Tmilsatht Lost a Poet of Ran SOB J Rmati .** Rh .1 Foi '

Tmilsatht Lost a Poet of Ran SOB J Rmati .** Rh .1 Foi '

JnstrBction. Jnotrnciioi from however, cannot, he expected to Jiiotrurlion. Unotnictton. ;»ii_>v^i\ rui^iivt. prose work, reach a higher level than this volume attains. For Youne L*%di*»a.City. Boys Sad Yourie Mon.Country. For Youn*? LndlcSDcuitry. For Bovn rod Youn? Men.City. T. Al .'.TIN'S SCHOOI* WALNUT STREET tin gc,:*. SCHOOL fm* " is in -JACKSON Si MIN AI'.S '.'.i'-'-. .Vii sve., p. e. cor ii ¦ '. i'.rtilfm II. Mr. Amory's Slope of Ncwp'.rt" history Jv.jti ant .<-. li..ol fo aros iksi ^ WESTV 'i-i; Ml*-*-*! ind L*'l> S**p'. 19 A . l..Mh si_Claasical 1 J lui/ lay i k r PK ll IOR COMMERCIAL MW-DEIGHTON'. S. I.. N. Y. I il'A'V*.''- Irtn-lpii, 'Die author has Ladies sud Children. l f -r Ii (Inrotj,ut.!,, lt)'h year). Ml* i rhyme: that, and nothing mon-. Young l'u| college si 11 vu iii- VND COLLEGIA PE A clinch school "[ tha hlgheit elna f..r boya, Term**- Catalogue on application. *.»..| w <v Ph i»d*a. Pa. Technical training Building detached: largo, airy ¦ .. I OB OF "THANK I Ol'KMT.K*' tYtOtWT Wllllan willi Ins fact**, names, ilnt-s. ul i li«, SCHOOL BOYS, UOO. Eight reildeni Master* from Brown, Columbia, PIM. -T i'll ILADI I. It '"* POEMS tokes urejH pains extensive, well -tu. I'rofceaoi elocution. Mary u.i ti primer] II* i"i : Du and I 1 »<» I -¦ i. Camel. B Herbert I. Collected ami cd nd ly MOKOAI and so Boarder*, jSoo 3 pi SO aa between i .ndon, 0 Cai bridge, Min, Apply I .'?.>* M *"|.-M'i|*l I.I.'' li' KW descriptions of troops and commanders, ri.rrij. SM LENOX Wi nown Oib-ave., Preneh Home School for sin Young.a**- r'-oper.a ttpg, llEUI-KltT. 4to. .lohn Wiley ,t Sou'). events his hook is MISS MA RI HARRIOTT NORRIS,!?')? Madison av York, Bar. ALFREDO. MORTIMER D D Bwtai. 20. Thoion-'h In al 1*1""'*- li Mit.. l«mo forth, and ns a narrative of ll. md arith the tt commend*- ZoWtU I.gil*, Iv F.i'iW.M'I) KOW I.\\ ' \ Cia -, « h. nama* high POEMS. as a allei .... Hug uptoivn ramilli q evens School. Mun n ,v Oe. no doubt quite trustworthy. But regnrded _At homo Sejitembei ti_ cai in ti.. ii. alar, , , , ¦ pp Mt. Houghton, api c A' ai of Tiff. RET.VI For Both Scxea.(n-.itry. the opinion thnt S'S Bl li""i. .. foi '"iii"**, rhnlcal senooia, ¦j,ii; MIC DEPARTMENT MUCTCHES IN BOKO. Uv GBORQE l.ANMXC. BAT poem we an* compelled lo express -MISS WAKKi FOR BIRI l>r*,.| .roughly MONO MILLS, ililli; t"orn*** ¦'""* N**-* Tm*, buns A . WITH BOYS' DEPARTMENT. ll ipuna 27 \e ..,.¦,.¦'¦.*. Tl'1 THE * loll. c.. V. it. may he Sept .¦ Or it-class 1TUTE OP BNOLOOT, riur* of mappa, MUND. l*imi\ pp. Putnam's it. has no st.uidim:. unless thought W il l,"i-**. I'ndei .it.i'.'.- ."i .getlc ti i.i ti :i. tr..-nt ten AOrder programme tor ih-nin iii _ .*» i " I'KDKli THK ll'. PA H.