June 19, 1967 childhood shows the man, morning shows the day." Milton the Jews, before, during and following the war had to be EDITORIAL reckoned with. The Commission finally brought a recom- mendation to partition Palestine, making two states, Jewish and Arab. The Zionists were jubilant, the Arabs utterly dismayed. The UN General Assembly voted approval of the Commission's recommendation the same year and the Jewish state came into being, May 1948. This writer remembers a dramatic news-cast given by Lowell Thomas the evening of May 15, 1948. In his inimical GOD AND GEOGRAPHY style he emphasized that for the first time in more than 2000 years, there was a state known as Israel. A bloody conflict between the Arabs and Jews followed in 1948. This tragic war resulted in the displacement of 800,000 to one million Arabs. There was another bloody skirmish in 1956. This tiny nation surrounded by 35 to 40 million Arabs LTHOUGH a teenager, vivid memories recall events sur- with more than 600 miles of unfriendly boundary lines to A rounding Jerusalem in 1917. The capture of Jerusalem the east and south and the Mediterranean sea on the by General Allenbey, after being in the possession of west is now threatened with what is termed extinction, Muslims for more than six centuries, was a singular event being driven into the sea. in the early part of the twentieth century. Palestine was then declared a mandated area of the British Empire. At this writing the conflict is raging with the Security Council of the United Nations striving for a cease-fire. "The history of Jerusalem goes back to the Stone age. Visible on TV, Tuesday evening, June 6, was one of the About 2,500 B.C. Semites settled in Palestine from Arabia most dramatic debates of modern history. The sons of and numerous flint weapons have been found near Jeru- Isaac, the Jews, and the sons of Ishmael, the Arabs, salem. About 1400 B.C., before Joshua's invasion of the vehemently carried on a never dying feud between these country, the city was a vassal of Egypt. Among the Tell- two lines of human descendants, Ishmael and Isaac. The el-Amarna tablets (q.v.) there are some seven which are sons of Isaac appear to be forging ahead, not retreating. from Urusalim, as the city was then called, which speak of coming attack and ask for Egyptian aid. The Egyptians I have just re-read Isaiah, chapter 31. How relevant is seem to have maintained a garrison there but when the this chapter to today's happenings? Israelites invaded the country the city was in the hands What a contrast to the 1920's and 30's! Then, prophetic of the Jebusites. At the division, it fell in the portions of students seemed to see prophetic fulfillment in nearly Judah and Benjamin, the tribal boundary passing through everything that transpired. Culminating in Mussolini and the city, which was not completely captured till seven Hitler, modern day prophets were proven quite erroneous. years after David's accession." (Encyclopaedia Britannica, The result: today, amazing happenings seemingly pass Volume 13) unnoticed by eschatologists. One used to hear it said; God's clock moves with the The very silence concerning Christ's second coming Jew and Divine geography is centered in Palestine. may be one of the greatest signs of His near return. The The British foreign secretary, Lord Balfour's famous geography of the Bible and the Middle East are virtually declaration issued November 2, 1917, in part reads as one and the same. Happenings right before our eyes are follows: "His majesty's government view with favor the some of the most meaningful moves in human history. establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Two things: ". be ye also ready: for in such an hour Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facili- as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." And: "Occupy tate the achievement of that object . ." This declaration till I come." received approval of the principal allied powers, especially the U.S.A., even though its terms were vague and made These are the more important aspects of our relationship for different interpretations. to Christ's second coming. A United Nations Palestine Commission, 1947, follow- j. N. H. ing World War II met in Jerusalem. The dire plight of Cover Photo by Lamar Fretz Editor: J. N. Hostetter, Box S, Nappanee, E. J. Swalm, Duntroon, Ontario. Today's EVANGELICAL VISITOR Indiana, to whom all material for publication Yesterday, C. O. Wittlinger, Grantham, Pa. should be sent. Brethren in Christ Publication Board, Inc.: Volume LXXX Number 13 Editorial Council: J. N. Hostetter, Editor. Isaiah F. Harley, Samuel P. Minter, J. C. B. Byers, Paul G. Lenhert, C. X. Hos.eiter, Wilmer Heisey, Paul Hostetler, Joseph R. Official. Organ of the Brethren in Chr:s: Jr., Walter "Winger, Isaiah Harley. Aiken, H. H. Brubaker, C. N. Hostetter Jr. Cnurch, published bi-weekiy by Evangel Press Subscriptions: $3.00 per year. New Sub- Nappanee, Indiana, to whom subscriptions Page Contributors: Board for Missions, Box scriptions: $2.50 per year: Gift Subscriptions: should be sent. 149, Elizabethtown, Pa.: Missions Overseas, $2.50 per year; Sample Copies free. Hiss Mary Kreider; Missions in America, Mailing label indicates expiration date. In- Purpose: To publish the Gospel of God'5 Mrs. Maybelle Kanode: Christian Service Min- clude both old and new address with requests grace—a complete salvation through t: e istries, J. Wilmer Heisey. Board of Christian for change of address. atonement of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Education: Home, Nelson Miller. 1224 Baker made effectual by faith in Him: the walk in Avenue, Ontario, California 91762: Sunday Entered as second-class mail at Nappanee, holiness by the power of the indwelling Holy School, R. Donald Shafer. Box 11, Nappanee. Indiana. Spirit; and the pre-miliennial F«cond comng Indiana: Youth. Paul Hostetler. 105 Budea of our Lord. Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario. Pastor's Page, EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION (2) Evangelical Visitor And he divided unto him his living in that he paid his boy's bills, and sent him to a select preparatory school, and to college, and tried to believe he was doing his full duty to his son. And not many days after, the father gathered all his interest and aspirations and ambitions and took his "jour- The Parable ney into a far country, into a land of stocks and bonds and securities and all other things which do not interest a boy, and there he wasted his precious opportunity of being a chum to his son. And when he had spent the very best of his life and had gained money but had failed to find any satisfaction, there arose a mighty famine in his heart, and he began Of the to be in want of sympathy and real companionship. And he went and joined himself to one of the clubs of that country, and they elected him chairman of the house committee and president of the club and sent him to the legislature. And he fain would have satisfied him- self with the husks that other men did eat, and no man Prodigal gave him any real friendship. But when he came to himself, he said: "How many men of my acquaintance have boys whom they under- stand and who understand them, who talk about their boys and associate with their boys and seem happy in the comradeship of their sons, and I perish here with heart hunger? 1 will arise and go to my son and will say Father unto him: 'Son, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy father. Make me as one of thy acquaintances.'" And he rose and came to his son; but while he was yet afar off, his son saw him and was moved with astonishment; but instead of running and falling on his neck, he drew back and was ill at ease. And the father said unto him, "Son, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight. I have not been a father to thee and am no more worthy to be called thy father. Forgive me now, and let me be thy chum." But the son said, "Not so, for it is too late. There was a time when I wanted the companionship and advice and counsel, but you were too busy. I got the information and the companionship, but I got the wrong kind. And now, alas, I am wrecked in soul and body. It is too late—too late —too late!" These are the words of admonition which God gave to fathers concerning His law and words: "Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deuteronomy 6:7). "Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul dili- gently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons" ijSffiB^^silfeSSiv (Deuteronomy 4:9). A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when said to his father, "Father, give rrfe the portion of thy he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). time, and thy attention, and thy companionship, and thy counsel and guidance which falleth to me." —The Pentecostal Evangel June 19, 1967 (3) Is that so? Then good-bye to home, to government, to everything—God will not stand for that.
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