University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Fort Sumner Review, 1909-1911 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-2-1909 Fort Sumner Review, 10-02-1909 Review Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ft_sumner_review_news Recommended Citation Review Pub. Co.. "Fort Sumner Review, 10-02-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ft_sumner_review_news/9 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fort Sumner Review, 1909-1911 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. lie rort Sumner Review VOL 2--- 12. FORT SUMNER, (Sunnyside Post office), GUADALUPE COUNTY, N. M., OCTOBER 2, 1909. $1 A YEAR, CASH. JL Murder of Miss Hattonl. Thc !oenf of the ,imeis with-- ! The Small Holding . in a mue or aanta Kosa, among ; LOCALETTES i I at Santa Rosa. ' the hilla overlooking the city, Claims. and while wild, yet the roitd (Special Correspondence. ) within a short distance is much AU persons who are .claiming Rosa, N M, Sept. 27- .- land because they have lived on Our Invitation George B. Deen, wife, and Santa traveled. Miss 18, the same for years little son, were called to Portales Sarah Hatton, daughter Miss Hatton was a beautiful twent' or Mrs. R. I. young i more, these claims 'being com- - Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. and Hatton of lady, a leader among the of a little nephew. Los Tanos, a small station on the young folks of her town and had monly kno.wn as "small holding Rack Island, nine miles east of many friends here. claims," and who. have not filed Once each week we pay for this space this city, was foully murdered This is the first instance of notice of their claims with the Miss Mattie Highsmith has for the privalege only of inviting you and probably ravished shortly murder or rape in Santa Rosa surveyor general, should bear ,in left the city to begin teaching in t. afternoon. Friday. The body and excitment is at a high pitch. mind the fact that the limit of once again to become a depositor of the school at Frionia, Texas. was found about 4 o'clock Satur- Large crowds are congregated time during which this can be our bank. day afternoon by Mr. Hatton and on the street corners and the done will expire March 4, 1910. 0. B. Earickson returned from The person who reads about us one of the searching party among murderer would receive scant The Court of Private Land an extended trip to St. Louis, the hills overlooking Santa Rosa, mercy werehe in the city tonight. Claims, w.bich was estaplished by fifty-tw- o times a year ought to know Chicago and other eastern points and within a mile of the city. the act of Congress in 1891, lim- on Tueday afternoon. While us at least fifty-tw- o times better than Word of the findingof the body Sheep men should not forget its the claimants to the lands absent Mr. Earickson purchased under ;this act to persons who once, was immediately brought to this that a magnnificent three , if he had read of us but The a large stock of fall and winter city justice of the peace Gallegos hundred dollar trophy silver cup acquired citizenship by reason of goods fot the Big Store. better he knows us the more likely he Sheriff Casaus. Dr. Rudolph and has been offered at the territori- the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo many oiher citzens hastened to al fair next month for the best or the Gadsden purchase. Of is to like us and our business methods. The Fort Sumner Public School scerfe co- Ram-bouill- et conrse the children or the family the of the crime. A exhibit of range raised "i has enrolled one hundred . 4 "l Your account, large or small, U urgent- and roner's 'jury was immediately rams. There will be family of a qualified claimant sixty pupils. Our neighbor up sworn in and an investigation half a dozen other fine prizes come under this heading. ly solicited and respectfully Invited. the creek, Santa Rosa, has an begun. ; ' in the sheep exhibit and all sorts All Spanish sptaking Ameri- enrollment of one hundred and When found, the body was of trophies- - in the cattle show. cans who have .these small hold- fcriy-eigh- t, which is doing well wedged in between the rocks and The sheep and cattle exhibits ing claims, and win have not The First National Bank, for the county seat.,; underbrush' and stone partly at the Twenty Ninth Fair are yet received patent for the srme, covered