^^fyvVrrv^ "** " i n <n » HW i +uMm*m»****WBKmafi9m<«lF»<"< «* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, A Cloud of Witnesses CONTAINING Selections from the Writings of Poets and Other Literary and Celebrated Persons, Expressive of the Universal Triumph of Good THB LIBRARY Over Evil. OF CONGRESS / WASHINGTON, • By J. W. Hanson, A, M., D. D. One far-off divine event, To which the whole creation moves. Tennyson. Out of the Strong came forth Sweetness. Bible. /7> M CHICAGO: The Star and Covenant Office. 1880. 9h /4 COPYRIGHT, d. W. HANSON, 1880, GEO, DANIELS, PRINTER. CHICAGO. Preface, Poets and philosophers, writers and thinkers, those who have weighed the problem of human destiny, whatever may have been their educational bias, or religious proclivities, have often risen to a more or less distinct conception of the thought that evil is transient and good eternal, and that the Author of man will ultimately perfect his chief work. The deliverance of the whole human family from sin and sorrow, its final holiness and happiness, has been the thought of multitudes, even when the prevailing doctrines around them were wholly hostile; and, in and out of Christendom, the great thought has scarcely ever been without witnesses among men. It was dis- tinctly revealed by Jesus, in his Gospel, and forms the burthen of prophet and apostle, bard and seer, from Genesis to Revelation, and it has also brightened the pages of literature in every age of the world, since man possessed a literature. Twenty-five years ago the compiler of this volume published a little work entitled "Witnesses to the Truth, containing Passages from Distinguished Authors, developing the great Truth of Uni- versal Salvation." The subsequent quarter- century has added im- mensely to the testimony that men of genius have given in attesta- tion to the sublimest fact in human history that has ever come to human knowledge, and the further reading of the compiler has en- abled him to adduce authors whose words were then unknown to him, some of whom are among the best who have ever written. Such men as Coleridge, Southet, Thompson, and Ten- nyson are in accord with David, John, Paul, and that Other, who " spake as never man spake." The Compiler will be under obligations to any reader of these pages who shall direct him to authors not named in this volume, and their testimony will be added in subsequent editions. Chicago, November, 1880. NDEX. Adamantius Origen, 8. Brooke Henry, 66. Cleanthes, 22. Adams Sarah F. , 1 1 , 1 1 1 Brooks H. C. , 66. Clemens Alex., 7, 24. Addison Joseph, 42. Broughton Thos. , 12. ClephaneE. C, 303. Aiken Dr. J., 12. Brown Baldwin, 1 3. Clodd Edward, 206. Akenside Mark, 15, 66. Brown John M. D., 284. Clough Arthur H. , 249. Alexandrinus Clem. ,7,24. Browne Sir Thos. , 34. CobbeF.P.,207,255,262. Alger W. R., 20, 314. Browne James, 12. Cockburn Alison R. , 72. Americana Encyc. ,2 66. Browne J. Ross, 223. CoganThos., 12. Ames- C. G., 2 87. Browning E. B. , 199. Colenso Bishop, 233. Andersen, H. C. , 174. Browning Robt. , 221. Coleridge Hartley, 150. Anonymous, 130, 177. Bryant, W. C. , 145. Coleridge S. T , 15, 37 208, 247,256,280,292, Buchanan Robt., 311. 87, 90, 111. 