ANSA Scholar Voted Travel Avard t··1ANSA·sapplio.••tion to the Int~rn.;,tion.••l Visitors Proqram Comm1H1io1ioof the Mrro.an Stud"iEosAssoc1.atloo requesting travel funds for Kalilou Tera to attend the 1989 meetin9 in Atlanta has been approved. This is pIiondin9the ~rival of funds from th9 Ford Foundatlon. Msr. Ter .••'s addition .••l U.S. splio.••kin9 ~ng"'g9ments .••nd other functions are being coordinated by Professor Patrick McNaughton of Indi.analJniversity. nARSA-Sponsored Panels. ASA 1989 Panel: WOMEN IN THE MANDE WORLD Ch.••ir : J9anM Maddox ToungMa (Univ9t"sity of Vwgin1.a) t-1.ariaGrosz-Ng .••te ('Western l"lrohig.anUniversity)} "B.••m.••n.••'Womenand the (Re)Constitutloo of the. Social Order" Tal TamMi (CNRS)J "Girls' Initiation Societies AmOO9the B.••mana of Beledugu (Maln- Jane TlJrritin (University of Toronto), "Contradictions of Class and Gender for Educated Mande 'vIomen in the Period le .••ding to IndE'pE'ndE'ooE''' Panel: SIY,f IN THE MANDE WORLD: GROUP CONSC IOUSNESS AND INDIYIDUAL IDENTITY Ch.,w: ~Iw-., Frank (University of Tulse) Papers: Kathryn l. Green (University of 'Wisconsin)} "Siya in the Mande 'World: Ideals} Individuals} and Ethnic Change" Barbara G. Hoffman (Indiana UniversitIJ); "When Brothers are of Different Races: Problems in Translating Social Categories" Adria laVio Jette (Rice University)} .."1fI.JI1~".Jl.J /17(b")}II": Specialization} SymboIs }and Identity" Robert launay (NorthwestE'rn Univeorsity)} "UnintE'ndE'dConsequences: Coloni.••l Ethnography and Post-Co lontal Rhetoric" Discussant: CtlarJes Bird (Indiana University) President: David C. Conrad (State University of New York-Osweqo) Vroe Pr9s1dent: B. M.ar"iEPerinbo .am (University of M.aryland) Secretary: Kathryn l. Green (University of Wisconsin-f1.adison) Advisory Board: lansiM Kab.••(Uni"'ersity of Illinois-Chro.••go) Robert launay (Northwestern University) P~l: DEEP SAHELI •••••HISTORY CMr: DaYid C. Conrad (State Uninrsit9 of New York-Oswego) (T~ 2nd & 5*h p~r$ li~*$d "W~~ $ubmiH~d ~t~ ~d.w~ $ubjwt to ASA ~O\l~l) Papers: Michael Gomez (Spellman College)., '13ao, Tlmbuktu, and lines of InfllJence in Imperial Son9h<l9" Steve Harmon (Arkansas State University), '11araboutaqe in the French Sudan: A Quantitative StudIJ " Tim GEosbseky (tv1ichig.anState Unh"Eorsity), and Jobba K. Kamar a (University of l iberia), "History of t~ Konyaka Durin9 t~ Formative Years: Fonil'l(}ama,MlJsadu and t~ Ori9ins of ~ 'M~ Invasions'" Martin Ford (State University of New York-Bin9hamton), "Konyaka Mandingo Migration from BelJla to Liberia in t~ 19th and 20th Centuries" Carlos Lopes (United Nations Development PrQ9r am), "Historical Impact of the St.ate of KaabIJ" Panel: Musici.lns ilDdOnl HistoriiIDS: Cultun Trilnsmission in Abn ilnd MilD. Societies (.JoinHy sponsored by MANSA~ thio Ak~ Studw$ A$$oc~tion) Chair: David Owusu Ansah (Jarnes Madison University) Papers: Laura Arntson Harris (Indiana University), ..In the Hands of Others: A ¥~lf{}.Jin ManKa Society" Ka11looTen (ILA - Universite Nationale de COte d'lvoire), "Cultural Fusion and Material Develop~t in MartdEoSociety" Dore On Inviting a Bard to a Deeting I'm afraid I've created some misunderstandif19 about t~ possibility of invitin9 a griot to a MANSAmeetin9. 