The clothing was going to break all previous lor who have not filed their claims The Telephone company com- it cf Fort Sumner, N. M. torn from the body and a records in the southwest. with the surveyor general, should menced Monday to run their piece 6f the skirt had wound at once write to the near- - iines to old Suunyside from ben and around the neck and the :e est land office or to the nearest head-gat- t $250 000 Bar V there up the river to the' e United States Commissioner and of the irrigation canal. firjj fractured and a large cut appear- Cattle Deal. out what they should do in As soon as this line is com- ed across the forhead just above :he case, as ro claims will be pleted they will commence the che eyes.' The body showed many The sixth delivery of the '"Bar tonsidered that are jiot filed construction of a lire running 4, 1910. other bruises and cuts including V" took place at Riverside stock before March down the valley through the. yards l;wo holes in the left arm jnst the first of the week and irrgiated district. above the elbow that appeared the purchase will probably ag- Durum Co. gregate about a quarter of a Wheat Iemp.tab8rf 1.0 be bullet holes. In any emergency where salve Blood stains appeared on the million dollars. There will prob- In Montana. is required, use Pinesalve. carbol-ize- d :ocfes about twenty feet from ably be only one more shipment. there is nothing better fói. Seyen miles from Billings on .J i, wherJhp body was found, and This immense deal was made cuts, burns and bruises.- - Sold by bytlltfTJai'-- high benchiartd, J. Bouton of FOR ALL KINDS 0F several tíáir ins and two buttonia company with T Sunnyside Drug Co. ; ', arid Lewis, that city has demonstrated the evidently from a coat, werefour.d of Claren- don, profitable results of applying dry one of the Texas. at this spit, and far.ning principles in J. H. Keeling has had prepar- This shipment . raising Building Material, victim's slippers was found with- of the Bar ed a set of ten representative herds will include 3000 head cf grain. Mr. Bouton has a number in a short distance. Evidence photos all done in colors. He grew.i sturf and about 700 heao of fields of gra.n in which the of a struggle also appeared in s has placed on sale in all the busi- of ea.vt 8. The fat stock and the are nOiV at work, one Paints and the sand, and it is supposed the ness houses. This is a well rec- ja.v s go to the Kansas City ji which is representative u the crime was committed at this spot ognized scheme advertising jtocivjart 8 for slaughter and entire ranch. Kor and then the body dragged to the tht and we believe our business men balance ill o to Panhandk T.lis particular fed was planted ! place of concealment. t the vtül push the sale of these cards. of Texas and Colorado. will April 20 to Durum W heat. Thé it' iShoe prints of a lady's shoe It .ake three tro.'n loads to move sod was broken only four inches were found a short distance down deep, horses being Arch Bishop Pitival arrived ihem. , . used for the ravine and it is thought she "Prices Right.' Wednesday from Santa Fe and It is said ti e Bar V will make plowing and that being the limit may have escaped her assailant, was met at the station by Man- .me mora delivery to complete of depth to which the plow could and when overtaken was brought NAYLGR, Local Manager. uel Abreu and others of his their did w th Molesworth and be forced without a traction out- i r Harry W. .iack to the scene cf the crime. Mr. Bouton parishioners who drove him to uewis. Tiiis is the biggest cat-t'- e fit employed a From his hasty examination Dr. to Jie home of Mr. Abreu, where purchase 1 a3 been made Missourian take caie of this Rudulph was unable to determim thit Confirmation will be conferred. .t uivtroiiití in s ive,a: years. iklJ a maa who had been whether or not the fiend had ac- On Friday Confirmation exer- accustomed to complished his purpose, but a cises will be held at the new B. T. Biven3, of Melrose, has methods of farming in the East more thoroug exam- Catholic church in Sunnyside. further and moved his family here and will and Midcle Wett. Ihe gan will made thisevening. y ination be open his Photographic Gallery came up with an unusually thr.f-t- had ridden horse- R4RÍCKS0N & Co. We publish today a dispatch Miss Hatton on October 1st.
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