VOLUME 1. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1867. NUMBER 47. The Tenaamac Eleetian. Cue «f Jae. I, Lee. Fact *.—No article of American manufecture has fttfeptnAmt. The beet men of all parties must have felt a posi ­ The following is tbe testimony In the ease of Tbe ever given more general satisfaction, and non e baa Published wwj Wedmxhy , at tive relief in the news from Tennessee. It is true ever been more sought after by th* thousands People vs. Jae. 8. Lee, mention of which was made “Smith’s BaleralusV" H«f only rnanufcSwXS BUSINESS CARDS. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. that all sensible people had perceived fbr come time la Tub IuoaruuDunv at the time: the jirttSsh1ta^SVwilgg^yge, bearing date that the eleotfcm would either be a tragedy ora brand, whilst others make several, and merchants Stephenson 4 Oorbit, Prop1!*. Tub Pnoplb vs. Jams 8. Lau.-Oomplaint of are aura to purchase the cheapest article, a* more DRS. WIGGINS A LIDDELL, fares, and the alternative was not a thing la itself to u .”S3j.T, money can he made out of it. Smith’s Ssleretus is ^ SURGEONS, would respect- °r"0‘SiSX?,wS®lflr^,WABK be desired; but a bloody collision would only have •lwwr.fall weftht, uniform In strength, and one* thm tLv &th? 8t * JohM tad vicinity Julv 28. —Warrant returned with defendant ar­ third stronger than th* poorer Saleretneln market. given to the tyrannical Browmlow an excuse for fresh rested and in court. The Prosecuting Attorney tor Let every one support home manufacture, and use Snbaorlptlon, #1 SO Per Year, outrages upon the majority, and was therefore to *t! e I ~** Bps aiding for nothing but Smith’s gajeratus. ’ ° IN ADVANCE. be avoided at any personal sacrifice. A large part tbe defendant Witaeaaee not being present ex­ of the dtlaens were openly disfranchised by the amination adjourned to the 24th day of Jaly, 1887. *2 .,t.v T"at toc Jav 'o«-In buying saleratus, as Advertisement* inserted at reasonable rates. ■> «*»*»* o ’clock, A. EL, aad defendant left in charge other things, see that you get what you pay for : 18 •f arresting officer. * g^U^vr^rttL^fjebii^Urwl by «*ld raort JOB PRINTING rogfetry, and, of coune took no part In the election. °ane<* when you pay tor a pound. If you always Or every description promptly and neatly exe­ Of those who participated, only the most Indepen­ July 24-Prosecuting Attorney proceeded to the bBy * <*>-’ • Chemical Saleratus cuted, at satisfactory prices. examination, by having sworn deceived, hut always get full dent could feel any freedom of choice, as they were George W. Stephenson, who says: Am In the weight and the beat goods. be due thereon at the date of this notice, ataman acting under the watchful eye of their armed op ­ Dry Goods and Clothing business in St Johns, Clin­ Attorney fas of twsnty-flv* dollars, as stipulated in pressors. Even the negroes, notwithstanding all ton county. The name of our firm is Geo. W. Bte thLIN°U## bsrabygjvan! §Cmt pattern. phenson A Son ; Is composed of G. W. Stephenson r *v. DIED. that by virtue of a power of sals, contained ia said tsaLS4;. their party drilling, required to be looked after by and G. EL Stephenson. Mr. Jas. 8. Lee tus been tag*. 14th inst, of Dysentery aad Ty mort ff8e | M>d of the statute in such ease and their master In person, according to the telegraphic our olerk during tbe past year. We first employed ci w"w'„,^3ry ,j* ’4h,* r 04 "°b4rt ** mortgage will be foreclosed by a iiJ-n MWM The Independent has a Large and Con ­ reports. The feet that, amid all these occasions tor him some Ume in August 1888, he continued la our •ale of the mortgaged premises, to writ: All that Berries until about the 17th or 20th of May, 1847. stantly Increasing Circulation among the * n Ms village, oa the »th Inst., of Dysentery and 2* rttuated in the rounty excitement, the election wee one of the quietest He had charge P^our safe and cash. We hired him k“own «>d described asfol- Democrats of Clinton and Gratiot Coun ­ ever kown In the State, is not only highly creditable as salesman, and without my knowledge or consent 0hmritm lows, to wit: The north-west quarter of the north ho took charge of the safe and cash book. We west Quarter of *M»tinn .