307, 308, 314, 319. BulwerE. L., 169. Coquerel Athenase, 104 Aquinas Thomas, 29. BulwerR. L. , 297. Cornwall Barry, 274. Aratus, 22. Burnet Thos., 9, 12, 36. CowperWm. , 67. Argyll Bishop, 9, 1 32, 267. Burns R., 29, 80, 84,128, Crabbe, 79, 80. Arnold Edwin, 29 3. 168. Craik Dinah M., 276. Arnold Matthew, 261. Butler Bishop, 51. Credner, 11. Aspland Robert, 12, 79. Butler Wm. Archer, 302. Crombie Alex. , 12. Agustine, 15. Buzurgi, 21. Cromwell Oliver, 14, 35. Bacon Lord F., 23, 31. Byron Lady, 111, 136. Cudworth Ralph, 9, 38. Baillie Joanna, 85. Byron Lord, 15, 111, 134. Cunningham A., 81, 128. Bailey P. J., 2 36. Caird Principal, 318. Dante, 124. Balantine, 11. Calvin, 15, 112. D'Aranda Peter, 9. Ballou Hosea, 9 3. Campbell, A. G., 260. Davidson Dr., 13. Barbauld AnnaL. , 73. Campbell, J. MacLeod, Dawson George, 2 34. Barbauld Rochemont, 12. 217, 268, 304. Defoe Daniel, 41. Barnard Lady Anne, 72. Campbell, Thos., 112. DeJoinville, 37. Barrow Isaac, 9. Carlyle Thos. , 139. Delitzsch Franz, 227. BartolC. A., 223. Carpenter L., 12, 117, 207 Denk, 11. Barton Bernard, 120. Carpenter Mary, 207. De Quincey Thomas, 125. Basil the Great, 8. Cary Sisters, De Stael Madame, 69. BaumstarkC. E. , 191. Celsus, 24. Dick Thos., 95. Baxter, 48. Chalmers Thos , 131. Dickens Chas. , 214, 221. Beard J. R. , 204. ChanningW. E., 116,173. Didymus the Blind, 8 Beatty James, 70. ChapinE. H., 213. Dieslrae, 28. BeecherDr. E., 8. Chauncey Chas. ,12. Diodorus of Tarsus, 8. BeecherH. W., 222. Chatfield Paul, 102. Doddridge Philip, 53,166. Behmer, 12. Chatham Lord, 66 Dodweli Henry, 9 BelshamThos., 12, 78. Charles Elis. Arundel, 279. Doederlein, 10. Benecker, 111. Cheyne, 14. Donne John, 52. Bennetts. F. , 305. Child LydiaM., 165. Dove, 12. Blackie J.S., 203. Chrysostum, 15. DucheeDr. 12. Bleek, 11. Clarke Adam, 13. Duganne A. J. H., 264. Bloomfield Mrs. , 286. Clarke George, 12. Duncombe Wm. , 50 Bohler Peter, 54 Clarke J. F., 86, 142. Earburg, 14. Boimet Charles, 66. Clarke J. G., 239. Eberhard, 11. BostwickH. L., 310. Clarke McDonald, 155. Edinburgh Review, 138. BowringJohn, 143. Clarke Richard, 9, 45. Edinburgh Scotsman, 1 39. Bremer Frederika, 160. Clsfrke Samuel, 12. Edwards Jona, 13,15,216 Bronte Sisters, 240. Clarkson, 111. Emerson R. W., 168. Brooke Stopford A., 258. Cleaveland, E. H. J., 288. Encyc. Amerioana, 266. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. Epictetus, 23. Holmes O. W. , 195. Macdonald G., 218, 271. Epicurus, 25. Hood Thos., 152. MackayChas., 218. ErigenaJ. S., 28. Hopkins Dr., 216. Mackenzie, 72. ErskineLord, 9. HoppeJ. P., 231. Mackintosh Sir J., 86. Erskine Thos., 13, 131, Howitt Mary, 171. McLeod Donald, 217. 217, 267, 304. HowittWm., 171. MacLeod N. , 217,304. Espy Professor, 127. Humboldt Alex. V., 87. Macrina, 8. EstlinJ. P., 13, 75. Hume, 72. Mann Horace, 149. Euripides, 168, 314. HuntL., 15, 35, 73, 121. Martineau Harriet, 166. Eusebius, 25. Hunt Rev. John, 34. Martineau James, 17 3. Ewing Bishop, 9,168,276. Hurd Bishop, 12. Marvin L. C, 189, 202. FaberF. W., 93, 104. Hutchinson, 12. Massey Gerald, 289. Farrar Canon, 51, 160, IngelowJean, 293. Marryatt Frederic, 143. 