I or cH»xam - PART Z THE UHIOH VAtLBY S8CTI0H H. D. Bllllngar, Chalman, Historical Coaalttaa (and with contribution* trtmt L. Applet on, A. J. Barnard, R. •• Boyd, sUllan Broad, V. P. Hart, Saa B. Hsiao, Clayton T. Klopplngar, P. M. Lalnlngsr, P. B. Psrlla, M. H. and W. H. Parry* P. P. Prlchatt, Bay Holland, 0. Slonlsasow, Mrs. W. 0. and Mr* Char las Smiling, B. 0. Truaadala, M. 1. Hhlta, Willi an Vlavaasar). IBM Bac. B, Bastion Chartar Br* Ban. Hart. Lafayatta Collago, adlta J, Soc., Margad J. Anal. 4 Appl. Chan. Dr. Hn. I. HaanfflT. Lshlgh Univ., "Tha Conatructlon of Chan. Laba.", 36pp. Gov't. Print. Offloa, "Hyglana and Public Charttlas", Ibid., SUpp; "Pi ssapa pf thai". Ibid., 39pp. Or. V. B. Schobar. L. D., "Enactions - Alcohols • Paradlasobantana Sulphonlo Acid- 1$, 379, 1893, Aaar. Chan. J. fab. 15 Saotlsn Organisation Hasting at L. U.j Prof. flhandlar lag Can., Soar-/,1 mm H. A. L. Colby. Baas. Coaa. C. Jonooi t J. T. Chas. B. Oraan. Baa. Hart. A. H. Harehay, C. P. V. Balaar. A. B. 1 a> froa Baa ton} B. L. Brlnbor. C. A. Boclt» 4. L. J. W. Blcharda, W. B. Schobar. H. D. Sohon, f. a. Jr., froa Bstalabaaj C. V. Caaas. Pbl1U|iabarg| lBta (oont.) 1. J* V. B. «—«», *• •• Wflff ••• '• •"• ffifflfllfj L. U., "On Phospho-hydrocyanle I. J. 16, 229, I89tt. Dr. Tnoaas H. Droan. lnaag. Proa, of Lshlgh 0. Prorlously on Cbsa. SUff (Haad) l67n-6l| and at HUE* t. 1885-95 (Haad, Choa.). la flald of Iron 4 stool analyala, oatar 4 aanltatlon. Sony. A.XJUB* 1873-61. (blag, la J* Choa. Bdn., 7, 2875. 1930). Dr. H. H. Ollaaan L. V. and L. ?. SactIon. Bacaaa laadar In sclsaos flslds locally. L.7. A.C.S. 1909-1916. Hood of Choa. and Chan. Bag. at L. U. 1912-38. Oct. 10 "Bad lottar day la history of Bastion"• Plait of Pros. The af fas. Chan. Ind. (Bngland) and lnrlUd roprooontatlvoa of H. T. Soot., Dai* and I. T. Bastion A.C.S. Bpoolal parlor car of L.V.R.R.j Tour of Stool Co., la A* H* Hooting with 7 prosoatod papors st L. V. la afternoon Juno 1920). Alpha Portland Canont boglna opomtlons at Hnrtlns Crook* psrfoets nitric asld *22n» ClBnMI# As elMmlit of BtthUhM. SUel, auccaadinf mm La . B. 8. a La U. •STf attags Da "32a DaVtlOpOd rapid aUlalla B.P. In of raw Material* for Battu Stool and la NaT for aawMwaananHaF in v^^s* u^w. *•• i ^™^J j Barnard torlgbt. by Carpontar Stool Co., Hooding, to da la study of allay stools for onto Industry, s.g., Bl allay stools. Rlshard K. Hooda (lBla-1930) ooi to L* ?alloy. B.S. Choa*, U. Ta*» 1197 (aant.) M,.B., Lafayette, 1097* Taught at Lafayette, la 1901 chaulst for Bdlaon Portland Canant Co., Varran County, H.J.J latar with DsxUr la Baaarath. Opsaod oonsult. lab*. Allantown, (Meade Tootlag lab*) 1907. hooad ba Baltlaora, 1911. Authort "CbealsVi Pocket Manual*, 1900}"Portland Conont*, 1904 • 3 ads. 1906, 1911* 19l6| -Daalgn of Snail Choa. Laba", Chnrtsr nonbor A.I. Oh* B*f lab odltor and founder of "The Choa. engineer". In wal worksd on rosuosrj af potash froa osaont plants. a mV»" **7 - ft' Can* '•». »• ttchards^ Sooy-Troas. Bsrnard