contents the university 33 Clarke Memorial Fountain Dedication Set 33 McCormick Named O'Brien Professor faculty notes 34 Appointments 34 Honors 34 Activities documentation 36 Opening Mass Homily advanced studies 39 Current Publications and Other Scholarly Works October 3, 1986 it clarke memorial fountain dedication set e A dedicatory Mass for the Clarke memorial fountain e honoring Notre Dame's war dead is planned for Fri­ Father McCormick, who specializes in medical eth­ day, Oct. 17 at 4 p.m. All faculty and administra­ ics, is a native of Toledo, Ohio. He entered the tion are invited to attend. Father Hesburgh will Society of Jesus in 1940 and was graduated from be the principal celebrant of the Mass, to be Loyola University in Chicago five years later. He offered at the site of the memorial, and Msgr. obtained a master's degree from Loyola in 1950 and Francis L. Sampson, assistant to the president for in 1953 was ordained to the priesthood. In 1957, ROTC affairs, will preach. Lt. Gen. Winfield w. he obtained his doctoral degree in theology from Scott, superintendent of the United States Air the Gregorian University in Rome. Force Academy, will deliver brief remarks following the post-Mass blessing of the memorial by Fr. Since 1973, Fr. McCormick has been Rose F. Kennedy Hesburgh. Professor of Christian Ethics at Georgetown's Kennedy Center for Bioethics. For the previous sixteen years, he had been a professor of moral theology at the Jesuit School of Theology in mccormick named Chicago. o'brien professor A past president of the Catholic Theological Socie­ ty of America, Fr. McCormick is author of many Rev. Richard A. McCormick, S.J., a moral theologian books and a frequent contributor to such journals from Georgetown University, has been appointed John as •commonweal," "America,• "Catholic World," "The­ A. O'Brien Professor of Christian Ethics at Notre ological Studies,• and "Review for Religious." He Dame. has also written for "Sports Illustrated." Vol. 16, No. 3 October 3, 1986 Notre Dame Report (USPS 7070-8000) is an official publication published fortnightly during the school year, monthly in the summer, by the University of Notre Dame, Department of Public Relations and Information. Second-class postage paid at Notre Dame, Ind. Postmaster: Please send address corrections to: Editor, Notre Dame Report, c/o Rm. 212, Administration Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556 A © 1986 by the University of Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. All rights reserved. W 33 e 8 appointments Four Notre Dame alumni have been appointed by Rev. John F. O'Malley, associate professor of anatomy, Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University president, south Bend Center for Medical Education, has been to advisory councils. James F. Fitzgerald, a 1947 selected as an "Outstanding Professor• by the class graduate who is president of Total TV, Inc., a of 1986 at the Indiana University School of Janesville, Wis., cable television firm, and owner Medicine. of the Oakland, Calif., professional basketball team, the Golden State Warriors, will serve on the advisory council for the College of Arts and Letters. Jose E. Fernandez. Sr., a 1965 alumnus who heads Drexel Burnham Lambert investment banking activities offices in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, and Todd W. Herrick, president and chief executive officer of Panos Antsaklis, associate professor of electrical e Tecumseh Products, Co., have been named to the and computer engineering, conducted research on College of Business Administration advisory coun­ Intelligent Control of Emerging Space Vehicles at e cil. Edward M. O'Toole, who received a B.S. in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California civil engineering in 1958 and a J.D. in 1961 from in June and July, under a NASA/ASEE summer Faculty the University, has been appointed to the College Fellowship. He presented a paper titled "Proper of Engineering advisory council. He practices law Stable Transfer Matrix Factorizations and Internal with the Chicago firm of Marshall, O'Toole, System Descriptions• at the 1986 American Control Gerstein, Murray & Bicknell. Conference, Seattle, Wash., June 18-20 where he also participated in editorial meetings for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control in his capacity as Associate Editor. In addition he honors presented the following invited lectures: "Feedback Configurations in Control Design• in the Paul F. Bradshaw, associate professor of theology, Department of Chemical Engineering, California was appointed Editor-in-chief of •studia Liturgi­ Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., July 16; ca," international ecumenical quarterly for liturg­ "Feedback Configurations in control Design• in the ical research and renewal. Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, July 16; Granville Cleveland, assistant law librarian, has "Feedback Realizations: Advantages and Drawbacks" been appointed by Governor Robert D. Orr for a two­ in Automated Systems Section, NASA/Jet Propulsion year term to the State Board of Trustees for Muse­ Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., July 24; •one and Two ums and Memorials. Degree of Freedom Control Design• in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Martin D. Goslar, assistant professor of manage­ of California, Santa Barbara, July 29. ment, was selected as a visiting information sys­ tems professor by the International Business Joseph P. Bauer, professor and associate d~an in Machines Corporation during June-August. the law school, gave an invited talk titled "Antitrust Risks for Credit Managers" to the Mobile Douglas w. Kmiec, professor of law, has been named Shelter Credit Group in Elkhart, Ind., Sept. 16. chairman of the Law Professors Task Force of the American Bar Association Section of Urban, State, Adela Yarbro Collins, professor of theology, and Local Government Law. He will hold the posi­ attended the fall meeting of the Society of tion for one year. He is currently on leave from Biblical Literature as an editor and member of the the University to serve as deputy assistant attor­ Research and Publications Committee in Atlanta, ney general in the u.s. Justice Department. Ga., Sept. 27-29. 34 John J. Collins, professor of theology, read a Ralph M. Mcinerny, Michael P. Grace Professor of paper on "Is a Critical Biblical Theology Medieval Studies, director of the Jacques Maritain Possible?" at a conference on the future of center, and professor of philosophy, has received a Biblical Studies at the University of California at Fulbright grant to lecture on American literature San Diego, May 18-20. and philosophy in Argentina during the month of October. He will be speaking on his two most Xavier creary, professor of chemistry, presented a recent books at the National University and the seminar titled "The Chemistry of OJ-Carbonyl, Catholic University in Buenos Aires. e&-Phosphoryl, and ~-Sulfonyl Carbocations" at Monsanto Agricultural Co. in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. Mark Searle, associate professor of theology, gave 4. He also presented a paper titled three lectures on "Liturgy in the Pastoral Life of "Thiophosphoryl to Phosphoryl Rearrangements. the Church" to the Society of St. Gregory Summer Mechanistic studies by 17o and 18o Labeling• at the School, Lancaster, England, Aug. 11-13. 192nd national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, Calif., Sept. 8. Rev. Patrick J. sullivan. c.s.c., adjunct assistant professor of sociology, presented "Challenge of Frederick J. Crosson, Cavanaugh professor of Bishops' Pastoral on Catholic Social Teaching and humanities in the Program of Liberal Studies, the u.s. Economy to Catholic Business Leaders,• as participated in a panel discussion of "Religion and part of the Adult Religious Education Program, In­ Politics" at the annual meeting of American fant of Jesus Parish, Flossmor, Ill., April 26. He Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., also served as judge of •social Service Projects• Aug. 29. of individuals and locals, annual competition, Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Union, AFL-CIO, Patrick Horsbruqh, professor emeritus of Annapolis, Md., July 31. architecture, opened the Fifth Annual Symposium of the Urban Design Forum, National Speakers Series, J. Kerry Thomas, Nieuwland professor of chemistry,· on "Vision,• "Politics,• and "Practice• in the presented two invited talks at the Anaheim meeting planning of Parks and Public Spaces, Denver, Colo., of the American Chemical Society, Sept. 7-10; •up• Sept. 4. He also addressed the Mayor and Council, date of Radiation Chemistry, and Related Aspects of City of Galena, Ill., on littoral and historic Laser Photolysis" in the Polymer Materials divi­ building protection in a riverine community, on sion's Symposium on Polymer Research, and "Photo­ Sept. 11. physics of Polyelectrolytes and Polymerised Micelles" in the Polymer Science division symposium Gary Kern, assistant professor of management, on "Photophysics of Polymers.• taught management information systems to post­ graduate management students at the Shanghai Robert Vecchio, Schurz professor of management, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, People's served as a discussant for a session titled "The Republic of China, May 5 - July 30. Effects of Leader Behavior" at the national meeting of the Academy of Management held in Chicago, Ill., John M. Losecco, associate professor of physics, Aug. 15. presented a talk titled ·~Results from IMB" at the 12th International Conference on Neutrino James F. White, professor of theology, gave the Physics and Astrophysics in Sendai, Japan, June 4.
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