MQNDAT?i"JUNE 17,1946 \ Tka Waather FOTHtTEE!t Hanrlitfatpr Ipptttng Iggralb Average Dafly Circulation reraeuat of D. H. Weather Buraau For Um Moath of May, IMS thelf”'Itudty. The new budget Clearing aad bagoaolag mueh The Master Councilor and offi 'T o Hold iM eeliii"' amounts to approximately; ItiOO,- cooler tonlgm thna laat ulgbt; M r, Miss B<*tty-Ann Johnson ^of 43 9,065 cooler aad much leaa hnmM W'ed- Holl street spent the week-end at cers of John Mather Chapter, Or­ la (sradiiuted 000. air Increase of nearly $57,000 der of DeMolay will confer the De- over thg budget for the current Member of the Audit neaday. About Town the Girls’ Friendly Holiday House -O h School Biidgel HALE'S 5ELF SERVE In Canaan. Molay degree on a clasa of candi­ , y***"- '■'x Bureau of Ctrculatioua • dates at the Masonic Temple this h. The Original In New England! r Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm f ; / AH iM inbtn of U>e Senior Scout Members of the Anderaon-Shea evening. A large attendance Is AuXiliarv. VFVV have been invited requested as this is the last meet­ ' Til* Joint meeting of the Board •floop 1 who plan to go to camp 1 of Education and the Selectmen HESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1946 \ (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS weekctid.' muet be present at to attend the institution of the ing of the aca.soii. RefreshmenUs VOL. LXV., NO. 220 (ClaaalBed Advertlalag oa Page IS) Leslie Pierce Atixiliary. VFW. will be served after the meeting. I to confer on the regular achool tha meetlnr\hla evening at 6:30 ! iiudget for the new fiscal year will LECLERC TUESDAY SPECIALS! a t tha Oanter church. ' Hartford at the Club Alden. Weth- X ! ersfleld avenue, tonight at 8 A dniigther was borh yesterday : be held at ft o'clock tomorrow sf- Funeral Home ternoon at the .Municipal building. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! o’clock. • morning to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frcigfit Train Crashes Through Bridge fw^eua F. Pardak. 8 1-c of 75 j Miller of Perktna street, at the Copies of the proposed budget 2.1 Main Street Maine Primary Koith rtraet, a-aa discharge -Sat- Rev. Dr. Watson Woodruff and Hartfoitl hospital. This is their ; as drawn up by the school board Phone 52,69 Sealpacked 4 British Officers Freak June Tornado have been sent to all members for HHay from the naval aervlte at Mrs. Woodruff, of Avon, were in (.second dsughter. Mr Miller is j I tha Kaval Peraonnel fleparit^on town Saturday afternoon to at­ 'rmployeil st the ,Savings Bank of Quiet as Light Cmter at Udo Beach, Long Island.X tenttend the Lundberg-Whitchcr wed- j Manrhester. 1 Baked Beans 2' ).r. 25c ling at the .Second <'ongregBtl<inal Ab(fucted by Jew The Women’s Eeneflt Aaaocla ^u^ch. .Malcolm Mollan. of the Niantic | No. t Can Van Camp’s Vote Is Cast X! River Road. Waterford, who \^s ; tisn will meet at the Odd Fellowsfl I NX For Immediate, Accurate, Causes Death of 17; Tlic Aiiieritan Legion Auxiliary ! Ukeji ill auddeuly ten days ago. hail Tuaadav evening at 8. It is Cans hoped that all guards will attendd . will h>Hd thftheir last meeting of the iis.aomcwhal iniproveil and is able Pork and Beans 2 27e Hildreth Choice o l Re­ for a Snal rehearsal before the con­1 - I ae.iaon nmiglight lit 8 at the Legion to aee hia friends. Mr .Mollan for Satisfactory Service On Your Car, Exti^mists Today vention in the Bond hotel in Hart:- i home. ^([lere1* will be an election \ many years was editorial writer .St. Lawrence publicans for Govei^- ford. The East Hartford Guards of officers !>nd an election of dele­ on TTie Herald. or Again; Michigan, will be present at the meeting gates to th\com ing Dejiarfment Call Or Bring It To \ More THkn 100 Hurt convention. TH« Auxiliary 1st Dis­ i All Red Croas VoV>'t"’r Nui-sea’ , Tender Peas 2 Cans 31c Kidnaped from Massachusetts Voting Tuesday. f}- Great Mas trict June nieetn^ will be held ! Aides are reminded of the hotdog cers’ €2ub at Tel Ayiv Thursday, June ‘J6. at the Ameri­ ■ const to be held tomorrow evening X«». 71J Can .St. I.awrence By The Associated Press Strikes Vlfciously Into I can Ijcgion home rh Wethersfield. lit 6:.”