GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA LAW DEPARTMENT **** 6i -G No'End-I-33/ra|q-6zs/L.,BhubaneSWar,oatetr,33hou"'o",,,9r-(6ffib>. 'v'''.. From Sri D. Majhi, OFS-I (S.8.) ,cv"J{ A,F.A-cum-Deputy w Secretary to Govt. la/ 9''v,t'tt To The Accountant General, (A&E), Orissa, Bhubaneswar. sub: sanction of subsidy to different o.H.R.E rnstitutions for "Dashahara Festival,, tor the year 201g_19: Sir, i am directed to convey the sanction of Governor to a non-recurring grant of Rs'61,65,000/- (Rupees sixty one Lakhs sixty Five Thousand) onry for payment to the o'H'R.E Institutions I as per the list enclosed and the amount as noted against each to meet the expenses for the observance of ..Dashahara I Festival" year for the 2o1g-19 with the foilowing terms and conditions. I 1' The amount of Grants released should be drawn and purpose for which utilized for the it was sanctioned. The grantee institution shall ensure submission of utilization certificate in the format Form No.7(A). [rescribeJ as per 1GFR 2' The Grantee organisation should maintain a register Form 3oA with regard "urr"t, in No,oGFR- to permanent and semi-permanent acquired substantially within the grant wholy or and a copy thereof shourd be furnished to the sancticning Authority, as required under Rure i7i (5) (i) of o.G.F.R. 3' The assets so acquired should not be transferred/sold/replaced disposed of in any or manner without prior approval of the sanctioning Authority. 4' The Grantee organisation should also maintain a register as per rule provided in Form No.33 in Appendix-1O of o.G.F.R. and iountersigning Authority should also maintain a register in Form No.32. 5' The amount sanctioned/released is subject to final adjustment the basis of the audited figures .above on of actual expenditure"inlurreo exclusively on the items for which it is sanctioned. The 6. G.I.A. is.lubj-ec_t to audit by the examiner of L.F.A, odisha test check audit 'Bhrbanes*arlRomlnistrative and open to by the A.G., odisha, Department their discretion. at The Commissioner of Endowments, odisha, Bhubaneswar is authorized to draw the amount and disburse the same institutions to the concerned after receipt of the U.C. of previous grants, if any. The charge is debitabre to Demand No.4-2250-other social services(EoM)-103- Upkeep of shrines Temples etc.-0872-Management of Debotta r Institutions -41048-Gra nts-918-G ra nt-in-a id-Genera t(Non -sa la for the financial year 2018-19. ry) Yours Faithfully, r\r* A. F.A-cum-Deputy Seer-dtaryV*61t to dovernment. ( pr.o\ -2- Memo *" l ?f 14... ....... ./ dt. 2€ \\\>4\ F Copy along with the list forwarded to the Treasury 0fflecr, Special Treasury No. I, D.T & I Campus, Bhubaneswar for information €nd neeessary action. A. F. A- cu m - {", *U{'Wr;k€o Memo No......\?-q9.+- / dt. 9-s \u\:>o-19- Copy along with the list forwarded to the Com of Endowment, Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ Flrdget Branch of Law Department for information and necessary action. 