Moldelectrica Energoproiect Moldova-Romania Power Interconnection Project Feasibility Study Part 1: Feasibility assessment and ESIA of the 1st priority project Component A: Back to back (BtB) station at Vulcanesti and OHL 400* kV Vulcanesti-Chisinau Task 6: Preliminary environmental and social analysis and ESIA scoping October 2016 Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 1 Document title: Task 6: Preliminary environmental and social analysis and ESIA scoping Issue date: October 2016 *In the contract the name of the Project is referring to a 330 kV OHL, see the justification in chapter 1.3 Responsibility - Name / Signature Specialty Chapter Elaborated by Checked by Approved by PhD. Eng. Cristina Eng. Irene PhD. Eng. Claudia Environment BALACEANU SAMOILA TOMESCU Impact PhL. Eng. Oana Environment FALUP Impact PhD. Eng. Valentin Environment RUSU Impact Eng. Gloria POPESCU Social Impact PhD. Soc. Mathias Social Impact GUSTAVSSON Anja KARLSSON Social Impact The document evolution: Re No. Modification sheet code Date Rev No. Modification sheet code Date v 02 Act.0 - THE REPRODUCTION, BORROWING OR EXPOSURE OF THIS DOCUMENT, AS WELL AS THE 01 - TRANSMISSION OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS PERMITTED ONLY UNDER 03.01 - CONTRACTUAL STIPULATIONS. FOR EXTRA CONTRACTUAL USE, THE ISPE SA WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED. Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Proposed activity 6 1.2 Project location 6 1.3 Project justification 7 1.4 ESIA Scoping Report objectives and structure 8 2. LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 11 2.1 Moldova legal and policy framework 11 2.1.1 Environmental legislation, including national guidelines and standards for environmental protection 11 2.1.2 Legal framework for land acquisition (compensation) 12 2.2 EU environmental and social legislation 13 2.3 International law and agreements 14 2.4 International best practices standards and guidelines 15 2.4.1 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 15 2.4.2 European Investment Bank 15 2.4.3 Equator Principles 16 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES 17 3.1 Project overview 17 3.1.1 “Back to back” sub-station Vulcănești 17 3.1.2 400 kV Chișinău sub-station 21 3.1.3 400 kV OHL Vulcănești - Chișinău 23 3.2 Alternatives route proposed for 400 kV 24 3.3 Multi – criteria decision model for deciding on best OHL option 29 4. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CURRENT STATUS 34 4.1 Air quality 35 4.2 Climate Change 36 4.3 Water Quality 36 4.4 Soil 38 4.5 Natural protected areas 38 4.6 Socio economic environment 41 4.6.1 General area 41 4.6.2 Demographics 42 4.7 Land use and ownership 43 4.8 Cultural heritage monuments 47 5. PRELIMINARY IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS 50 5.1 Physical environment 50 02 Act.0 - 01 - 5.1.1 Potential impact on geology, geomorphology and geo-hazards 50 03.01 - 5.1.2 Potential impact on soil 50 5.1.3 Potential impact on water 50 5.1.4 Potential impact on air quality and climate 51 Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 3 5.1.5 Potential impact on noise and vibration 51 5.1.6 Potential impact on landscape and visual environment 51 5.2 Biological environment 52 5.3 Socio economic environment 52 5.3.1 Potential impacts on community 53 5.3.2 Potential impacts on infrastructures 54 5.3.3 Potential impacts on cultural, archeological and historical environment 55 5.3.4 Potential impacts on public health 55 5.3.5 Potential impacts on occupational health and safety 56 5.3.5 Potential impact on land use 56 6. TERM OF REFERENCE ESIA 59 6.1 ESIA objectives and overview 59 6.3 Draft structure of ESIA report 60 6.4 Draft ESIA time schedule 60 7. STAKEHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT 62 7.1 Introduction 62 7.2 Stakeholders identification and analysis 62 7.3 Disclosure of information 64 7.4 Stakeholders Engagement Programme 65 7.5 Grievance Mechanism 68 7.6 Monitoring and Reporting 69 Appendix A - Map with protected areas along the alternative OHL routes 02 Act.0 - 01 - 03.01 - Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 4 List of Acronyms AC Alternative Current ATUG Autonomous Territorial Units of Găgăuzia ATUT Administrative-territorial Unit from Transnistria CHP Cogeneration Heating and Power Plant CLO Community Liaison Officer DC Direct Current EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission EGO Emergency Government Ordinance EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIB European Investment Bank EMF Electro Magnetic Field EMU Environmental Management Unit ENSTO European Network of Transmission System Operators EP Equator Principles EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPFIs Equator Principles Financial Institutions ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESAP