This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; 4- 1 9-89; 5 : 39 PM; http://dolearchives.ku.edu 3072615273 7 . "'2 J'HQUQU April 30 10: 30 p.m. Ar~ive Chayanne Airpo~t Derrell and Linda Norman will me6t Craig at Gate 2 at t terminal. ' Gary Yot'c!y an4 Cy· .. 1a LuJllmis . CHIYINNI 10~40 - 11:00 a.m. Preae Conf e ~enae Main Termi1.. al, Cheyenne Airport Contact 1 J i ·i Blwooc!, A11t:. Manage!' tn•r•nn• Airport J0?-634-7071 Th• plan• will taxi next to the main terminal. Advance te• ~= Mark Maddox, NRCC Li• Brimmer, Press Seo . erai; Thoma• fo.t" convr••a Logal GOP leader• attendinQt D•r~• l l Norman , GOP Chairman Law r•nde . Anc!eraon, GOP Co•mitt••man Judy Jenninq1, GOP Co••i tteewoman Approxi•ately 50 local people will alao b• attend.in;, 'l'h• tei:minal will be decorat ed with Craig T h o~•• f or ~ onoreaa 1i9n1. Media atten4in;t Cheyenne and D•nver rollAf 1 Podium vith ri1•r1 C~ait Thoma• will make a b~i•f statement (1 minute) and will i n troduoe S~mator Dole. 11~05 Wheel1 up for Shet14an Cra19 '!'homa1 will not be •ocon11npa1 ying Senator Dole to •neri4an. The a - n4 i 4 ~ t e ~ill travel to Caaper. Thomae Nanifeat1 Su•an Thomae Li• Bri1nm•x, Preaa Seoretary PIO~ Areo Venture•. 307-635-4521 . ' Page 1 of 84 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 This; document4-19-89; is from 5:39 the collections PM; at the Dole Archives,3072615273 University of~ Kansas 2022243163 ; # 3 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Arrive lhaJ:"ic!an llllllQU Advance Team1 Stave Wataon, I.NC staff A 1mall 9~ouo ot local party work•r• will b• waitin9 at the airport. Tho~ »lan to follow the S•n*tor in a caravan to the Sheridan Center Inn. Ha~rr Roberti will ~oin 9roup by car. 12105 p.m. Arriv• 8hari4an County Airport Drivar11 . Willara Cook an4 John Patton, Ot 172-8991, Ha 672-2'1.762 care pro\fi4e4 bf cook Motor• in Sheridan Drive tg Sh•ri4an C•nter Inn Trav•l time 10 minute• 12~1s ' 12:30 - 12:4S Pree• Conference Sheridan Center Noto~ Inn 609 No. ~ain, 674-1421 119e aooa M•di• pre••~tz Looal Sheridan p~••• Montan*/Billin;1 Gazette and lapid Citf, south Dakota print and tel••i•ion. suean 1tat•11 orai9 i1 prtparing for debate. 12sJO - 2:00 Butfet/Lunoh/Ho Hoit Tic~et co•t $5.00 Sheridan Center Inn Snow 0001• l.oom . ' 609 Ho. Main, &74-7421 Contaot s 3ohn Patton ' 01 672-8991 HI 672-2776 Approx. so peo»l• will be att•ndin;. Loeal pres• i nvited. Open to th• public . Page 2 of 84 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 ; This document4-1 9-8 is9; from 5:40 the collections PM; at the Dole Archives,3 072615 University273 of~ Kansas 2 022243 163 ; # 4 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Xl::.kUX 11;.Ll:.1.:UI-' 11:.R. :.!~b ; 4-19-B\:1; I : 44 1-'Ml :JU'jl 4''' 11::1;,,: I ~ FF'R-19-1989 14146 FR0'1 CRAIG THOMAS f=O~ CONGRESS TO 261$273 P.0 .. IHIUl>All Pag• 2 12:50 Introductions John Patton, John will m•ke an openin; 1t1teaent an4 introc!uao Senator Dol•. 