mikxan irqn-zehn e"dl 868 July 17•18, '09 • h"qyz fenz e"k This Shabbat is the 292nd day (of 354), 42nd Shabbat (of 50) of 5769 :l`¨ «¥x§U¦i zi¬¥A zFggR§§ W¦nÎl«¨k§e arw£®r«©i zi´¥A 'dÎx©g a§c E¬r§n¦W PIRKEI AVOT: In Israel • 2nd perek; In Chutz LaAretz • 1st perek The community that neglected a mitzva There is a Jewish community • a fine Jewish community, really • with shuls and schools and mikve, with an eiruv, a glatt slaughterhouse, kosher supermarkets and restaurants, Daf Yomi available in three languages at different times of the day, a great chesed infrastructure and community support of individuals with a variety of "situations". It isn't just the community as a whole that is so exemplary, its members are out• standing models of intelligent, learned, observant, sensitive and caring Jews. We could say that this community is perfect... except for one thing: There Correct for TT 868 • Rabbeinu Tam (J'm) • 9:08pm is one mitzva they don't follow, when 7:09 (6:18) Yerushalayim 8:26pm 7:26 (6:20) S'derot 8:27pm they shecht (ritual slaughter) 7:24 (6:18) Gush Etzion 8:26pm chickens, they neglect to cover the 7:27 (6:20) Raanana 8:28pm blood of the sh'chita as is required by 7:25 (6:19) Beit Shemesh 8:27pm the Torah and as is detailed in 7:26 (6:20) Rehovot 8:28pm Halacha. KISUI DAM BE'AFAR. Their 7:27 (6:20) Netanya 8:29pm sh'chita is meticulous. All other 7:23 (6:18) Be'er Sheva 8:26pm aspects of bringing the chickens to the 7:25 (6:19) Modi'in 8:27pm table are cared for beyond reproach, 7:09 (6:20) Petach Tikva 8:28pm but they don't do KISUI DAM. 7:09 Maale Adumim 8:26pm (6:17) continued below... 7:26 (6:19) Ginot Shomron 8:28pm 7:25 (6:18) Gush Shiloh 8:26pm 7:24 (6:18) K4 & Hevron 8:26pm Shabbat Shiur, 5:00pm 7:25 (6:18) Giv'at Ze'ev 8:26pm 7:26 (6:19) Yad Binyamin 8:28pm Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher 7:27 (6:20) Ashkelon 8:28pm 7:16 (6:19) Tzfat 8:28pm Mincha at 6:00pm Tel: (02) 999•8440 US toll free: 1866•376•6716 [email protected] www.traveldealisrael.com Ranges are 10 days, WED•FRI 23 Tamuz • 3 Av (July 15•24) Earliest Talit & T'filin 4:46•4:53am Sunrise 5:45•5:50am Sof Z'man K' Sh'ma 9:14•9:17am (Magen Avraham: 8:20•8:25am) Sof Z'man T'fila 10:24•10:26am (Magen Avraham: 9:48•9:52am) Chatzot 12:45•12:45½pm (halachic noon) Mincha Gedola 1:21•1:21pm (earliest Mincha) Plag Mincha 6:18•6:14½pm Sunset 7:50•7:46pm (based on sea level: 7:45•7:41pm) Word of the Month Tammuz has only 29 days, so Rosh Chodesh Av is only one day. And even though "as Av enters, we diminish simcha", P we wholeheartedly cont. below Orthodox Union OU ISRAEL OU Kashrut • NCSY • Jewish Action Seymour J. Abrams • Orthodox Union • Jerusalem World Center NJCD / Yachad / Our Way • IPA OU Israel Center programs • Makom BaLev • Lev Yehudi Synagogue Support Services Pearl & Harold M. Jacobs ZULA Center • NESTO • The Jack OURadio.org • Young Leadership Gindi Oraita Program • Mashiv HaRuach • OU Israel Kashrut Project Areivim • OU West Coast Stephen Savitsky, President, Orthodox Union Yitzchak Fund, President, OU Israel Harvey Blitz, Chairman of the Board, Orthodox Union Rabbi Emanuel Quint, Senior Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil, Executive Vice President Prof. Meni Koslowsky, Vice President Stuart Hershkowitz, Vaad member Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Exec. V.P. Emeritus Moshe Kempinski, Vaad member Headquarters: 11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Sandy Kestenbaum, Vaad member 212•563•4000 • website: www.ou.org Zvi Sand, Vaad member Harvey Wolinetz, Vaad member Produced, printed*, collated, and folded in•house Phil Chernofsky • (02) 560•9124 Rabbi Avi Berman, Director•General, OU Israel [email protected] • www.ou.org/torah/tt David Katz, CFO, OU Israel Advertising: Ita Rochel Menachem Persoff, Director of Programs, Israel Center [email protected] • (02) 560•9125 Phil Chernofsky, Educational Director and TT editor TT Distribution • 0505•772•111 • [email protected] 22 Keren HaYesod • POB 37015 • Jerusalem 91370 phone: (02) 560•9100 • fax: (02) 561•7432 OU Israel and Torah Tidbits do not endorse the political or halachic email: [email protected] • website: www.ouisrael.org positions of its editor, columnists, or advertisers, nor guarantee the quality of advertised services or products. Nor do