8- Memo rvo.. .... J. .?:{* ..... / dt. *6 l,Mln-<\tr copy along with the list forwarded to the p.s to Hon'ble Minister, Law for favour of kind information of the Hon'ble Minister. for information and necessary action. \____ A.F.A-cum-Deputy Secr-ffi'##i;*)F Memo *"........1..h}P-.../ dt. 9-€ t\^\D4\g- Two Copies of Sanction Order along with lists to th Guard file. A.F.A-cum-Deputy Secr Memo uo....l*k.)............., 0,. >-€ \ 1\\ ?--o \B- Copy along with the list containing their. portion only / 'concerned Institutions for information and necessary actio SUBSIDY FOR DASHAHA& '' FESTIVAL FOR THE' YEAR 2018-2019 GRANT OF " -a------t-----' : xaMA AND ADDRESS OF THE INSTITUTIONS AMOUNT AMOUN'I APPLIOD SANCTIONI.ID ANGUL 44-BDKL Sri Bhagabat Gosein' & Others, AtlPo. -Jagannathpur, Talcher, Dist-Angul 112-DKL Sti nuan*anta Thakura. At-Kholud, Po.-Chainpal colony, Ps.-f'alcher. Dist-A 108'8. D Sri Budhi Thakurani, AIIPO- Jeranga Dehuri, P'S- Jarapada. Dist- Angul BALASORE Sri Cnanai Thakurani, At/Po.-Jalanga Gandibedha, Ps'- Simulia. Dist-Balasore 141-BLS Sti Budubudeswar Mohadev and Parbati Thakurani, At- Maheshpur, Po.-Sultanpur, Dist-B4le!9l9 Sri Danda Khelei Thakurani, AT/PO-Sirapur, P.S-Soro, Dist-Balasore S ri Maninageswar Temple, AT/P O-B ardhanpur, Dist- Balasore 149-RBLS Sti Rudttu Krushna Jew, AI-B.C Sen Road,Rajabagicha, Dist-Balasore 88-GBLS Gramadebati Bishiri Thakurani, At-Uttarchhak, Po'- Barunasing, Dist-Balasore tsHADRAK 1-GBLS Sri Gopal Jew Thakur and Others, At-Badaostia, Po'- lisaon. Dist-Bhadrak -Sri Ankudeswari Thakurani, At/P O-B inayakpur P S - Basudevpur. Dist- Bhadrak 35 K.BLS Sri Khemeswal Mohadev, At/PO- Adhuan, P.S- Basudevpur, Dist- Bhadlak 44 K.BLS tr,tuu trluttgala Thakurani, At- Kasalpur, PO-Keshpur, Dist- Sri Chateswar Mohadev & Gramadevati Kanak Durga Thakurani, At/PO- Babalpur, Dist Bhadrak 22L,.Bls Sri LaxminarayanThakur, At- Sindol Qrluapatana)' Po- Sindol, Tahsil_ Tihidi, Dist_ Rhadrak 3s Kts(M) Sri Sri I(hemeswar Mahadev, At/Po-Adhuan, PS- Basr,rdevpur, Dist- Bhadrak 50 K BLS Maa I(anti Mangala Temple, At-Nayananda, Po-Serpur, P.S-Tihidi, Dist-Bhadrak BARAGARH fvlaa Kali Mandir, AtlPO- Kuchipalli, PS-Melchhamunda, \ Sri Mauli Devi, At-Bataterema, PO- Sanimal, Dist- Barsarh 122-R-SBP Ram Laxman Sita Temple, At/PO-Bhainatora, PS- Ambabhona, Dist- Bargarh CUTTACK Sri Gramadebati B auti Thakurani,At- S ilapat, Po' -Kulailo, Ps.-Athgar, Cuttack Sri g alunkeswar Mahadev, At-Patalinga, Po' -Kulailo, P s' - Athgarh, Dist-Cuttack Sri Budhi dei Thakurani, At-Patalinga, Po.-Kulailo, Ps'- Athgarh, Dist-Cuttack - P s' - S ii N4u.teut a Thakurani, At- S ahanaj pur,P o. Jall arpur, Niali, Dist-Cuttack D ist- S ti S o-utath Deb, At/Po. -Jallarpur,P s./Tah. -Niali, Sri Kenduswari Thakurani, AVPo. -Jallarpur,P s.-Niali, Di st 677-GCM Sri Gadagadeswar Mahadev Temple, At-Gadagadia Ghat, Ring road, Dist-Cuttack- 1 176 J.C Sri Jasannath Mandir Endowment Trust Board At-Sector- 6. CDA" Dist-Cuttack-14 348-KC Sri Kendukhai Thakurani, At-B anamalipur,Po. -Madhab, Dist-Cuttack 1186-BC Sri Budheswar Mohadev and Others, At-Fulara, Po'- Praharaj pur, Dist-Cuttack 587,GC Sri Gopinath Jew & Others, At-Fulara, Po.-Praharajpur, Dist-Cuttack 1059-C Sri Belabehari Jew and Others, At-Fulara,Po.