W M % m ^ ,, H | Icwi il r-1 H I— I m w m m m m v / / , v/////mmtm.'//. '■mm.V/////////M COMITE MIlârflfill^Dffl^AVIlAMVIQUE NORD mmmmm. V///////m m ///Æ m m m m m IMS Control N°.(CÎî^ÏSl. COPY 047 NATO SECRET document destruction memoI, % &|•?■? 7 May 1963 h J f f l u Ä U SSiFiEQ. deSFENSE, BRUS SE+4kJ ? BELGIUM DEPARTMENT OP NATIONAL DEFENSE, OTTAWA, CANADA M INISTRY OF DEFENSE, COPENHAGEN.- DENMARK M INISTRY OP DEFENSE, PARIS, FRANCE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, BONN GHWîANY HELLENIC ARMED FORCES COMMAND, ATHENS, GREECE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, ROM E , ITALY M INISTRY OF DEFENSE, LUXBHBOU33, LUXEMBOURG MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, OSLO,. NORWAY MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, LISBON, PORTUGAL TURKISH GENERAL STAFFf ANKARA, TURKEY MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, LONDON, ENGLAND SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (DIA-AP-Y), WASHINGTON, D.C , SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER, EUROPE SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER, ATLANTIC Qv. ALLIED COMMANDER IN CHIEF CHANNEL o, CANADA-UNITED STATES REGIONAL PLANNING GROUP SUBJECT: Terms of Reference Conference for MC iSl/70 and ^ MC 255/70 N q Reference: a. MC 114 (Final)(Revised) UNCLASSIFIED b. MC 14/3 (Final) , 16 Jan 68 (Awwowd***,weDtato*«j c. IHSB-16S-69, 31 Mar 69 B ^ ^ Æ ô ï ï e . l S ' . » » A 1. The Terms of Reference Conference for MC 161/70 (Estimate ^ of Soviet Bloc Strength and Capabilities) and MC 255/70 (Soviet Sloe *\ PeJietration of the Middle East, North Africa and Mediterranean and its Military Significance to NATO) will be held at NATO Headquarters Brussels on 7/8 July 1969 under United States chairmanship. The first meeting will be held in Conference Room 5 at 0930 on Monday, 7 July 1963. 2. Draft terms of reference for MC 161/70 and MC 255/70 are attached. Drafting nations are requested to be prepared to lead NATO iJECREI I M S M - 2 4 -3 ~ 0WTO UNCLASSIFIED " HAIO's 2( KM ® M BÄÄ^gllPCi®' “ APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM- 0462-02 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE a' 7[ ; - !AA K O ro!i ü.: 0 rt & ■. U1" vv ^ ï - » > ç , ?-■ © O ï’t ï - ; r j fi) Ù V © ß !"f, Î-J. i'* `;o 0 o W a. c f t ’ ! f« 3" o in jv. i • ÛJ 0 |0 SC' a r*- m f:j *- ■■ 0 K ro r; 1 D f-h i-- •` ^'jr x*> i« a ft fS fti (D 0 a o a> h-, " j & * fy Hi & ß H i ru I', r S’ p. îvJ. —■. s'-'* H- rt H 1 tri h ÎX- O »«.' (if; & «•w) O r î'-j' 4>> Uî tv r -‘ fU P F" (S CO S' 0 r*. P r f V*- K- fil Ci K w tr (Ti vû c o) ! o ffi Hl £ CP Cj H" N" j^î O I ° .«) ft < !< /; fD Jy 0 U 1 Aï w P. *•~1 i i:-- ça B5 i s-*- H - p - Ja- £ Ï3 a 5 P ru ü ‘•1 T i tu VD j c rs r t W <B o H- Tf-,1 (h O ri ft Si? ûî Si T! (3 n O'- ] £3 f t r f w ri S O y t-' r-t O H H f j o VC’ |[°5 I ^E5 r* 0 O f f t t£ ; c` rî. U APPROVED APPROVED FOR PUBLIC D n r t fî ?- O K- 3 fe; O C ti. 0) D m Qj C t*-" • *U 0 > 1j i**' t; a ■0 ' >■“ iv j,y. r i r fï’ H r--. W£ i +■*. rt1- s ss EC |t ^ n c S»~! ré ÏV su i ■ • »• C!’ H- f' MH' cc Hl- h-* î tüf>v C E KX a Æ C C fi- ! î P; *" (t r t ;CiI® îô «5 V. ■> S3 F c; O' ïT o <D j\(P SU H- ■ ^ H £ï.i Ö ô ï"ï- &/ î ÜJ DT* îï: f-lv rs. fô ’ri O t*i > ft H- ï; w ft 0“ il îlt S- fl) ! I * O s^; {& 3» 0 î’”* I Cn 0 H H* a f t i Kl V» ït f r ; f) cl- f f vJ c . {& i’o 0 0 |£ C F1- 0 rh H- Î-J* (0 i hï: H- Ml O l-1 H F*- i ï O <■! h - w | V**1 `a. |£ t” rv H* 0 Ö’ H- j & 0 pr K &! H* f; rr I 0 - ; r ■• P fi* >< r* fi l<3rD fO K‘ CC- î.C |o • S o H fô f.4. `( o O UT * fc' o H Iî) f-fl & iî) Kï u; C: !WS <• M ’Jt 0 Ii e> 1|f^*! + I SCLOSURE :rt ft 2 ! w '-f-. s 3 ; H- > m o i K s>f k* K »„J s; f t ;\fu 3 D, a 'ô »O h - (U r i­ jrf r f tii £l` Cl r» p.' H ff !f *- (& m; ‘■si Üi r.. fô r/; < n H (P p. |0 Vi üi «s tu fa it* O Gr f : O (.J K W (T 3 ! O C fô 5-ti Ln o 0 C et. 'O 1-3 h" s r t p a s.,j r`. Pi j-i tT O (5 f t O O t5J * ft &■ &! 1» o : *ü O U? EM iJ. s fi> ffi ?■; F-' « yi r t h c-.. B t-- LruiJ ce tB 4P »' H* *0 p; r. r;;. t'ï O- `y ►f V`i • Lj u u • 0 k> 0 a n> > ÎT ri^ £.L. H K-, ïï (C i'f- vs ■Û H- P) iï- C:` ' ï }*■■■- y™ - i,' 0. uG ii î» *■> •'fî : ■* î^-v sr ro ‘.Q l ut Ci fu vt:; s *"7{-■ ÎT* 0 . & ;*?