Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2005-11-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2005). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 3011. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/3011 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE XAVIER Publishid s{n:c_e 1915 by the stydents of Xavier Univ~rsity 91st year, issue 13 weeko/NOVEMBER16, 2005 www.xu.edu/newswire! Words on the body politic: It leaks Controversial politician slated to speak at Xavier CHAD FRAZIER . uge tomore lhari 100 U.S. citizens · "I think that Karl Rove should be The subsequent revelation in Kerry campaign as an unpaid ·Asst. Campus News Editor at the embassy and in the homes of fired." Rove is also involved· in the the press by columnist Robert speech writer and advisor. U.S: diplomats, when Saddam · CIA leak investigation. · Novak, which said that Wilson's His visit to the campus marks an · Ambassador Joseph Wilson, the Hussein was threatenfog to execute in 2002, the qA sent Wilson to wife, Valerie Plame, was a covert opportunity to hear one of the most former U.S. foreign service diplo­ anyone who housed foreigners. Niger to investigate claims that CIA operative, sparked the current contentious contemporary political mat, who is currently at the heart of Saddam Hussein was high profile investigation. figures. a Washington CIA leak investiga~ --1 seeking to buy Wilson was recently criticized Wilson published a book in tion, is coming to Xavier Univer~ r-----.. ·--. Yellowcake uranium for allegedly talking about his 2004, titled The Politics of Truth: sity in December. in order to advance wife's CIA job prior to the column Inside the Lies that Led to War and Wilson is speaking at the Cintas Iraq's nuclear pro- by Novak. Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity: A Center about the debate over the · gram. On the John radio show,'Major Diplomat's Memoir. ! . war in Iraq .. Wilson reported General Paul Vallely claimed that ·Wilson is now employed as a The event is at 8 p.m. in the back to Washington Wilson had spoken .-to him about business consultant. Schiff Family Conference Center tl:iat the claims were his wife's role with the CIA while Tickets for the event are $5 for and it is co-sponsored by ·the groundless. they were waiting together in the students. Xavier University Student Govern­ After hearing green room be- ment Association arid the Edward President George W. fore appearing - r-._ . B. Brueggeman Center for Dia­ Bush .repeat the together on I logue. claims, most notably FOX News. Wilson has been involved in in­ · in his 2003 State of Bush critics ternationalpoiitics for more than the· Union Address, claim thai the 20 years, and over the course of a Wilsonexpressed White House 1 highly decorated career, he has held . ---"':""PHoTO-COURTESv OFMiNDFULLY.ORG his dissent in an op- .Wlea_kseodn.'s .nMamrse. jl . many senior government posts; in­ Akey figure in a ·c1A inveStigation, Joseph . ed piece which was 11 cluding SpecialAssistant to the Wilson! to speak at Xavier: published .. in The fo revenge for · '!- President, Senior ofreetor forAfri­ ...· .· . New York Times on her husband~s can affairs, and acting as ambassa­ But Wilson ·is mosi fiuililiar to J~ly 6>2003. behavior. I dor to Iraq during Operation Desert the American public iii''associatioi'l"~·''''~"A:Trrestbrm of controversy has Though·Wil- . I · s'hield~the u:s; ·military ·buiidup with the ongoirig CIAJelildnvesti- • since erupted. son:fias contrib­ prior to the 1991 Gulf War. gation that led to the r~cent indict- ;,I have little cho'ic~ but to C:on- uted to Repub~ He was the last U.S. diplomat to ment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, elude that some of the intelligence licans and meet with Saddam Hussein that top adviser to Vice President Dick related to Iraq's. Il'uclear weapons Democrats, he year. <;heney. program was twisted to exaggerate has been most During this time, Wilson defied ·Wilson said bluntly in: an inter- : the Ifaqi threat," he wrote in "What recently affili- PHOTO COURTESY OF. MINDFUllY.ORG the Iraqi strongman by giving ref- view with CNN anchorWolfBlitzer, ; I Didn'tFind in Africa." . ated with the Karl Rove is one figurehead in the CIA controversy. .G.O.A.L. - Talking birds and the bees. ··. GRACE NORTHERN ·relationships, James posed ques- ' logue 0!1 black males and relation- ' committed relationships. However, ''They could come, listen, and Senior News Editor tions that the panel could. answer ships was based on a number of dif­ the key to relationships is letting ask questions. Plus, I think i~ was from personal experiences.