-Praharaj pur, Dist-Cuttack 310 K.C Kalika Thakurani, At- Khajuripada, PO- Bania, Dist- Sri Dhakulei Thakurani, At- Pratapnagari, Po-Bhanapur, Dist- Cuttack Sri Harchandi Thakurani, At- S ahanaj pur,Po. -Jalarpur, Dist Cuttack s' - 1155-CA S ri Nrusinghanath J ew @ B aideswar Matha,AtlPo./P Baideswar. Dist-Cuttack 1 1 5B-C Sri Nrusingnath Jew Blle @ Panikorada Matha, At- Panikorad, Po.-Pandalam, Dist-Cuffack Sri Swapneswar Mhadev, AI/PO- Sairkhameri, Badamba, Dist- Cuttack 361 Tig Sri Kapileswar Mahadev, At-Manapur, PO-Gadadharpur, Tisiria" Dist- Cuttack ;?.1 AtlP O- D adhibmanpur, Dist- s0000 I 0000 'g.*i 1164 B tBhuuruni Thakurani, F.r Cuttack l 50000 I 50000 i: 41 264D.C Sri Durgadevi Thakurani, At-Goudapatana, PO-Kaitha' \'' P.S- Mahanga, Dist- Cuttack 1 5000 4., 267 M.C Sti Mu.rgula Thakurani, At-Kerual, PO-Rudrapur, P'S- 1 50000 Tangi,Dist- Cuttack I 00000 43 s90 G.C Sri Bageswari Thakurani, At- Juiukipada, PS- 200000 Nischintakoili. Dist- Cuttack 1 00000 44 s29 G.C Sri Gramadevati Athapada Nahakani Thakurani, At- 300000 Aenda, PO- Sukarpada, PS- Nischintakoili, Dist- Cuttack 30000 836-C Sri JinardanDev & Ors Bije, Arilo, Sankhatras, Cuttack 250000 Sadar, Dist-Cuttack 30000 40 184 J.C Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu and Other Deity, At-Kanpur, 500000 PO-Baeal Sahi, Via-Niali, Dist-Cuttack 1 30000 47 1s56 CM StlSut*gei Thakuranr @KanakDurga Thakurani and Sri 00000 Kasi Biswanath Dev Temple Trust, At/PO-Barang, Dist- Cuttack 300000 48 t352 Sri Raghunathj ew, At-Kentala(Mallipur), PO-Asureswar' 300000 Dist-Cuttack 49 t23P.C Sri Patitapaban Jew, At-Kentala(Mallipur), PO- 1 50000 1 50000 Asureswar. Dist-Cuttack 1 50000 50 2ee D.c(M) Sri Dwarasuni Thakurani, At-Kentala(Mallipur), PO- 200000 Asureswar, Dist-Cuttack 1 50000 *-t 5l 569 C Sri Gopinath Jew, At-Kentala(Mallipur), PO-Asureswai, 2C0000 I Dist-Cuttack 100000 s0000 52 603/1 1 5-S( Sri Sri Solapua Maa Thakurani, At-Anlo, Niali, Dist- Cuttack l 00000 53 1389 (c) M Sri Raghunath Jew Thakur, At-Kothapada, P.O-Kuhunda, r 00000 P.S-Mahanga, Cuttack 1 00000 54 23 r (C) Sri Ishanswar Mahadev, At/P.O-Kuhunda, Tha-Mahanga, 100000 Dist-Cuttack 55000 55 c-97 Sri Binodray Thakur Bije, At- Bije Raghunathpur, Po/Ps- 100000 Mahanga, Dist- Cuttack DHENKANAL 56 65-DDKL Sri Dhabaleswar Mahadev & Durga devi Thakurani, 50000 1 5000 At/Po. -Kadala" Dist-Dhenkanal I 5000 57 68-DDKL Sri Durgadevi Thakurani, At/Po'-Karanda, Hindol, Dist- s0000 Dhenkanal 50000 58 t35-B DKL Sri Bhagabat Goswami, Vill-Barsingha, Po-Ranjagol, P.S- 70,000 Balimi, Sub-Hindol, Dist- Dh"nkrnul 20000 58 4-B-DKL Sri Balunkeswara Mahadev & Shree Parbati Thakurani, At 100000 A Padmanavpur, PO-Sapt 47-SD Sri Swapneswar Mahadev, Vill- Barsinga, Po- Ranjagol, 60,000 50000 P.S- Balimi. Sub- Hindol. Dist- Dhenkanal 50000 60 184 KD (KD Sri Kurumasuni, Vill- Barsingh, po- Ranjagol, P.S- 60,000 Hindol, Dist- Dhenkanal GANJAM 61 800-GM Panchananeswar swamy and Maa Parbati Devi Thakurani, 70000 20000 At/Po.-Surada, Dist-Ganj am oz 4s 1-GM S ri Hanuman Mahaprabhu, AtlPo. -Dura,Via-Bhanj a 70000 20000 Bihar.
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