7” AD-A038 657 ROME AIR DEVELOPMENt CENTER eRIrrXss AFB N V F/G 9 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE RAOC P AND 0 COMPUTER FACILTTY,(U) ~ UNCLASSIFIeD MAR 77R ADC—TR0 ft MAYNARD—fl—61 NI. .r ~ ~ / i / ~~~_, .I 1- ’ ~ - t. AOC-TR 77—61 ~~ ~In-H*use~ Report ~*r ch~~971 • INTROOIJCTION TO ThE RADC R$D COMPUTER FACILITY Is R. Miynard Approv.d for pi 1tc r .lu. ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ distribut ion uvsliaitsd o o c ç rpnn flt? ~ Y 13441 ams i* ~~~ IMI — ~~ -~~~~~~ This report ha. been reviewed by the RADC Inforuation Office (01) and is releasablS to the National Technical Inforastion Service (NTIS) . At NTIS it will be releasable to the general public, includin g foreign nations. This repor t has been reviewed and approved for publication . APP V : ~~ ~~ Ilejor USAP VILLW~ F. STINSON, Chief , R&D C~~~uter Facility Infoiaat ion Sciences Division APPROVED: __ ROUST D, LJUTZ, Colonel , USA? Chief , Inforastion Sciences Division ~OR THE CO~O4&NDU JOHN P. MUSS Acting Chief , Plans Office I ~~ not return this. ce~y. Iatain or destroy . UNCLASSIFIED 0.,. Enl. sd) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF TIllS PAGE ITh .,, ~ READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM ( L ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENTs CATALOG NuNWER S. ~ • —~~ I —.. JNTRODUCTION TO TRE C R 0MPUTER IACILI/ ,~~~ ~~~~. ~~~~~ In-House Report .fr _______________________________________ S. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMSER _______________________________________________ N/A 7. AUYNOR(.) S. CONT RA CT OR GRANT NuMIER(. J N/A S. PtRF ORMI G OR GANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS to PROG RAM ELEMENT . PROJECT . TA SK ~~ AR EA WORK UNIT NUM BERS Rome Air Development Center (ISFO ) Program Element 62702F Gr iff iss Air Force Base New York 13441 , Job Order No. 55810218 It . CONT ROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS &t aur. .. ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rome Air Development Center (ISFO) Mar, 77 / Griff iss Air Force Base , New York 13441 i . NUNS ER OF PAG ES _______________________________________________________ 26 IA. MONITORIhO AGENC Y NAME S AODRESS(tI dIU.,.mt frst C.nft.1I1n4 Olflcs) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (. 1 thIs , pSft ) sa.. UNCLASSIFIED IS.. OECLASSIFICATION/OOWNGRADING SCHEDULE _______________________________________________N/A IS. DISTRICUTION STATEMENT (.9 919. N.p.~I ) Approved for public r .leaae; distribution unlimited. I] g j 2 if dHS.,uni I?. DISTRI•UTION STAT EMENT (.1 II. ~~~ab.fr. eI snI.r.d is JI.ck~ 20. ~~~bs.I sp., t ) Same IS. SUPPLEMENTA RY NOTES None I S. KEY WORDS (C.sI n., . an sill II n.e. ...rv .id MsntiSy by .. b.t) ~~~~~ bioc* ~ Time—Sharing Multiprocessin g Computer Installation Time—Sharing Computer Services ‘ t \ Software Systems AIPSTRACT (C.. lSr.u. ., ,sv aid. IV ssc.o. ~~~~ ~ ~~.. ~~y aId Sd.nUfy by b ock s~~ b•c) This report is an introduction to the computer resources available in the R&D Computer Facility (1SF) of the Re.. Air Developmen t Center . This report be c4~taths a description of the individual systems with procedures to f llowsd to gain access to each. IW_ FORM ~~ 1473 EDITION OF I NOV IS IS OSSOLETE w i ~~~~~~ UNCLASSIFIRD SECURITY CLAUIFICATIOM OF THIS PASt (a., b . L ~ UNCLASSIFIED . IAMV5 SECURITY CLAUIFI CAT ION Or THIS PAGI(WhaI O~~ ~~ UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS P..OI(URSR 5.. 5.L. ,.4 Ab stract This repor t is an introduction to the computer resources available in the Information Sciences Division (IS) to RADC personnel and contractors working on RADC projects. Th~ procedures to gain access to the various systems are described . Also includ ed are descriptions of the individual systems. Th followin e g systems ar e discussed : 1) Honeywell 6180/MLJLTICS 2) Honeywell 6180/GCOS 3) RADC Associative Processor (RADCAP) 4) QM—l Emulation System 5) PDP— .ll/4 5 6) Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA ) Network. - .. • . - - .. ~~ — Ewe ~~~• ... ~~~~ ;‘: as ~~~~~~~~~~ • - - I ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ oL ~~~~~~~~~~~~ H ~i~~ • • r. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PREFACE This document is an updated version of a previously published description of the RADC cor R&D Computer Facility. While several ~tributions were solicited from other RADC personnel, the pr inciple author of this report , who worked under the general guidance and direction of the Chief of the Facility Operations Office , Mr. Denis Maynard , is Miss Suzanne Dzwonkas. Miss Dwon kas is a computer programmer working under Utica College contrac t F30602—76—C—0155 . The author would like to thank several engineers and scientists wi thin the Information Sciences Division for supplying informa tion in their respective , area of expertise . They include Richard Metzger Thomas Lawr ence , Os k ar R e imann , Capt Alan Klayton , Armand Vito and John Faust. Por t ions of the system descriptions were