Thomas, Paul. "Index." Responding to the Threat of Violent Extremism: Failing to Prevent. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2012. 171–177. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 28 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 28 September 2021, 16:00 UTC. Copyright © Paul Thomas 2012. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. Index 7/7 attack 1–2, 27, 59, 109, 135 Atran, Scott 20, 31, 137 and group dynamics 31–2 al-Awlaki, Anwar 2, 33 home-grown suicide bombers 15–17 Azghar, Maz 51 Manningham-Buller comment before 120 Bakhri, Omar 109, 110 9/11 attack 1, 51, 135 Bali Islamist attacks 31 21/7 plot 30, 31 Bangladeshis 3, 11, 46, 47, 89, 136 ‘30-year rule’ 36 al-Banna, Hasan 18 Barot, Dhiren 22, 23, 58 Abdulla, Bilal 16 BBC 71, 110, 120, 125, 129 Abdullah, Daud 59 beards 90 Abdulmutallab, Farouk 16–17, 33, 109 Beeston (Leeds) 24–5, 91 ACPO (Association of Chief Police bi-cultural affi liations 48 Offi cers) 24, 63, 67, 82, 112, Bin-Laden, Osama 2, 23, 56, 137 130–1 Birmingham City Council 125 Act Now 121–2 Birt, Y. 83, 88 Advisory and Reformation Committee 56 Blair, Tony 21, 23, 46, 59, 94 Afghanistan 1, 90 Blears, Hazel 91 Al-Qaeda training camps 28, 30 Bleich, E. 119 foreign policy 21–2, 47 BNP (British National Party) 29, 94, 140 African-Caribbeans 15, 32, 36, 48, 86 and Bradford 36 agency 38, 39 and Copeland 92 Ahmed, Kafeel 16 and white, working class Al-Muhajiroun 29, 109 communities 68, 79 Al-Qaeda 2, 18, 23, 31, 74, 137 Bolton (Lancashire) 45, 100 and British Muslims 2, 45 bonding experiences 31–2 far/near enemies 19 ‘born-again’ Muslims 51, 136 manuals 113 Bradford (West Yorkshire) 36, 44, 46, and prisons 114 100, 105 and universities 109 Breivik, Anders Behring 5, 75, 93 Alam, Y. 7, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, ‘bridging capital’ 39 106–7, 124 British Muslim Council 65 All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslim Forum 100 Homeland Security 57, 110 British Muslims 77–92 altruism, terrorism as 20 British National Party (BNP) 29, 36, 68, American Muslims 14, 24 94, 140 APA (Association of Police Authorities) Bradford 36 107 and Copeland 92 Arendt, Hannah 31 and white, working class assimilationism 3, 6, 42 communities 68, 79 Association of Chief Police Offi cers Britishness 44–8 (ACPO) 24, 63, 67, 82, 112, 130–1 Brixton Mosque 86, 122 Association of Police Authorities (APA) Brunel University 109 107 Buckingham University 110 asylum policy 28 ‘Building Schools for the Future’ 40 171 172 INDEX Burke, Jason 26, 30, 109 contact theory 6–7, 43 Butt, Saajid 22, 26 CONTEST/CONTEST 2: 3, 5, 54, 56, 57–8, 74 Cameron, David 3, 44, 68, 68–9, 70 and Channel 130–1 see also coalition government and surveillance 119–22 Cantle Report ix–x, 37–8, 41, 67 converts, recent 51, 136 Cantle, Ted 37, 67, 87 Cooper, Yvette 75 Carlile (of Berriew), Alexander Charles Copeland, David 92 4, 70, 111 Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) 120 Census 40, 85 Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) 4, 63, Chakrabati, Shami 66 120 Channel programme 11, 74, 82, 128, counterterrorism 130–3, 143 CONTEST 3, 56, 57–8 Choudary, Anjem 110 Counter Terrorism Units (CTU) 4, Choudhry, Roshonara 2, 33, 34, 