Centro Storico di Firenze CITTÀ METROPOLITANA inscritto nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale nel 1982 DI FIRENZE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF EGYPTOLOGISTS XI Florence, Italy 23 - 30 August 2015 MUSEO EGIZIO FIRENZE FLORENCE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM www.ice11florence.org CAMNES Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies ICE XI International Congress of Egyptologists XI Florence (Italy) August 23rd – 30th 2015 Paper and Poster Abstracts 2 PAPERS Ali Abdelhalim Ali Ain Shams University Overwriting in the titles of Ptolemy XII in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Despite the new method of modifications in the titles of Ptolemy XII at Kom Ombo, it was not the first case in the ancient Egyptian civilization, as it occurs in the New-Kingdom. Changes in the modified titles in the New-Kingdom include the name of the king inside the cartouche, while the cases of Kom Ombo concerns only with adding "nb-tȝwy" (Lord of two Lands) to "nsw-bity" (King of Upper and Lower Egyt) and "nb-ḫʿw" (Lord of Crowns) to "sȝ-Rʿ" (Son of Re) in front of the cartouches. The king's name remains without modification inside the cartouches. The present paper deals with those modifications of the Coronation- and Birth-names of Ptolemy XII as one of the most characteristics on the columns of the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Kom Ombo. I will give interpretations whether technically, politically or historically through investigating the changes of forms of both names. Schafik Allam IANES-University of Tuebingen Bemerkungen zum Testament in Altägypten. Aus Altägypten sind (öffentliche) Testamente von Privatpersonen überliefert worden. Es sind Urkunden, die vorn einer Behörde oder in Gegenwart von Zeugen errichtet wurden. Nun tauchen Urkunden in demotischer Schrift auf, in denen manche Frau ihr Eigentum (Immobilien) auf ihre Kinder verteilt. Dies geschieht im Gewande eines Verkaufs: die betreffende Mutter bestätigt ebenfalls, von dem begünstigten Kind (Sohn/Tochter) auch den entsprechenden Kaufpreis erhalten zu haben. An der Echtheit eines solchen Verkaufs hegt die moderne Forschung berechtigte Zweifel. Heute meint man, dass sich dahinter eine erbrechtliche Verfügung verbirgt, zumal der Scheinverkauf damals in besonderen Situationen des Rechtslebens gang und gäbe war. Mit dem Verkauf einer Sache war nämlich die Übertragung des Rechts an der veräusserten Sache – vor allem gegenüber Dritten – gesichert. Es darf also nicht wundernehmen, wenn im erbrechtlichen Bereich der Scheinverkauf zur Anwendung kam. So betrachtet konnte mancher Erblasser – der von der gesetzlichen Erbfolge abweichen und die begünstigten Kinder individuell aus seinem Nachlass bereichern wollte – die Form eines Verkaufs benutzen. Dadurch vermochte er nicht nur seinen letzten Willen bereits zu Lebzeiten durchsetzen, sondern auch etwaigen künftigen Streitigkeiten unten den Erben vorzubeugen. Susan J. Allen Museum of Fine Arts Boston The Photographic Archives of the Excavations of George Andrew Reisner in Egypt and Nubia 3 George Andrew Reisner is most remembered for his excavations at Giza begun in 1903 sponsored by the Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition, and from 1905 until his death in 1942 by the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts Boston Egyptian Expedition. Preceding his work at Giza, Reisner excavated numerous sites in Upper Egypt (1899-1905), most of which, except for Naga ed-Deir, remain unpublished. It was at these sites that he developed his system of recording and pioneered the extensive use of photography to document the excavations and finds. Concurrent with his work at Giza, he returned later to some of these sites as well as excavating extensively in Nubia at Kerma, the Kushite royal cemeteries and the Middle Kingdom fortresses at the 2nd Cataract. All of his finds and documentation were gathered at his expedition house on the Giza Plateau. After the end of World War II, these were returned to Boston and are now housed in the Dept. of the Art of the Ancient World. In 2011 a project was begun by Lawrence M. Berman to scan all the glass plates from the non-Giza sites in Egypt and Nubia and digitize their accompanying information. A total of 16,764 images from Egypt and 9136 from Nubia have been scanned and are being uploaded to the museum’s collections database. This project will both preserve the images, many taken more than a century ago, and make them accessible for research. (Documentation from Giza is available on The Giza Archives, http://www.gizapyramids.org/.) Victoria Altmann-Wendling Heidelberg University Min and Moon – Cosmological Concepts in the Temple of Athribis (Upper Egypt) The graeco-roman temple of Athribis, dedicated to the lion-goddess Repit and the ithyphallic Min, has recently been re-excavated. Epigraphic evidence refers to a complex association between Min and the moon, such as the explicit designation of the temple as 'House of the Moon'. The intrinsic ties between the god and the