2 11.:Lnute1 1:00 - 1:15 Senator Dol•1 Brief Cqaa1nt1 1g minute1/0u11tign1 anci An•v1r• ' minutia. Po4ium available with ri1er, tables •et in roun41 ei9ht. 1 t15 - 112! Mix and. ~in9le lt35 DI PART for airport, travel time 10 minut••· 1t4' p.m. Depart for Ca1per Travel time 30 minute• Page 3 of 84 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 This; 4 document-19-89 is from; 5:40 the collections PM; at the Dole Archives,3 07261 University5273 of-+ Kansas 2 022243 1 63 ; # 5 http://dolearchives.ku.edu AC.kUJ\ I t.Lt:J... Uj.J I t.t< ~!:lb ; 4-1 ~-~Y; I : 4b 1-l•ll JU { 4 I" Id"' I ,,. .JU ; .o<'.ti I U.<:'. ; .; , i !J APR-19-1989 14:46 FROM CRAIG THOMAS FOR CONGRESS TO 261527:3 P.05 c•sa11 2:15 AUIVB Ca1per FIOi Caeper Air Service, 472-3400 Mob Tripeny, Tripeny Motora will provide 2 ca~• D~iver•r Tom Thor•on, State GOP Sec. Bruce Hinchef, Co. 001 Chair Advanoe: G•rr Koop1, •ace 2t20 DEPART airport for Hilton Inn Travel time 15 minutes 2:45 All?VI C••~et Hilton and proceed to Preas Conferenoe. 2:50 - 3105 p.m. Pre11 Conference Hil~on Inn aooa 151 Looal pr••• will be there r<>MM't Podium with riser• Crai; Thoma1 will make a brief •tatem•nt (1 ainute) and will introdu~e Senato~ Dole, App:toximately 50 local people will b• atten4in9, 3110 - 6;00 l~ent with Mr1. Su1an Tho~•• 4•taile pen41nq. 6:05 - 7:00 rrea ti•• Ca1pe• Hilton Inn Suit• 321 (non-1aokin9) haa been reserved tor tho Senator. Room 326 an4 327 have also been r•••~ved tor Dole's staff. Hotel oontaot1 Ken Dreichler, Mana9ar, 266·6000 campai9n Contact~ Gary Koopa, Nace 1taff, Room 423 1hould th•r• be •ny p.robl•••· · [7sOOJ Natrona County OOr 1 Tbomaa Debate Party" Hot do91, popcorn, etc. Casper Hilton Inn, 266-6000 South Ballroom 800 lfo. Poplar Contaoti lar~•r• cubin 472-Jlao 7110 Ar~ive Debate aeoeption Mix and Mingle Page 4 of 84 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 This; document4-19-89; is from 5:41 the collections PM; at the Dole Archives,3072615273 University of7 Kansas 2022243163 ; # 6 http://dolearchives.ku.edu XC.HUX I t.Lt.L:UP I tR 2~5 ; 4-19-8~; 1 : 4o 1-'M; 307 4' 1:.! I ij~ r ~ ;;u · r~b 1 b..! ( .J ; ~ o APR-19-1989 14:47 F~OM CRAIG THOMAS FOR CONGRl::S$ ra 2615273 P.06 7~20 Pre1i4ent 1u1h will phone.Senator Dole and Susan Thoma1. 7:30 Depart rocaption Ov•rnight ~••P•r Hilton Inn • Page 5 of 84 XEROX TELECOPIER 295 This; document4-19-89; is from 5:41 the collections PM; at the Dole Archives,3072615273 University of~ Kansas 2022243163 ; # 7 1 1 http://dolearchives.ku.edu , .i_l.•. .1. 11.1..l.. U I IL!\ .;,;. w! , ·I 1·:.J U.~1 , I ,·1•_i 111, .;11.1 ' 'I I ,,.;,;. I '... ~ ...... ( ,., ' ~ ' I j I .. 