Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 2003 Daily Egyptian 2003 3-5-2003 The Daily Egyptian, March 05, 2003 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 88, Issue 113 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2003 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 2003 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. · WEDNESDAY .. • ·•.. · · · DAILY: '· · · : ~- ···. ·: · EGYPTIAN· · · · · · · · · ww·w.i:>AILYEo:y··nTXN.cdM- MARCH 5, 2003 .. Council! meetiilg. draws ul111suallf ·1,arge crowd: New-outline dr~fted ·tor HRC witho~t;. leg?J _authority · Brian Peach . Daily Egyptian What has· pot~rial ~ be. th~ final rough draft of an outline·mapping 'out. the Human Rehtions Commission will be voted on in two weeks by the Carbondale City Council. · The new draft indicates that the-commis­ sion· will sen'C :in advisory rol~ a.rid ~ not have subpoena nor investigatory powers such as . members of the SIU/Carbondale Task Force on Race and Community Relations ha\'e :ugued for 1 since early discussion of the commission began six months ago. The HRC \\'aS first 3ppro\'Cd by the city to minimizd racial tension and settle disputes in Carbondale. This cune 3boUt after the Task . LESTER 1:". MURRA'~;;,:: OA1Lv EcvPTiAN Force \\-as formed because of an incident in A crowd of abo.ut 90 peopl~ showed up at Carbondale City support a proposal against the war in Iraq, The proposal April 2001 when Carbondale police officers was presented to the council for a vote and will be up in two weeks. · . used .i\face on about SO black SIU students while dispersing a block part}: Mayor Neil Dillard the new outline \\-as made available to members of the .Task Force Community members bring anti ... war resolution foF vote before Tuesday's City Council meeting. Sara Hooker consideration of the resolution at next \\'Cek's. of future consideration of the referendum, but Hugh Muldoon, a member of :he Task Daily Egyptian meeting by a 3-2 margin. The council cannot later said in a letter that he does not agree \\ith Force, because so many changes were made, take immediate action on an issue presented ata . the resolution presented an_d _will not· vote in he thought the group should be given time Tiger. Moon she hopes speaking out meeting by citizens. City Clerk Janet Vaught will favorofit at the next meeting,.: · . to =-icw the new outline before a decision is ag:r.inst the war "ill· take the decision fom the create an (?fficial resolution for co~ci! mcm,bers . ."At this time; I fed it is of utmost importance made. hands ofone man and put it in the hands of the to ,-ote_, meeting M~ J,8·.;, ••v ~.to_ support our .dCC!r;d.nation_:il leatdl:1"' :znd the · ; ~lfut<! that lnc¢.to pir= .t~Cf'. the J!C:W peoplc - tlw is why she showed up to show The resolution W:1S presented to the council . troops who are jirorecting·our frced,:,ms," Cole propasal and d=nine whether the inrerit can .; suppon of an anti-war n:snlution presented to by a group of five indhiduals, among them !!'lld. · be rcaiized," Muldoon "Can we 53}' that the City Council Tuesday evening. Hugh Muldoon, director of the Interfaith · Others who shm\'Cd up in support of the what we're proposing here is a good instrument Ml don't think it's up to the president - it's Center and acti\·e membe: of the Committee resolution did so for different reasons. and will fulfill the original purpose?~ up to the people," Moon, a CarbomWe Against War and Kim l\lcGuire, pastor of the Tony Didomenico, a senior in unn'Ct'Sity \i\'ithout an ad\isol)· or. im-estigatory role, resident. · Church of Good Shepard. · studies from Chicago, as a U.S. milituy the new outline indicates the commission will She and about 90 others crammed into the McGuire the council should atleast ha\-c ,-creran he is concerned for fellow soldiers and also assist the general public in contacting the Carbondale Chic Center in the hopes to make the courage to speak about the i_ssue of\\-at. She doesn't think there's been a proper assessment appropriate agency oi- person to file a complaint an impact in the crusade against war with Iraq. p=ted it \\,jth 524 signatures of community of the battlefield, which could result in a large with the Illinois Human Rights Commission or The resolution cites, among other rc:isons, members in suppon of the referendum. number ofveterans sick, as in pmious wars. other organizations · for issues such as alleged that issues are Msoh-able