I Number Please Weather Report T ie Stale Ne w torn new l É r i a a t t Meetly saaay and warum weather to Dfresl aawa^^w “ w stette* ta ! ’^oqa^^^notW^wsw^pW aSäm .ruowuo^pSIX7, predicted tor today by the V&. Weather SM «r SIS. M Ü dhaMMae Bureae; a w ü m Mto IMK right *■ 4m M to ramriMi SMS er SM4. !« Serving M S U F o r 5 2 T m » Established 1909 VoL 53, No. 4 0 Ent faw hn, Michigan, Wednesday Morning, May24,1961 8 P hgca Maaawteato 5 Cents ‘R iders’ Fledge To Continue e of Bus Segregation France Proposes T o A ppeal Alabam a Laos Withdrawal Injunction GENEVA (Pi—France called would apply to U.S. officers Tuesday for the withdrawal of advising the royal Laotian gov* MONTGOMERY. Ala., UH- all foreign troops from strife- eminent and to the Commu­ Undeterred by race riots which torn Laos except for a French nists from North Viet Nam sup­ upset their timetable, battered contingent to replace U.S. ad­ porting the Pathet Lao rebel­ “Freedom Riders” promised visers. lion. Tuesday to continue their chal­ This proposal—ma<te at the THE FRENCH called for a lenge of bus statical segrega­ international conference on La­ return to the military arrange­ tion in the South. os—was contained In a three- ments for Laos as an indepen­ Others win come, too, their stage plan to pacify the South­ dent kingdom. spokesmen told a news confer­ east Asian country. The 1954 agreements allowed ence. and a State court injunc­ The withdrawal provision the French to maintain 1,500 tion which seeks to stop the fre- military instructors in Laos. dom journeys through Alabama The French also were author­ will be appealed to Federal ized to maintain two bases with Court. E ducation a total strength of no more than In Washington, Atty. Gen. BURIAL CEREMONIES—Admirers firms Emmons hall begin internment on the 3,500 men. ^ Robert F. Kennedy toid repcrt- bank of die Red Cedar. See related photo on page three. (State News photo by A handful of French troops Mark Krastof) . ^ remain in Laos but most ofLthe ers “We have some ideas of A id B ill military instruction and sup­ whai we are going to do’’ H the plies received by the royal Lao­ Freedom Riders go from Mont­ tian government now are being gomery to New Orleans. He de­ A m ended provided by the Americans. clined however, to say what Red Cedar Ceremony Signals The French peace j>lan for form of action is being con­ Senate Laos is contained in w ee doc­ sidered.— uments. HE SAID there would have Moneyfor Books, Two were submitted today by been “an extremely bloody ‘Lights Out’ for Sunshine Ambassador Jean Chauvel. The and costly riot” in Montgomery, Buses, Janitors third- will be ready in a few Ala., Sunday night except for Some 900 students paused been purchased at a dime store Moonshine; friends of the fam­ days. ~ the presence of deputy U.S. Monday to pay tribute to “Sun­ and had a “heart of gold.” ily, Panther Man, Cobra Girl; WASHINGTON, W)-Tbe Sen­ THE FRENCH offer a count­ Marshals. shine,” who died that morning. “He came up the hard way, and toe owner Larry Steinberg, erproposal to the plan for Laos ‘Sunshine” was a two-month ate amended the $2-55 billion Kennedy referred to an inci­ from common stock-—but he Southfield sophomore. Federal Aid to Education bill introduced last week by Soviet dent at the First Baptist Church old turtle. went out like a champ,” he foreign minister Andrei Gro­ A funeral'procession of 15 _ ^ ★ Tuesday to cover buses, books, where a mob gathered while said. ★ ★ and janitors as well as teach­ myko. The Soviet plan would a group of Negroes were bold­ cars, led by an 8-foot casket With the playing of taps, Sun­ give the Communists a veto containing Sunshine’s body, shine’s boay was lowered into ers and classrooms. ing a meeting inside. By a 51-39 vote, the Senate over peace machinery opera­ ‘Newspaper reporters who wound its way through campus the Red Cedar. This was fol­ tions in Laos. MARTIAL LAW IN MONTGOMERY—Natteual guardsmen and stopped to hold a rally for lowed by a chorus of “The Herm an’s adopted an amendment of Sen. _were present said that if the Winston L. Prouty, R-Vt., to The French plan is in line patrol the street la front ef the Greyhound bus station in marshals had not been present the deceased. Saints Gojfarchtag In.” with the thinking pi various Montgomery, Ala., Monday aft« Governor John Patterson At the rally, 2S0 heard of Sun­ Attending physician, chief permit states to use federal toe church would have bees grants fur the general operat­ non-Cwnmnatst delegations; in­ piredM^er martial law'to halt racial rioting. Thu first burned to tito p w id with shine’s record of accomplish-, pallbearer, and