. TheFirstDraftMeetingMinutesfromSeptember23,2014wereapproved. 4. NancygaveaPowerPointpresentationontheseconddraftmeetingprocessthat includedanupdateonCommitteemembership,areviewofthemeetingmotionsand actionsforpubliccommentsandareviewoftherevisioncycleforNFPA704. 5. TwoPublicCommentswerereviewedandsecondrevisionswerecreatedoneach.(See alsoItem8discussiononDSC) 6. TheAnnexGTaskGroupreportwasreviewed.MinorchangesweremadetoAnnexG andasecondrevisionwasincorporatedtoincludethesechangesasrecommendedby thetaskgroup. 7. TheCommitteereviewedthechangemadetoChapter5atfirstdraftthataddedtheSA symboltoliquefiedcarbondioxidevaporwithdrawalsystemsandtolocationswhere largequantitiesofdryiceareusedinconfinedareas.TheCommitteeslightlymodified thewordingandaddedastatementexplainingtherationaleforthechange.Several ontheCommitteenotedthatemergencyrespondersarealreadyusingtheSAsymbol forbeveragedispensingsystemsinmanysituations.OnepersonnotedthattheIFC requirestheidentificationofasphyxiantgassystemsforemergencyresponders already. 8. LarryBrittonsuggestedaddinginformationtoAnnexEabouttheCHETAH systemduringthefirstdraftmeeting.LarryworkedwithKeithHarrisontodevelop recommendedlanguagetobeaddedtoAnnexE.Duringthediscussion,BrendaPrine, addressedtheCommitteetoexplainandcommentonthepubliccomment9that dealtwiththequestionofadiabaticexotherminitiationtemperatures.Brenda explainedthattherewereerrorsandinconsistenciesbetweenTable7.2criteriafor ratingsof0,1and2andtheAnnexEinformationondifferentialscanningcalorimetry (DSC).TheCommitteediscussedissuesatlengthandmadechangestobothAnnexE andtoTable7.2.Ataskgroupwillbeformedtofurtheraddresstheissueforthe nextrevisioncycle. 9. NancyshowedtheCommitteeaproposedsystemthatwassenttoherfromDavid Hatchforahexagonalsystemthatincludespressureandtemperaturealongwiththe traditional4hazards.HealsoproposesapossibleGHStypehexagonsystemfor emergencyresponders.Davidplanstosubmithisproposedchangeduringthenext revisioncycleandaskedthatitbebroughttotheCommitteeforgeneralcommentand review.TheCommitteebrieflyreviewedtheproposalandcommentedthat temperatureandpressurearealreadyconsideredintheratingcriteria.Theywerealso concernedthatthesystemasproposedwouldbetoocomplicatedandthatthe simplificationofhazardsneededforemergencyresponsewouldbelostinasystem thatincludedtoomuchinformation.However,theCommitteeindicatedtheywould lookattheproposalinmoredepthifitweresubmittedduringthenextrevisioncycle whentherewasmoretimetoscrutinizetheproposal. 10. TheCommitteewishestolookattheinformationrelatedtocombustibledustsinNFPA 704inlightofthenewlyreleasedNFPA652document.Ataskgroupwasformedto lookatthedefinitionsofcombustibledustthatchangedinNFPA652andreviewhow thesenewdefinitionsmayimpacttheratingsinNFPA704. 11. TheCommitteestartedadiscussionaboutthemeaningof“ordinarycombustible” hazardsasnotedinthezeroratinginTable5.2.Ataskgroupwillbeformedtolookat thatissue. 12. Nofuturemeetingswerescheduled,howeverthreetaskgroupswereformedas notedintheminutes.NancywillsendoutanoticetoallCommitteememberstoask forvolunteers. 13. Themeetingwasadjournedat3:24PM. Address List No Phone 09/04/2019 Debra M. Gursha Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemical Data CLA-AAA Ron A. Kirsch SE 1/1/1992 Robert A. Michaels SE 1/1/1991 Chair CLA-AAA Secretary CLA-AAA OHS Associates, Inc. RAM TRAC Corporation 9478 Calais Court 3100 Rosendale Road Brentwood, TN 37027-2608 Schenectady, NY 12309-1510 Christopher Allen E 08/17/2015 Jason Beam U 10/23/2013 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Montgomery County Government CCB, Inc. 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor 65 Bradley Drive Rockville, MD 20850-4186 Westbrook, ME 04092 David L. Bowman SE 08/03/2016 Laurence G. Britton SE 1/1/1987 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Bowman Global Enterprise Group Process Safety Consultant 6572 SE 173rd Court 848 Sherwood Road Ocklawaha, FL 32179 Charleston, WV 25314 Alternate: Brenda Prine Laura Draelos U 08/11/2014 Nelson C. Dunston RT 08/08/2019 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Sandia National Laboratories Laboratory Corporation Of America 1515 Eubank SE, MS0909 Corporate EHS Officer Albuquerque, NM 87123 1111 Dominion Oak Circle Cary, NC 27519 Walter Groden I 03/07/2013 David W. Hollinger U 03/03/2014 