109 63, 120 citizenship 101, 102, 117 European Union strategies 54–5 civil liberties 66, 124 USA policy 56 and Channel 131–2, 133 CRE (Commission for Racial Equality) Clarke, Peter 61 39, 44 Clegg, Nick 71 Crevice plot 22, 26, 31, 33, 58, 62 CLG (Communities and Local crime prevention 81–2 Government) 4, 58, 67–8 CTU (Counter-Terrorism Unit) 4, 63, 120 coalition government (Conservative- cultures 40 Liberal Democrat) 69–75, 128, 130 Daily Telegraph 72, 86 colleges 4, 63, 74 Davidson, Ian and Nicky 93 Commission on Cohesion and de Menenezes, Jean Charles 16 Integration 80 demographics, and target areas 73 Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) Denham, John 67, 81, 82, 93, 129, 131 39, 44 Deobandi movement 18, 19, 45 commonality 6, 6–7, 35, 38–41, 135, Department for Communities and Local 138, 142–3 Government (DCLG) 4, 72–3, Communities and Local Government 126, 130 (CLG) 4, 58, 67–8 announcement of Prevent 60 community cohesion ix, 3, 5, 9, 10, Pathfi nder Fund: Mapping of Project 35–53, 67, 68, 105 Activities 2007/2008 64 and the 7/7 bombers 24 removal from Prevent 99 and British Muslims 78–83 domestic terrorism 135–7 importance of 52–3, 137–43 Draft Report on Young Muslims and and race relations 137–8 Extremism 58 and racism 43, 77 Dudley (West Midlands) 100 Review Team 37 Durham University 111 and revised Prevent 72–5 and surveillance 134 Eatwell, R. 7 Community Leadership Fund 65 education congregation 39 anti-racist 88–92 Connecting Communities 68, 80–1, 93, by local authorities 101, 116–17 108 in prisons 114 Conservatives 69 underachievement 36 see also coalition government Egypt 18, 114 INDEX 173 English Defence League (EDL) 5, 10, 75, Goodhart, David 42 93–4 Goodman, Paul 66, 68 English, Richard 14, 21, 55 Goodwin, M. 7 ethnic monitoring 40 Gove, Michael 71 European Union, counter-terrorism Greenwich (London) 89 strategies 54–5 Gregory, F. 124 exclusion 59, 68 group dynamics 14, 30–3, 137 ‘group-think’ 27 el-Faisal (al-Faisal), Abdullah 28, 32–3, 86 Guardian, The 66, 71, 72, 73, 128, 129 faith, and identity 35–6, 45, 46, 51, 52–3 Gunaratnam, Y. 11 Fakhet, Sehane 33 Gunpowder Plot 13 far-right extremism 8, 74–5, 77, 137 Gupta, Dipak 14, 18, 20, 23, 26, 27 and Channel 133 lack of focus on 74–5, 79, 80–1, 83, Hall, Stuart 5 92–4, 140 Hamara Centre (Beeston) 91 Norway 5, 10, 75, 93 Hamza, Abu 28 and universities 112 Hannah, G. 114 see also BNP Hassan, Nadal Malik 24, 33 far/near enemies 19 ‘hearts and minds’ approaches 55–6, Farr, Charles 58, 67, 123, 128–9, 131, 133 60–1, 62, 76, 77, 94, 121, 143 Federation of Student Islamic Societies Kundnani on 126 (FOSIS) 74, 112 and the police 125 Financial Times 71, 78, 90, 118–19 and revised Prevent 72 Finsbury Park Mosque 28, 122 hijab 50 foreign policy 47, 59, 71 Hizb ut-Tahir (HUT) 18, 29, 63, 109 as reaction to terrorism 14, 21–3, 136 Hodge, Margaret 94 Forest Gate (East London) incident 119 Holder, Eric 14 Fort Hood (Texas) 24, 33 Holocaust 31, 59 FOSIS (Federation of Student Islamic Huhne, Chris 68 Societies) 74, 112 human capital 36 French Revolution 13 human rights 41 funding 61–2, 63, 66, 102–3 Husain, Ed 29, 63, 109–10 Connecting Communities Fund 68 Husband, C. 7, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, ethnicity-based 