NBT FRB8S BUN AVERAGB DAHiY CSROULATION OF THE EVENING HBRAliD for the month of December, 1026f 4,957 VOL. X U ., NO. 79. Ghuudfled AdvertlBlng on page 8 MANCHESTER, CONN.; MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1927. “CLUCK, CLUCK’* IS LATIN STATES PLAN MANCHESTER’S LURE TO POULTRY BIGNAVYBUMP NEW THROWN GAMES CROP Chicken Thieves Woo Their ANTI-U. S. ALLIANCE PEOPLE W • Quarry Conversationally; No CUT FROM BILL More Strangling. ASSERTSBOARD Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 3.— B Y C O ip T E E Central and S. American Re- Chicken thieves In the Berk- PLUS MARK FIGURES SMITH JOB LOOMS shires no longer raid roosts IN BOSTON TAXIMETERS and get away with their quar­ BROWNS T R p LANDIS CALLS pnblics at Work on Pro­ State Health Dep’t.^ Figures ry by strangling methods. In­ WiQ Be No Airsliips 'Twice Boston, Jan. 3.— ^TaxLdriv- AS CONGRESS MEEIS stead, they have mastered the ers, pilots of 1,160 cabs, had a language of the feathered lot of arguments oh their hands ject For Pan-American Give Bridgeport Second folks and subdue them with As Big as Shenatrioah”; 1923 SE R li^rO today. Seven companies opera't- P U Y E R SM IN ^'1 words, according to Detective Ing the 1,160 cabs here put into Union With This Country Seating or Casting Out of Place Om Hartford; Johh A. Blair. The detective effect a charge of a dime above is investigating the theft of Fight Ahead as ^ h For DET^TTEAM the meter reading. Riders whp 100 chickens from the flock read the ineters couldn't under­ TALE stand it until the driver ex- mm Baned— Would Oppose Illinois Senator Hogs At< Danbury Nearest t6 Us. owned by Michael Ruberto of Co.liimbus avenue. Cruisers Is Denied. plaiped that the advanqe in taxi Blair said that one man fares was to cover insurance New Charge of Crooked rates .under the new compulsory “ Yankee Imperialism.” tention of Senate. Hartford, Jan. 3.— Estimating who served a term for chick­ Great Quiz of 1917 Slo^h en stealing told him that he Washington, Jan. 3.— The ad­ insurance law. the state’s population as 1,586,430 -<S> met with great success by ministrations’ naval program was in a bulletin Issued today, the State Deal, But This One Was To Be Held Wednesday; Washington, Jan. 3.— President Washington, Jan. 3— With the talking to the birds. He ex-' laid before'Congress today, thus Department of Health upholds plained that it took a long Coolidge and his advisers are con­ political future of Senator-desig­ paving the way for the bitter figbt Bridgeport’s claim to second placo time to learn the sounds. Not Bought, So Fresh Re­ "Swede” Lets Cobb Out of siderably disturbed over the in­ nate Frank L. Smith, Republican of that is to bo waged over strength­ COBB AND SPEAKER among cities in the number of resi­ Some chicken thieves burn creasing evidences of American un­ Illnois, arousing more interest than ening America’s sea power. The dents. New Haven is first with 184,- sulphur to make the chickens popularity in the countries of Latin its own legislative program. Con­ sleepy so that persons are program was brought out in the velation Points. White Sox Deal. 727, Bridgeport is set at 174,890, America. gress reconvened today for the re­ ^ not aroused by the cackling, naval supply bill, carrying 8318,- MAY GET HEARING and Hartford 168,358. The figures Blair states. These evidences have been ac­ maining eight working weeks of its 469,530 for the next fiscal year, a Chicago, Jan. 3.— Clarence Row- show that 1,377,329 of the state’s Detroit, Mich., Jan. 3.— At least companied by circumstantial re­ life. reduction of 85,500,000 and with The ambition of Smith to take a population is in 46 towns of more one and possibly all of a three f J* I *1 1 » ' V IJ £ n of the Chica- ports that a strong movement is no money provided for cruiser' con­ s® white sox, and Ray Schalk, seat in the Senate as the appointive than 5,000 population each. This game series were “ thrown” to the LandlS Ukely to iwld to De-.| afoot' in Central and South Ameri­ successor of the late Senator Wil­ MEX LINE QUAKES struction to bring the United States present manager, are in Chicago to- leaves only 209,106 in tho 123 Detroit Tigers late in 1923 by the ca. backed by powerful influences, liam B. McKinley "'.reatened the navy up to the 6-5-3 parity with returning Congress with the possl- other towns. St. Louis Browns, but there was no nifllld of PldyOrS For 1 answer to telegrams sent out tor the organization of a real Pan- Great Britain and Japan. It was by Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw ; blllty of a special session after The estimates which are to be FELL WALLS TODAY laid before the House . by the ad­ conspiracy, Bert Walker, sporting American Union, with the United I March 