celestial body might be derived from the divine virility which was attributed to the moon in its tauriform occurrence. This aspect of sexuality and fertility is also epitomised by the moon's monthly waxing. Ritual inscriptions that describe aromata from the land Punt convey another, indirect reference to a cosmological concept. The ingredients of an unguent's recipe were monumentally depicted in the sanctuary. As lord of the eastern desert, Min was directly related to the trading routes that crossed his dominion on their way to Punt. Additionally, the descriptions of the exotic southern region implicitly broach the myth of the Distant Goddess personified as Repit, the right eye of Ra. The unguent was mythically required to embalm Osiris whose healing in turn can be associated with the composition of the moon’s eye. Thus, at Athribis, the interweaved dichotomy of solar and lunar worship can be traced in multiple accounts. The paper will address the lunar aspects of Min and the complex web of cosmological relationships between Min and Repit. As divine personifications of Moon and Sun, their connection was displayed in different facets and levels of connotation. Katarína Arias Kytnarová Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague Morphological origins of the so-called miniature cups. Functionalist simplification in the ceramics? Ceramic miniature vessels appear in great numbers in funerary contexts; also in rare cases among burial goods placed in the burial chamber, but especially as votive offerings of the funerary cult. In 4 the second case, they can number in hundreds to thousands of examples found in the cultic areas (such as chapels or niches) or in their close vicinity – despite their cultic function, they were not too highly valued, and after being used, they were simply discarded (i.e. Reisner 1931, 228; Junker 1950, 19–20; Charvát 1981, 150). Among the main groups, the two predominant ones are those known as miniature bowls/plates and miniature cups. There is one significant difference between them - miniature bowls are found in greater numbers and only in a limited amount of types (convex, concave, tubular, etc.), while miniature cups as a rule are much fewer but fall into more various types. The general shape of a miniature cup, with a differently modelled upper body but always with a tall foot, has attracted little attention as it does not seem to have a direct model in full-size vessels. However, this paper proposes a different approach to the question of the morphological origins of the miniature cups – namely not as copies of individual full-size vessels but as miniaturized versions of a combination of ritual vessels used in the funerary cult. During the offerings, food was very likely placed in bowls situated on tall stands in front of the false doors or cult niches. As means of a functionalist simplification and the ever-present ancient Egyptian practicality, miniature cups replaced real offerings consisting of actual food and full-size vessels. In such a cult, the variety in the shapes of the cups reflects the variety in the bowls, such as carinated (Meidum) bowls, bowls with bent-sided walls, with a contracted rim and others. Thus, miniature cups can be seen as a further simplification and economic approach to the funerary cult. Charvat, P. 1981. The Pottery. The Mastaba of Ptahshepses, Prague: Charles University in Prague. Junker, H. 1940. Gîza IV. Die Mastaba des KAjmanx (Kai-em-anch). Wien – Leipzig: Holder– Pichler–Kempinski. Reisner, G.A. 1931. Mycerinus. The temples of the Third Pyramid at Giza, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. M. Bernard Arquier Université Paul Valery Montpellier Les relations entre l’horloge stellaire diagonale et le corpus de Textes des sarcophages dans le sarcophage intérieur de Mésehti (S1C) Le sarcophage intérieur de Mésehti est le seul à posséder, sous le couvercle, à la fois une horloge stellaire diagonale (HSD) et deux registres de Textes des sarcophages. Le but de cette communication est de démontrer qu’il existe plusieurs relations entre ces textes et cette horloge. D’une part l’HSD joue un rôle fondamental dans l’organisation spatiale et logique des textes. D’autre part on retrouve, dans les TS associés, des références aux décans non seulement de façon générique mais aussi de façon nominative pour ceux qui sont présents sur l’horloge. L’horloge stellaire diagonale de ce sarcophage du Moyen Empire s’insère parfaitement dans le programme de décor et des textes présents sur ce document. Gabriela Arrache Vertiz Sociedad mexicana de Egiptología Hatshepsut in the tomb of Puimra, TT3 5 Puimra, worked under two great pharaohs, however the only name inscribed in the tomb was that of Tutmes III, because Puimra finished his work under his reign. As we know, Puimra was involved in the construction of Hatshepsut’s temple and it was she who gave him his most important title: “Second Priest of Amen”. So, when she disappeared, and he worked under Tutmes III, he wrote only the name of his king.
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