QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 348] Friday 22 August 2008 You can advertise in the Gazette! ADVERTISING RATE FOR A QUARTER PAGE $500+gst (casual) Contact your nearest representative to fi nd out more about the placement of your advertisement in the weekly Queensland Government Gazette Qld : Maree Fraser - mobile: 0408 735 338 - email: [email protected] NSW : Jonathon Tremain - phone: 02 9499 4599 - email: [email protected] [2247 A] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 348] Friday 15 August 2008 [No. 110 A State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 NOTIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT SCHEME APPROVAL On 14 August 2008 under Sections 79 and 80(1) of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 the Governor in Council approved the Development Scheme for the Stanwell-Gladstone Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area. © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2008 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC, Qld, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 15 August 2008 [2247 B] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 348] Monday 18 August 2008 [No. 110 B NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 18 August 2008 As Premier, I notify that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, I have appointed the Honourable Kerry Gerald Shine MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Premier in Western Queensland to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Main Roads and Local Government from 17 August 2008 until the Honourable Frederick Warren Pitt MP returns to duty. ANNA BLIGH MP PREMIER OF QUEENSLAND © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2008 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC, Qld, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 18 August 2008 [2249] 4XHHQVODQG*RYHUQPHQW*D]HWWH Extraordinary 11 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY *44/ Vol. 348] Wednesday 20 August 2008 [No. 111 Due to file size please contact customer service on 07 3883 8700 for a copy. Electoral Act 1992 QUEENSLAND REDISTRIBUTION COMMISSION NOTIFICATION UNDER SECTION 51(1) OF THE ELECTORAL ACT 1992 DETERMINATION OF QUEENSLAND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ELECTORAL DISTRICTS Pursuant to section 51(1) of the Electoral Act 1992, the Queensland Redistribution Commission has redistributed Queensland into 89 electoral districts whose names and boundaries are set out in this notice. As required by section 53(2)(b)(ii) of the Act, the Commission’s reasons for redistributing the State in this way are also set out in this notice. [2517] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Water PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 348] Friday 22 August 2008 [No. 112 Land Act 1994 Land Act 1994 CORRECTION OF GRANT NOTICE (No 04) 2008 OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE Short title NOTICE (No 32) 2008 1. This notice may be cited as the Correction of Grant Notice Short title (No 04) 2008. 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Correction of grant [s.359(3) of the Act] Closure Notice (No 32) 2008. 2. The Deed of Grant described in Schedule 1 is amended as Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] mentioned in Schedule 2. 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary SCHEDULE 1 closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2I¿FH Objections Title Reference- 17085042. 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure Land granted- Lot 879 on SL4620, parish of Toombul. mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Regional Area- 4105 m2. Service Director, Department of Natural Resources and Water, at SCHEDULE 2 WKHUHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFKWKHURDGLVVLWXDWHG Correction of an error in describing the description of the (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 2 October 2008. Deed of Grant- (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties omit ‘Lot 879 on SL4620’, insert ‘Lot 879 on SL9157’. interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of ENDNOTES the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act). If you lodge 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 21 August 2008. an objection, please include in your objection letter whether you 2. Published in the Gazette on 22 August 2008. would like to be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. access request under the FOI Act. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Plans Resources and Water. 