1_. I . I . I FIPR-19-1989 14:47 FROM C~RIG THOMFIS FOR CONGRESS TD 2615273 P.07 8:05 a.m. 0$p&rt Ca1per for lva~aton Thomae manifeat: Craig Thoma• Su•an 'l'homa1 ARRlVI lvanaton Municipal Airport FBO: Star Weit Aviation, 789-2256 Advance1 Ned Monroe; IHC 9:10 - 9:30 Pr••• Conference lvanaton Municipal Airport Airport Hanger 2160 Airport Rel. Ter~y Schaefer, Manager 789-2256/782-3160 contaoti giano Milla 789-,770 Local pr••• will be availabl• Salt Lake City, UT pr••• will be available. Approxiint\tely 50 looal people will be attend.inq. Local GOP laaclei:-1 attend.in;: Diane Milla, County Committ•e~oman, lon Mioheli, Uinta Co., Rep., Je~ry Parker, Uinta Co. Rep. POIUl&'I'1 Podium with risers, crai9 Thoma• will make a brief statement C1 minute) and. ;,ill introduee Senator Dole. Page 6 of 84 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu XEROX TELECOPIER 295 4-19-89; 5:42 PM; 3072615273 7 2022243163 # 8 ~Z,f ER ~(ADDENDUM to Dole/Thomas Schedule) 3: 10 pm Depart Hilton Hotel Travel Time: 15 minutes 3:25 Arrive Teton Homes 3283 9 Mile Road 235-1525 FORMAI: Podium will be provided. Susan Thomas will make brief statement. ( 1 Mf11t11.e) then introduoe Senator Dole. Brief co~ment~ 10 minutes Q & A 5 - 10 minutes. I~ t1. <: i it If: f: a r o u 1;) 1 J y 1 75 I' f ·: r1 I' J e f1r1f1ff·ri 'f.?\1. : 1 t1r~ r1.ud. t,.r, 1l1f·1R in I Ill I Ul:l~P~t l v Wl J..J. ue u1 t'l I,, 1.-11::nv1:111t,;~. ~oets: "Boots" Ingram, C£0 arid Tony Ingrsn1, President. <>f T~tc.111 I11te1·11fi1.:i<•l1Rl, Page 7 of 84 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu DOLE OPERATIVES CHEYENNE: Judy Jennings, Lawrence Anderson, Bill Moilvain, Don Erickson, Cynthia Loomis, Gary Yordy, Stan and Harriet Smith EVANSTON: Dan Neilson, Uinta County Chairman SHERIDAN: John Patton CASPER: John Wold, Todd Milliken, Donna Robitaille, Jan Larimer, Pete Wold (Natrona County Chairman), Rick Tempest, Gail Zimmerman, Barbara Cubin. •source: Linda Norman (H) 632-3950 Craig HdqtrB. 635-2467 Page 8 of 84 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TRAVEL SCHEDULE WYOMING WEATHER: FRI - 80 degrees SAT - 70's Partly cloudy FINAL THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1989 8:10am DEPART Residence for National Airport/Butler Aviation 8:25am ARRIVE National Airport and proceed to departing aircraft FBO: Butler Aviation 8:30am DEPART Washington,DC for Cheyenne,WY/Cheyenne Airport (EDT) FBO: Main terminal Aircraft: Hawker(U.S. Tobacco) Tail number: 23SB Flight time: 4 hours Pilots: Lee Krauss Frank DeSetto 203/622-3469 Seats: 6 Meal: Breakfast Manifest: Senator Dole w. Riker M. Glassner 10:30am ARRIVE Cheyenne,WY/Cheyenne Airport and proceed to (MDT) Press Conference with Craig Thomas FBO: Main terminal 307/634-7071 NOTE: PLANE WILL TAXI UP TO THE MAIN TERMINAL. Location: Terminal Met by: Craig Thomas Susan Thomas NOTE: Approximately 50 local people will be at the airport.
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