CABINET MINUTES OF MEETING Monday, 17 December 2012 PRESENT: Councillor Lambert (in the Chair); Councillors Farooq Ahmed, Sultan Ali, Beswick, Martin Burke, Farnell, Hornby, Linden, Martin and Williams OFFICERS: P Smith (Executive Director), S Downey (Executive Director), L Fisher (Service Director – Corporate Services), P Kane (Service Director – Finance and Procurement), P Rowlinson (Service Director – Planning and Regulation), I Hodgeon, K McKenzie, A Maynard and G Pilling (Customers and Communities Service), J Timson (Adult Care Service), C Swift (Support for Learning Service) and M Hardman (Corporate Services). Also in Attendance: Councillors McCarthy and Rush, J Rossini (Director of Public Health), J Searle (Rochdale Development Agency) and three members of the public. Apologies for Absence: None. ADDITIONAL ITEM OF BUSINESS 108 The Chair advised that he had agreed to the addition of an item of urgent business onto the private agenda relating to the Manchester Airport Group. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had given his agreement to the consideration under Special Urgency arrangements and to the consideration of the item in private at less than 28 days notice, given the particular need to consider proposals in relation to the Group. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 109 There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES 110 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 21 st November 2012 be approved as a correct record. REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGET 2013/14-2015/16 UPDATE 111 The Executive Director (Transformation) and the Service Director – Finance and Procurement updated the Cabinet on the 2013/14 to 2015/16 Revenue and Capital Budgets and the 2012/13 financial position. The recommendations were presented to update Members on the development of Revenue Budgets for 2013/14 to 2015/16. Alternatives considered: The Council was legally obliged to set a balanced Revenue and Capital Budget. The budget setting process was complex and must be undertaken in a planned way. While budgets were prepared in accordance with the approved guidelines, a number of options relating to savings proposals and budget pressures were considered as part of the overall budget setting process. Further to the submitted report, the Service Director advised that the financial settlement announcement was expected to be made on 19 th December 2012. DECIDED – That (1) the latest forecast financial position for 2012/13 be noted; (2) the Revenue Budget position for 2013/14 to 2015/16 be noted; (3) the potential risks around the budget and the proposed date of the financial settlement announcement be noted; (4) the Schools Funding Arrangement be noted; (5) the Council Tax Freeze Grant be not accepted and a Council Tax increase of 3.5% be confirmed; (6) the Transitional Grant for the Local Council Tax Scheme be not accepted; (7) the main findings from the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement be noted; (8) the recommendations in relation to the proposed Revenue Budgets for 2012/13, including those relating to the Primary Care Trust, be approved; (9) the amendments to the 2013/14 Capital Programme be approved. Eligible for call-in - No LOCAL COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT SCHEME AND TECHNICAL REFORMS TO COUNCIL TAX 112 The Service Director – Customers and Communities and the Service Director – Finance and Procurement reported on feedback from the consultation process on establishing a Local Council Tax Support Scheme, updated Members on the Government grant to support the scheme and sought approval for an agreed Local Council Tax Scheme from 1 st April 2013. The submitted report further updated Members on the Government proposals in relation to Council Tax Technical Reforms for the discount for empty properties and second homes, and sought approval for an agreed approach for such reforms to operate from 1 st April 2013. The recommendations were presented to seek agreement to a Local Council Tax Support Scheme to operate from 1 st April 2013 as required by the Local Government Finance Act 2012. Alternatives considered: Alternative options to the scheme had been considered by the Cabinet at the meeting held on 17 th September 2012. The alternative to determining a Local Council Tax Support Scheme was to adopt the Government’s Default Scheme. It was considered more appropriate to approve a Local Scheme that responded to local issues. The proposals had been considered and noted by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at a meeting held on 13 th December 2012. DECIDED – That (1) the findings of the consultation process for the proposed Local Council Tax Support Scheme be noted; (2) the principles to be included in the final Local Council Tax Support Scheme, following the outcome of the consultation exercise, be agreed; (3) the changes to discounts