^*0 THE TEESDALE MERCURY- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917. suffer. In tbe words of Holy Scripture, it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the The Local Tribunals. dead, that they may be loosed from sin. The Day will Come STARTFORTH RURAL AREA. NEW SPRING GOODS. the Preacher continued — when you and I will be borne to the grave. The da, the hour, the Agriculturists and Farm Depleting. moment will come when we shall be In the A meeting if this body was held in the grip of that last illness which will herald the Witham Hall on Wednesday. Mr James Latest Millinery ! approach of death. This we know, but Peacock presided, and there were also present when it shall be we know not. And hence Messrs R, Raine (Holwick), J. Allison, T. our Lord admonishes us, ‘‘ watch ye. therefore, Bayles, W. H. Robinson, S. R Leeds (assistant-clerk because ye know not what hour your Lord will ), Major Heslop and the Rev. A. L. Manby Dainty Blouses ! come.” One thing we do know, and that is (military representatives), and Mr T. W. that we can, if we will, be ready for the call, Garth (Board of Agriculture). About twenty­ as was our departed friend. We are the eight cases were considered. children of God, and He will never fall us. Newest Costumes ! Another thing we know is that God has left ns The Officer Commanding District Headquarters in no doubt as to how we are to prepare for and Certificates. death. God sent His own Divine Son to teach The Assistant-Clerk Informed the Tribunal Raincoats, Skirts, Corsets, &c. us. And He, the Eternal Son of God, established that the Officer Commanding District Head­ one supreme Spiritual Authority and Guide to quarters at Newcastle had sent a letter preach His doctrine, and His commandments, stating that some men who had certificates of and the means of Grace, in season and out of exemption before being called up retained the season. So the eternal and infinitely truthful original certificate, although it had been Son of God cannot be divided against Himself, cancelled, and he bad asked all Clerks to so neither can His church be divided against Tribunals to use every endeavour to ensure ROBERT ORD, Barnard Castle itself. It must, therefore, be essentially and that the cancelled certificates were obtained visibly one. It can never deviate from the from the men concerned. He (the assistant-clerk truth. For the inspired word tells us that the ) pointed out that all certificates, where Church of Christ is the pillar and ground of the time had expired, or whore they had been God and the War. truth : that the gates of hell shall never varied or withdrawn, should at once be prevail against it. Like the Divine Founder returned to the Clerk to the Tribunal, and it is not circumscribed by any limits. It is perhaps the members of the Tribunal would FATHER O’LEARY AND THE SINS OF international and world-wide in its scope, and be good enough to make it generally known NATIONS AND individuals. it has to do only with spiritual matters. We wherever it was possible for them to do so. NATIONAL SERVICE must pray that we may see and recognise that Leave for Rehearing Refused. THE LATE MRS TYERMAN, OF One supreme spiritual authority. It has marks A North Bitts farmer applied for a rehearing that dearly distinguish it —unity, sanctity, in the interest of his man (31). At first the COTHERSTONE. catholicity, apostolicity. We must pray for farm hand got a C3 ticket, but had since been a true and lively faith, a firm and unbounded passed for general service, and the Tribunal OUR LARGE FUNERAL AT LARTINGTON. hope, and a deep, personal love of Christ. now ruled in favour of no leave to appeal. On Monday, February 19 :b, the remains of Then when the last call comes Christ will be the late Mrs James Tyerman, Cotherstone. near us. He will bring us safely through that General Farming Appeals : Son Killed in were interred in the cemetery at Darlington. perilous and all-important moment of death, Action. Prior to the burial the body of the deceased and like our dear, departed friend, we shall An Karby farmer appealed for a servant in was taken to St. Laurence’s Church, where hear those joyful words : “ Well done, thou good husbandry (19 in July).— Applicant: Through FOOD STOCKS part of the burial service was read. Father and faithful servant.” this storm the work has been put back, ard I O’Leary officiated, assisted by Mr James would like him kept till May Day. It tran­ Tyerman and Master Norman Parker. A very spired that there were three sons, age: 24, 16 large body of sympathisers and friends were Shorthorns (Dual and 14 Two sons had joined the colours, and ARE LOW present. The chief mourners were : Mr James one had been killed. — Mr Garth: He requires Tyerman, husband of the deceased ; Miss Purpose). two men on his farm.