we endorse the Torah Tidbits and many of the projects of OU Israel are kashrut of hotels, restaurants, caterers or food products that are assisted by grants from The Jewish Agency for Israel advertised in TT (except, of course, those under OU•Israel hashgacha). Founders and initial benefactors of the Israel Center: We recommend that readers check with the advertisers themselves to clarify kashrut and shmita details of their services and products. George z"l and Ilse Falk Lead Tidbit cont. from front page Strange community, wouldn't you say? Hard to figure them out. It seems that way back when they started, they didn't know about KISUI DAM, or they didn't think it was so important. Or was it that they found it too difficult to do. And when they found out that the kashrut of the meat was not affected at all by their not doing it, they just didn't make the effort. Wonder how many TTreaders to this point still think that this Lead Tidbit is talking about a Jewish community that neglects the mitzva of KISUI DAM. The fact is, KISUI DAM is only a place holder for a different neglected mitzva. One that actually finds one of its sources in this week's sedra • KISUI DAM does not. But the real issue is "similar". We are talking about not one strange Jewish community, but about many, many not strange at all Jewish communities in many places around the world. Communities that have the shuls and restaurants and all the other things mentioned at the beginning of this piece, but some• how they seem to neglect one par• ticular mitzva. We're not even going to claim that the neglected mitzva is more important than KISUI DAM (although it might be so claimed.) We are talking about communities and the individual Jews that make up those communities, who are very conscientious about Shabbat and Kashrut, about Taharat HaMishpacha and learning Torah and davening... but seem to sadly neglect • not everyone equally • the mitzva of YISHUV ERETZ YISRAEL, living in Israel. It should not be neglected. WORD of the MONTH from p.2 A weekly TT feature to help clarify practical and conceptual aspects of the Jewish Calendar, thereby enhancing our appreciation of G•d's gift to us of HaChodesh HaZeh Lachem... "bench" this coming month, and in addition to all the things we ask of G•d, we add our prayer that Av becomes a complete month of comfort and joy in the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash. .x¤wFA©A r©W¥Y i¥x£g©` mi¦w¨l©g d¨Wi¦n£g©e zFwc © dx§ ¥U¤rÎr©W§Y ,i¦ri¦a§x mFi§A d¤i§d¦i c©lFO©d The molad is WED (July 22) 9h 19m 5p which is 9:58am Israel Summer Time In Rambam notation: fny:eh 'c i¦ri¦a§x mFiA § d¤i§d¦i a¨` m¥g©p§n y¤Frg W`rx :d¨aFh§l l¥`¨x§U¦i l¨M l©r§e Epi«¥l¨r `¨A©d Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is Wednesday (July 22nd) Matot•Mas'ei STATS Kohen • First Aliya Matot Mas'ei M&M 16+12=28 p'sukim • of 54 sedras 42nd 43rd — of 10 in Bamidbar 9th 10th — 30:2•31:12 lines in a Torah 190 189 379 [P> 30:2 (16)] "And Moshe spoke rank 29th 30th 1st to the leaders of the Tribes of Parshiyot 9 8 17 Israel..." The first principle of the P'tuchot 4 6 10 topic of Nedarim (vows & oaths) is S'tumot 5 2 7 that a person must fulfill the terms P'sukim 112 132 244 of his vow and it is prohibited to rank (Torah/Bam.) 24/7 12/5 1/1 "profane one's word"[407,L157 Words 1484 1461 2945 30:3]. rank 29/6 32/7 1/1 On the other hand, built into the Letters 5652 5773 11425 Torah's laws are procedures for rank 30/7 28/6 1/1 release from vows. These proced• Mitzvot 2 6 8 ures also constitute a mitzva, viz. positive 1 2 3 HAFARAT N'DARIM [406,A95 prohibitions 1 4 5 30:3]. A girl (12•12½ yrs. old • officially called a NAARA) who Drop in rank • p'sukim to words & letters • vows can have her vows nullified noticeable for Matot, drastic for Mas'ei • results by her father (only on the day he from short p'sukim. P'sukim of Mas'ei are the hears of them). Similarly (but with shortest in the whole Torah. differences), a wife's vows can be nullified by her husband. (In this case, only some vows, those which Aliya•by•Aliya affect the husband can be nullified Sedra Summary by him.) Numbers in [square brackets] are the Mitzva•count of Sefer HaChinuch AND MitzvaWWWaattcchh Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot.
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