St Katharine’s Church, Blackrod ANNUAL REPORT 2020 For presentation at the ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Thursday 1st October 2020 at 7.00pm ST KATHARINE, BLACKROD Welcome to St Katharine's, Blackrod, part of the Daisy Hill, Westhoughton and Wingates Team of churches. St Katharine's is a family friendly church, and all are welcome. We have a lively Sunday School which meets during the Sunday morning service. We have a hearing system, and facilities for those with disabilities, including a stair-lift to the upper room. We are open for private prayer on Thursday and Saturday mornings, as well as our regular Sunday and Tuesday services. The church is a Grade 2 listed, stone building, mostly rebuilt in early 1900's, with a bell tower dating from the 16th Century. The church was re-ordered in 2000 to create meeting rooms up and downstairs, office, kitchen and toilets. Our peal of six bells was recently restored and we have a growing team of bellringers. The Church is dedicated to Saint Katharine of Alexandria whose feast day falls on 25th November. The Team Ministry: Blackrod, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates Team Rector: The Revd Carol Pharaoh Church Street, Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 2BG Telephone 01942 859251 Email: [email protected] Vicar: The Revd Angela Wynne, St Katharine’s Vicarage, Blackhorse Street, Blackrod, BL6 5EN Telephone: 01204 468150 Email: [email protected] CONTACT Telephone: 01204 469220 Email: [email protected] Opening Times: Websites: www.stkatharine.net To book rooms and general enquiries: www.westhoughtonchurches.org.uk Tuesdays 10am - 12 noon Facebook: St. Katharine’s Church, Blackrod To arrange Baptisms, Weddings, and meet with the Vicar: Thursdays 7 - 8 pm FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Contact: Sylvia Gregory Sundays Tel: 01204 468716 8.00am Holy Communion Sunday School For all school age children on on 1st and 3rd Sundays Sundays in term time at 11am in the Upper Room. For children - There are activity bags and toys for 11.00am The Parish Eucharist children not attending Sunday School - for use in the pews or lower room during services. Please help yourself to these or ask the sidespeople. Tuesdays There is a “Family corner” in church for babies and 9.30am Holy Communion toddlers. Messy Church on Saturdays each month Saints’ Days and Holy Days as shown from 4 - 6pm, for fun, food and activities. in the Parish Magazine 2 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT YEAR ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2019 CONTENTS Page PCC Membership from 11 April 2019 3 The Electoral Roll 2019-2020 3 Minutes of Annual Vestry Meeting held on 11 April 2019 4 Minutes of Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 11 April 2019 4 Report on the proceedings of the Parochial Church Council 8 Church Fabric Report 10 Deanery Synod Report 11 Youth Report 12 Child Protection report 2019-2020 14 Policy Statement on Children, Young People 14 and the Church of St Katharine, Blackrod Child Protection Policy 16 Policy Statement on the Safeguarding of adults 18 Safe Church Policy 18 Financial Statement 19 Balance sheet and Year end 27 PCC MEMBERSHIP FROM 11TH APRIL 2019 Incumbent: The Revd Angela Wynne. Churchwardens: Valerie Marron and Janet Hollick. Deanery Synod Representatives: Ruth Kellie, Valerie Marron, Margaret Ryding, Barbara Worsley. PCC Members: Jean Hibbert, Mary Pryle, Bob Chapman, Sue Parry, Ruth Sharrock, Chris Skinner, Ellis Collier, Jennifer Collier, Jackie Sorry, Helen Gambles, Margaret Sumner and Sylvia Gregory. Auditor: Mrs Joan Trevena Sidespersons: Doreen Cornes, Bill Day, Agnes Taylor, Malcolm Goring, Ruth Kellie, Mike Hollick, Bob Chapman, Ellis Collier, Jennifer Collier, Hazel Lord, Rhea Howard, Deborah Howard, Robin Sharp, Dilys Garritt, Brenda Thomas, Margaret Ryding. THE ELECTORAL ROLL OF ST KATHARINE’S, BLACKROD, 2019-2020 The Electoral Roll is the list of names and addresses of a Church’s membership. Every person listed on the Electoral Roll is eligible to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and vote. A new roll was created in 2019 and is renewed every six years. This year and subsequent years up to 2025, the Electoral Roll will only be amended with any new names that have been added, and names of those who are no longer members will be taken off. No-one over 18 can be elected to the PCC until they have been Electoral Roll members for 6 months. People under the age of 18 can be elected to the PCC from their 16th birthday. There are now 135 names on the Electoral Roll for the APCM 2020. Sheila Kinrade, Electoral Roll Officer 3 ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING - Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.00pm Introduction Revd Angela welcomed all to the meeting and began the evening with prayer. Those present were reminded that the Vestry Meeting was open to all parishioners. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Alan and Christine Wolstencroft, Bob Chapman, Barbara Worsley, Heather & Robin Sharp, Barbara Finney, and George Hibbert. Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held on 22nd April 2018 The Minutes were accepted as a correct record. Election of Two Churchwardens There were two nominations for Churchwarden to serve for the next year: Valerie Marron and Janet Hollick, both were proposed by Margaret Sumner and seconded by Mary Pryle. As there were no further nominations, Valerie and Janet were duly elected. Revd Angela thanked the Churchwardens for their work during the past year. Valerie Marron thanked Revd Angela for her work during the year, with particular mention of the formation of teams to take forward the work of St Katharine’s. The Annual Vestry Meeting was then closed. ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING - Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.15pm Introduction Revd Wynne introduced the meeting and reminded those attending that only those persons whose names were on the current Electoral Roll were entitled to be present. Copies of the Annual Report for 2019 had been made available to parishioners previously. Minutes of the Annual Parochial Meeting held on 22nd April 2018 The Minutes were accepted as a correct record, proposed by Janet Hollick and seconded by Valerie Marron. There were no matters arising from the minutes. Reports Revd Angela drew attention to the printed Annual Report of St Katharine’s 2019 which contained full reports on the following: Church Electoral Roll: Revd Angela thanked Sheila Kinrade, Electoral Roll Officer, for her work to renew the Electoral Roll this year. Sheila Kinrade gave details of the new roll and thanked Mary Pryle and the churchwardens for their help in this process. There were currently 139 names on the roll, and the next renewal would be in 2025. Names could be added and removed during this time, and Sheila asked if she could be notified when changes occurred in order to keep the electoral roll up to date. Brian McCabe queried the benefits to the church of the electoral roll. Revd Angela explained that the numbers did not affect the Parish Share contribution, but determined the number of members on the PCC, and the number of Deanery Synod representatives from this parish. Parochial Church Council PCC proceedings: Details of the proceedings of the PCC during 2018/19 were printed in the report. Mary Pryle gave brief details of the work of the PCC through the year and highlighted how busy members had been. The PCC had met nine times, the standing committee had met on four occasions, and the working parties for GDPR and the Mission Action Plan had all held various meetings. PCC members had attended training sessions, and any actions agreed during meetings had been addressed promptly and successfully. Decisions had been taken following full discussion of the issues and openness was encouraged. Members were thanked for their support. Brian McCabe queried the progess with regard to the vacancy for Team Vicar at St James and St George. Revd Angela responded that the process of appointment was ongoing and it was expected the post would be advertised after Easter. The Financial Affairs of the Parish with audited PCC accounts for the year ending 31st December 2018: The financial report and accounts were included in the printed report. There were no queries. Jean Hibbert, PCC Treasurer, gave an explanation with regards to the stewardship campaign which would normally have taken place at the end of the year. However, the Parish Share had once again been paid in full and there would be an appeal for people to look at their level of giving in the near future. Mrs Hibbert was thanked for all her hard work in continuing to keep the books balanced. Fabric Report: Janet Hollick gave details of the work to repair the Chancel floor. The churchwardens had now made an application for the children’s area in church to be made permanent with alterations to one of the pews and a carpet fixed in place. The DAC had requested photographs and measurements of the 4 proposed area which had now been supplied. The Proceedings of the Deanery Synod: The representatives of St Katharine’s were thanked for their attendance and input at the Deanery Synod meetings in the Deanery of Deane. Barbara Worsley was thanked for the detailed reports from the three meetings during the year. Revd Angela gave details of the decision-making process within the Church of England which started at the Deanery Synod level, moving to Diocesan Synod and eventually to General Synod. The meeting was informed that Valerie Marron had been nominated as Deanery Representative to the Diocesan Synod. Church Youth Report, Child Protection Report and Policy Statement: The reports and policies were included in the printed Annual Report. Revd Angela reported that there had been no issues of concern during the past year and St Katharine’s was a safe church.
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