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may 5. File Reference – 2006/009311 be made at- Acts Interpretation Act 1954 D WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG:DWHU2I¿FHVDW Mackay, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Charleville and Land Act 1994 Toowoomba; and REPEALING OF AMENDMENT OF TENURE E WKH/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHVRI5RFNKDPSWRQ%ULVEDQH DOCUMENT ORDER (No 02) 2008 Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Roma, Dalby and Short title Toowoomba; 1. This order in council may be cited as the Repealing of for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. Amendment of Tenure Document Order (No 02) 2008. SCHEDULE Acts Interpretation Act 1954 Repeal of order [s.24AA of the PERMANENT CLOSURE Land Act 1994 and s.360 of the ] &HQWUDO:HVW5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH 2. The Amendment of Tenure Document Order (No 56) 2006 1 An area of about 1900 m2 being part of the road abutting Lot made 14 December 2006 and published in the Gazette on 15 15 on RP603373 (parish of Archer, locality of Lakes Creek) and December 2006 at page 1761 relating to Term Lease No. 217283, shown as proposed road to be permanently closed on Drawing being Lot A on SP153067, Lot 2 on SP199029 and Lot 469 on 06/087/CEN. (2006/011095) )<6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ.LQJDUR\2I¿FHLVUHSHDOHG 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2I¿FH ENDNOTES 2 An area of about 41 m2 being part of Winship Street and 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 21 August 2008. Musgrave Road, Red Hill abutting Lot 6 on RP20392 (parish 2. Published in the Gazette on 22 August 2008. of Enoggera, locality of Red Hill, city of Brisbane) as shown on 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Drawing 07/187. (2007/007895) 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural 3 An area of about 1780 m2 being part of Alton Street, Coopers Resources and Water. Plains abutting Lots 39 to 41 on RP37377, Lots 8 to 11 and Lot 42 on 5. File Reference- 2008/004706 RP43698 and Lot 1 on RP204841 (parish of Yeerongpilly, locality of Coopers Plains, city of Brisbane) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 07/295. (2007/012096) 2518 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 112 [22 August 2008 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ*ROG&RDVW2I¿FH Land Act 1994 4 An area of 1.033 ha being part of Broadwater Avenue (parish of REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD Coomera) and shown as road to be closed on Drawing 12 prepared NOTICE (No 23) 2008 by Bennett and Bennett. (2007/007932) Short title 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ,SVZLFK2I¿FH 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily 5 An area of about 8250 m2 being part of the unnamed road Closed Road Notice (No 23) 2008. off Sugarloaf Road separating Lot 1 on RP15158 from Lot 344 on Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] W312101 (parish of Coochin, locality of Bunburra) and shown 2. It is declared that the land comprised in the former Road as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 08/154. Licences mentioned in Schedules 1 to 3 are reopened as road. (2008/003785) SCHEDULE 6 An area of about 1.8 ha being part of Warrigal Road 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH intersecting Lot 1 on RP60010 (parish of Helidon, locality of 1 An area of about 1.012 ha abutting the southern boundary of Helidon) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed re-subdivision 2 of subdivision 2 of portion 52 and its continuation on Drawing 07/236. (2007/004205) westerly to the north-western corner of re-subdivision 1 of 6RXWK:HVW5HJLRQ&KDUOHYLOOH2I¿FH VXEGLYLVLRQRISRUWLRQH[FOXVLYHRIDVWULS¿IW\OLQNVZLGH 7 An area of 4.963 ha being part of the former Carnarvon along the northern alignment of the road abutting the southern Highway intersecting Lot 57 on RP887934 (parish of Landor, boundary of subdivision 2 of portion 191, being the land contained locality of Tingun) as shown on Drawing DD2008/149-1. within former Road Licence No. 3213, (parish of Grafton) (2008/004355) (2008/003715). 6RXWK:HVW5HJLRQ7RRZRRPED2I¿FH 2 An area of about 5760 m2 abutting Lots 12 and 13 on I28112 8 An area of about 13.2 ha being the road separating Lot 89 on and shown as Lot B on AP16281, being part of the land contained L34118 and Lot 40 on L3423 from Lot 4 on RP886388 and Lot within former Road Licence No. 2489, (parish of Johnstone) 1 on RP187313 (parish of Cooranga, locality of Cooranga) and (2007/006373). shown as road to be closed (permanently) on Drawing DD2008/101. 3 An area of about 9700 m2 being a strip of road about 15 (2008/002699) metres wide abutting the eastern boundary of Lot 1 on RP705606, 9 An area of about 3.4 ha being the road intersecting Lot 8 exclusive of the area adjacent to the western boundary of Lots 4 on CA31360 (parish of Cooyar, locality of Cooyar) and shown and 5 on RP713782, being the land contained within former Road as road to be permanently closed on Drawing DD2008_189.
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