1 was not at all suggesting that we pay for a gr10t to come to At~ta from Afr~ or anywhere else-- MANSA has barely enou9h mO~J to put out a new'sletter . MI~su~stion was simply that we invite a griot, just as we invite each other, to participate formally or informally .at SorM sessions we're plannif19for the African Studies Association meetif19 in Atlanta. Maooe (jriots based at least part time in this country (I know of thr€'€') have the means to travel, and would welcome the opportunity to meet MANSAmerrtbers, students and scholars, at the African Studies Association meetinq. At ffiI:I invitation, Papa susso, a man with deep roots 10~ disiin9uisl\@d Mand1ok~fdmlly of gr1ots, is plannin9 to join ~ ASA and atiend the meeiif19 10 Ai~ta. I s~ no reason to rais~ a barrier between MANSA, "~ association scientifique," and individuals 'a'ith a cwt~1o "savoir- who interest many of us. Cordia Ily, Thomas A. Hale, The Pennsy Ivania State university Book Release Creation et imibiion dans l'.lrt ~fric~in , by Abdou S4jn~, Univwsite Cheikh Anta Diop ~ Ddkar, IFAN-Ch. A. Drop, 19138, pp. 269. Part I, ETHNO-ESTHETIQUEbES ARTS AFRICAINS, contains t~ ctlapters "Tradition et I'fIOdernite", "Unite et diver site ", and "Un aM magico-reli9ieux". Part", POURUNEESTHfTIQUEDES ARTS AFRICAINS, includes "Sens et conscience esthetiques", "Statut ~ l' artiste", "Techniques et materiaux", and ''Creation tot imitation. "Fo 110w1fl9art' some remarks by lily an Keste loot about this volume: 2 Abdou ~111. ~ p¥ UM r9V~ oritiqY9 d~ 9sS-iis jusqu'ici accomplis, poor oliss9t", S~S9t" 9t ~ cet enormt> patrirnoine. Ensuite, il entame un reper a~ I non SE'lJ~t des condttions concretes dans ~l~ s'insorit l'art tr.aditi()M(>1du cootinMt, rnais aussi ~s prob~s d'esthetique, ~ stljlisti~ et de creation. Syl1a remonte 0 la source, interrQge les artistes sur leurs lanques sur les vocables et notions ~ be4U, joli, .aqre.ab19,etc.} bref 11explore li oonsoieooe estheti~ de l'artiste traditi()M(>l; en~te tres rart?ment realisee. Et son projet enqlobe non st?Ulement la statuaire rnais l'artisanat, les parures, la bijouterie, l'architt?Cture. 11 se poursuit d.ans l'etude des mulitples fonotions de l'Art africain; fonctions non IJnlquement reliqieuses auxQIJE'l1eson l'a trop souvent reduit, "mais politiqtJes soctales , cornernoratives et esth@ti~s, de communication et de sljooretisme". Teaching Pos1tion/~1nanc1al A1d Sought 1n U.S . .Je vtens tr~s respectueusement solltceter vos aide t?t eoncours pour ce qu1sutt: J9 suis 9ns9iqn.ant-o~roh9Yr 0 l'Univ9t"site d' Abidj¥! depuis ~t (7) .ans. J'~~ li llUQ,-••tur9 comparet? et la stylistique. Je suts t1tula1re d'un doctorat de lettres Modernes de 1'Univers1te de la SorbOl"JM-Nouve11e,Paris III, depuis 1980. ParalJelement 0 mes activites d'ensei9nant, je prepare presentement une thke de doctorate d'Etat de Litterature Comparee qui porte sur "La SlJmbolique AnirMlEod.ans lEosTrsditions Populiins Ameriodiennes (Amerique du Nord) et Mandifl9 (Afrique de l'Ouest) : ch.ants, ffiIJ thes et recits M • Beneficiant, a compter du 8 Juillet 1989, d'one aonee sabbatique, je projette de faire un sejour d'on a deux artS aux Etats-Unis dans le cadre de la preparation de