• .SEE •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 85th Year, Issue 17 c 1995 May 19, 1995 Newark, Del. • 35¢ TmsWEEK Newark gears In Sports up for trucks? BLUE HENS DO'AN By DOUG RAINEY The sport -utility line would answe~ conce rn s about the fut ure of th e plant, SPECI AL TO THE NEWARK POST whi ch in the pas t co up le of years has not DREXEL, CUNCH The rumor mill i poi nt ing toward had an product line of it. ow n and is con Newark as the location for a new truck sidered an "overfl ow pl ant. " The plan t's line fo r Chrysler Corp. main product is the Chrys ler Concorde The Wall Street Journ al reponed thi s and Dodge Intrepid. The primary assem­ week th at the plant is the li ke ly candi date bly plant for both cars is in Canada. fo r a new po rt-utility tru ck li ne that Media reports have also indicated that ~. lB would carry the Dodge name. a new product line is coming to the Chrys ler officials continu ed to decline General Motor Box wood plant , which comment on the matter, but ea rli er indi­ empl oyees a large number of New rk­ cated th at the pl ant is bein g studi ed as the area residents. location for a new vehicle. The Journal G. M .. which like Chrysler will not said the vehi cle wi ll be desig ned to ca pi­ comment on the report . is sai d to ~ · CHRISTIANA CAPTURES tali ze on a trong market fo r sport util ity close to deciding to build a new Satu(h, vehicles such as the Chrys ler Jeep Grand auto mobi le at th e plant. Cherokee, Chev rolet Blazer, GMC Jim my The plant had cheduled fo r clo i~ FIRST-EVER and Ford Expl orer. later in the decade. but is now scheduled Gov. Thomas Ca rper, who has con­ to handl e overfl ow productio n of a new G.M.Iine. '• fi rmed th at Newark is bein g studi ed as the COUNTY si te fo r the produ ct line, has stayed in The auto assembly plants have co contact with Chrys ler officials, but has bined employment of nea rl y 6,000. TRACK TITLE. lB remain ed mum on the subj ect. In the news 'Special' training ; NEWARK LIONS center opens her&,' The new center will be the orga ni za­ NAME TOP TEENS IN By MARY PETZAK ti on's headquarters in Delaware wi th five NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER paid staff people. In add ition the organi ­ zation ha over 3000 vol unteers who Delaware Special Ol ympics dedicated work with more than 1300 athletes as RECENT SPRING ltwr!NG its new Program and Trai ning Cent er coaches, officials at eve nts, event ' coor­ CEREMONY. 3A today on lat1d leased from the Uni vers it y din ators. and program directors at 40 Newark residant Ruth Crossan plants flowers In front of the Newark Senior Centar's of Delaware adjacent to the Delawa re Special Olympi an train ing sites in the entrance sign on Main Street. Volunteers such as Liz Ross, Dorothea Bryson and Don Field House. state. Crossan spruced up the senior canter grounds Monday. Agway and Southern States The 4600 squ are-foot building will be "People don't rea li ze the enormous donated some of the bright flowers. used to tra in volunteers for coaching hum an resources involved in the number Special Olympi ans an d running the orga­ See SPECIAL OLYMPICS , 12A ..... SPECIAL PATIENT ni zation's athletic eve nt s. HONORED AT 5A Postal patrons put stamp of approval on food drive A.l. nu PoNT. · By RON PEEL carriers collected nea rl y 12,000 pounds of "The response in Newark has been excel­ in I 0 cities in va ri ous p:.111 s of th e counrry," non-perishable food goods during this year' lent," said Newark Postmas ter Sa ll y said NALC Branch 19 1 Presi dent Joseph J. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ca mpaign. Citi ze ns throughout the country Boudal1 . "Many of th e re ident fee l that Ca1Te. "Thi. is th e third yea r in Delaware were asked to leave non-peri hable food thi is a po itive program and that it is for and we hope th at each year the donati ons In Lifestyle For hungry families in Delaware, the items next to th eir mail boxes to benefit the good of New Castl e County." will increase. The ult imate goal i to eve ntu­ food was in the mail Saturday when the local foo d ban ks and related charities. In This was the th ird year that th e 206 all y eliminate hun ger alt ogeth er." members of the National Associati on of Newark, the items wi II be donated to th e employees of th e Newark Post Office have Area vo lunteers assL ted lett er c:miers Letter Carriers (NALC) collect non-peri sh­ Delaware Food Bank, an organi za ti on that pa11icipated in th e fi ve -yea r-old prog ram. who were un abl e to co ll ect all of th e dona- able food goods on their rounds. works to combat hunger locall y and "For the first couple of years, th e food UOF DFRATERNITY The Newark Post Office estimates that its throughout the state. dri ve campai gn was run as a pilot program See FOOD DRIVE , 12A ..... LENDS SUPPORTIVE HAND TO YOUNGSTERS. 