March 26, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2657 ALLARD and Congresswoman NAPOLI- program that helps seniors and low-in- Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Speaker, TANO to discuss women’s economic come families in Michigan and across during the past 40 years, we have made agenda. Over 200 women showed up to the country with their utility bills. tremendous progress in America tech- talk about this. The Low Income Home Energy As- nologically, medically, socially, and— We heard from women like Sonia and sistance Program, LIHEAP, provides for many of our citizens—economi- Caryn. Sonia has been a hotel worker short-term assistance to help house- cally, but not if you are a family try- for 9 years, barely making it on min- holds with their heating costs in the ing to get by on the minimum wage. imum wage, while balancing her work winter and cooling costs in the sum- In real value, today’s Federal min- with the needs of her three young sons. mer. In Michigan, more than 600,000 imum wage is about 30 percent below Without paid medical and family leave households received LIHEAP assist- the days when President Ford pardoned through her employer, whenever one of ance last year. Nationally, LIHEAP Richard Nixon and Cannonade won the her boys was sick, she had to stay serves 6.7 million people. Kentucky Derby. home without pay. These mostly one-time payments As American productivity has For mothers like Sonia, we must in- provide a financial bridge to ensure surged, the economic status of the crease the minimum wage and ensure that vulnerable populations do not American worker has weakened and, employers provide paid family and have to choose between paying their along with it, the capacity of American medical leave for all of our families. energy bills and affording the other ne- consumers to continue driving our Caryn’s life has turned around after cessities of life, like food and medicine. economy. she was finally able to access afford- Today is National LIHEAP Action Even Walmart executives have ad- able child care in San Pedro, after Day, and constituents, businesses, and mitted an obvious cause and effect. struggling to balance taking care of nonprofit organizations are all in town When their employees can’t afford to her daughter as a single mom and to ask Congress to provide adequate shop in their stores, profits will suffer. building a future. Because of that she funding so residents across the country Madam Speaker, a fair minimum has already earned an associate’s de- are able to continue accessing this wage has the power to make work pay gree and is now studying for her bach- vital program. Please welcome them a little better, to give families a shot elor’s degree. into your offices, and please support at a stronger future, and to grow our The success of our Nation relies upon the critical LIHEAP program. economy substantially. the economic security of these women With this year being one of the cold- It is a corrective to obscene cor- because when women succeed, America est winters in decades, many agencies porate welfare, whereby American tax- succeeds. are struggling with record numbers of payers must support low wage workers f people seeking assistance. LIHEAP when their employers don’t. It reaffirms the basic American idea FOUR YEARS AND OBAMACARE IS benefits have already been cut; it is not time to cut them again. that, if you put in 40 hours a week, you STILL FAILING should be able to put food on your fam- f (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina ily’s table every day. asked and was given permission to ad- b 1215 f dress the House for 1 minute and to re- HONORING ILLINOIS ASSISTANT vise and extend his remarks.) PARALYMPIC CHAMPION EVAN PRINCIPAL OF THE YEAR STRONG Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. SHERYL GRAY Speaker, according to an institute at (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given the University of New Hampshire, the (Mr. HULTGREN asked and was permission to address the House for 1 number of long-term unemployed given permission to address the House minute.) Americans has more than doubled since for 1 minute.) Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise 2007, to a gruesome 39.3 percent. Mr. HULTGREN. Madam Speaker, I before you today to honor Evan Strong The President has had more than rise today to recognize a caring and in- in celebration of his continued achieve- enough time to get our weak economy novative educational leader from Illi- ments in the 2014 Sochi Paralympic back on track. Instead of working with nois’ 14th Congressional District. Winter Games. Congress on pro-growth reforms to our For her hard work, Sheryl Gray was Bordering the Tahoe National Forest, tax system and encouraging businesses named Illinois Assistant Principal of Nevada City is home to 3,000 people, in- to hire more workers, he has focused the Year by the Illinois Principals As- cluding Evan and his wife, Mariah. his attention on implementing his dis- sociation. Today, I join the members of that com- astrous health care takeover, destroy- Since she began at Prairie Trail munity in recognizing his accomplish- ing jobs. School in Wadsworth, she has created ments, generosity, and strength. American families have felt the du- and implemented fresh ideas that bring Evan Strong grew up with a strong plicity of the ‘‘Unaffordable Care Act.’’ together students and their families in passion for sports. Whether it was surf- They have lost health care plans. They education. ing the waves in Maui or skateboarding have been forced to pay higher insur- Her brainchild Partnership and around the neighborhood, you could ance premiums and receive smaller Achievement Lead to Success, or not find him without a board in his paychecks due to reduction in work PALS, has been extremely successful hand. Unfortunately, shortly before his hours. in educating and empowering at-risk 18th birthday, Evan, on his motorcycle, A key to economic recovery starts children. She has also devoted her time was struck head-on by a drunk driver. with repealing and replacing the take- to improving Prairie Trail School’s Three days later, his left leg was ampu- over with a commonsense, patient-cen- special education program and increas- tated. tered solution. Our workforce should ing school attendance by supporting Today, 10 years after his accident, not lose 2.5 million more jobs because families who are in need. Evan remains the most dominant ath- of government mandates. We must A servant to the Lake County com- lete on the adaptive snowboarding cir- work together to promote jobs. munity, Sheryl Gray is an inspiration cuit. In conclusion, God bless our troops, to her students and to the next genera- Evan’s story of overcoming adversity and we will never forget September the tion of educators. is an inspiration to California and to 11th in the global war on terrorism. With more leaders like Sheryl in athletes all across the country. By f schools, all of our children will be able turning an obstacle into opportunity, to reach their true potential. he has earned every title in the sport of NATIONAL LIHEAP ACTION DAY f adaptive boardercross, including a Win- (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given ter X Games gold medal, a world cham- permission to address the House for 1 RAISE THE WAGE pionship title, two overall titles, and 11 minute.) (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given world cup titles. Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise permission to address the House for 1 Perhaps most extraordinary, his his- today to talk about a critical Federal minute.) toric performance in the 2014 VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:50 Mar 27, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26MR7.019 H26MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 26, 2014 Paralympic Winter Games led the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT What are the consequences for Rus- United States to a sweep in the men’s DEADLINE sian violation of the INF Treaty? We snowboard cross event and to earn him- (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given shall see. self the first gold medal in the games. permission to address the House for 1 And that’s just the way it is. I congratulate Evan on his remark- minute.) f able achievements. You make Cali- Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, with the fornia and our Nation extremely proud. deadline to sign up for the Affordable WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH f Care Act approaching, I want to en- (Ms. KELLY of Illinois asked and was courage everyone, especially young given permission to address the House NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF people and people in my district, to for 1 minute.) LETTER CARRIERS sign up for health insurance. Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given For those who think the process is 42 years ago, Congress passed the Equal permission to address the House for 1 too cumbersome or you won’t get an Rights Amendment to guarantee equal minute.) affordable rate, listen to this story rights for American women. Although Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, today, from a 29-year-old woman from New we have made progress leveling the the National Association of Letter Car- Jersey, Fawziah Qadir. She said: My playing field, we still have a ways to riers Buckeye Branch 78 arrived in employer agreed to provide $300 a go. Washington for its national conference. month towards any health plan I could Women earn more advanced degrees I rise to honor these dedicated postal find. and make up half of our national work- Unfortunately, trying to find an af- workers and thank them for the great force, but the return on their edu- fordable insurance plan on her own in service that they provide, bringing cational investment doesn’t come close New Jersey where she lives, she said, news during tragedy and triumph.
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