Inrtght* W. B. ashobor and B. B. Blafar. L. V., "The Action of Cortaln Haiadls an (a) - a - iHssamjIm - sulphonlo sold", Aasr. Choa. J. 19, 361, 1897* Asst. Prof* J. V* Richards. L. U., studlss abroad. Holdalborg 4 Prelberg, 1898 Tba Bow Jsrooy Zinc Co. aorta wain offloo 4 afg. plant froa Bsthlshon " fill Hill »•* •*• *•*• * »•»••• 2SSBSS£ ** •• ***»* <l*&) *• Prladaaorllla, 2 nl. south of Bsthlshon. ZnO produced In Bsthlshoa by San. la 1853 (Bad In B* ••)• Xa 1852, at sewer k, H. J., tho first sine (2$00 tons) was undo. Spelter aads la Bethlehon, 1659, sfter Jos* waarton Belgian workaea. Plrst Lshlgh Portland Coaoat Co. plant built st Omrod, Pa., Just a. af Allantown. Original capacity 100*000 bbls. per yaar* lab 1898. Capacity doubled shortly by a addsd kilns. B. J. Baas Co. beglne afg. SaO at Palnerton, west plant. Whitehall Mfg. Co., Cononton. Doxlar Portland Coaoat Co* (later Panne. Dixie nt Baaarath and W. VUfleld. May at Plfly aaabora of the (frsajssl and Metallurgical Soctlons of Pranklln Inot., far tsar and laag.sttsa af BOthlahaa Stool Co*, than t sessions af ia aoetlag at L* V* * . 1B99 (cent.) 4* L. quant, saal* of iron, steel and allied subjects (Iran Ago, 63, 9, June 15, 1899). B. 0. Orace, B. B. '99 and brother J. H. Jr. B. B. '99 "Efficiency Teats of Orsrtty Calls" Senior Theels. Ms. Osaair*. 4*0* '99, "Sugar Beete in lot Contact aalfurtc acid pleat la 0. 3. built by H. J. Zinc Co. at Point, his* Bagia nfg. spoltor st Pelnerton, Pn. Bsthlohoa Stool nav high speed stools, Paris exposition. Invention of P. V. Taylor •Ats. shows "extraordinary cutting spsede". Sootlen Offleorst 1900 - 03 Cha* Jos. V. Richards, Secy-Trees. R. K. Meade A. L. Colbw. P. V. Shiner. Lshigh Portland Ooasat bullda 2nd plant, west Copley. L. V. Section only one noetlng. **' *• 8shobor. L. 0. traaslataa "Praet. Methods of Org. Choa." by Oattsman. lab. Manual, erig. In Gornan, 1st. od. 1896, 2nd 1901. Porter V. Shiner. the John Boost Modal of the Prsiiilla last, far Invention of s coabastlon crucible, iSfc **» *»• 5, 72), May 1938 by B. 0. Bingbaa "Conteuporeriee - P. V. Shiner.S Brylgon Steel Casting Co*, Reading, iaatalls n chon. control lab* Ho Bastion Ms stings. Ourrteuluu la Chen. Bag* awiiu annul at 1* 0* Or* Jos* V. Richarde. Prof. Metallurgy, L. 0. sleeted Proo. of now Anerlcea Bos. baa Sooy. sad Ed. of Trans., 190b - '21. (R.D.B.. "J. V. Proas Agent for Alueinun", J.Caen. Educ. U, 253, 1937). B. HoCready etarte testing lab*, Allantown. Colled "L.P. Tooting Lab." to 1910, tape "Alleutewa Tooting Lab". (On Has* 1940, 23, Ho. 10, 156). Baker 4 Adenson Co* absorbed by Sea. Choa. Co* Tbaa 0. P. • Bowsm becoass Dir. of Reoonreb (seat*) la H. T. Rstirsd In 1927, Doc. Peb. 16, 1933. A. L. Colby. "Anor. Specificetlons far Stool"• Lehigh Portland Conent Co. builds another k, Ororod, Pn. Also at Mitchsll, Ind. far nid-waet narksts. first contact said plant In Panne, built at Palnartoa. April 5, 1902 Dedication by Jmm* OMrlaT (1B55-19I0), Lafayette