* ami OTIIKK POEMS. I. the curiosities of litera- edi be empl' red. N" Rlvr -t ti..-i...i, (tS nd r''l) -I'¦¦ BOOtAXOW, N. J. QI'a MOUNTAIN IN .-."i ll 'J i, ¦. ,r|.-**i'i3. to deserve a place among 4 - ".Ml-.**. sylvan I'.-. REED'S Amerl* CUSTOM wiMiiKor. Booton ns Septembei IS Application* OPENS SEPTEMBER ll ISSf. / ' OLLEG] ATE GRAMMAP. s.JI'L AVQVWTA .... ;. ir* uf ai*.-. tu re. |. *,,. and llth of yy I h V'* .) 'I rim l.e A I'-irinlli. SCHOOL FOR -DUNG LADIES 'J'.I'lt YEAR). v. LASS Examination, for idmlaaioo ob UU loth Ol', BO! *"*-,)''''K__ AFTERNOON on .I.t 7'Tit tl __ * n '. n p. tn. WEST ST., LETTEKS ROM OOIXMtADO. ny B. I* VAtOM Translations" of Frederic ll. I r bo ¦ av.' liding nih' hool*, betwe* and September. fonii'i.'d ¦ Collegtaii Oa'sm ! "The Ifetrienl G AND 8 BAST MW in lu. ont' the dil lion ot tba I6SS onder eoutrol ISA Boston: Cnpples A Hurd. MD-ST., YORK. Wc Im -day, PULL COURSES OF ST! DIES P R BP» BATO RY TO * hun i. lt. ¦¦font"-'''*' ISUM, pp. and Annis Lee Wlstes are generelljr faithful ('1,-iMieai, Intermeiiat* Prim* Lepertmnnta, Fl.o.M BEAST AND NAT! Ki:. Dj SARAH KNOB. Ll H fledge I.I \"X ANNEX. BCIIO ILS OP BCIENI B AND COLL! OEM. .**."-» M« and felicitous. They are mostly from DATE i:>'\ I" an I M.v 1 harle 11 i LASS. »T5 PER ANB CM. Preneh ami Oerman by tin and CHARLES KNOWLES BOLTON freqiienlly .. .. ..- GIRLS' JUNIOR DEPARTMENT, f.r in t*>*li>e<"i. BOLTON VFTEBSi hool f.'i ('iris will (ly I No where a __Prepare* CollegM '"rn* * Schiller. Dhland, Heine. m tl." ai house, 334 Lenox-ave.. PEB vNNt'M. Se r_ber 2*'. l-..r and _^ IS.e. y. CroweU 4 o the Qertnan-Ooethe, lio? .">tii aro. Mr*. Gardner ..ur.... of 11 tory lu Rhyme." adjoiningofpri ladles fi. (1 [OR Hi PARTM1 NT, USO Reopen. pt taM<..**..I H* 1 Matter WUK*' (Marlen * In Mr. limited numbri renns "f tenor. l.e*.. pit at tbo nc'.nol v. I. MYG rOEMS. Itv "JOSIAH ALLEN'S Burger, etc, t'ems Inrgelj represenSed. SCHOOL FOR lilRLS, 1001 professor* the Th.... *"*'. Y- i>\ \v. Gibson am of flu* neai 1 j-'.'.'i. *.. ntl ali coll ,..¦. i« n t idmlnlsti ellon and to Hie Librarian of St-vcn* Tn-Ui- CARMO INSTITUTE. lV.u'^- ¦a-i.-i-a Baaallton ('LASSlCAL Pup under Tor applr ¦ iiniieyi. Illustrated translation of t4i<- "Song Earth neefll*',.,.*_work. catalogue* OEboth MSC! tor rr f. linn**. Ad1rr«« ^ Funk ,v \\ Hedge's women; ile-" completing preparatl :i hen 1mltied 1 College others. l.tno, pp. SIB, agnella from Faust, he follows Carlyle in render¬ We esler without further i<xainlnail)'i. l*rli ii VNDRF.W Zl RBAN. Vi-- fltc Principal. JAMES M.I* (i****** I'n D. By THOMAS 0 Sp:nt." v rms .' t... 11 lin ...,¦.. Rum. for I! ;"<- Mel*. s>- SIEGE Of NEWfOBT. " " .!. j.«¦ tmer.i 11 puj i¦¦.¦!¦ ¦¦.¦¦¦ flEORGE'S HALL h I ISM IRB roaring loom." There Iy. i;i tl Rxamlnaitona, ii. ,,im vi: a m.. Prln. GREENWICH a* aDEM*-!'"')' For l-Jti).., pp. laVf. Camhridgo: Jobi ing sausenden webstuhP Reopens OeL 1. Ml** North and Ml** Dann**, Prinoipaia .