by tr:tdition:il diplomatic Councilwoman Maggie Flanagan, who \-Oted Didomenico's comments referred to the part discrimination. means," sanctions imposed on Iraq ha\·e caused in suppon of passing the tcSOlution, s:tld she ofthe resolution that stated; •Whereas, the Gulf This would leave the handling of complaints hundreds of thousands ofci\ilian deaths and that \-oted ac.:ordingly because the presen~tion \\'aS \Var qused widespread emironmental destruc­ up. to existing state and federal agencies that electl-d officials of Carbondale ha\·e the right to a grassroots dTonof the people of the United tion and long-term h~th-problems for both. currently handle related problems. No assistance Mpctition the national government on matters of Stares worried about how a \\-at is going to ha,-c Iraqi and U.S. soldiers, the effects ofwhi~ ha\'C wiU be given, outside of amisory, for any com­ gra\'C national and local concern.~ an effect on th~ commutiit): She a \\-at could not yet been mitigated or understood." plaint presented before the commission. Additional!\-, Moon other cirres such as have de\-astating effects on the local budget, the AJ. Cesena; a sophomore in geography from The outline also indicates that the commis­ Chicago, Spri~gfield and Champaign-Urbana · Jives ofarea children and the economy:ind needs Bat:1\13,disagn:es with w:ir because ofthe financial sion \\ill submit an annual repon to the City have :ill passed anti-\\-ar resolutions. at home. City Council members 3ppr0\·ed further Councilman Brad Cole also voted in support See ANTI-Y',IAR; page 12 See COUNCIL, page U . Bost retracts statement that bill. was an attack. on,.Binder Local representative stili ing for his daughter. Bost s:tld Hoffinan ~roached him Tuesday jack"O~saidhedidnot2gCCC"itltthclllO\=t Binder, Birkett's press s=ct:ll)' at the_ time, \\'aS about his comments and the n,-o had a serious and said he doubted that SIUE Chancdlor D.nid disagrees with legislation hired as SIU President James Walker's spokesman discussion about the bilL • · \Vemerwoulde\i:rronsidersupportingascpar.uion. inJanll3l): MHe did come to me and he s:tld that \'/aS nor Hallinan and a handful. of Metro-east = that would split SIU Hollinan s:tld in media reports that the sepa­ his reason for doing ic; Bost s:tld. ·J s:tld to him legislatots spon.<ored the bill, wr.:di a!so says that ration of the n,-o campuses would 53\'C the state 1:IJ; ifthat's not your reason for dbing it then I \\ill the School ofMedicinc, whi.:h is located un<lc:nhe mom:}' by eliminating an unnecessary layer of no longer make that statement.~.. C:ubondale branch, would go to the. Ed"-ards\ille Molly Parker bw-eaucr.u:y that currently m-ersees both campus­ . Bost s:tld he could not thin!_- ~fany other rea~ campus_. A portion of die medical schools classes Daily Egyptian es, referring to the SIU President's Office, whicl1 son that Hallinan would introdu::c the bill, which are rumntly located on the C::rbo11d:il_c campus. emplO)-s Binder. prompted his earlier COITlll1ents. · • · · Bost s:tld he stiJl· strong!-/• disag=s with the In ~ction to legishtion proposing a split He also s:tld it would allm•: Ech\-ards\ille to "l s:tld that statement in anger; he s:tld. legislation because it would mean reduced p0\\'Cf between SIU's Carbond:ile and Ed,\-ards\ille Step from the foreground of tjie more-populated Bost, hO\ve\·er, is still against die bilL for the Uci\-emry. He s:tld the split \\-ould. redu~ ~-st.ems. Rep. l'\like Bost suggested the mm-e W.lS C:ubond:ile campus. "(Hoffinan] and· I extremely disagree on the the size o{Qoth S)"Stcms and reduce the bargaining a reaction to Silis hiring of Joe Birkett's press Hoffman "-oikcd for Gm·. Rod Blagopich's issue," Bost said. · · . power ofboth. · : .· . R-cremn; a statement he brer retracted. · camp:r.ign and Lisa Madigan's camp:r.ign in the This is nor the fusr time a mm-e has been made Bost s:tld costs \\-Ould be· doubled in many Rep'. Jay Hoffman, D-Colli=ille, introduced dm,'llState = and is close to both l\'likeMadigan to sepapte the C:ub<?nd:tle and Edn-ards\ille cam- . :u:lministriili\-c positions arid" the board of trustees. the bill btc Frid:iy - the last day to introduce and the gm=or, s:tldjohnJackson, a political sci­ puses. He s:tld the split goes against the governors goal House bills - that would m:tkc Southern Illinois entist and SIUCs fonner interim chancellor.
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