— The Tribunal ruled that alarmingly lower than they have Fanny Tyerman, daughter ; Mr Joseph Tyer­ the man be retained till May 1 3th. unless in man, Sunderland ; Mr Peter Tyerman, PROPOSED FOUNDING OF HERD BOOK. tbe meantime a substitute be found.— A North been within recollection. Stockton ; and Mr Willie Tyerntan, Cotherstone, Field (Bowes) tarmor (29), single, with 50 scree, sons ; Mr Willie Tyerman. Cotherstone ; and Meeting at Barnard Castle. appealing for himself claimed exemption tn Mr. LLOYD GEORGE. Mrs Peter Tyerman, Stockton, daughters In­ Last Wednesday afternoon a meeting of the ground of hie being a oertifi d occupation. law ; Misses Olive, Gertrude, Mildred and farmers held in the Witham Hall, Barnard He had since taken Nova Scotia farm of .245 Winifred Tyerman, nieces ; and Messrs Castle, to consider the question of founding a acres.— Major Heslop : Don’t yuu thick it w.a VERY time you buy food in a shop or eat it Clifford Tyerman and Sylvester Sammerbell, herd book for dual purpose shorthorns. The very uewise to take the larger farm? — at table say to yourself that our merchant nephews. Right Hon. Lord Barnard. D.C.L., D.L., was Applicant : Well, I did not know you had any Striking Address by the Rev. Father O'Leary : unable to be present, and consequently the objection, or it would not have been dene.— sailors have died and are dying to bring it to chair was occupied by Mr H. L. Fife, J,P. The Mr Heelop; Is seems to me that tbe first the Devastating War. meeting was addressed by Mr W. Graham, of exemption was wrong, because you got it on you. It is bought not merely with money, but The Rev. Father O’Leery delivered an Edengrove, Bolton, Penrith, on the matter of tbe strength of managing forty acres of grass with blood. address of sympathy, taking for his text the the proposed herd book, and by Mr T. B. land, and then y-u tike a farm of 245 acres.— words : “ Precious in the Sight of the Lord is Schofield, of Carlisle, on the advantages of Conditional exemption was granted. E the death of His saints.'’ Psalm cxvi., 15. The milk recording. If > 'ou can use a spade, if you are good at gardening Preacher said : I cannot allow this occasion To Assist His Nsig*bjur8. The Chairman apologised for the absence of —go on the land at once. Go to help replenish our to pass without a public expression of my Lord Barnard through indisposition, and said A North Field cheese and butter maker sympathy with the friends of the departed that although His Lordship was progressing claimed to ba in a certified occupation, on 33 dangerously low stocks. Go now while there is still lime We are all gathered together in compassion very favourable he was not yet well enough to acres- He sxpressi-d willingness to work fur for the spring sowings to yield you summer and winter food. and mourning. The whole world, we might come to Barnard Castle. Mr Fife hoped the hie neighbours—Mr Grrth : If men have to go say, is in sorrow and in grief at the present meeting would lead to establishing a dual to work on farms you should state definitely In a few weeks it will be too late. time. The dark clouds and the din of war purpose shorthorn association in this district. the number of days per week. There should have been hanging over a vast portion of the Mr Graham, in outlining the objects of the be some guarantee. — Conditional exemption “ It is essential for the safety of the Nation, for the Earth. Scarcely any part has been spared in proposed association, was sorry that Lord was granted on applicant undertaking to work maintenance of the Nation, for the lite of the Nation, Its crucible of suffering and deprivation. The Barnard was not able to be present at that three days a week for his neighbours.— Mr most poignant grief has well nigh torn hearts meeting, but he thought it was of immense Diwson represented tbe fan s in the c airn for that we should put forth immediately ever) effort to asunder. Loved ones have gone forth never value io the formation of a society like that exemption msde by a Rnkeby farmer (38), and increase production for this year’s harvest and the next.” to return Some have never been seen or even when His Lordship had signified his approval stated that this was n certified occupation.— heard of more.
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