4 and gave administration used in compiling vital statistics editor of the Detroit times today Chance at Accuser. requesting an members ministration-controlled appropria­ n v v u tfv i. Detroit teams States on the outside looking in, I leaders their greatest worry. As are given as of July 1, 1927, this tions committee. The naval com­ quotes Ty Cobb os saying. rather than being the directing Smith will face a thoroughly hostile date being selected for the reason mittee is on the other side of the The St. Louis Browns, were play­ of 1917 to meet in the commis­ force, as is the case with the exist­ Senate, ready and even eager to re­ that It is the mi.d-year population Series of Trentblors Has controversy, and will fight for new ing in Detroit. It was late in the sioner’s office here on Wednesday to ing union. turn him to private life, adminis­ and provides a fairer basis than cruiser construction. season, and the Tigers were fight­ Chicago, Jan. 3.— Tris Speaker It has for it^ object the welding tration laders said their efforts other dates. “ With respect to new vessels, the ing Cleveland for second place. and Ty Gobb, ousted from baseball answer “ crooked baseball” charges- of the Spanish-speaking peoples of would be directed toward forcing Method of Calculating. Done Million Damage In committee is ready to proceed in At 1 o’clock, or two hours be­ made by Charles ([Swede) Risberg. an early decision on the Illinois ap­ by “ Dutch” Leonard’s now famous the western hemisphere into a The method of calculation is providing the requisite funds when-; fore the game, some St. Louts play­ pointee. tale, may get another chance. In Risberg, former White Sox short- cohesive organization to combat based on the net change between ever the President shall so recom­ ers approached Cobb, manager of Rumora were current here that census figures of 1910 and 1920. dicatlona today were that Cobb ' expelled from organ- what many South American states­ Mexicali and Calexico. mend,” said the committee’s re­ the Tigers, according to Walker, ' ized baseball for bis alleged part in men consider the persistent en­ Smith would come to Washington As the interval was roughly ten port. acd Speaker at least may be given Wednesday with his credentials and said: “ You are going to win the. crooked World Series of 1919, croachment of “Yankee imperial­ years the annual change is found a new hearing in an attempt to from Governor Len Small, of Illin­ by dividing the actual difference Approves Delay today’s game. We will not try to charged before Commissioner Lan­ ism,” and “dollar diplomacy," ois. If he does, the fight to close Calexico, Cal., Jan. 3.— Two new "With the I President definitely take it. Those damned-------(mean­ clear their names. dis that the Chicago White Sox Centers In Mexico between the totals by ten. When the doors of the Senate to him will the annual is determined, the de­ severe earthquake shocks rocked counselling delay in commencing ing the Indians), have Insulted us The sensational story related by “ bought” a four-game series from There is reason to believe, from all season and we hope you heat begin the moment lie attempts to partment statistician finds that “ It Calexico and Me;(icall between 5 the construction f the three cruis­ Charles (Swede) Risberg; one of Detroit in September of 1917. He confidential reports reaching Wash­ present his credentials. All poles ers which have heretofore been au­ them put. Today’s game is yours.” named practically every member on' ington, that this movement has is a simple matter to add this and 6 a. m., today, shaking down the original “ Black Sox,” to Judge have indicated a clear majority amount from year to year, thorized, because of negotiations Cobb revealed this just before he the Chicago team at that time, in­ gained considerable actual headway thus scores of already battered walls. Landis, of a “ purchase” by the against admitting Smith. continuing the population, estimate looking to further limitation of left Detroit for Augusta, Walker cluding Ray Schalk, Eddie Collins and that it centers in Mexico City, Tremblers yesterday started a armaments, the committee thinks Chicago White Sox of a series of beyond 1920 by a process called says. four games with the Detroit Tig­ and Urban ( “ Red” ) Faber. where Calles government shows “ extra population.” fire in Mexicali In which two build-Tit is not wise to recommend a Cobb Didn’t Bet Rowland litigator increasing signs of permanency and ers in 1917, has acted as a boom­ Populations of other large towns Ings were destroyed, causing ai course in ^conflict with that pro­ “ I ,was in uniform at the time, Risberg said Clarence Rowland, power.
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