taken from Honeywell Manual BSØI, Time Sharing General Information Manual; the “ARPA Computer Network Users Handbooku (MTR—6540) by Jean Iseli and Susan Poh; M R.ADCAP: An Operational Parallel Processing Facility 1’ (GER—15946) by Jam es D. Feldman and Oskar Reimann; and ftighlights of MULTICS System... ” by A. A. Serglund , and J . R. Hannigan . ii TABLE OF CONTENT S Introduction 1 hr Overview 1 Eligibility 2 • In terview 2 Opera tions 3 ‘1 Schedule 4 ~ Documen tation 4 Accoun ting/Resource Monitoring 5 Honeywell 6180/MULTICS 6 In troduction 6 Features 6 Opera tions 7 MULTICS Software/Feature List 8 Honeywell 6180/GCOS 10 Time—Sharing Subsystem 10 Ba tch Processing 10 GCOS Software List 12 RADC Associative Processor 15 Introduction 15 Features 15 Operations 16 QM—1. Emulation System 17 Introduction 17 Software 17 Pattern Recognition Design Facility 18 Facility Overview 18 Facility Description 18 Facili ty Hardware 20 Facility Use 21 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 23 lii ____- • —. INTRODUCTION This hand book was written to introduce potential users to the computer systems available in the RADC R&D Computer Facility and to get them started on the system that best suits their requirements. The first part g ives an overview of the facility resources , d efines eligibility for system usage , and sets forth the facility policy. The second part gives a brief description of the systems. OVERVIEW RADC/IS has a wide variety of computing systems available to the RADC community. These are: 1) Honeywell 6180 ( MULTICS ) 2) Honeywell 6180 (GCOS ) 3) PDP 11/45 (OLPARS ) 4) QM—1 Emulation System 5) Goodyear Associative Processor (RADCAP) 6) Access to more ARPA Network. than fifty computers via the Each of these systems will be described in more detail in separate sections of this handbook . For the statistically minded , in the main computer facility room there are two Honeywell 6180 CPUs , one million words of regular core memory, thirteen disc memory units with a capacity of 27.5 million characters each , eleven disc memory units with a capacity of 133.3 million characters each , three line pr inters , eight tape drives, two Da tan et 355 communica tions processors capable of handling up to 200 teletypewriter channels simultaneously, but presently configured to handle about 81 time—shar ing users , and an off—line plotter. I ELIGIBILITY There are five classes of users of the computer facility. These are: 1) RADC personnel 2) RADC contractors 3) Department of Defense personnel 4) Department of Defense contractors 5) Others having obtained special permission. All RADC personnel who require the use of a computer in the performance of their duties will be granted access and file space upon request. The procedure for making this request is stated in the interview section . Since the MULTICS system is more ideally suited to the performance of R&D work and the GCOS system is best suited to the prod uc t ion l evel work , most R&D users will be encouraged to use the MULTICS system. If it is determined that you would be best served by another system , the procedure will be documented in the section dealing with that system . INTERVIEW To ga in access to any of the compu ters , the potential RADC user must first be interviewed by the Ch ief of the Facility Operations Office in Room 46 of Bldg . 3. When you attend this interview , you should know the Job Order Number (s) of the task(s) on which you will be working . If a user requires special handling , i.e., if you hav e a special applicat ion or pro jec t r equiring o th er th an normal services from the computer, you will be referred to the proper personnel for additional consultations. The procedure for RADC contractors is essentially the same , except that they must be accompanied by the RADC project engineer when they attend the interview. (Note : ISFO coordination should have alr eady been obtained as per RADC regulation 171—7 pr ior to any procur em en t act ion which specifies use of th e Compu ter Facility. During coordination meetings , the best machine and the amoun t of compu ter r esources to be allocated will be d etermined , and the cond i tions for using th e f acility ’s machin es will, be set forth . You must • know the Job Order Number under2 which the contract was signed as well as the contract number so we can assign you your account number. * * *NOTE: RADC/IS WILL ASSIST WITH SYSTEM PROBLEMS , BUT DUE TO THE * * SIZE OF OUR STAFF, WE CANNOT PROVIDE PROGRAMMING SUPPORT . * * (SEE RADC REGULATION 171—7.) * * * Non—RADC users must request access in writing . Included in this letter should be your name , institution or organization , phon e number , address , the name of the primary user ( s ), r easons for th e request , and the approximate resource requirements (number of users). Address the letter to: RADC/I S Griffiss AFB NY 13441. OPERATI ONS The personnel of the Facility Operations Office (ISFO) will help solve any system—type problems.
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