___ ,, ties. Merchants and others who wish to to those who must have made great sacrifices of afterward consented to It He had control of the Fred possessed a mild aad quiet disposition, and secure their trade cannot do better than feeling to insure this tranquility, but Is one of the cash and safe as much as we bad. We kept our was much loved by hi* young playmates. Ha leaves jfwuuv vw»uw, *o tna nignest bi<l- take adrantage of its Advertising Facil­ most hopeful indications of fetors pesos. It shows money In e small pocket book In a safe. The pocket a little brother, of whom be was very fend, a gentle ri** tTthv ou *ro 1<i?or of Hail, in the village ities. ________________ bpo« was kept in a drawer in the safe. We allowed of 8k Johns, Clinton county, Michigan, (said hall a power of self-restraint tor which tbe people of him to receive money and pat it in the safe and mother, and a kind and Indulgent father to mourn being the place for holding the Circuit Court tor said the South have had little credit, and which la part take charge of It He had no authority for paying their loss. IlfcJro ®c« over Ranney ’s Drug Store. NOTICE. couuty) on Saturday the twenty-third d Ht. Johns, January 1,1837, * 34:tf of their most recent acquisitions. They have been out money from the safe. We have books showing ber, one thousand eight hundred and si A tl parties Indebted tons for Subscription, Job payment to him of hie wages. chastened by suffering into a patient enduraaoe of Cross examination —His employment was that of conn EBC1IAL. Work and Advertising, am respectfully requested Nowata A U hl, Att’ys. ^ THORNTON’S TEMPLE OF ART. opposition, not to say of wrong and insult, which salesman. He took upon himself other duties, and „ BT. JOHNS PRICE CURRENT. pno-wmAnH, w >mA “ yuTtrc!,,* would not have beon possible to them before the wo allowed him to continue so doing. Copies of oil kinds, made either large or pmal! to call and settle the same on or before tbs 18tb of Geo. H. Stephenson sworn, says : I am one of the Corrected weekly, by C. W. Olds, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. CLOTHING—WOOL. ln °“. Water Colors, o September, that being the date of the war. Nor would we deny to the negroes, and their firm of G. W. Stephenson A Soa Had Mr. James ^„iMo? k\JUtent,on ,B talkd to the “Gem," i white allies their just meed of praise for whatever Lee In employ during the last year. Employed him Wednesday Morning, August 14. Beef, ffbbl. ,|17 00&00 00 ■Lfaple Sugar,!’,1b... .12&14 p,<* QPC wh,ch I »ni now taking with i EXPIRATION OF THE FIRST VOLUME. firat, last of August 18*8, and kept him until the Butter, f fr..............16(8118 PITT8 a WHALEN, may have been their share in the work of preserving middle of May. 1867. Ha sold goods for us. He Oats, perr bn.,........................70 .. BUd wh,ch can bp taken wttl Parties having accounts against ns are requested the peace. They were evidently armed, as many Beans, per bu.|3 00&4 60 Potatoes, no wjper bu . 1 60 r*P ,<“ty» and at very low prices; seme of then took charge of the safe, money and cash book. He Cheese, %................ 16a2o Manufacturer* of Gallery one door south o were arrested for carrying concealed weapons, and sold goods out of the store. When I was not pres­ Plaster,(bulk)pr.ton.g8 00 to present them on or before that date. Com, per bu............... 1 26 in bbls.nr.tonflO 6q Hieks A Meyers ’ Book Htore, TTp Stairs, 8t. Jobni ent be settled the accounts with easterner*. He Eggs, per dox............ 16 a trifling disturbance between a black and white posted the Ledger, and kept the cash book. He Pork,bbL...$26 00(fe28 00 4 L. W. Tho amton . Artist. STEPHENSON A CORBIT, man “brought out eighty armed blacks In an in­ Flourffbbl...|o oo®12 00 Salt, per bbl............ $3 00 MENS’ CLOTHING. had charge of money in the safe. I suppose it was Hay, new, per ton. |7agl0 Publishers. stant." Tbe United States troops appear to have our money in the safe. I did not know of any othor Wheat,white,..$1 90a0 00 __ ANSTET HOUSE, money being there. It was pnt in a pocket book in Hides, dry, per R.. .10al4 Wheat, rad ffbu 1 26*1 60 CUTTING & MAKING p™™ Clinton Ave., Bt. John. Ulch. H. W beon managed with remarkable Judgment. All 44 green,.............. 7 Wool, fib............ 36»4o V Walton, Proprietor. This la a New House, an WBW ADVERTISEMENTS. the money drawer in the safe. He had no authority classes, on the day of the election, conducted them­ for paying out money from the safe. Sometime* there Lard, perfe..................12* Shingles, pr. M |2 00a2 76 Done In the latest style. Marking and catting of has been fitted up with special reference tp th Insurance-D.
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