168,252, 267,285,295. IngersollR. J., 306. Marshall Christopher, 76. Ferguson Fergus, 224. Irving "Washington, 120. Matthews, 12. Fenwick, 12. James Henry, 279. Maurice J. F. D. , 9, 181, Field Wm., 76. Jenyns Soame, 54. 199, 218, 268. Figuier Louis, Jerome, 8. 250. Maximus Confessor the, 2 6 Foster John, 43, 90. Johnson Samuel, 56, 62. MayhewJona, 13- FoxW. J., 12. Jortin Dr., 14. MayoS. C. E., 253. FrankJ in Benj., 58. Judd Sylvester, 223. Miles J. E., 96. Frederic the Great, 65. Kant Immanuel, 67. Mill J. S., 175. FroudeJ. A., 245. Kennedy Dr. , 134. Miller Joaquin, 317. Fry Mrs., 17 3. King Wm., 48. MilmanDean, 9, 140. Gainsborough Thos., 67. Kingsley Chas. ,252. MilnesR. M., 203. Gay Rev. Mr., 48. KippsDr. , 14. Milton John, 35, 86, 105. GiradinE., 8. KlingC. H., 165. 17 Montgomery J. , 94. Goethe J. W., 84. Lactantius, 25. 77, Moore Geo. , 211. GouldS. Baring, 269. La Fontaine, 40. Moore Thos., 15, 112. Greeley Horace, 145,213. Laighton Albert, 292. More Hannah, 121. Greene Gen. Nath'l, 14. Lamb Chas., 15,105,111. More Henry, 9. GregW. R., 255. Lambert Brooke, 285. Mosheim, 24. Gregory Nyssen, 8, 26. La Mennais Abbe, 118. Morris Wm., 298. Gregory Thaum. , 8. LandorW. S. , 110. Motley, 27. Griffith Thos. , 270. LangeJ. P., 162. Mueller, 11. GriswoldH. T. , 313. Larcom Lucy, 270. MulochD. (Craik), 276. Grotius Hugo, 9. Latham T. , 176. Munroe J. B. , 300, Gurney, 100. Lavater J. K. , 7 3. Murphy J. J.. 287. Guthrie Thos., 167. Lavoisier, 251. Murray J., 14. Halsey , 71. Law Edmund, 9. Neander, 11, 2 6, 139. Hamilton Sir Wm. ,130. Lawrence G. W. , 96. Neckar James, 69. HannaDr. , 131. LawWm., 48. Newman Thos. , 12. HarteBret, 301. LeClerc, 14. Newton Bishop, 55. Hartley D., 11, 45,48,56. LeggettWm., 167. Newton Sir I., 41, 113. Harwood Edward, 12. Leibnitz, 111, 245. NicholJ. P., 172. HaseKarl, 156. Leicester Francis, 12. Nightingale Florence, 31 7. Harris T. L., 265. Leonard C. H., 200. Nitzech, 11. Haven Gilbert, 221. Lessing, 228. Norton Caroline E. S. , 1 9 2 Hawthorne N. , 171. Letsone, 14. Oaksmith Appleton, 316. Hay John, 309. Lincoln Abraham, 202. OberlinJ. F., 71. Hemans F. D. , 144. Lindsay Lord, 72. Olshaussen Herman, 11. Hetzer, 11. LipsiusDr. R. A., 248. Olympiodorous, 26. Hey John, 12. Littleton Lord, 9. Oracles Sibylline, 7 HigginsonT. W., 264. Lockhart J. G. , 151. Origen Adamantius, 8, 2 3, Hinton James, 288. Longfellow H. W. , 182. 25, 36, 113, 244. HobbesThos. , 33. Lowell J. R. , 246. OrrRev. John, 299. Hogg James, 96. Luther Martin, 11, 30. OssoliM. F., 210. Holland J. G.,252. Lytton Bulwer Robt. ,297. Owen Robert Dale, 40. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. Paley, 113. ScholtenJ. H., 215. Thorn Rev. Dr., 109. Parker Theo., 207. Schweizer Alexander, 228. Thompson J. R., 193. Parr Samuel, 7 6. Scott Julia H. , 316. Thompson James, 52,174. ParrThos., 12. Scott Sir W., 72. TillotsonJohn, 9,40, 113. Parsons Theophilus, 152. Scudder Eliza, 286. TippleS. A., 281. Pearson, 38. Seebach, 11. Titus, of Bostra, 8. PercivalJ. G., 149. Selden John, 33. TownsbendC. H. , 157. Petersen, 11. Shakspere Rev. Wm. Trench Archdeacon, 183. Petitpierre F. O., 70. S*hakspere, Wm., 31. TupperM. F. , 212. PicusJohn, 9. Shelley P. B. , 140. Turner Sharon, 315. Pierpont John, 126. Sherwood M. M., 106.
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