•:t-': .:•' •/-•'' ;^.'/;::'::: •-/ '••SEGTION,VII-'' • DIRECTORY OF THE STATES ' AND; TERRITORIES \.- 24. State i)nd Territorial Pages 25. Rosters of State Officios 1 • • \ . \ ro7 \ •. l' T-- State and Territorml Pages HE following pages supply information respecting the several states Tand territories and indicate sources from which additional datai may be obtained. They are intended to furnish concisely an overrall sur- Si&vey of the government of each state—its elective officials; the composi­ tion of its supreme court, and of its commissions on interstate coopera­ tion; the number of its legislators, their terms and political affiliations; / its administrative officials; its nickname, motto, song, bird, and flower; iummary state statistics; a condensation of those services performed by its legislative reference bureau; the contents of its state manual; and \ the activities of its planning and development agency. Ineach case, the material has been double checked by officials within the state. reported upon. , / jfci J •Financial statistics are given for'^^states. The'figures were fur­ nished by thie states and by the U. S. Bureau of th^ Census, which! . coordinates data from states to compensate for variations in_ termin­ ology and record procedures, thus rendering the figures miore nearly comparable. ' The following pages use the tota:l estimated population b)!' states for 1945 released by the Bureau of the Census; but for relative size of state populations, density per square mile,- and for the populations of towns and cities, the figures of. the 1940 census are used. \ -A ••'• ' •\::', • •( - -•" %.t 508. :\: H^ :• •f STATE AND TERRITORIAL PAGES 509 THE STATES OF THE UNION—HISTORICAL DATA Dale Date Chronological Organized Admitted Order of as to Admission State Capital Source of Stale Lands Territory Union . to Union / Alabama ' Montgomery Mississippi Territory, 1798" March 3, 1817 Dec. 14. 1819 22 Arizona Phoenix Ceded by Mexico, 1848'' Feb". 24. 1863 Feb. 14, 1912 48 Arkansas....... Little Rock Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2, 1819 June 15. 1836 25 California Sacramento Ceded by Mexico, 1848 Sept. 9, 1850 31 Colorado Denver Louisiana Purchase, ISOS" Feb. 28, 1861 Aug. 1. 1876 38 Connecticut.... Hartford Royal charter, 1662» Jan. 9, 1788? ,•5. Delaware Dover Swedish charter, 1638; English Dec 7.1787' , 1 charter, 1683» . Florida.... Tallahassee Ceded by Spain, 1819 March 30. 1822' March 3, 1845 27 Georgia. Atlanta Charter, 1732, from George II Jan. 2, 1788' 4 • to Oglethorpe^ - ^' Idaho Boise. Oregon Territory, 1848 March 3, 1863. July 3, 1890 43 Illinois. Springfield Northwest Territory. 1787 Feb. 3, 1809 Dec 3. 1818 21 Indiana.. Indianapolis Northwest Territory. 1787 May 7. 1800 Dec. 11, 1816 19 Iowa Des Moines Louisiana Purchase. 1803 June 12, 1838 Dec 28, 1846 29 Kansas.... Topeka Louisianaj Purchase, 1803'' May 30, 1854 Jan. 29, 1861 34 Kentucky...!:... Frankfort Part of Virginia until admitted . i") June 1.1792 • IS as state. Louisiana. Baton Rouge Louisiana Purchase, 1803* March 24. 1804 Aprils, 1812 18 Maine.......... Augusta Part of. Massachusetts until (0) March 15, 1820 23 admitted as state Maryland...... Annapolis Charter, 1632, from Charles I April 28, 1788' , to Calvert" Massachusetts. Boston Charter to Massachusetts Bay Feb. 6. 1788' Company, 1629« Michigan....... Lansing Northwest Territory, .1787 Jan. 11, 1805 Jan. 26. 1837 26 Minnesota St. Paul ^ Northwest Territory, 1787'' March 3. 1849 May 11, 1858 32 Mississippi Jackson ji Mississippi Territory' April 17, 1798 Dec 10. 1817 20 (ssouri. Jefferson City Louisiana Purchase, 1803 . June 4, 1812 Aug. 10, 1821 24 Montana Helena A Louisiana Purchase, 1803' May 26.11864 Nov. 8, 1889 41 Nebraska Lincoln " Louisiana Purchase,. 1803 May 30. 1854 March 1, 1867 37 Nevada Carson City i Ceded from Spain, 1848 Marchjt 1861 Oct. 31, 1864 36 New Hampshire, Concord Grant from James 1,1622 and June 21, 1788' 9 • 1629« New Jersey...... Trenton Dutch settlement, 1623; Eng­ .V Dec 18,1787' lish charter, 1664" • • • •;••*< • t • New Mexico..... Santa Fe Ceded by Mexico, 1848»> Sept.-9.'l850 Jan. 6. 1912 47 New York,...... Albany Dutch settlement, 1623; Eng­ July 26. 1788' 11 lish control, 1664" North Carolina.. Raleigh Charter, 1663.fromCharlesII« Nov. 21, 1789' 12 North Dakota... Bismarck Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2, 1861 Nov. 2, 1889 39 Ohio...., Columbus Northwest Territory. 1787 Feb. 19, 1803 >17 Oklahoma...... Okla*homa City Louisiana Purchase. 1803 May 2. 1890 Nov. 16. 1907 46 Oregon Salem Settlement and treaty with Aug. 14. 1848 Feb. 14. 1859 33 Britain, 1846 Pennsylvania.... Harrisburg Grant from Charles II to -Dec 12, 1787' William Penn, lesO" Rhode Island... Providence Chai-ter, 1663.fromCharlesII« May 29, 1790' 13 South Carolina.. ^Columbia Charter, 1663, from Chariesll" May 23, 1788' 8 South Dakota... Pierre Louisiana Purchase. 