www.ukrweekly.com -I Hfy І Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit associationj Ukrainian mmУ Vol. Lli No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1984 25 cents RFE/RL denied Rudenko, three others nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Oleh Zwadiuk Institute can bestow: the 1984 Nobel the human-rights principles of the 1975 press credentials Peace Prize." Helsinki Final Act, Yuri Orlov, Anatoly The Helsinki Commission in the past Shcharansky, Mykola Rudenko and WASHINGTON - The U.S. Com­ has nominated several leading Soviet Viktoras Pefkus called on the Soviet at Olympics mission on Security and Cooperation in and East European human-rights acti­ government to observe its Helsinki Europe has nominated Ukrainian writer vists for the Nobel Peace Prize. Last human-rights commitments by publi­ WASHINGTON - Radio Free Eu­ Mykola Rudenko and three other rope/Radio Liberty was denied press year, one of the commission's nominees, cizing violations of political, national, Soviet human-rights activists for the civil, ethnic, economic and religious accreditation for the Winter Olympics 1984 Nobel Peace Prize. Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, in Sarajevo by the executive board of won the prize. rights," the letter said. the International Olympic Committee Mr. Rudenko is a founding member The letter to the Nobel Institute was on Tuesday, February 7. of the Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring signed by the congressional members of The commission noted that the first group to monitor the Soviet Helsinki The only reason given for the rejec­ Group and was its first leader. He was the commission, including Rep. Dante record was organized in Moscow on tion, according to William Buell, vice sentenced on July 1, 1977, to seven Fascell of Florida, who is the commis­ May 12,1976, under Mr. Orlov's leader­ president of U-.S. operations for years' labor camp plus fiveyears'internal sion chairman and also chairs the ship. Mr. Shcharansky was a founding RFE/RL, was "that we broadcast in exile on a charge of "anti-Soviet agita­ prestigious House Foreign Affairs member. Similiar groups were created foreign languages and not to our own tion and propaganda." Committee. later in Ukraine, Lithuania, Georgia country." He called the reason a In addition to Mr. Rudenko, the U.S. and Armenia. "foolish" and "groundless" one. commission also nominated Yuri Orlov The commission's letter said: "For us, the congressional members of the Allied groups, too, were formed, such Uhited^Press International reported of the Moscow Helsinki Group, com­ puter specialist Anatoly Shcharansky United States Commission on Security, as the Christian Committee to Defend on February 5 that a senior member of and Cooperation in Europe, it is an the Rights of Believers; the Catholic the Soviet Olympic Committee, Vitaly and Viktoras Petkus of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group. honor to nominate Yuri Orlov, Anatoly Committee for the Rights of Believers; Smirnov, said that the Soviet Union Shcharansky, Mykola Rudenko and the Adventist Rights Group and the had protested the accreditation of The commission, which is known as Viktoras Petkus for the 1984 Nobel Initiative Group for the Rights of RFE/RL reporters. the Helsinki Commission, monitors Peace Prize. By their leadership of the Invalids, the letter noted. Mr. Buell told The Weekly on Thurs­ compliance with the 1975 Helsinki Moscow, Ukrainian and Lithuanian It said: "Rather than heeding this day, February 8, that there was no Accords. It said in a letter to the Nobel Helsinki Groups, these four men ini­ public call for respect for human rights. formal Soviet protest as far as he Institute in Helsinki, Finland, that the tiated the international citizens' Hel­ the Soviet government imposed an knows, but that the Soviets did com– four dissidents "have earned the special sinki human-rights movement."' unconscionable price on participants in (Continued on page 5) acknowledgement which only the Nobel "In their peaceful public advocacy of (Continued on page IS) Rep. Biaggi salutes UNA Rudenko, Orlov scheduled to end for 90 years of service camp terms and begin exile WASHINGTON - Rep. Mario Ukrainian people. Founded by U– JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Two leading served his sentence in labor camp No. Biaggi (D-N.Y.) saluted the Ukrai­ krainian immigrants, the UNA began nian National Association on its 90th human-rights activists, Mykola Ru­ 36, part of the vast penal complex near by helping immigrants from Ukraine denko and Yuri Orlov, were scheduled the city of Perm. anniversary in a congressional .state­ start a new life in the United States. ment on January 24. to complete their labor-camp terms last In 1976, Mr. Rudenko joined nint The UNA continues to provide week and begin serving five-year exile other Ukrainian activists in forming a The congressman said: "February numerous benefits to its members in sentences. 