· · ; · ferent factors. James reflected on the yourself go," said Martin. really important to look at things On the evening of November 14· Some of the more highlighteµ roles black men play in society and Vaughn also commented on the from different points of view. Per­ G.O.A.L., which stands for Gentle­ topics included inquiries on inter- the misconceptions that are often issue of commitment and explained sonally, I knew how I fe~t about cer­ man Organized for Achievement racial dating,Jear ofcommitmerit, · ·~sociated w~th:this group. He ex- that. sometimes it is difficult to be tain things, but by listening to my and Leadership, sponsored a panel· dating in college, th ow popula- •. plai . ~ erent stereotype in a relationship w in college. peers, my fellow black men, I could discussion that showcased a group tion of black avier, the · ''In college it ard because hear different points of view oncer­ of black male students and their lack men, you have to pu .tain subjects." different perspectives on the topic ,'.' and the · yoµr relaf . , and a lot of times The President of G~O.A.L, se­ of relationships. scene., you are oot sy with different nior Aaron Parker, was also pleased The panel, mediated by G.O.A.L. ost ch wa things," s ghn. with how the dialogue went. adviser Paul James, included: fresh­ as tile one · echa~etoo • Aft ~range ''There was a lot of feedback and Qlan Torian Strickland, sophomore e~edtob opinions. 'Fimrefore, ough a va­ ions throug <fill the debate between the audience and Jason Harville, sophomore Richard 1ence--especially riety of responses and an attentive evening, panelists expressed their the panel, and even amongst the Vaughn, junior Matthew Brown, having a i . se audience, you audience, the panel had the oppor­ satisfaction with the outcome of the panel themselves. As you could see, junior Corey Hawthorne, and se­ didn't w o be taken the wrong tunity to provide many insightful discussion and hoped that all of the although we are all black males, nior Marius Martin. W8:Y and you wanted to be able to responses ..·· participating individuals gained there was still a diverse opinion There were approximately 80 fully clarify yourself so that you . · Martin was one of the panelists · insight on the subject at hand. between panel members." students in attendance who had the wouldn't look racist or prejudice.. who offered iilsight on the issue of "I hope the audience gained Currently, G.O.A.L. is working opportunity to observe the panel's But, you still have these views, like commitment. more 'knowledge. I always hear on bringing a speaker to campus, response to a series of questions, I prefer to date my own race. It's not "I think a lot of men are afraid to people asking. what we are think­ planning a retreat, and sponsoring all of which had to do with the topic that I don"t like otl'!er people, that;~ be committed or in a relationship. ing when we do certain things, so additional dialogues that deal with of relationships. just my preference," saidMartin. Once we start to realize that love is here was their chance to find out," other significant issues. With the broad subject matter of- The de~ision to focus the dia-· not a negative thing, we can be in said Strickland. · ©2005 THEXAVIER NEWSWIRE NEWS: OP~ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: 1 ta!Yb1f'H'.:F~ '.~~;~·~~):74~2~~~; Treat yourself to a Why you gotta poop The sports issue! Its ·Im mrning Japanese, Advertising {513) 745'-3561 .~lt~~!~tih;f ·· · , (5·13y'7:.i:5"313o · ·.. · festival oflights _ in the m,icrot{)ave, kids? the nougat inside yes, I really think so . Editor-in-Chief {513) 745-3607 - PAGE2 PAGE 7- PAGES 1-8 PAGE9 2 week ofNOVEMBER 16, 2005 CAMPUS NEWS TH:f; XAVIER NEW.SWIRE _B_RI_···E_F_s, DiW1Jlicelebrates festiv31 OflightS Rachel.Peters, Editor News Room: 745~3122 . ANNTASSONE dayofDiwali. tickets for the show are $5 each, but earthquake i.n Pakistan, as well as [email protected] Copy Editor . Diwali is celebrated for five con- the majority of.the profits will be tsunami arid hurricane relief efforts. secutive days in order to .celebrate · donate~ to UNICEF to support natu• · The South Asian Society has al- . Xavier's first Diwali Show will be life and strengthen relationships. ral disaster relief; such as the recent ready received support from various Cincinnati held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday in Ultimately, this festival marks the groups and organizations on cam­ . the. Gallagher Stuqent Center The- vic;tory of good over evil.
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