1803 March 2. 1861 Nov. 2, 1889 . 40 Tennessee...... Nashville Part of North Carolina until («) June 1, 1796 16 • - ' admitted as state Texas....'....... Austin Republic of Texas, 1845 • C) Dec 29. 1845 28 Utah. Salt Lake City Ceded by Mexico, 1848 Sept. 9. 1850' Jan. 4, 1896 45 Vermont. Montpelier From lan3s of NeW Hamp­ (') March 4, 1791 14 shire and New York Virginia Richmond Charter, .1609, from James I June 25. 1788' 10 to London Company* Washlnlgton Olympia Oregon Territory, 1848 March 2, 1853 Nov. 11. 1889 42 West Virginia;.. Charleston Part of Virginia until adinitted c). • June 20, 1863 35 Wisconsin...... Madison Northwest Territory; 1787 April 20, 1836 May 29. 1848 . 30 Wyoming....... Cheyenne Louisiana Purchase, 1803'','' July 25. 1868 July 10, 1890 44 By the Treaty of Paris, 1783, England gave up claim to Portion of land obtained by Gadsden Purchase, 18537 . the 13 original colonies, and to all land within an area No territorial status before admission to Union. iextending along the present Canadian border to the Lake Portion of land ceded by Mexico, 1848. of the Woods, down the Mississippi River to the 3l8t One of the original 13 colonies.- parallel, east to the Chattahoochie, down that river to Date of ratification of U. S. Constitution. the mouth of the Flint, east to the. source .of the St. West Feliciana District (Baton Rouge) acquired from Mary's, down that river to the ocean. Territory west Spain, 1810, added to Louisiana, 1812. of the AUeghenies was claimed by various states, but was Portion of land obtained by Louisiana Purchase, 1803. eventually all ceded to the nation. Thus, the major part See footnote (»). The lower portion of Mississippi was of Alabama was acquired by the Treaty of Paris, but the also acquired from Spain in 1813. .„ lower portion from Spain in 1813. Portion of land obtained from Oregon Territory, 1848. ALABAMA \ Nickname. The Cotton State Bird................ Yellovvhammer Motto We Dare Defend Our Rights Soiig .. .Alabama Flower..... .Goldenrbd, Entered the Union December 14,181'9 LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE STATE PLANNING BOARD /SERVICE Director: W. O, DOBBINS, JR. CHARLES M. COOPER, Director Legal Basis: Ala. Gen. Laws (Reg. Sess. 1943, H. 62—Smyer) No. 183 . Services: The Legislative Reference Serv­ Fuhds Available October 1, 1946-September 30, ice, creatted under authority of Act No. 152 •1947: S128,000 .. of the 1945 Legislature, has four general activities—-information concerning govern­ Activities: The. purpose ofi the Sjtate Plan­ ment in Alabama, governmental research, ning Bpard is to develop facts and plans codification of. the statute laws, and bill which will point the 'way to the best pos- drafting. The agency principally serves . sible development of Alabaina — econom­ legislators,.although it also works on re­ ically, socially, and physically. It attempts quest for state department heads, local to assist communities, individuals, com­ panies, and agencies in bringing about the government officials, and other persons. The Legislative Reference Service is super­ . realization of this dpyelopment.. In work­ vised by a Legislative Council of twelve ing toward this goal) the Planning Board persons, who are the President of the attempts to promote' only those plans di­ rected toward the wise use of our natural Senate, four Senators elected by members resources — the soil, the minerals, the wa­ of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of ters, and especially the people of Alabama. Representatives, and six Representatives elected by the House. The Legislative Ref­ erence Service also acts as the Legislative STATISTICS Council's research, reporting, and bill- Area (square miles). ..•.:• .51,078 drafting staff. ' . Rank in Nation. ,. .28th . STATE'MANUAL Population (estunated 1945).... .;... .2,812,301 Alabama Official and Statistical Register \ Rank in Nation (1945)..... .•. ..... ... ; 17th Issued by the Department of Archives • Density per square mile (1940)...... 55.5 and History Number of Representatives in Congress. .... 9 . Published quadrennially Total Pages: 891 Current Volume: 1943 Fiscal Year October 1, 1945-September 30, 1946 Size in inches: 6x9 . - TotaiRevenue.'. .•. ;... .... .•'. ,5114,207,101. V The Register contains a complete direc­ Total Expenditures. 596,864,611 tory of the legislative, executive, and ju­ State University. University of Alabama dicial departments of the state government, with biographical material coriceirning the Site . .'•, . .University Capital City.....; .Montgomery^ \ chief officers. It also contains a complete directory of county, city, and federal offi­ Population (1940)....."......;...... .78,0g/i cials, state, institutions, newspapers,
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