rna tI..ese sus-ind;quee. Je sollicite votre intervention en vue d'oMenir soit un poste d'enseiqnant (de fra09aise, de litterature et civilisation africaines OIJfr ancaises), soit une aide ymanclere et materieolle d'on institlJt OIJd'un or9anismE' . •..Iesuis ~ nationalite fr~aise et compte me rendre aux Hats-Un is Ie plus tot possible et, 4Uplus tard, dans la delJxiMle quinzaine d'.aotJt 1989. Je vous rerMrcie de tout oe q~ vous ferez poor moi et vous prie d'.aqreer l'expression deferente de ma profondE' reoconnaissance. 22 Juin, 1989 Dr. Jean-Baptiste KourolJma 22 BP 437 Abidjan 22 RQpubliqu9Cote d'lvoir" Bew and Renewed DAISA fteabers, Research Specializations & Address Changes Thomas Ii.. Hale, Department of French and Comparative literature, 316 Burrowes B1d9, The PenllS1Jlvania State University, University Park, P A 16802 Orallit~ature of'rr'est Africa Kassim Kone, B.P. 2284 , Bamako, Republie of Mali Car los lopes, 2 Errneti Place, EIl9~wood Cliffs, NJ 07632. (address change) E. Mn McDougall (Sponsor) ..Departmen,t of History, 2-28 Tory Bldg, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H4 . Southern S.ahara- Salle1in the Mali-Mauritania Region; interaction pastor alist! non-pastor alist politica I economy and culture; cha09ifl9 labour-social relations in preo-colonial and colonial sociE't'.l. 3 M.tt ~ffK (Sponsor) J 12045 MOI'Itros~V111~~T~rT~ J Rock'/l119)MD2Oe52 Soc~l ~thropolO9'J of the Mand1nl<:oof southern ~al and Gambia: ~thnornt>die1neJ plant ctassrncanon, the ~ boda,i~ ~ioN. 'w'~t Afrio-in in~~ ~ tM Gull~ of o01lst;.1~or9i;. ~ South C¥ol~. L~~ S1d~ J Dlr~tion NatiOl'l<i19de la Culture-, M1oistKe- de 1'lnformation de ]a Culture- e-t do TourismeoJ B.P. 61 7 J CoMI<r~J R~b lie of Guin~a Various topics on theoMandeoof Gumeoa.participant; 10theo~ camp~ d~ f001119sarcMoloqiqueos guiMo- polooa~s J de ]a \fi11~de Niani J capita ~ de 1'Empir~ do Mali. Kalilou Toka) Il A Univ~site J 08 SP 887 Abidj~ 08 J Cot~ d'Ivoir~ InstiM de- 1109uistjqu~ applique~; la09u~s e-t li09Uishque MandE!. JEtanne Maddox TolJnqara J History De-padment J Univeorsity of Vir910ia J Char lottesvil~ ) VA 22903 ttARSA Ueabershlp List In thr~~ or four cases th~ addr~s~s ar~ not current becaust> theoeditor has not been notified of changt>s (~ knows ~':! moved, but ~ doesn't koo...,.....,..here). The followin<j figur~ on world distribution of ~ ~'YIs~tt~ ar~ according to m~s' g~ogr aphica 1locations J 'lfh1ch f1uctuat~ to a minor degr~ as ~s move betWeEn Africa) Europe) and North Amffioa: North A~rica ca. 84 J Africa ca. 31 J Europt' ca. 20) Middle East 1. Jean-LolJp Ams~lle J C~ntr~ d'Etudes Africa~ J Laboratoir~ de Socio109~ ~t Giograph~ Africaines J 54 J bd. Raspail) 75006 Paris Mar,:! Jo Arooldi J Department of Anthropo 1091:1 NHB112 J Smithsonian Institution J 'viashin<jton D.C. 20560 IV1etteB<l'K9<lard,Tr~~ Verdffi Information, Skt. Marcus Kirkep~s 24) Df(-8000 ~hus C) DenrMt-k Tom Bassett, ~artment of Geogr~ J University of minois J 220 DavEnport Hall, 607 S. Ma~ws, Urbana; Il 61801 Abdoulaye Bathily J Department of History J I.FAN., Univ~site de Dakar, Dakar, S~gal .Jean Bazjn, Ecole des Haut~ Etudes en Sciences Sociales , 54 bd.
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