and exemptions for empty properties and second homes under the Council Tax Technical Reforms, as outlined at section 7 to the submitted report, be agreed; (4) the final Local Council Tax Support Scheme and the changes to discounts for empty Council Tax properties and second homes be referred to the Council for approval in accordance with Section 67 of the Local Government Finance Act 2012. Eligible for call-in - No ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ROCHDALE BOROUGH ADULTS SAFEGUARDING BOARD 2011/12 113 The Service Director – Adult Care submitted the Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2011/12 for consideration. The recommendation was presented in order to raise awareness of safeguarding adults issues. Alternatives considered: Not applicable. DECIDED – That the Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2011/12 be noted. Eligible for call-in - No TENANCY STRATEGY 2012/15 114 The Service Director – Customers and Communities presented the Council’s Tenancy Strategy 2012 - 2015 for approval. The recommendations were presented to enable the Council to publish a Tenancy Strategy, to which registered housing providers must have due regard, as required by Section 150 of the Localism Act 2011. Alternatives considered: None, as preparation of this Strategy was a legal requirement. The Tenancy Strategy had been considered and noted by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at a meeting held on the 13 th December 2012. DECIDED – That the Tenancy Strategy 2012 - 2015 be approved. Eligible for call-in - No MIDDLETON TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL PRESCRIBED ALTERATION TO REMOVE SIXTH FORM PROVISION 115 The Service Director – Support for Learning advised that the Governing Body of Middleton Technology School had asked the local authority in September 2012 to consider the closing of the Sixth Form at the school with effect of 31 st August 2013. The Service Director presented the outcome of public consultation on the proposal and sought a determination from the Cabinet as to whether to publish Statutory Proposals in the light of that consultation. The recommendations were presented to determine a way forward on the proposal of the Governing Body of Middleton Technology School. Alternatives considered: The Cabinet had to determine whether or not to proceed in light of the responses to the public consultation. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 13 th December 2012 had supported the publication of Statutory Proposals, while expressing concern with regard to potential claw back of Grants Funding. The Service Director advised that this matter would be considered further prior to seeking final decision. DECIDED – That the submitted report, including the responses to the Public Consultation exercise, be noted and Statutory Proposals be published for the closure of the 6 th Form at Middleton Technology School. Eligible for call-in - No WARDLE HIGH SCHOOL: ACADEMY CONVERSION AND PFI PROJECT AGREEMENT DEED OF VARIATION 116 The Service Director – Support for Learning reported to the Cabinet on matters that would enable Wardle High School to convert into an Academy form 1 st January 2013. The recommendations were presented in order to regularise certain matters on the change of status of the school. Alternatives considered: None. DECIDED – That (1) the Service Director – Corporate Services be authorised to seal the Deed of Variation to the Building Schools for the Future PFI Project Agreement between the Council and inspiredspaces Rochdale (Project Co 2) Limited and any incidental and ancillary documentation; (2) the Service Director – Corporate Services be authorised to sign the School Agreement between the Council and Wardle Academy Trust and any incidental and ancillary documentation. Eligible for call-in - Yes STRONGER FAMILIES PROGRAMME 117 The Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services and the Executive Director, Pam Smith advised Cabinet of progress on the Stronger Families Programme and presented a draft Work Programme, seeking relevant approvals to allow the Work Programme to proceed. Further to the submitted report, the Cabinet noted amendments to tables within paragraphs 4.5 and 4.6 and Appendix 2 to the submitted report regarding the profile of the indicative funding. The amendments did not affect the total spend on the programme as otherwise indicated within the report. The recommendations were presented to enable implementation of approaches towards improving the outcomes for challenging families. Alternatives considered: The Troubled Families Initiative was a central Government initiative with specified criteria, outcomes and timescales; as such there were no alternatives. To do nothing would have entailed rejecting the offer of additional funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government
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