-..I.. '¦¦ tl n Awruat STI;,.,,;', ./ >',, ,. ., J,1)AST-l.'.Ui **¦*.<». Kn | c-'l .-,..._. bt ",". Si ho il, " " | AMORT. ..¦I, u,. t- )>2j '¦ ,r collei, .r eau he no doubt i's to t.iie superior effectiveness .¦-: . la v :i -i rough, trlclty, M*l.«iO endowment l-r'-i/* i,,,.. Wi!*,.a S Son. INSTITUTE 751 Sth-l - '¦¦"' *. p.VRLISLE Adv.i:." ....-*'"'.'*" -- ,,t nj.ui ** 1.1 for I..! --'i I." lu all il . .: SCHOOL. pa,..,<-,,t METKIi'AI. TRANSLATIONS AND POEMS. Bj of thia ovr Bayard Taylor's humming loom," girls in*' » ipv jr. ii: DEPARTM CST JOHN'S MILITARY in lltenrr ...ur-*, for th* rm Omm Y. _ inelnd n hm languages, music, si ,* Oct 1, inti. fear. RKIIH't' SCHOOL, ?*")MAN LI US, N. l> H. HEDGE ami ANNIS l.l.l correct a.s Miss Swanwick's I i:v. I. I). Lu-CoL W VEBBECE. Sept < Poi catalogue adder.* Ri V. BLAKESLER, rREDERIC and it- is quite as PRING Miss ni VERN! B cheen'c In r I6TH ST._. Rt, HUNTINGTON. A M., Eaat Greenwich. Il 1 v i Hmo, HT. Boughton, Mimi " i> in:. pp. .. form adopted also bj Anster.- n MISS CARRIER will open them formeil* H.,im. Nea York..Thia BCIIO' .. Bawl-Miff. "**. ll, aa* «.!. whirring loom".a _>10LAIVH PREPARATORY K I. i'l STD .. N N -1 nS " th.- direction .'! Ml*- Im Vcrml .1 -. 1-' .:' ','i er*SI'..i..f ii unlvei »lty, a' ^ Twentr-elxth "-nr "..I begin >' ps 17th, 1SS8. "r W04 lAAUW IT.r.r but it is open to Questloo whether aauaenden" EAST :*" ll-.*-'!' 15th Na -.iii*.very Ire- ll '.'.' SlGLA P.. Hi'utatlon ai"Re ptetpreta:a-. TOO i'« a-OYM* ABU TRAN8LAHON& Bl LEWIS bcplembei addreaa ,;;..-. NRY " li'-gc mu*!.*, an eiecuti,:,. c bunding of .»»», Boston this meanini*. Mr. Hed.e's iii Lexington-are. i. umifn .¦¦¦-. between tha Harlem -JKt boarder*; itAit* lCnic SIS, will toke - li'-w labornt iv; ai comm.,'l.t.-, 8TARRETT, pp. properly . for the beal r*i ur: MILITARY ACADEMY, P*Mk» ,tly ERICK I- ; PEEKSKILL of room f.r '¦ '¦¦*> "''*.". version of is (air. but not excellent, A. AND M FALCONER PERMITS Glrfi rel ii Education. Uoard I kill N V Sen foi Cala t»fu»"d fr.mi I.v. .,_.*. fara; IJanrt Avery Tomi'.hiv. Mignon's Song Missis 244 1. aoa M. men refined for liv. .,i y-iir*. ilfleen'h /ear, bonan, en JOHN X. TILDEN A M., D., Principal. __ y. ung ft* , Wedneaday, bf avoid a he has omitted som-* words ive, New-York. Tenth 11 inber '.'7 , j 5. : er Herbert (Prank Forester) and to difficulty ft begins Sept '"ir 'JUE L-fc-iu* b'-ptember Catalogue Henry Wi.ten jr.oo year. >t from riiui: nen achool of GUNNERY REV. GEOR'ji, II. WHITEY. I) I). Pi-evident Mrs. Wit-ter's translations nie ng pupils per * ll ¦ >IJ S'-i.""l f Boy* t-' but it ls Interesting t* from the refrain. Ail Preporal i I u- 1 Septen*., I* I -Titos ]en_s s psst generation, J, F M< "iii a ul in i,, 12, 'i Hon.

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