79–80 106–7, 124 NCS 69–70 Hussain, Hasib 15, 25, 26, 32 Police Service 73 HUT (Hizb ut-Tahir) 18, 29, 63, 109 risk-based 81 Ibrahim, Muktar Said 30 Gable, Gerry 93 identity 11, 38, 54, 59, 91 ‘gateway’ organisations 23, 29, 69, 109 and Britishness 44–8 Geraldine (local authority offi cer) 25 faith 35–6, 45, 46–53, 136 Germany 69, 71 and youth projects 80 Githens-Mazer, Jonathan 54, 86, 129 implementation of Prevent 10 Glasgow airport attempted bombing Independent, The 71 16, 26 Information Sharing Agreements 127 Glees, Anthony 110, 112 Institute of Race Relations (IRR) 66, 99, globalisation 20, 50, 108, 136 118, 124, 125 Godson, Dean 70 integration 142–3 Gold/Silver/Bronze multiagency Internet 28, 33, 93, 112 coordination groups 105, 125, 131 Iraq, invasion of 2, 21 174 INDEX Irish republican terrorism 2, 25 McGhee, Derek 21, 61 IRR (Institute of Race Relations) 66, 99, Madrid, terrorist attack 1–2, 23, 27, 30, 118, 124, 125 31, 33, 51, 58, 137 Islamic Student Society 110 Maher, Shiraz 29, 109 Islamist, as term 3, 12 Malik, Kenan 109 Manchester, CTU (Counter-Terrorism Unit) Jama’at-e-Islami 45, 46 120 Jamal, Abdullah Shaheed 15 Manningham-Buller, Dame Eliza 120 Jay, Michael 21 marginalisation 24–7, 60, 65–6 ‘jihad’ 12 of white communities 80 Johnston, Alan 129 marriage 40 Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) Marxism 18 57–8, 120 May, Theresa 75 Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust 125 MCB (Muslim Council of Britain) 46, 59, 66, 69, 84, 87 Kelly, Ruth 60, 61–2 MCU (Muslim Contact Unit) 86, 122 Khan, Mohammed Sidique ix, 15, 21, means-based approaches 84–8, 122, 22, 24–5, 26, 27–9, 114 123, 140 and community traditions 49–50 MI5 (Security Service) 4, 58–9, 110, progressive community activity 51, 111, 112, 120, 125, 141 91 Milestones (Qutb) 18 Khan, Zaheer 75 Milgram, Stanley 31 Khyam, Omar 22, 26, 33 monoculturalism 39, 78–83, 87, 140, Kirklees (West Yorkshire) 7, 44, 64, 73, 143, 525 105 mosques 27–30, 101, 136–7 and Pathfi nder 98, 100–1, 106 Brixton 86, 122 and white backlash 103 Finsbury Park 28, 122 Kundnani, Arun 66, 67, 118, 125–8, schools 101 132–3 Muhammed, Omar Bakri 29 ‘Mullah Boys’ 32, 51 Labour government 123 multiculturalism 6, 24, 37, 41, 42, 68–9, 140 Lake, Alan 93 Breivik on 75, 93 Lambert, Robert 54, 122, 129 and British Muslims 78–83 Lambeth (London) 130 and Britishness 44–8 Lancashire Constabulary 121–2 and community cohesion 52, 68–9 language 35, 40, 64, 123–4 Muslim Association of Britain 46 Larder, Ian 130 Muslim Brotherhood 18, 46, 122 Lawrence, Stephen 89 Muslim Contact Unit (MCU) 84, 86 Leeds Metropolitan University 109 Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) 46, Leicester City Council 99 59, 66, 69, 84, 87 Liberal Democrats 69 Muslim Women’s Advisory Group 65 see also coalition government Muslim youth culture 48–9 Lindsay, Germaine 15, 28, 32–3, 33 Muslims 11, 69 Local Area Agreements 63 American 14, 24 local authorities 97–108 Bosnian 19 ‘Londonistan’ 28, 56 British 77–95 lone wolf terrorists 10, 75, 92–3 local authority professionals 107 Choudhry 2, 33, 34, 109 National Association of Muslim Norway killing 5, 75 Police Offi cers 75 Lowndes, V.
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