B* M* '76, hen. Ba* 0* Bight years earlier 0. aads history by perfecting dry-air prosoes for blast furnaces. Alpha A. Disfaadsifat. A* C* •« Lehigh 0., Joins Staff as Asst. Inst* at hie Matarn Bat trad 1B 19I*6* 1903 One L. P. Soetlon Meeting. *• L* °*ttiy l*owaa Bethlehoa Stool Co. as Chisf Choniet. Opens consulting office la Bethlehen. Lehigh Portland Ceaont erect* 3rd plant at Omrod. Section Officers. Cha. Porter Shiasr, Secy-Treaa. welter S. Lsndls H. I. Hoods. st Palaerton. Origin, England 187U, J. B. Orr. Chisf white until T10* developed. V. B. Sehobor. L. U. "Propane tri aalpboalo atalda* ataaara Chaata Jan 32• 16? 9 190t|« Dra Thcwaa Ma Prow, cttaa, Ba** l6f 19Qtu ahnaaa of La U# 1995 • 190** e sT^a^aww* • or a aaa " l awusw*Aa^B> • a>^e»uw# tnaeiPAn» aaa^a* a a^s^s»a **# e#e » e»4yg#t#Aaa**ap*n^ Dr. P. W. Shiasr dsaonstretos and oiylclns his "new filter" st Deo. Meeting. Tbt Bstslag Co. satckllsbae a lab* Toots dons far both the Basiling and C*B.B* of •• J* Tba J* T. Baker Cheedcal Co., Phlllipaburg, H. J. was foundsd by J. T* sf Baoten, 1904* Startai prodnelng abaatsali with Prof* Bart and Geo. P. la 1862 (Os* 17, Bo. 7, 7, 193$)* R* B* Msade'e 1st Ed. of "Portland appear*. Wpiogolataen node by B* J. Baas* Co* at Palaerton. 1st blast la 19041 Bad la 1906. • |904 (sent.) Lehigh begins grouting degree B.S. in Cheuletry. Preriously A.C. for Analytical Cheuiet. 1905 Section Officeret Cbn. W. B. Howberry. Secy-Trees, waiter S. Landls. P. V. 1906 Or* wa. H. Chandler diss Bow. 23 (Boo "The Chandler Influence In Anerlesn Chonistry", J. Chen. Educ. 16, 253, 1939 and On Sept., Oct., HOT., Dos. 39) Dr. Penan S. Hsbsslslsa Jolne L* B* Steff as Instruct or in Chonistry A. B. Anatolia «95, A.M. *03 and Ph.D. '06, Brown. Chief duties org. choa. Bonding Steel Casting Co. starts under nsw owners of Brylgsn fine. C. 4 praaiiid froa Chief Cheuiet to Asst. Can. Sept. of Bethlebon Stool Co* Lehigh Portland Coaant Co* builds 2nd plant at Mitchell, Ind. Prof. J. W. Bjahardi. L. U., publiahee "Metellurglcel Calculation*, Part I". » 0* B. wUllans Co* incorporatee efter 23 yeare. Of floors t Can* Barry Drew. Sosy-Troas. B. B. McCreedy.Exoc. Conn. H. M. Psmsrus af Lshigh Iran Co., Allsntown, closed sfter 37 yeare operation, lab started la 1669, Bad in 1672. Local ores first nsedf later or** froa Lean ;, sad B. J. 1907 Tba •OQhanfaioh Printing Co* ••peclaliete an scientific publications" acquired by Barony P. Meek* Za 1986 asaa changed bo Mack Printing Co. Meads (B* I*) Tooting lab epsaa la Allsntown. In 1911 Haado Lob neoed to Boltinors. Large cannot plant, PegelsTills, built by Lohiah Portland. (On. 9, Ho. 1, Mar. 1926). J* W. BAshards. "Hat* Cnlsulntlons, Part ZZ" Bssilss Offloorot Can. Oas* P. Adeaasn. Socy-Trees. J. L. Mask* H. A. 1906 Section has 4a , Durban Purnaoee shut down after a span af 161 yeare. Located la Basks County, 12 alias south of Beaton. Durban was aaong tea eerlleet colonial furnacee la Panne.
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