San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1940 Special Libraries, 1940s 10-1-1940 Special Libraries, October 1940 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1940 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1940" (1940). Special Libraries, 1940. 8. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1940/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1940s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1940 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries Ojicial Journal of the Special Libraries Amciation October I 940 PARTIAL LIST OP ORGANIZATIONS IN WEICH SPBCIAL LlERARIES ARE OPERATING * ADVERTISING AGBNCIES AERONAUTICAL MANUPACTURBBS AGRICULTURAL COLLBGES ARCHIT~S' OPPICES ART MUSEUMS AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS BAKING COMPANIES BANKS BOTANIC GARDENS BRO-TING SYSTEMS CAMERA CLUBS CEMENT MANUPACTURBRS CHAIN STORES CHAMBERS OP COMMBRCE CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS CHEMICAL COMPANIES CHURCHES CLUBS CONSUMER RESEARCH AGBNUBS DAIRY LEAGUES DENTAL SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT STORES ELBCTBIC LIGAT COMPANIBS ELBCTBICAL MANUFACTURERS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS PORBFT SERVICES POUNDATIONS PRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS BRUIT COMPANlBS PUND-EAISBRS GAS COMPANIES GLASS MANUFACTURERS GROCERY CHNNS UEALTH OPPlCES HISTORICAL SOCIETIES HOSPITAIS HOTELS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS INDUSTRIAL RESBARCH LABORATORIES INSTRUMENT COMPANIES INSURANCB COMPANIES INVESTMENT COUNSELOR5 INVESTMENT TRUSTS LABOR BUREAUS LAUNDRIES LAW PIEM6 LUMBER DEALERS MAIL ORDER HOUSES MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS MARKETING CONSULTANT3 MBDICAL A%SOCIATIONS MERCHANDISERS MICROPILM MANUPACTURERS MINING COMPANIBS MILK DISTRIBUTORS MOTION PICTURE COMPANIBS MUNITIONS MANUPACTURBRS MUSEUMS OP SCIENCE MUSIC INSTITUTES NEWSPAPERS OPPICE EQUIPMENT MANUIIACTURERS PAINT MANUPACTURERS PAPBR MANUPACTURERS PATENT DBPARTMENTS PETROLEUM REPINERIES PHARMACEUTICAL MANUPACTVRBXS PLAYGROUNDS PRINTERS PRISONS PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS PUBLIC ROADS BUREAUS PUBLISHERS REAL ESTATB BOARDS REPRIGBRATOR MANUPACTURBRS RELIRP ORGANIZATIONS RESEARCH POUNDATIONS SAPBTY ASSOCIATIONS SECURITY DEALERS SEED GROWERS STORAGE BATTERY COMPANIBS SUGAR REPINERIES SYNTXETICS MANUPACTURERS TAX POUNDATIONS TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATIONS TBA COMPANIES TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTES TELEPKONB AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS TRADR ASOCIATIONS TRANSIT COMPANIE3 UNIONS U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS WAR COLLBGES WAREHOUSES WEATHER BUREAUS WORW'S PAIRS Y.M.C.A. ZINC COMPANIES Indexsd in Industrial Arts Index and P#blic Affairs Informstion Soruics For America% &armament 4'HEMICAI.: Thorpe's Dirtionary ml Applied Chomblry: I'olume 11'. 4th i~.'dttw,t. Inrlucliug a 1li.page mmograph am Kxplosive and Explorions anel with clarts, grapha, taldr;.. formuliw and alingrumr. OLh pgw. S"5.W AmONAUTICAL: ,Applied Aerodyaamies: 2nd Edifion, by LEONARD BAIRSTOW.With tabk8, diagrams and illnstrationa. The most important chapters of the new Alr Power and War Rights, by J. M. SPAIGET. The seoond edition of a standard work widely wed by the governments of the world, including the United States. 495 ages 810.50 Alr Photography Ap lied to Surveying, by C. A. HART. With diagrams and illustrations. A complete anfthorough treatment of the subject including principles, meth- ods, instruments, interpretation and practical ap lications, as in mapping, etc., and designed to bridge the gap between the advanced speciafueatise and the popular book. 386 pages. $7.50 NAVAL; Naval Operations ton of the Great War SIR JUUAN CORBETTand Sm HENRYNEWBOLT. P he standard work: used b the U. kgvy.Volume I, New Ed., Text and Maps (2 vols.), $12.00: Volume 11, $8.& Volume 111, New Ed. nearly ready, Text and Map (2 vols.); Volume IV, Text and Maps in one volume, $7.50 -or, separately,Text, $6.00, Maps,$2.00; Volume V, Text and Mapsinone volume, $12.50. Some Principles of Marltime Strate SIR JULUN CORBE~T.The third printing of the second edition of a dassic first publ%.d"u, 1911.292 pages. $7.00 Practieai Shipboildirnl, 13. .\. i:~mreru1h.w. Third iidirion of standard treati3c on *trwtnual dceign anal buildin. of modern rteel veada. Vdume I, Text; Volume II, Ih. gram* uld Illuauationa. SOU onky in ~te. $25.00 A Textbook of layin Off, ly,E. L. Awwooo and I. C. G. Coop=. The 1938 reprinting of a standard text Por apprentices and students in mold loft work. 123 pages. $2.00 Naval Architecture, by TXOMASH. WATSON.Third Ediiian of Watson's manual on Laying-off iron, steel and wmposite vessels. Folding diagrams. 