22, 1984, should be a day of pride and citizens' group to monitor Soviet com­ such areas as health insurance, con­ Mr. Rudenko. 63, who in 1976 co- honor for the Ukrainian National pliance with the human-rights provi­ tinuing education, medical care and founded the Ukrainian Helsinki Group Association. For 90 years the UNA sions of the 1975 Helsinki Accords, financial assistance. Such benefits and was its leader until his arrest in has. helped to provide a better life for which were signed by 35states including can many times provide the help 1977, was due to complete a seven-year the Soviet Union. The following year. those Ukrainians living in the United necessary to send a needy youth to labor-camp term on February 5. He (Continued on page 15) States and Canada." college or help pull a family through The UNA has also "championed rough times. the cause of all Ukrainians, including One of the U.NA's most important those who have not seen the. light of activities is the publishing of several freedom and continue to live under newspapers for its members. These the darkness of Communist domina­ publications serve the vital purpose tion." he said. of keeping Ukrainians throughout Rep. Biaggis remarks appeared in the world informed about the UNA the Congressional Record. The full and about important news that text is reprinted below. affects Ukrainians-worldwide. These publications also serve the purpose of uniting all Ukrainians on behalf of those Ukrainians living under the Mr. Speaker, at this time I would yoke of Sovjet tyranny. like to congratulate the Ukrainian As we enter 1984 there are still National Association who will be millions of Ukrainians living under celebrating their 90th anniversary on the oppression and cruelty of Soviet February 22, 1984. rule. Throughout its long history the The Ukrainian National Associa­ UNA has upheld the cause of these tion is the oldest and largest Ukrai­ hardy people, many of whom have nian organization in the United been denied even the most basic of States and Canada. Over the past 90 human rights. The continued efforts years the UNA has been the foremost of groups such as the UNA on behalf benevolent organization dedicated to of these oppressed people should be the welfare of its members and the (Continued on page 5) :.SefA4t.'.' Mykola Rudenko Yuri Orlov THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1984 No. 7 Wallenberg family sues USSR Rev. Sergei Zheludkov dies; in attempt to find diplomat was human-rights defender WASHINGTON - the family of for wrongful acts, according to Mr. von MOSCOW - The Rev. Sergei Zhe­ tioned Russian Orthodox Church, the Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplo­ Dardel's lawyer, Morris Wolff. ludkov, a Russian Orthodox priest Rev. Zheludkov also took part in the mat who saved the lives of thousands of In– 1944 the United States and the whose defense of religious and human human-rights movement. Jews during World War II. Tiled a S39 Swedish government sent Mr. Wallen­ rights set him in conflict with state and He wrote an open letter in 1968 in million lawsuit against the Soviet Union berg to Budapest to help save Jews still Church authorities, died here on support of two political prisoners, Yuri on February 2, demanding that the under occupation by Nazi Germany. He January 29 at the age of 74 and was Galanskov and Alexander Ginzburg, Soviets explain what happened to him, carried with him a large but unspecified buried February 2, reported The New and in 1973 he became a member of the reported United Press International. amount of money supplied by the York Times. Moscow chapter of Amnesty Interna­ The suit was filed in Federal District ' United States for his mission. Officials His friends said he died after surgery tional, the fights organization. Court by lawyers for Guy von Dardel, from both governments credit Mr. for intestinal cancer. Though a Church In 1974, the Times said, he com­ the half-brother of Mr. Wallenberg. Wallenberg with saving the lives of dissident, he was given the last rites in a plained to Patriarch Pimen, head o'f the The diplomat was arrested by Soviet more than 100,000 Hungarian Jews by corner chapel of the Patriarchal Cathe­ Russian Orthodox Church, about the troops in Budapest in 1945 after carry­ supplying false identity papers to some dral. The two-hour service was attended Church's attacks on Alexander Sol– ing out his life-saving mission.in Nazi- and smuggling food to others. by 200 friends and followers. His zhenitsyn, and in 1976 he wrote an open occupied Hungary. On January 17, 1945, Red Army remains were then taken to his home in letter to the World Council of Churches The suit asks that the Soviet Union troops that had moved into Hungary Pskov for burial. about Soviet harassment of believers. either release Mr.
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