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA AIG Global Technical Office Drexel University Global Technical Office-Energy & Engineered Risk 3201 Arch Street, Suite 350 64 Seely Place Philadelphia, PA 19104-2756 Scarsdale, NY 10583-2627 Alternate: Karl Leipold Caroline Miller SE 08/09/2012 Robert A. Nocco U 08/08/2019 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA ChemADVISOR, Inc. Chevron 5806 Innsbruck Road 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road East Syracuse, NY 13057 San Ramon, CA 94583 Brian Ott SE 04/03/2019 Nissan Patel E 04/03/2019 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Exponent Jefferson Parish Fire Services 5401 Mcconnell Avenue 834 South Clearview Parkway Los Angeles, CA 90066 Jefferson, LA 70123 1 Address List No Phone 09/04/2019 Debra M. Gursha Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemical Data CLA-AAA David T. Phelan E 3/5/2012 Brian Primeau RT 08/09/2012 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Township Of North Bergen - NJ MIT Lincoln Labs 8 Ruth Ann Drive 244 Wood Street, Room S0-755 Manahawkin, NJ 08050-4534 Lexington, MA 02420 Mark L. Robin M 08/03/2016 William J. Satterfield, III I 1/1/1986 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Chemours Hydrogen Safety, LLC/Rode & Associates, LLC Specialty Fluorochemicals 35 Brookwood Road 107 Saint Andrews Court Bristol, RI 02809-1206 Middletown, DE 19709 Stephen Sides M 08/09/2012 James O. Vigerust, Jr. SE 10/28/2008 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA American Coatings Association CB&I 1500 Rhode Island Avenue, NW 2440 Louisiana Boulevard NE, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Albuquerque, NM 87110 David B. Wechsler U 4/15/2004 Ryan Wyse E 08/03/2016 Principal CLA-AAA Principal CLA-AAA Consultant Hebron Fire Department 27706 Dalton Bluff Court 111 Basin Street Katy, TX 77494-2729 PO Box 884 American Chemistry Council Hebron, OH 43025 Cynthia J. Wernet U 03/07/2013 Karl Leipold I 07/29/2013 Voting Alternate CLA-AAA Alternate CLA-AAA The Boeing Company AIG Energy & Engineered Risk 568 May Street 894 Laurel Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2832 Arnold, MD 21012-1617 NFPA Industrial Fire Protection Section Principal: Walter Groden Brenda Prine SE 04/05/2016 Jennifer H. Lawless E 08/09/2012 Alternate CLA-AAA Nonvoting Member CLA-AAA 5942 Highway 6 US Department of Labor RR 2 Occupational Safety & Health Administration Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Canada 200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room 3718 Principal: Laurence G. Britton Washington, DC 20210 Debra M. Gursha Staff Liaison CLA-AAA National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 2 https://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/list-o... Annual 2021 Master Schedule Dates for TC Process Stage Process Step Dates for TC with CC Public Input Closing Date* 6/26/2019 6/26/2019 Final Date for TC First Draft Meeting 12/04/2019 9/04/2019 Posting of First Draft and TC Ballot 1/22/2020 10/16/2019 Final date for Receipt of TC First Draft ballot 2/12/2020 11/06/2019 Final date for Receipt of TC First Draft ballot ‐ recirc 2/19/2020 11/13/2019 Public Input Posting of First Draft for CC Meeting 11/20/2019 Stage (First Draft) Final date for CC First Draft Meeting 1/02/2020 Posting of First Draft and CC Ballot 1/22/2020 Final date for Receipt of CC First Draft ballot 2/12/2020 Final date for Receipt of CC First Draft ballot ‐ recirc 2/19/2020 Post First Draft Report for Public Comment 2/26/2020 2/26/2020 Public Comment Closing Date* 5/06/2020 5/06/2020 Notice Published on Consent Standards (Standards that received no Comments) Note: Date varies and determined via TC ballot. Appeal Closing Date for Consent Standards (Standards that received no Comments) Final date for TC Second Draft Meeting 11/04/2020 7/29/2020 Posting of Second Draft and TC Ballot 12/16/2020 9/09/2020 Comment Stage Final date for Receipt of TC Second Draft ballot 1/06/2021 9/30/2020 (Second Draft) Final date for receipt of TC Second Draft ballot ‐ recirc 1/13/2021 10/07/2020 Posting of Second Draft for CC Meeting 10/14/2020 Final date for CC Second Draft Meeting 11/25/2020 Posting of Second
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