6A In The Arts THE SMAllEST PASSENGER STEAM TRAIN CRANKS UP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WARS. 7A Index .P!_EWS _ 1·14A stu- POLICE 2A DIVERSIONS 9A OPINION 4A LIFESTYLE - --- &A OBITUARIES ---- &A, 14A ARTS 7A SPORTS --- 1·28 CLASSIFIEDS 4·88 NEWARK ~ST FILE PHOTO .. ' \ ' PACE 2A • Nt: WARK POST • M.J\V .1 2, 1995 Police beat ················································· ·· ··· ···································· ·················· ········································································ ··························· Fire set during • Police Beat is compiled each the scene after seeing the poli ce offi­ Bridge painted on Main Street. week jimn the Jiles of the Newark cer. Police said suspects for no apparent reason yelled at the cus­ burglary attempt Police Department hy staff writer The officer approached the other An anonymous person called Tonja Castaneda. two people, asked for identification Newark police May 12 and reported tomers and then one man got out of which has been closed for some a turquoise Honda and threatened Newark police report a lire was and then located a pack of cigarettes cein~ people spraypainting the time, officers found 29 small fires the three whi le holding a gold base­ apparently set at the Colorado Ski on the trunk of the car. South Coll ege Avenue bridge at the Company at 5 North Street in burning in the dining area. Police Naked man attacks ball bat. The cigarette package contained Newark Train Station. Police Newark after the business was bur­ beli eve the burglars used the fires a bag of marijuana, but was not in responded and detained three people Police de cribe the first suspect for light. Newark poli ce report an IS-year­ as a bald, white man, age 18-19 with glarized on May 9. old woman wa s attacked by a naked possession of ei ther of the individu­ in the vicinity, who smelled of fresh Police have a suspect in custody, Officers extinguishod the fires al s. Police seized the drugs and paint. The three were taken to the facial hair. Another man is described and observed marks from where the man and assaulted at about 3 a.m. on as Asian or Hispanic with glasses but are searching for two other men. May 12 near West Park Place and towed the car from the city park police station and interviewed. All Newark PFC Steve Fox, while on jukebox had been pushed out of the because th e driver had apparently three denied spraypainting and and the other suspect is a tall, skin­ restaurant. Townsend Road. Police said the ny, white man. To report informa­ uniformed patrol at 4 a.m., saw man wrapped a cloth around the fl ed the scene. Police contin ue to claimed to be at the train station to Police have charged Brian tion to the Newark police, call 366- three men pushing a jukebox across woman 's neck, knocked her to the investigate. watch the trains. Police said there Hart ~ oe. 25, of Hetherton Lane in 7111. East Cleveland Avenue. When the ground and dragged her behind was no physical evidence, such as men saw the police officer, they fled New Castle, with burglary in the bu shes. Police . aid the woman Four charged for drugs paint, on the su pects ' clothing or in different directions. third degree, reckless burning, theft, struggled and sc reamed, apparentl y hands. Two of the men were found Electronics stolen Fox apprehended a 25-year-old conspiracy second and criminal scaring away the attacker. The Newark po li ce are seeking war­ to be wanted by Wilmington Police New Castl e man, after a chase. mischief. woman suffe red a swollen neck and rants against four people living in an and were turned over to the police Two televisions, a microwave Police report the man denies steal­ Hartsoe was arraigned and a sore ankl e. Poli ce describe the sus­ apartment on Yale Drive in School agency.
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