.0 at the home of Mra. Bien- By Dozen Carryiji W ill Depen Oppose British The election of offickts for the |nnn, Mt. .N’ebo Place. Each Wlllinni JH. Mlllkowskl DEPOT Voters of Michigan and Masaa A rm y Hints ^ Southern Mh^iigan and j Cans Generator coming year will be held at that [ aide Is requested to bring her own i Cut Beets 2 25c Tommyguiis; 9 Jews chtlaette turned out today to time. Adjacent Ontarfo^ Can* .silver. Annual reports will be | William Howard Miltkoskl, son Killed in Pitched On Earnings stam^jipproval on nominees for Plan to Block Repairing read at this meeting. of Charles Mtttkok'ski, of 88 Hol­ No. 7 Can governoV., House and Senate after Molten Ski ada; Hospitals in I lister street, has beet) graduated In SQUARE Battle at Haifa Shops a quiet Mboday primary in Maine. Tlie aludv group of the South ^ a class of 8ft at St John's Prepara­ Windsor Area Report M»th(xiiat W .S.C.S. will hold Us Carrots 2 Cans 25c Despite a .veterans bonus issue Spain Penalty tory school, Danvers. SDlss. Exp^ted Heavy Post- the Maine v o ^ g was the second Is Defenh e. iniial picnic at the home of Mrs. Jerusalem, June 18.— t/P)-^ At Least ‘Seven or BOILERS He yaa a senior cla^ officer; lightest in blstoi^. \ Fitch Barber. 160 Gardner street. president of the Alpha D^lta phi .Arniour’n A reliable informant said Wdr\Buying hy Ma- Eight’ Other Victinifi and Wednesday at 2:30 p. in. The GARAGE Hildreth Retiqnilnated Australians Seek Sup­ fraternity and was awarded a four British officers were jority\ of Americans Republicans renorhinated (3ov. Fantastic Weapon May igjiniea for the aftemoon will be scholarship to Providence College As Being Near Death i completed hy Mis. Karl Xlarks. Do Soto and Plymouth Sales and Serviee Evaporated Milk 3 cans 33c kidnaped today from an offi­ Horace A.-Hildreth for a second port of Russia and f u r n a c e s which he will enter In the fall. He Will He on Credit two-year term over Roy L. Fer- Develop Into Way to Mra?^neE Trunx. and Mra. George was a member of St. John’s high­ cers’ club at Tel Aviv by a HIGH POWER McKliWy. 'The committee on nald of Wlnterport, an attorney United States in Op­ Derwit, June 18.— (^P)— A ’ est scoring basketball team and i ERNEST ROY, Prop. dozen Jewish extremists arm- making his fourth unsucCaasfiil Stop Atomic Rock- VACUUM CLEANED transportation will be Mts. \\. was selected as the All-Boston 'cd with tommyguns. The new Washington, June 18—i>Pi—The position to Move freak J^ e tornado struck vi­ 241 NO. MAIN ST. TEL. 511.1 All' Kinds of Starch for Clothes bid for the nomination. H ild r ^ ’s ' ets and Space Ships Ralph NV’ard, Jr.. Mrs. Clarence Garden forward for which he re- great msM of American consum­ ciously Monday night into OIL BURNER SERVICE Barlow, MVf. H. Roaj Lewis, and outbreak of terrorism spread­ margin was 4 to 1. All Work Ouaranteed! Mrs. GcorgeX^cKinney. 1 celved a trophy. and Cooking . While It Lasts ing throughout Palestine ers will have to rWy on current F. Davis Clark of Milo, a 30- New York, June 18 -(J*)—Aus­ southern ^chigan and adja­ W e W o r k —Saviuglyi came after a wild night in Haifa earnings and credit finance the year-old Army veteran, was the tralia turned to Russia and tha- Waahington, June I8 - </P)—The cent Ontario- Canada, and when nine Jews were killed in a Democratic choice over State Sen United States today for support in Army lifted the edge of a blue­ Henry Parent heavy post-war buyin^they plan, ator Leland B. Currier of Lewis left behind to^ay a death toU The thing to do about Oener* pitched battle after they attacked a Federal survey indicted t^ ay. opposing a British effort to knock print briefly today to disclose a ator tronble la—come to oo and Tel. 2-0185 ton by more than 2,500 votes. of at least 17 more than 12 Oz. Can the central railroad shops. ’The The study, made by t l ^ Bureau fantastic weapon thkt may develop and Itt We havo tha knowl- Spiced Ham 35c deaths during gunfire and 15 ex­ Femald, Clark and (hirrler all out a majority-approved recom­ 100 injured. S^rching par­ adge, toola. parts tor qnlek, de- of Agricultural BlconomicsNfor the proposed paying a cash bonus to mendation of the United Nations into a defense against atomic rock­ Another Shipment! plosions at the railway yards Federal Reserve board, pregented ties hunted th rou ^ a one- ugaMa Oenofatot Renalra. raised the toll in recent days to discharged members of the armed Security council for a collective ets or armored apace ships laden hundred-yard path of Nse to ns oooe, and yonll ro- thia picture: \ forces. Hildreth promised to let A gondola stands on end amid fre'ght and smashed cars after an Eric diplomatic break with Franco with A-bombs. 18 deaths. Two out of every five famthes in Canada for possibls 'a c tio n a l -jm for any needed Anto Ele^ All Kinds of Spaghetti, 'The informant reporting the the Legislature dispose of the railroad freight train smashed ihrough a -washed-out bi^gc near Spain.
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