> f ~ F- ft; *~■ o' K h »■ f`r b r+ N r+ h rt C' H- 5 iS <6 o o O O P- a ro h h O H) 0 ai ►v*rf ÏTf o « <& v> mm P APPROVED FOR UBLIC DISCLOSURE NATO SECRET (5) Part II — Section 6 paras 48. 11 (6) Part II - Section 7 paras 25. 32 5. The MC 255/69 Subcommittee has suggested: a. The title of the paper might be changed to read: "The Military Significance to NATO of Soviet Bloc Penetration of the Middle East and North Africa and of Related Soviet Activities in the Mediterranean." This title would make clear that related activities in the Mediterranean are to be considered as they are in MC 255/69, b. We believe that Order of Battle tables for countries not getting substantial military equipment from the Bloc are not really necessary. It might be better for the Terms of Reference to call for tables on key countries only. This would help focus the paper on the issues of Soviet penetration. Administration 6. Each nation addressed is invited to send not more than four delegates to the conference. Major NATO Commanders are invited to send observers to participate in the conference. Delegates and observers should be reported on the attached proforma (Enclosure 6) by 15 June 1969. 7. Delegates and observers are requested to make their own arrangements for accommodation in Brussels. DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-0462-02 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE NATO SECRET - 1X1 - ÏMSM-24.3 -69 mm «ywoiiE APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE mm d u d APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE NATO SECRET 8. Uniform will not be required during the conference. 9. Conference passes will be available for collection from the Security Desk at the main entrance to NATO Headquarters on the. morning of Monday, 7 July 19 69. FOR TEE MILITARY COMMITTEE: N.G. PALAIOLOGOPOULOS Lieutenant General, Hellenic Army International Military Staff 1 Enclosure: Terms of Reference for the 1970 Ad Hoc Intelligence Working Group (Draft MCM - with its 6 Enclosures) COPY TO : MILREPS FMM LIST B SACEUREP SACLANTREP DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE IMSM-04S2-Q2 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE NATO SECRET I V - This document consists IMSM-24-3'r69r of 42 pages plus pages i, ii, iii and iv APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE KMÜ® M ß lU Ä llFllE APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE NATO SECRET D R L F T MCM-0^2,-69 May 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE, OTTAWA, CANADA MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK MINISTRY OF DEfENSE, PARIS, FRANCE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, BONN, GERMANY HELLENIC ARMED FORCES COMMAND, ATHENS, GREECE M INISTRY Of* DEFENSE, ROME, ITALY MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, OSLO, NORWAY MINISTRY OF DEFENSE, LISBON, PORTUGAL TURKISH GENERAL STAFF, ANKARA, TURKEY M INISTRY OF DEFENSE, LONDON, ENGLAND SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (DIA-AP-Y), WASHINGTON, D.C. SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER, EUROPE SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDERt ATLANTIC ALLIED COMMANDER IN CHIEF CHANNEL CANADA-UNITED STATES REGIONAL PLANNING GROUP SUBJECT : Terms of Reference for the 19 70 Ad Hoc Intelligence Working Group Reference ; a. MC 114 (Final)(Revised), 8 Aug 67 b. MC 161/69 (Final), c . MC 255/69 (Final), GENERAL 1. An Ad Hoc Intelligence Working Group (AHIWG) will assemble in Brussels from Monday 6 April, through Friday 17 April 1970 to prepare : a. A revised estimate of Soviet Bloc Strength and Capabilities (MC 161/70); b, A revised study of Soviet Bloc Penetration of the Middle East, North Africa and Mediterranean and its Military Significance to NATO (MC 255/70). DECLASSIFIED-PUBLIC DISCLOSURE NATOIMSM-04S2-Q2 DECLASSIFIE-MISE EN LECTURE SECRETPUBLIQUE - 1 - MCM- -69 IMSM-24-3 -69 M a) M LâggjFDiD APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE mm «ywoiE) APPROVED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE HÄTQ SECRET MC 161/70 Period 2.
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