friend of the D em ise formants said. violence of the bloody weekend erupted here Saturday. ments. The procession then ing expenses of their public 'great loss of hie,” Kennedy family, Roger Liss, Brooklyn, scnbols. M AttCrlcsn spokesman told (APWtrepfcoto) ™ ^ " ■ ' said. „ moved on. ' N.Y. sophomore, said that Sun­ As the Senate voted, the newsmen that the United States Burial took place on toe shine died of claustrophobia of M ourned House Education Committee delegation “thought the French IN A TELEGRAM to Ala­ banks of the Red Cedar River. the shell—his heart was toe big. document contains these pro­ bama Congress members who The “preacher” told 700 who Let us all take a moment to took up a more explosive He had been sick for two silently honor H.H. Herman, amendment to the bill. , visions: yesterday demanded withdraw­ had stopped to pay their last weeks. Congress Acts Tonight al of the Federal officers, the respects' that Sunshine had who died Monday in Giltner Rep. Herbert Zelenko, D- THE ROYAL Laotian gov­ Survivors, are his- brother, animal clinic of- leptospirosis, N.Y., has proposed that the ernment would proclaim a de­ Attorney General-said the mar­ a kidney infection. bill include federal grants forj sire fer neutrality. It would On Summer Term Bill shals wiB not remain “a min­ Herman was a Bassett Hound construction of private and call on the 13 other nations at ute long« than is necessary.” Peace Talks Begin who resided at toe Beta Theta parochial schools. this conference to respect its Student Congress will act on a system of course and faculty “What is needed now is ac­ Pi house, 225 Bogue Street A territorial integrity and to as­ evaluation, and to review the tion on the part of Gov. (John) ADMINISTRATION leaders a resolution to establish a sum­ Patterson and local law en­ loyal student of Michigan State, said its adoption might lead to sure “the free functioning of mer session at tonight’s meet­ grading system. its national instituions.” A resolution to hold a fall re­ forcement officers—not merely defeat of the entire bill in the T h e Laotian government ing in the House chambers of words of intention,” Kennedy Algerian Rebels House. The Senate is expect­ ferendum to amend the AUSG said. ed to reject a similar amend­ would promise not to enter into the Capital building. _ constitution to permit graduate ment. _ any military alliances or tol­ The summer session would student representation ta Stu­ The Attorney General said he Several senators said the erate the presence of foreign not legislate but act mainly as dent government will also be sent the marshals into' Ala­ Stall Cease-Fire original Prouty amendment troops or foreign military in­ considered. bama lari weekend after be felt stallations on its territory other an investigating body, accord­ that State authorities bad made might have allowed some states ing to Dale Warner, Eaton Rap­ If passed the resolution would E VI A N-LES-BAINS UTi — A HALF DOZEN half-tracks, to use federal funds for stu­ than the foreign military in­ outline voting procedure for a faulty appraisal of the situa­ France and the Algerian rebel structors forseen in the 1954 ids junior, speaker of Congress. tion, and after be and Presi­ each mounting's 50-caliber ma­ dents of private schools. Geneva accords. the referendum, vote with both regime buckled down to serious chine gun, appeared around this At the suggestion of Sen. Tentative plans call for se­ graduate and undergraduate dent Kennedy had b e« unable peace talks Tuesday as French Wayne Morse, D-Ore., th e The second French document lect committees to investigate to reach Patterson. Lake Geneva resort town. students voting on the issue. He said the action was taken authorities moved in dements Troops maiming the half­ wording of Prouty’s amend- bousing, rules and regulations, Congress will also consider of an antiaircraft unit to ment was changed to assure The other 13 governments in only as a last resort, and with tracks joined scores of blue- the conference would subscribe compulsory class attendence, a resolution to establish-a Stu­ great reluctance. -strengthen already fight secur­ that only public schools would dent Traffic Appeal Court for ity measures. uniformed republic security to the principles and conditions forces and policemen wbo have receive the funds for operating contained in the declaration of summer term. THE WHITE HOUSE said the Ndther delegation would re­ expenses. President kept in touch with veal details. A French spokes­ clamped a firm guard around the Laotian government.
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