183 pagee. $8.00 MILITAHY: Sturnowall .Barkson amd the Aneriatra Civil War, !y G. F. R. Ilnnuwos. hew ~,n~.v~hmceditiuo of the two-volnme c:lraaic hot ubliihrtl in 1898, reprintd founern time*. and used IwtL at the Hritieh War College and at%est l'oint. ss.t,o The Seienee of Wnr, by G. F. R. Hmosasorr. Tenth printing of a work issued in 1905.480 pages. $3.00 The Campaign of the Mame, 1914, by SEWELLTYNC. 426 pages. $3.75 The Great Crusade (A novel), by Gus~avREGLER. "History in novel form -the story of the fist great military action in the war against fascism of which the Battle of Britain is the latest." - Time. 428 pages. $2.50 #st gear bookstore or on approoal to S.L.A. mambers LONGMANS GREEN & COMPANY 55 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER 1940 The Financial Cost of War ..........FREDERICK ROE 353 Roaming Exhibit ...................357 SLA National Defense Committee Repol-t . MARYLOUISE ALEXANDER 358 War and Preparedness and Special Libraries - A Symposium ..361 American Preparedness and National Defense . FRANCESE. CURTISS 367 Philadelphia's War Documentation Service . RUDOLFHIRSCH 369 Chapter News .................. 371 Personal .................... 371 Publications ............... ... 371 World War I1 Bibliography, compiled by Time Inc. Library .... 373 News Briefs ........ .......... 379 Indexed in Industrial Arts Index and Public Affairs Informarion Service THE STAFF GRACED. AIKENHEAD Editor JEANMacn~mm BETTIN*PHTBRSON Associate Editorr The articles which appear in SPECIALLmnau~~s express the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion or the policy of the editorial staffand publisher I HARPERBOOKS for SPECIALLIBRARIES I October, 1940 SUCCESSIWL ADVERTISEMENTS - And Bow to Write Them By F. ALLENBURT. This new practical approach to writing advertisements comes to the aid of man struggling opywritera hy pullmg out the crucial elements of an ad and showing how they & into the sales picture. The author who is both an account executive in a leading advertising agency and university instructor in advertising, combines sound edagogy with a lifetime'e experience in producing advertisements for some of America's Lading national advertieers. 53.00 1 BUSINESS BAROMETERS AND INVESTMENT B ROGERW. BABSON.Treasurers and executives eoncerncd with security-buying activities 1 &heir organizations will want to own this latcet Bahsnn book which conelate8 and brings :f :f to date the widely uaed material in his two earlier books, "Business Barornetera" and nvestment Fundamentals." 53.00 1 FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN POPULATION POLICY By FRANKLOR~MBR, ELLEN WINSTON, and Loulss K. KISER. A vital contribution to the study of population problems in America which will he welcomed by every group concerned I withihe alanning decline in birthrate in the United Statee. S onmred by the National Eco- nomio and Social Planning Association, it analyzes impart& vinually every aspect of the problem including: labor supply, changing age groups, consumer demand, the need for new investments, etc., and suggests a program for a national policy to allay further serious consequeneea. 52.50 ' PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE NEW DEMOCRACY , Edited by FRITZM. MARX.A timely item for eevey library concerned with public administra- ' tion. Here fifteen prominent public service leaders offer specific suggestions to administra- tors in public positions on how to bring new efficiency and leadershi to the job of nblic administration. Among the contributors are: Mar Lerner, Harry A. Aopf, Samuel d&d- way, Jr., Jacob Baker, etc. Every phase of leadership in thie far-reaching field is here dis- cussed as it affects administrators, employeee and the public generally. $3.00 GRAPHS: How to Make and Use Them By H. An~mandR. R. COLTON.Every librarian of a statistical or finaucial organization will welcome this new edition of the classic manual in technics of graphical presentation. Covers every type of gra hic language and ahowa with many illustrations how to present various types of statisticaPdata in the most concise, readable and emphatic way. $3.00 Two new titles for the Hobby Bookshelf - COMPLETE INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY By J. HARRISGABLE. The lure of photo aphy is spreading fast among busy people who need an absorbing hobby. This hook is grthe more conscientious and aspirin hobbyist who wants to approach photography systematically as an art and a science ant et can't take time to attend a school of photography. Covers every aspect of ictnre taking and picture-making from selecting the camera to taking moving pictures in co%r. Wih a lahora- tory manual at the end of the hook. Illustrated. $3.00 YOUR DOG AS A HOBBY By IRYINGC. ACKERMANand KYLEONS~. This bwk by two prominent west-coast kennel ownera tells you how
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