Environmental and Social Action Plan ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan ESMS Environmental and Social Management System EU European Union FAO Food Agriculture Organization GD Government Decision HVDC High Voltage Direct Current ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection IFC International Finance Corporation IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control kV kilo Volt LACP/RAP Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan/ Ressetlement Action Plan LCP Large Combustion Plant MD Republic of Moldova 02 Act.0 - MGRES Thermal Power Plant in Transnistria 01 - MO Ministerial Order 03.01 - MW Megawatt NGO Non- Governmental Organization Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 5 OHL Over Head Line OPGW Optical Ground Wire PA Protected Area PIA Project Impact Area PIP Public Information Policy PRs Performance Requirements RO Romania SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SCI Sites of Community Importance SPA Special Protected Area UCTE Union for the Coordination of the Transmission of Electricity UNDP United Nations Development Program VSC Voltage Source Convector WB World Bank WFD Water Framework Directive WHO World Health Organization 02 Act.0 - 01 - 03.01 - Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 6 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Proposed activity The general objective of the project “Moldova - Romania Power Interconnection – Feasibility Study” is to present technical, economic, commercial, environmental and social feasibility studies, including other necessary documentations for Moldelectrica (client) in order to assess and approve the following investments: “Back to back “ station Vulcănești and OHL Vulcănești - Chișinău; “Back to back” station and 330/400kV OHL Romania – Ungheni - Straseni; “Back to back” station and 400kV OHL Bălți - Suceava. The first feasibility study will present the priority investment “Back to back“station Vulcănești and 400 kV OHL Vulcănești - Chișinău. The others two feasibility studies will be elaborated after the implementation successfully of the first Project. The present ESIA Scooping Report is for the evaluation of the environmental and social impact of the first Project “Back to back“ station Vulcănești and 400 kV OHL Vulcănești - Chișinău. 1.2 Project location The main elements of the proposed Project include 149 km overhead power line, a new sub-station “Back to back” and upgrading the current sub-station Chişinău 330/110/35 kV. The station “Back to back” will be located in the existing sub-station Vulcănești 400/110/35 kV at about 8 km East of Vulcănești city. The route of 400 kV OHL that connect the stations 400/110/35 kV Vulcăneşti and 400/330/110/35 kV Chişinău passes through six districts in the south part of Republic of Moldova: Chișinău, Ialoveni, Dubasari Hancesti, Cimișlia, Taraclia, Cahul and one Autonomus Territorial Unit of Găgăuzia. The sub-station Chişinău 330/110/35 kV is situated at 6.0 km in the south part of Chişinău city. The distance is measured from the sub-station to the outskirts of the city. 02 Act.0 - 01 - 03.01 - Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 7 Figure 1.2 The suggested route for the transmission line and affected communities indicated in color 1.3 Project justification In 2009 Republic of Moldova (MD) joined the Energy Community Treaty that extends the EU energy policy to the South-East Europeand signed the Accession Protocol in 2010. This allowed MD to be an active member on regional and European energy market. Through the main objectives of the Energy Community Treaty are the following: To create a single regulatory space for trade in the energy network; To enhance security of supply in this space and develop cross-border relations; To develop the market competition in the energy network. As part of the Energy Community Treaty, Republic of Moldova has unique advantages such as integration into European energy market, joining the ENTSO-E, investments opportunities, etc. The integration of Republic of Moldova‟s energy market into European energy market assures a real competion and transparent and equitable prices. So, the security of supply is expected to enhance through diversification of market participants. 02 Act.0 - 01 - In 2015 Republic of Moldova approved the Roadmap for energy sector. In work package 03.01 - 3 Promoting the energy infrastructure investment projects, point “a” Presentation of priority Formular FPM cod: Document code: 8389/2015-6-S0091524-N0 Revision: 3 Pg. 8 projects with the European Union (Romania) is mentioned the priority project "Back to back" Vulcăneşti station and 330* kV OHL Vulcănești – Chişinău is mentioned. The project implementation will ensure, according to the
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